SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #200 on: 11-21-2011 19:38 »
« Last Edit on: 11-21-2011 20:11 »
Does American Dad have its own thread yet?
Anyway. American Dad was good, but kinda... meh. I enjoyed it, but I would say its the worst of the new season which has had some pretty fantastic episodes. Both ideas were pretty solid (though I think the former was close to an idea for an episode I had a while ago) but not enough was made of them, Roger's B Plot especially, which was pretty predictable. Even though Roger was brutally murdering five kids for skimping out on 20 dollars when he had stolen a limo himself (I also thought Roger's hypocrisy would have been funny if it had been pointed out, like Klaus saying, "These kids stole twenty bucks. YOU STOLE A LIMO"), it felt pretty restrained and Roger wasn't really the live wire he normally is (there weren't any really funny quips, it felt like the writers were just putting him through the motions. Because you know, Roger is a murderous sociopath who has ruined lives/killed people over petty and unimportant things, or for behaviour he exhibits himself. Roger has put more drama into buying cigarettes then he did when he was killing five young men.) The only part that made me laugh was Roger coldly murdering the innocent stewerdess, but even then it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. The b plot felt more like watching an episode pitch/animated first draft of a script then a finished story.
As for the Family Guy... that was pretty intense. It wasn't anywhere as preachy as normal Family Guy Preachathons get, and actually did show both sides of the spectrum very well (as said by Ida). I also thought there were some pretty great lines in this episode such as Lois coldly stating to Ida "You may use the yard." (Lois's most memorable lines this episode was when we started to see the bitch in sheep's clothing she really is. My other favorite line was her telling her mother "No Mom that's the stuffing. Put your glasses on before you run over another black guy." Pretty good episode, but I'm going to need some time to digest it.
On a side note, I thought the shot of Meg playing with Susie was really cute. Also, can they do something with Bonnie? Like something interesting? What's the point in having Jennifer Tilly play such a bit part?
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #202 on: 11-22-2011 02:12 »
« Last Edit on: 11-22-2011 02:19 »
I kind of agree with you... American Dad has had some truly brilliant episodes this season, like Hot Tub, Hurricane, and The Worst Stan, but I have to admit Family Guy has been really stepping up its game this season. (I also enjoyed Francine going "Get away from him YOU BITCH!" Normally that would feel pretty gratituous, but Francine is such a badass that she earned it, and the episode went very easy on obvious rip offs of Avatar and Alien, so it worked.)
This was a pretty good episode. I liked having a certain someone back, and I felt he deserved a better ending then he got in the original run. Face it, there are a lot more boring characters then him, such as Joyce Kinney (a poor, poor replacement for Dianne, who was hilarious, and Tom Tucker just isn't very funny without having her to bicker with), and that annoying fat clerk guy whose always going on about movies no one cares about. No one likes that kind of person in real life or wants a conversation with them, so why is he funny just because he's a cartoon?
Seriously, why did they even bother adding Joyce? They already had Asian Reporter Tricia Takanawa (who deserves more screentime but actually gets less then ever despite being in the opening. It's kind of funny how how on the male side of the dancers we all have important secondary characters, but on the female side we get bit players and unfunny spouses. Way to go Seth, you killed off one of your only female characters who was actually funny and replaced her with someone whose about as interesting as a teaspoon even when she gets her own episode.)
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #205 on: 11-23-2011 12:29 »
« Last Edit on: 11-23-2011 12:32 »
He's probably going to get I thought the episode was good, but my main problem was I didn't give a shit about Joe's son. He was always bland and hell even Seth MacFarlene said he didn't like the character, hence killing him off. Also, Joe's son's logic is BS. Joe went against his duty to help that family, while his son went against his duty for himself. AWOL is never good. I did enjoy the whole debate about it, but I was sort of agreeing with what Ida said.
Sorta yes, sorta no. He went against it because he just couldn't agree with the slaughter of Iraqi civilians, so it wasn't for himself. I was surprised that no one called him out on the shitty thing he did to his family by pretending he was dead for five years. I thought Ida's thoughts made a lot of sense, and it was kind of funny seeing Brian do a U Turn and say something pretty bigoted showing he's not all that enlightened. I'm also kind of annoyed that they didn't put Meg and Kevin back together. I swear his only point was to be a romantic interest for her. The five years thing also was pretty odd, since none of the other characters have aged. Susie should be at least four by now, and Stewie... okay. I probably shouldn't start pulling threads on this one. i agree with tyraniak, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin gets killed off again next week. Still I would have preferred it if they went with the coma thing, since it did become a dumping ground for political views. On the other hand, for once, they weren't very one sided, since what Ida said was a very good rebuttal and I think more needs to be said that for once the political debate in FG wasn't one sided.

Urban Legend
I'm also kind of annoyed that they didn't put Meg and Kevin back together. I swear his only point was to be a romantic interest for her.
Meg tried it on with him, he just rejected her advances. The five years thing also was pretty odd, since none of the other characters have aged. Susie should be at least four by now, and Stewie... okay. I probably shouldn't start pulling threads on this one. Last week, Stewie and Brian went 12 years back in time and were still the exact same ages. I think Family Guy's established itself as having a cartoon-logic sliding time-frame pretty well by now and whilst it sort of irks me, I don't really care. It's not a show that really relies on any sort of logic to work. i agree with tyraniak, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin gets killed off again next week. I'd be surprised if we even see him again as soon as next week.

DOOP Secretary

Seems like it's been ages since Peter has sliced up a serial killer. Anybody remember when that used to be the whole premise of the show; that he's a serial killer who kills other serial killers? Now it seems like they go through almost a whole season without him killing anybody, and instead have him all bogged-down in nonsensical sitcom-esque affairs. Family Guy has really strayed far from the Jeff Lindsay novels that inspired it. It's no longer dark and morally ambiguous - it's turned into something cartoonishly slapstick.

DOOP Secretary

Just like nearly every Family Guy episode these days.

DOOP Secretary

From yesterday's episode:  dafuq?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

The animators just aren't even trying anymore...

DOOP Secretary

No, the Simpsons were in the Family Guy episode.

DOOP Secretary

Meg does seem to be getting treated a little better. It was nice in the Amish episode how quick Peter and Lois were to leap to her defence, Peter even launching a full-scale war on her behalf.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #239 on: 12-10-2011 16:05 »
« Last Edit on: 12-10-2011 16:14 »
Cleveland Show is just awful. Cleveland isn't a main character, and they can lampshade it as much as they want, he just doesn't work as one. I liked him when he was the sweet, mild mannered quiet guy who acted as the voice of reason amongst Peter's friends. Now he's just another "asshole" main.
Oh and last week we found out Donna has yet another similarity with Francine: she fakes her attractiveness. Now we have a full set amonst Seth's leading ladies:
Lois is considered extremely hot: but actually looks rather plain without her make up.
Francine is considered extremely hot: but only because she goes through a gruelling beauty routine that in real life would have killed her due to multiple organ failure by now: (exercise until she makes herself physically ill, no meals besides laxatives) and hours of waxing and dying. Simply not doing it for a fortnight is enough to make her look like an obese orc creature with rampant body hair.
And now we find out that Donna wears a wig, draws on her lips and pads her bra (her breasts really are saggy old lady bags), and actually looks twenty years older then she really is.
I thought the reveals were quite funny (American Dad was the best at it, since Shallow Vows is probably the funniest episode of AD ever, whilst Lois's plainess was a throwaway gag), but seriously, did they really have to do the "hot wife actually fakes her attractiveness" stick three times?
Another thing I will say about the Cleveland Show is... if they can't write for teenage girls for shit (they admitted it) then why did the show have ANOTHER teenage girl as part of the main cast? Why couldn't they have even tried to shake up the character dynamics by making the obligatory female child be the youngest or the middle one? What was wrong with making Rallo female? Or replacing Roberta with a character who is basically the stereotypical sassy black woman in the body of a baby? I mean, whats the point in wasting a character space on a character type who is almost always shoved into the background and gradually fades away? (Hayley actually has a personality, a role in the family and a very unique relationship with her father, as well as a means of the show as being equally harsh on liberal hypocrisy as it is on conservative hypocrisy, but that wasn't enough to save her from being demoted to extra as the series went on.)