
Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 10-03-2010 10:56 »
« Last Edit on: 10-03-2010 11:04 »
I would say the stories are more complex and interesting. Family Guy is far more about the gags, the main story of the episodes can eat shit as long as there are enough funny gags in the episode. In American Dad though, it's more story based. Sure, there are good gags, but it's a more solid show because there's more concern for story and plot as well. From last thread: I used to be a huge fan during season 1-4, after that I really lost it. The writing seemed to suffer
I agree that Family Guy's writing started sucking near the end of season 4 and season 5. In fact I think it was around the episode Petergeist that I started losing interest in the show for a while, that episode did not impress me at all. So I stayed away from the show for a while, then finally went back and watched some of the episodes, and realized that in season 6 the show actually started picking up again. I think a lot of people stopped watching like I did and just assumed that since they saw a few crappy episodes, the show must suck now, but actually there's still some quality stuff. Sure, it's not as good as it used to be but it's often still watchable, at least if you liked Family Guy in the first place.


I watched it, I thought it was alright. The best scene was when Rush went head to head with the gang. There were a few funny parts during the republican song.

DOOP Secretary

Another boring episode...


Family Guy just is not what it was once upon a time. Ya American Dad is an awesome show. I hate the Cleveland show.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I saw that new ep on BBC Three last night, the one that's twice as long as usual and they go to a mansion. It's a murder mystery type gig. Quite good, not as many funny moments as I'd like, and loads of CGI, but not bad, I quite enjoyed...

DOOP Secretary

I ued to be a huge FG fan, went off it after I realised the Cut-Away references have no effing relation to the plot and each episode was getting more retarded... Liked the Road to the Multi-verse one though. Prefer American Dad by far, seen a few eps of Cleveland Show, it made me LOL more than FG... 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I used to hate Family Guy, for years I wouldn't watch it. I tried a few eps back in 2002 and couldn't get into it, tried again a few years later, still no. Only over the past couple of years have I warmed to the show. Sure it's pretty stupid and makes no sense, but that's kinda what I like about it. Although some jokes flat out fail, some others are just so funny and push the limits to the max...
I actually like some of the newer eps the most. Road To Multiverse is my favourite, but that's pretty new really. The ep where Brian and Stewie get trapped in the bank vault, I love that, and again pretty new. I watched that ep where Quagmire's dad gets a sex change and sleeps with Brain. The last few minutes of that ep are just… wow! I gotta love that ep just for the payoff, again rather new. There's other newish ones I like a lot too, but some old ones are great too...
American Dad is good, but because I don't find it as funny, I don't like it as much. Same with Cleveland Show, but it's not bad, quite watchable...

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #22 on: 05-17-2011 18:35 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2011 19:33 »

DOOP Secretary

To make it an adult one
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

That's not hard though really is it? Should be interesting, but I've never thought hey, what the world really needs is more Flintstones...

DOOP Secretary

That's not hard though really is it? Should be interesting, but I've never thought hey, what the world really needs is more Flintstones...

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I saw a couple of new eps last night on BBC Three. I loved the Halloween ep, really good stuff. Chris and Meg making out though?  ...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, that was a joyous piece of entertainment to indulge in and react to by means of emoting feelings of a happy nature  ...