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Author Topic: At Least It Doesn't Suck As Much As The Cleveland Show: FAMILY GUY!  (Read 44609 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #480 on: 12-07-2013 17:26 »

I found out from an official interview that Brian is coming back before any of you did?

No. You didn't. That's the point. Learn to fucking READ. There has been NO announcement, NO interview with anybody stating that Brian is coming back. It is all speculation still. We are only guessing that he probably is. That's what I was saying.
Oh my fucking God, you couldn't be more annoying if you were playing a fucking recorder! Get off my forum.

I'd like to cut your throat.

Cartoonlover27, after you pointed that out to him, he went back to that thread and claimed that he was 'parodying' me. Two hours after the original post, mind you.
Also, don't believe he knows what the word 'parody' actually means.

Here I am being cleverly juxtapositional, contrasting cutsey adorable imagery with throat-cutting for dark comic effect, and his homage is to just blatantly outright tell someone he wants to cut their throat. See, there's no artistry to that, no wit, no nothing.

In any event everybody's free to express a desire to take another person's life. Man, if I had my way there'd be about a thousand dead people laid out behind me. Everybody who ever wronged me, in fact. What's not okay is actually threatening to kill. Might seem like splitting hairs, but there's actually a world of difference.

Truth is, I would absolutely love to kill stum. And manwich, and ben and crapbag. Slowly. I shant, though. It's against the law. :D

« Reply #481 on: 12-07-2013 17:28 »

 If it's ever legal, I'd love to join.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #482 on: 12-07-2013 17:41 »

That's what GTA is for!

Anyway, stupid move on FG's part, the death of Brian. And as much as I'd prefer him to return, that would almost feel even stupider. If I didn't already think his death was nothing more than a cynical gimmick, his return would certainly cement that belief.

It shouldn't have been done in anything other than a two-parter where he returns at the end of the second episode.

Space Pope
« Reply #483 on: 12-07-2013 19:17 »
« Last Edit on: 12-07-2013 19:28 »

Here's a much better article.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #484 on: 12-07-2013 21:58 »

I Miss brain

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #485 on: 12-08-2013 02:03 »

Here's a much better article.

I mean... yeah, obviously you have to assume that's what's going to happen, but there's still no actual quote from any actual FG staffer on the issue.

Bending Unit
« Reply #486 on: 12-08-2013 02:07 »

Here's a much better article.
Wait, does that article really say that it's because of the petition they're bringing (would bring) Brian back, or is it just sarcastic in some messed up way?

Space Pope
« Reply #487 on: 12-08-2013 02:49 »
« Last Edit on: 12-08-2013 02:53 »

It's sarcastic. The AV Club is owned by The Onion.

I Miss brain

I bet you could find a new one if you go to the hospital and ask around.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #488 on: 12-08-2013 03:02 »

Here's a much better article.
Wait, does that article really say that it's because of the petition they're bringing (would bring) Brian back, or is it just sarcastic in some messed up way?

Like Josh said, it's sarcastic. Given that the episode in question where he returns is scheduled to air in a couple of weeks, and it's generally a matter of 6 months to a year between the writing of an episode and it going on the air, I think it's pretty safe to say that the petition has absolutely nothing to do with it. :p

« Reply #489 on: 12-08-2013 03:05 »

I just checked one of the online petitions trying to bring Brian back, and holy shit. It has well over 100,000 signatures! WTF?  :mad:

I wish the bring Futurama back petitions had this many signatures, not that I necessarily want it back, but would love to see the show have great powerful support like that!

Bending Unit
« Reply #490 on: 12-08-2013 17:51 »

I just checked one of the online petitions trying to bring Brian back, and holy shit. It has well over 100,000 signatures! WTF?  :mad:

I wish the bring Futurama back petitions had this many signatures, not that I necessarily want it back, but would love to see the show have great powerful support like that!

Sacrifice Family Guy to bring back Futurama. Or at least sacrifice Family Guy, now that there's no Brian.

« Reply #491 on: 12-08-2013 17:56 »

I just checked one of the online petitions trying to bring Brian back, and holy shit. It has well over 100,000 signatures! WTF?  :mad:

I wish the bring Futurama back petitions had this many signatures, not that I necessarily want it back, but would love to see the show have great powerful support like that!

Sacrifice Family Guy to bring back Futurama. Or at least sacrifice Family Guy, now that there's no Brian.

Brian will come back, no doubt about it, but not for right now.

Space Pope
« Reply #492 on: 12-08-2013 21:24 »

Here's a much better article.
Wait, does that article really say that it's because of the petition they're bringing (would bring) Brian back, or is it just sarcastic in some messed up way?

Like Josh said, it's sarcastic. Given that the episode in question where he returns is scheduled to air in a couple of weeks, and it's generally a matter of 6 months to a year between the writing of an episode and it going on the air, I think it's pretty safe to say that the petition has absolutely nothing to do with it. :p

Online petitions are basically a fucking joke.

Bending Unit
« Reply #493 on: 12-08-2013 23:40 »

Anyone who signed that petition is an idiot.

« Reply #494 on: 12-09-2013 03:02 »

Vinnie's first full episode starts off with...wait for it....an Italian stereotype joke.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #495 on: 12-11-2013 19:45 »
« Last Edit on: 12-11-2013 19:49 »

Watching Life of Brian now, and I'm halfway through.

So Brian's dead. And Stewie conveniently destroyed his time travel machine earlier in this episode, so he can't just use it to retcon the event. Fine. But wasn't Stewie the one who invented the thing? Presumably he can make another.

Edit - I unpause the episode, and within 90 seconds Stewie basically says he's going to run off and rebuild his time machine. Presumably something will prevent this from coming to pass. Maybe he's too old, past his prime, can't remember how he did it?

Space Pope
« Reply #496 on: 12-11-2013 19:46 »

Perhaps you should finish the episode.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #497 on: 12-11-2013 19:52 »

Pfft. Like I could go an entire 21 minutes without posting on PEEL.

« Reply #498 on: 12-15-2013 17:17 »

Pfft. Like I could go an entire 21 minutes without posting on PEEL.

"Donate to the PEELdiction Awareness Foundation, and people like TMC will be strapped to a chair to watch the worst Family Guy episodes if you donate."
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #499 on: 12-15-2013 17:52 »

So, I watched the episode where Brian dies. Lots of people were talking about it. I didn't want to not know what the hell they were on about.

It's the first time I've watched Family Guy since 2006 or so, and I'm probably going to wait at least another seven years before I watch another episode again. The internet seems to agree that Brian will be back one way or another, and it's sure to be something else that gets everybody talking.

But I no longer care. The show's about as interesting and entertaining as clipping my toenails. The last couple of pages of this thread are far more entertaining (although that's not saying much).

« Reply #500 on: 12-15-2013 23:49 »

So, I watched the episode where Brian dies. Lots of people were talking about it. I didn't want to not know what the hell they were on about.

It's the first time I've watched Family Guy since 2006 or so, and I'm probably going to wait at least another seven years before I watch another episode again. The internet seems to agree that Brian will be back one way or another, and it's sure to be something else that gets everybody talking.

But I no longer care. The show's about as interesting and entertaining as clipping my toenails. The last couple of pages of this thread are far more entertaining (although that's not saying much).

Watching Family Guy is as entertaining as watching the Texans play the Jaguars.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #501 on: 12-16-2013 00:02 »

I'm pretty sure they're already hyping his return.

« Reply #502 on: 12-16-2013 00:18 »

Pssh, please. Family Guy's been dead since Season 5. I don't know how people still brainlessly defend the new episodes. And announcing a character dying was just a desperate attempt for ratings. Which is low.

« Reply #503 on: 12-16-2013 03:30 »

Oh my god! Brian is back! I never saw that coming!  :O_o:


Urban Legend
« Reply #504 on: 12-16-2013 03:36 »

Wow, they only had one episode without him, even by gimmick standards that's lame
Vile Crocodile

Bending Unit
« Reply #505 on: 12-16-2013 09:48 »

I miss Vinnie... :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #506 on: 12-16-2013 14:58 »

Let's get a petition going
Vile Crocodile

Bending Unit
« Reply #507 on: 12-16-2013 16:32 »

Also, wasn't his voice actor supposed to have been contracted for "at least" six episodes and possibly more? That was only three. Maybe he'll come back in some kind of supporting capacity. I wouldn't mind that, actually. He rather grew on me, especially in this episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #508 on: 12-16-2013 17:08 »

Probably just some shitty sopranos cutaway

Bending Unit
« Reply #509 on: 12-16-2013 21:59 »

2 Possibilities of how it will play out:

A - Brian will stay dead for good. The "Brian Is A Bad Father" episode will be about Brian's ghost wanting to make amends with his son before he's 'at peace'. And "Brian The Closer" will be nothing more than a clipshow inwhich the family reminisces about Brian.

B - There will be a Christmas episode where Stewie from the past meets Stewie from the present (if you remember Stewie said that he travelled forward in time to Christmas). This is how Stewie (present) gets his time-machine back and thus brings Brian back to life.

I bet you all it will be one of these 2 options.

Told you...

« Reply #510 on: 12-16-2013 22:23 »

I would bet next episode, Stewie would go and try to get Vinnie too..

Because I remember hearing that Vinnie would still be included in about the next 4 to 5 episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #511 on: 12-17-2013 20:43 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2013 20:48 »

So, I found this photo, on 9gag of all places - that's the magic of facebook I guess.

:nono: man I hope it's fake

Space Pope
« Reply #512 on: 12-17-2013 20:47 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2013 20:50 »

Ha! What an idiot.

I guess they could just get the bottom removed if they so desired. The work on Brian himself is not bad. In fact, luckily for them, they could probably alter it convincingly...just lengthen the ends of the banner, add a B and an N (which would be partially underneath his hand) and then easily change the P into an A, and you've got his name.

« Reply #513 on: 12-17-2013 21:42 »

Or they could save it for when the show actually ends. Whenever that day is.

Space Pope
« Reply #514 on: 12-17-2013 22:30 »

Ya, but anybody familiar with the show (or the internet) will still assume they got it when Brian died...

Urban Legend
« Reply #515 on: 01-13-2014 14:22 »

Anyone see the fairy tale spoofs last night?  They should have made Jillian be Little Red Riding Hood instead of Stewie.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #516 on: 03-14-2014 03:45 »

So there's going to be a Family Guy version of The Simpsons: Tapped Out.


(insert joke about Family Guy ripping off The Simpsons)

Meh, I might get it just out of boredom. Already spend enough time playing Tapped Out a day, but it might be fun to play for a few days, if just to see what characters and references are put into it.

Starship Captain
« Reply #517 on: 03-14-2014 04:30 »

If half the fun of the game are the characters and references, then I have no problem with a game ripping off another.

Like for example, maybe I wanted to play SSB with Sony characters.  Too bad it didn't turn out all that well.

« Reply #518 on: 03-17-2014 01:40 »

The new episode has a pretty bland plot idea.

You may think that I would like this episode since C.J. Spiller and Mario Williams made a small cameo in the episode but the episode's plot was pretty beige and bland.

Peter and co. trying to stop God from making the Patriots constantly lose?


Starship Captain
« Reply #519 on: 03-17-2014 06:33 »

You may think that I would like this episode since C.J. Spiller and Mario Williams made a small cameo in the episode but the episode's plot was pretty beige and bland.
Don't worry, I wasn't thinking that.  I had no idea who they were until I googled them, nor did I know that you liked football.  :)
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