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Author Topic: Star Wars: Return of the Thread  (Read 24481 times)
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« Reply #200 on: 11-14-2018 03:36 »

I feel that, when I saw it it definitely wasn't a bad movie but also didn't feel much like a Star Wars film. That's probably because you can't easily create that nostalgia of the original Star Wars derived from the mere passing of time and the age gap from when we first saw it. I'm sure the little tots watching the series for the first time with their fanfreak parents feel much differently than us.

Urban Legend
« Reply #201 on: 11-17-2018 06:01 »

It had a pretty cool heist/caper vibe that you don't see much in science fiction. There were a few moments that felt conviently rushed, which happens a lot in prequels

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #202 on: 11-28-2018 21:51 »

Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures to Debut on New “Star Wars Kids” Website and YouTube Channel


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« Reply #203 on: 12-13-2018 19:00 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2018 21:25 »


Pedro Pascal Revealed as The Mandalorian

Quote from: starwars.com
Lucasfilm is pleased to announce the cast of the first-ever Star Wars live-action series — The Mandalorian.

Pedro Pascal (Narcos) has been cast in the title role as a lone Mandalorian gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy. He is joined by Gina Carano (Deadpool), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), Emily Swallow (Supernatural), Carl Weathers (Predator), Omid Abtahi (American Gods), Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man), and Nick Nolte (Affliction).


Ludwig Göransson to Compose Score for The Mandalorian
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #204 on: 04-03-2019 12:53 »

still no trailer.. next target : SW Celebration where is expected..
if they fail there and reach May they will beat Solo's record of late-trailer-ness

its hilarious.. after oversaturaring the StarWars world and burning it out (and killing it by basically going full frak-everything-pre-2000s) .. now they let it die totally underpromoting it....

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #205 on: 04-03-2019 19:15 »

its hilarious.. after oversaturaring the StarWars world and burning it out (and killing it by basically going full frak-everything-pre-2000s) .. now they let it die totally underpromoting it....

I have noticed the Star Wars hype has been pretty much non-existent lately (though, if you go over to the r/StarWarsLeaks subreddit, you'll see plenty of information about both Episode IX & The Mandalorian), I wonder if Disney are waiting for the Endgame hype to be over before starting up the Star Wars engine again...

Space Pope
« Reply #206 on: 04-04-2019 09:20 »

I wonder if Disney are waiting for the Endgame hype to be over before starting up the Star Wars engine again...

That seems likely. I have no idea why they decided to release Solo so close to Infinity War.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #207 on: 04-07-2019 20:15 »

Quote from: DannyJ
 I wonder if Disney are waiting for the [i
Endgame[/i] hype to be over before starting up the Star Wars engine again...

Could be... they fraked up last year with Solo putting it right next to Infinity War in a clear attempt to portray "hey nothing happent..this movie is fine.. all those rumors you heard about the production problems mean nothing..we are releasing on schedule despite having allready moved 2 movies to december plus a 3rd one ahead" and it horribly backfired along the production problems (they were totally irrelevant in the end for the final product..but Disney/LF did nothing to counter the strong histories going on arround and that created a fatal mouth-to-mouth negative hype that the movie was bad) and also underpromoted it.. maybe tought the market was oversaturated with SW.. wich it kind of was ..  but the big problem was the dissaster TLJ is and how its been going on and on and on from worst to horrible.

its like if they tried to use Star Wars the same as Marvel MCU...and then hit a hole and decide to stop dead and not treat it like MCU..but with a movie just a couple months ahead..and that movie paid unfairly all that

the problem is that from there to today all that happent in Star Wars as Resistance.. wich is utterly horrible..and they are letting it die again..

at least this time they have 6 months between End Game and ep IX to promo things up..

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« Reply #208 on: 04-17-2019 19:46 »


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« Reply #209 on: 04-22-2019 23:12 »

What do you think will happen in Game of Thrones?
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #210 on: 06-17-2019 13:35 »


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« Reply #211 on: 06-18-2019 04:37 »


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« Reply #212 on: 08-20-2019 05:44 »

Damn, I'm a clueless blond! I only just now made the connection between the executive order to remove an entire class of people (the Jedi, including children) and the real world executive order to remove an entire class of people (Japanese living in the US, including their American born children)!

The former was of course Chancellor Palpatine's Executive Order 66, and the later was President Roosevelt's Executive Order 1066...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #213 on: 08-24-2019 20:11 »


Also, probably the best news of all, Ewan McGregor is back as Obi-Wan for a Disney+ series! Apparently, it is set 8 years after Revenge of the Sith, showing us his time in hiding on Tatooine. :D

We also got a new poster for The Rise of Skywalker:

Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #214 on: 10-01-2019 22:31 »

For wich they literally used a comertial figure of


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #215 on: 10-02-2019 12:21 »

Damn, I'm a clueless blond! I only just now made the connection between the executive order to remove an entire class of people (the Jedi, including children) and the real world executive order to remove an entire class of people (Japanese living in the US, including their American born children)!

The former was of course Chancellor Palpatine's Executive Order 66, and the later was President Roosevelt's Executive Order 1066...

No.  It's ridiculous to think that Lucas was thinking of that.  It's just that 66 is a short form of 666.  So it sounds scary, without being too obvious.

Furthermore, Executive Order 1066 was signed by President Taft in 1909, so it had nothing to do with Japanese interment camps.  You are probably thinking of Executive Order 9066.  But the 66 connection is just a coincident, I think.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #216 on: 10-02-2019 15:30 »

Yes, I was thinking of Executive Order 9066, signed by Roosevelt.



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« Reply #217 on: 10-03-2019 05:07 »

New episode of American Horror Story 1984 tonight.  80stastic!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #218 on: 10-09-2019 05:58 »

I have zero clue as to the veracity of this, but: Wedge Antilles's Return in the Rise of Skywalker Confirms a Huge Star Wars Theory?

Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #219 on: 10-10-2019 23:02 »

Hurray.. now we know who they will kill next in the lamest possible way

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #220 on: 10-10-2019 23:35 »

Spear through the cockpit?


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« Reply #221 on: 10-11-2019 06:30 »

Aren't they just going to remake RotJ at this point?  I heard they're bringing the emperor back... But why?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #222 on: 10-11-2019 08:30 »

No one's ever really gone.

Space Pope
« Reply #223 on: 10-11-2019 08:57 »

Spear through the cockpit?

Like a leaf in the wind...

« Reply #224 on: 10-17-2019 18:38 »

Not just Wedge: there are hints that Ezra Bridger will also appear.

I basically ignored Rebels when it was on -- because, kid's show -- but recently I've been watching some clips and have come to the conclusion that some of its material was better than that in some of the films. Hera is to all intents and purposes a Twi'lek Leela, and Chopper has to be the best droid since R2. I watched the original movie in the cinema as a kid, and R2 was one of my favourite characters. Chopper takes astromech attitude to the next level: yes, he's a bit OTT at times, but he just has so much character. The one big gripe I have with the clips I've seen is the further increase in Imperial ineptitude. Stormtroopers already have a reputation: was there really any need to reduce them to the level of battle droids? But hey, it was for kids. And my ramblings are about half a decade late...

I did like this though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #225 on: 10-17-2019 22:01 »

Cute little guy. Thinking back, I'd have to say that my favourite droid is K-2SO. Maybe they'll do him in the flesh someday, so to speak.

Spear through the cockpit?

Like a leaf in the wind...

Holy crap...I just now learned that the person playing K-2SO via motion capture was none other than Alan Tudyk!!

Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #226 on: 10-19-2019 12:38 »

I basically ignored Rebels when it was on -- because, kid's show -- but recently I've been watching some clips and have come to the conclusion that some of its material was better than that in some of the films.

Rebels was actually good..  yes it had unbearable moments.. (like the end of that Imperial inteligence ship episode ..or the space whales) but if you watch the new show Resistance Rebels will look like FireFly to you now..
It had some very bad moments but it had very good moments and just like Clone Wars it became darker and darker the more the series advanced.. it really has very violent moments and they did a very good job tying the history to Rogue One and handiling very dangerous to touch characters like Vader, Thrawn or the Emperor.. it also shows very well the starts of the Rebellion towards what we know it becames by Rogue One and its internal struggles on about how to counter the Empire..  season 3 final arc with Thrawn is absolutelly brutal .. i wish they had handled better season 4 and the finale after such brilliant seasons 2 and 3 .

And specially it did a fantastic job reusing elements from the old destroyer-by-disney expanded universe.. there was lots of little references to books and videogames here and there

Holy crap...I just now learned that the person playing K-2SO via motion capture was none other than Alan Tudyk!!


And of course the voice.. and it seems he will return to play K2SO in the incoming Casian Andor series

Space Pope
« Reply #227 on: 10-19-2019 15:26 »

And of course the voice.. and it seems he will return to play K2SO in the incoming Casian Andor series

I'm still surprised that this is happening. I enjoyed Rogue One quite a lot but the characters are easily the weakest link. Perhaps some development will make him better (I mean, it worked for Maul).

It just... seems like such a random choice for a series!
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #228 on: 10-19-2019 19:30 »

aparently im about the only one who actually liked Rogue One characters

Jyn Erso certainly had some flaws but liked that attitude and idea of trying to get away from both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.... she was quite wary on both and had given up hope  (her line that the empire wasnt that bad if you looked down) .. her character bigger problem for me was her sudden heel-toe turn into full on rebel activist when she saw her father video.. but well.. i seen worst (ej Anakin in ep 3)
Casian Andor was certainly better..a rebel agent that had been on the fight from childhood and had been forced to commit lots of crimes for the cause.. going as far as even murder informants to prevent them talking to the empire.. he also does quite some heel-toe turn from "i dont have to explain myself to you" to following Jyn to Scarif dissobeying order because he believed that was the right thing to do .. actually this was because at that moment after that meeting the Alliance was about to be dismantled after learning about the death star.. Cassian disobeying order to steal the plans actually made sense since as he said the alliance was all he had and was

Chigut and Baze ...while quite not developed characters i liked how they representated 2 oposite ways of dealing with the Jedi Order falling and the Empire consecuent purge and revisionist denial of the order..  Chigut still clinged to hope about what the Jedi were and that the force would right everything if believing on it.. while Baze had give up long ago and was just trying to survive at this point losing all faith after seen how the Jedi had been eliminated and nothing had changed that in 20 years.. In a Galaxy wich had been living with the Jedi for thousands of years now all the sudden they became extint and the ruling goberment has been trying to delete them from history to the point of many people not believing that they even existed anymore.. those who actually saw them had to deal with hope about their return or dismayal about how easily they felt down and nothing step in the Empire way.. these two guys were interesting to see their oposing ways to deal with that.. tought granted they had no development or fleshening at all beyong that.. after all its a movie about a very specific chapter in the history.. if we compare that to the new trilogy characters.. Poe and Finn are not much fleshed out either... Poe has zero development ..Finn we only know that he has grown out of the first order conditioningf and he feels a deep resentment towards them but not much more... only Rey seems to get much treatment
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #229 on: 10-24-2019 11:43 »

Soooooooo.... new trailer


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #230 on: 10-24-2019 16:10 »

For the life of me, I honestly cannot grasp why a fan of the franchise would want to expose themselves to material in a trailer before seeing the film. You might see spoilers that will ruin some of your later enjoyment. And even if there are no spoilers, seeing a scene beforehand might lessen the impact of the movie. Or you might see outtakes that lead you to expect certain things, then find out that they're from a C-plot that never makes the final cut.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #231 on: 10-24-2019 19:40 »

Research suggests that's not how humans work.  Humans actually like spoilers, they just won't admit it.  (Hence why they watch trailers.)  Seeing something familiar is always a better experience than seeing something new.  Almost always, according to surveys.

People spoiled on a plot will more likely enjoy watching/reading/whatever the subject more.  People don't like surprises.  We are conservative beings, who prefers our routine.  Spoilers is just another comfort for our lives.

So when I spoil a plot, I am actually doing you a favour!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #232 on: 10-24-2019 21:00 »


* * Apparently, Tachy is not human * *


Space Pope
« Reply #233 on: 10-26-2019 15:28 »

Research suggests that's not how humans work.  Humans actually like spoilers, they just won't admit it.  (Hence why they watch trailers.)  Seeing something familiar is always a better experience than seeing something new.  Almost always, according to surveys.

People spoiled on a plot will more likely enjoy watching/reading/whatever the subject more.  People don't like surprises.  We are conservative beings, who prefers our routine.  Spoilers is just another comfort for our lives.

So when I spoil a plot, I am actually doing you a favour!

Well, it obviously varies from person to person. Not everyone likes spoilers. However, a trailer can show very little and still build immeasurable hype. The Force Awakens trailers were excellent for this; they really didn't give much of an idea on what the plot was about.

Avengers: Endgame is another example. 90% of the trailer footage was from the first 20 minutes of the movie, and everyone involved was very tight-lipped about the plot details. It then went on to become the highest grossing movie of all time! Until James Cameron inevitably puts Avatar back in cinemas to hype up Avatar 2.

That said, since any teeny-tiny detail about a movie is technically a spoiler, I suppose you're still correct. :p And personally, I'll almost never watch something that I've never heard of.

Unrelated, but A New Hope was on TV this evening. I can't get Jawa voices out of my head. :nono:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #234 on: 10-31-2019 19:48 »
« Last Edit on: 10-31-2019 19:53 »

Avengers: Endgame is another example. 90% of the trailer footage was from the first 20 minutes of the movie,

This turned out to be a lie, since the trailers had footage from the final act/battle of the movie.

Trailers are purposefully made to mislead audiences these days, whether it be people officially-attached to the project lying about the content featured in them (such as the Endgame thing you are talking about, Unreal), the footage being manipulated to straight-up lie to you (such as the Hulk being featured in the final battle in Infinity War, when in the movie it was Banner in the Hulkbuster armour) or footage being shot specifically for the trailer with no intention of it ever being in the final movie (Gareth Edwards did this a lot for Rogue One).

Space Pope
« Reply #235 on: 11-01-2019 14:01 »

This turned out to be a lie, since the trailers had footage from the final act/battle of the movie.

90% isn't 100%. Either way, my main point remains valid; the story details were blurry at best with or without those final battle clips.

Also, I'm not sure if this was your intent, but calling it "lying" makes it sound much more malicious than it really is (particularly with the Hulk thing you mentioned). Scenes get cut and modified all the time prior to a movie's release.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #236 on: 11-01-2019 16:21 »

90% isn't 100%.

Good point, I didn't think before I typed. :o

Also, I'm not sure if this was your intent, but calling it "lying" makes it sound much more malicious than it really is (particularly with the Hulk thing you mentioned).

It's more of a white lie, I suppose. Hollywood is extremely malicious in other areas, but not this one. :laff:
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #237 on: 11-18-2019 01:18 »

the Mandalorian is really brilliant...

That gritty, dark ambient of Star Wars underground ambient in a post war galaxy.. very reminescent of Rogue One at times.. with new characters far away from the Skywalker story...very nice combination of actual sets, CGI and puppets/animatrinics too


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #238 on: 11-19-2019 22:44 »

Has anyone else been playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? :)

Space Pope
« Reply #239 on: 11-23-2019 12:43 »

Mandalorian spoilers:

If you like Star Wars then you owe it to yourself to watch this show.

Has anyone else been playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? :)

I intend on getting my hands on that after I finish my current singleplayer game (I can't really juggle games. One at a time for me). I'm amazed that it's taken this long for there to be an EA Star Wars game that's half-decent. How long have they had the Star Wars rights? For-fucking-ever.
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