Bending Unit
« Reply #720 on: 04-25-2008 14:40 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2008 14:40 »
Fry: Okay, self. I don't get paid for a few days. If I trick myself into thinking that I'm eating a muffin and drinking coffee, maybe my stomach will believe it! *proceeds to accidentally chomp on own hand* Fry: Ow! Self, you're not cooperating! EDIT: TOTPD? Don't mind if I do!
DOOP Secretary
Fry: You secretly replaced my coffee with dilithium crystals? That doesn't even make sense.
DOOP Secretary
Fry: Whadya mean, 'I am, therefore I think'? You're putting de Horace before Descartes!
Fry: What? If vampires can drink human blood why can't I?!!
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by coldangel_1: "So I told Leela and Amy how the two of them could make some serious money on the Internet using just this cup and some natural body functions... and they both beat me up!" OH GOD NO!! KILL IT KILL IT!!!!! Anywho, Fry: "Ok so the kid's nuts I get that, but what's with the giant rabbit?"
Fry: Don't let Edna know I'm here...!
Edna: What are you looking at, Zoidberg?
Zoidberg: Fry! He's hiding in this shell, he is!
Fry: D'Oh!
Zoidberg: Edna, you got to be patient with Fry. Give him time to come out of his shell.
Liquid Emperor
Fry: What'd she say?
Zoidberg: She said come on up and bring my friend in the cute female shell too.
Fry: Huh?
Zoidberg: She likes to watch first.
Fry: Huh?!?
DOOP Secretary
Thought I had it for sure with the Donnie Darko reference.
Zoidberg: "See you later Edna.......Fry? What are you doing under there?"
Fry: (whispering) "Shhhh! I'm hiding from the PEELers. They started doing this thing with me and a cup and.....(shivers) trust me you don't wana know."
DOOP Secretary
Fry: All I got was a stuffy, bookish chuckle. I'm never showing intellect again.
DOOP Secretary
Edna: Get lost, Zoidberg, or I'll sic my guard shellfish on you!
Fry: Grrrrrrrr!
DOOP Secretary
This was a really tough one. LOL propz fly out to LayZ, coldy, and JBERGES, but the winner is Bender'sRevenge.
Liquid Emperor
Fry & Leela: I'm walking on sunshine...
This is going to be pretty bad. Fry: Oh yeah, its all my fault. You act like I have total control and pin point accuracy. I'm sorry about your eye, but I can't control where it falls.
DOOP Secretary
Fry: ...and now I come home to find you wearing my stuff!
Fry: Now, why don't you slip out of something a little more comfortable, heh-heh-heh...OH MY GOD!!!
Leela: [guilt-stricken] I wanted to tell you so many's not just an eye I have only one of...