
DOOP Secretary

I found out from an official interview that Brian is coming back before any of you did?
No. You didn't. That's the point. Learn to fucking READ. There has been NO announcement, NO interview with anybody stating that Brian is coming back. It is all speculation still. We are only guessing that he probably is. That's what I was saying. Oh my fucking God, you couldn't be more annoying if you were playing a fucking recorder! Get off my forum. I'd like to cut your throat.
Cartoonlover27, after you pointed that out to him, he went back to that thread and claimed that he was 'parodying' me. Two hours after the original post, mind you. Also, don't believe he knows what the word 'parody' actually means. Here I am being cleverly juxtapositional, contrasting cutsey adorable imagery with throat-cutting for dark comic effect, and his homage is to just blatantly outright tell someone he wants to cut their throat. See, there's no artistry to that, no wit, no nothing. In any event everybody's free to express a desire to take another person's life. Man, if I had my way there'd be about a thousand dead people laid out behind me. Everybody who ever wronged me, in fact. What's not okay is actually threatening to kill. Might seem like splitting hairs, but there's actually a world of difference. Truth is, I would absolutely love to kill stum. And manwich, and ben and crapbag. Slowly. I shant, though. It's against the law. 

DOOP Secretary

That's what GTA is for!
Anyway, stupid move on FG's part, the death of Brian. And as much as I'd prefer him to return, that would almost feel even stupider. If I didn't already think his death was nothing more than a cynical gimmick, his return would certainly cement that belief.
It shouldn't have been done in anything other than a two-parter where he returns at the end of the second episode.

DOOP Secretary

Here's a much better article.
I mean... yeah, obviously you have to assume that's what's going to happen, but there's still no actual quote from any actual FG staffer on the issue.


I just checked one of the online petitions trying to bring Brian back, and holy shit. It has well over 100,000 signatures! WTF?  I wish the bring Futurama back petitions had this many signatures, not that I necessarily want it back, but would love to see the show have great powerful support like that!


Vinnie's first full episode starts off with...wait for Italian stereotype joke.

DOOP Secretary

Pfft. Like I could go an entire 21 minutes without posting on PEEL.


Pfft. Like I could go an entire 21 minutes without posting on PEEL.
"Donate to the PEELdiction Awareness Foundation, and people like TMC will be strapped to a chair to watch the worst Family Guy episodes if you donate."


So, I watched the episode where Brian dies. Lots of people were talking about it. I didn't want to not know what the hell they were on about.
It's the first time I've watched Family Guy since 2006 or so, and I'm probably going to wait at least another seven years before I watch another episode again. The internet seems to agree that Brian will be back one way or another, and it's sure to be something else that gets everybody talking.
But I no longer care. The show's about as interesting and entertaining as clipping my toenails. The last couple of pages of this thread are far more entertaining (although that's not saying much).
Watching Family Guy is as entertaining as watching the Texans play the Jaguars.


Pssh, please. Family Guy's been dead since Season 5. I don't know how people still brainlessly defend the new episodes. And announcing a character dying was just a desperate attempt for ratings. Which is low.


I would bet next episode, Stewie would go and try to get Vinnie too..
Because I remember hearing that Vinnie would still be included in about the next 4 to 5 episodes.


Or they could save it for when the show actually ends. Whenever that day is.


The new episode has a pretty bland plot idea. You may think that I would like this episode since C.J. Spiller and Mario Williams made a small cameo in the episode but the episode's plot was pretty beige and bland. Peter and co. trying to stop God from making the Patriots constantly lose? 