
DOOP Secretary

Curiously .. Hologram-Leia seen in TLJ was not CGI.. it was alternative angle filmed for ANH left in the cutting room (Gareth Edwards said that while looking for material during RO filming they came across ALL filmed footage for ANH .. thats where they got also Red and Gold leader footage (digitally enhanced and inserted in the battle)
I've only seen The Last Jedi twice, and just assumed that they'd reused a shot from Star Wars for the low-res hologram scene. Thanks for the clarification! It was an unexpected scene, and very effective, I thought.

DOOP Secretary

[youtube]9Szts88zY4o[/youtube] . [youtube]dNW0B0HsvVs[/youtube]

DOOP Secretary

A full stop! Perfectly summarising the trailer.

DOOP Secretary

Do you guys really watch trailers? If so, why? Why would you risk having parts of a movie spoiled for you?

DOOP Secretary

Because I only watch trailers. They are the good parts of the movie.

DOOP Secretary

I've been on a continent with rubbish internet, and had heard only rumors of conflict and plot elements.
It's interesting that it was so polarizing. I'm a fairly uncritical moviegoer and a film need not be perfect for me to enjoy it. Star Wars is in my blood, though, and I'm a little fussier about this particular franchise. I felt that TLJ had Star Wars in its heart, and the movie resonated with me.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Solo trailer looks quite good, I enjoyed Rouge One so my expectations have increased because of that.

DOOP Secretary

2 years ago the Rogue One trailer got the "Sabotage" treatment, and now the Solo trailer has received the same thing:

DOOP Secretary

But if someone went into the movie because of a cool scene in the trailer, wouldn't that be false advertisement? And at that point, what would the studio care? They got their money.

DOOP Secretary

The practice of studios using deceptive advertising to lure people into seeing their movies has been going on for a very long time. It's lousy, but I expect and account for it.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #156 on: 03-10-2018 01:39 »
« Last Edit on: 03-11-2018 15:24 »
Rebels finale was so awesome... i do have a few things i quite didnt like but overall was a very round finale actually closing arcs and leaving a good feel and absolutelly integrated with the classic trilogy... with a short but very eye opening epilogue that takes place after the battle of Endor It makes me even dislike TFA and TLJ even more.. Rebels synced perfectly not only with the classic trilogy.. but with Clone Wars and even the prequels .. Rogue One came and both adapted a bit to each other.. Rogue One referencing a couple of Rebels characters and stuff and rebels taking a few episodes to pave the road to Rogue One.. So why the hell could neither JJ or Rian do that? why for them to make their histories they had to ruin everything everyone else did before? .. see it wasnt that hard.. Lucasfilms really should consider using a team of writers along the history group and stop making directors onmipotent beings who do ALL ...directing is not the same as writing As for the rebels finale: I didnt liked the Purgils before and making the the ultimate deux ex machina for solving the entire series is not my favorite thing.. but since the final result is better than i would expected i cant really complain
Filoni really outdid himself.. he managed to take out Ezra and Thrawn without killing them in a way wich can place them back in the future if he wants it..without wasting both (specially Thrawn)..he even saved Thrawn's flagship ..the star destroyer Chimaera (a very very famous and notworthy ship in the expanded universe) , and made Captain Pellaeon canon ... and no he didnt killed him.. Filoni said he didnt cut that audio transmision as a mean to indicate Pellaeon's death. and that he would like to show histories with Pellaeon.. so he is alive.. he also confirmed that both Ezra and Thrawn are alive..in case any wondered after that ending... also he managed to get more than enought wolves for a life time (Filoni is a fan of wolves.. you can tell even in clone wars).
Jacen Syndulla (clear reference here) also makes wonder when Kanan and Hera had time to do the nasty-pasty .. but ok ..i guess.. and finally Filoni even saved Ahsoka, and confirmed Rex is actually that white bearded guy we see in Endor.. a quite rounded finale with tons of potential for a future series set in between ROTJ and TFA (wich was the rumored next animated series)
And that takes me at how big TFA and TLJ fucked up..
it doesnt matter what Ahsoka does from here.. if Jacen becames or not a Jedi, if Ezra returns and becames a Jedi too.. it doesnt.. becase whatever happens.. it ends with NO jedi at all by the time of TFA and then everything destroyed in a single shot and any resistance member dead shortly afterwards... thats what means when for dramatic effect you chose to burn everything that came before you instead of building on it...
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #158 on: 03-11-2018 15:24 »
« Last Edit on: 03-11-2018 15:31 »
Disney probably doesn't like Star Wars films. Rather they like making money.
I like your idea of these history writers though. If we assembled them together, we could probably produce large quantities of Jar Jar Binks pornography.
i dont have any kind of inteligent answer to your final 4 words on that post But the point stands... Its every Marvel director writing the entire script of their movies? nope.. before Lucas wrote the scripts.. but even so the best of the saga was re-writen and polished by someone else (Lawrence Kasdan, Marcia Lucas, even spielber and copola advised Lucas on some bits, and lets not forget his feud with Marquand) But even so it was Lucas history.. he even had a structure writen before hand.. sure the movies are not direct translates of that structure.. he changed bits ..he re-ordered and moved stuff arround, took what bits he tought best and made what he made.. but he knew where he was going at least ..and had a bit of story cohesion.. Now JJ did whatever he wanted wich involved burning whatever might had acomplished all previous movies...and Johnson also burned even what JJ had presented.. There is people that cant believe there was no at least a general history in this sequel trilogy.. but thats it..there is not.. JJ maybe tought a plan for a trilogy (because originally JJ was to direct all 3) but Johnson didnt used ANY of JJ's ideas and just made up his own. like if episode 8 was the final movie.. any plan JJ had for the final movie has been ruined by Johnson and by Fisher dead.. Johnson didnt even "saved" Luke now that Fisher is gone for episode 9.. the resistance is gone (a few folks in a freighter and a kid with a broom doesnt count as not even a team) the republic is more than gone aparently, Luke is gone, the Jedi are gone save Rey and the broom kido, evil emperor is gone.. there is nothing.. ep 9 will have to start from scrath

DOOP Secretary

Star Wars Resistance, Anime-Inspired Series, Set for Fall DebutStarWars.com is thrilled to announce that production has begun on Star Wars Resistance, an exciting new animated adventure series about Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot recruited by the Resistance and tasked with a top-secret mission to spy on the growing threat of the First Order. It will premiere this fall on Disney Channel in the U.S. and thereafter, on Disney XD and around the world.
Featuring the high-flying adventure that audiences of all ages have come to expect from Star Wars, Star Wars Resistance — set in the time prior to Star Wars: The Force Awakens — will feature the beloved droid BB-8 alongside ace pilots, colorful new characters and appearances by fan favorites including Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma, voiced by actors Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie, respectively.