
DOOP Secretary

MARGE: Hey Quagmire, remember the time you raped me and murdered my entire family?

Urban Legend
Yeah, I can't say those new clips instill me with much confidence.
The Simpsons all seem quite out of character, which was to be expected, but the first 5-minute clip seemed to have them surprisingly in character, so I got my hopes up. None of the big gags there worked for me, though a few of the smaller lines were still amusing. I hope that the clips just felt largely stilted due to being out of context.
As for the rape joke, there's nothing wrong with it at all. It's not "shocking" or condoning rape or anything like that. It's a joke about how The Simpsons is tame by Family Guy's standards, but also that Stewie is, you know, not a very nice person and completely missing the point of Bart's pranks. And you know what? It's genuinely pretty funny. If the whole special was that sort of thing, I'd be happy.

DOOP Secretary

In case anyone hadn't noticed, Harry Shearer did not lend his voice to the episode. I read that Lenny was voiced by someone imitating Shearer's voice.