Urban Legend
I think it's Fox's fault more than anything.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone originally pitched South Park to Fox, but they wouldn't go for it on the grounds that it wasn't about a nuclear family, it was about 4 boys at school. Trey even offered to make it focus on the 4 boys' families specifically, as a family sitcom might, but they just wouldn't have it.
And I mean, the evidence is clear to see in the shows that Fox has produced. The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show and Bob's Burgers are all about nuclear families - as will be Seth's upcoming reboot of The Flintstones. Futurama wasn't, but Fox hated it and tried to crush it, and Matt Groening was a man in a position to do basically whatever the hell he wanted because at the time, The Simpsons was the biggest thing ever. To be honest, Seth MacFarlane is probably in a similar position now, but doesn't seem like one to rock the boat.
Sadly, Allen Gregory, the first of Fox's shows other than Futurama to really play with the dynamic a tiny bit, is kind of awful - which means that Fox will probably revert to not letting anything through the cracks that isn't an animated family sitcom again.
Still, The Cleveland Show is horribly lazy in every way and it baffles me that it's got to 4 seasons quite happily.
DOOP Secretary
The Flintstones... really?
DOOP Secretary
Just watched 'Back to the Pilot', it was pretty funny, 'specially near the end when lots of Stewies and Brians start to appear everywhere.
DOOP Secretary
What happened in it turnip?
Urban Legend
This episode makes me take back everything positive I said about Quagmire's development in these later seasons, because obviously the show just does not give a fuck. I mean god, what kind of friend would hit on his best friend's daughter and then tell that friend that it doesn't matter what he thinks, he's gonna sleep with her no matter what. Douche. And I think the show is trying to apologize for it's treatment of Meg by making Peter and Lois give a crap again. But that being said I really had no feelings towards this episode, it wasn't creepy or funny, just bad.
The thing I consider as an improvement in Quagmire's development is that he didn't try and date rape Meg, he wanted her consent. As far as making Peter and Lois give a crap about Meg, they'll go back to trying her like shit, since MacFarlene likes to white wash stuff like that all the time. After watching the episode again, it's lost its humor and I think the producers made this episode to make Quagmire an asshole since he was being a good before that. They could have saved this episode if Meg decided not to want to have sex, and Quagmire coming to an understanding, right before Lois and Peter came in.