
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #204 on: 08-12-2008 21:11 »
« Last Edit on: 08-12-2008 21:11 »
I finally saw The Dark Knight in it's entirety, in a fully legal movie theater. Are you stalking me? I just saw it last weekend too... Edited to add: Did anyone else find Batman's lisp terribly distracting??

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #209 on: 08-15-2008 15:14 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2008 15:14 »
Step Brothers Quite hilarious, but not exactly a good movie. C-
Tropic Thunder Very hilarious. Downey, Jr., made this film. I didn't even notice it was Tom Cruise, which made it funnier when you found out it was him. B+
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog Great story, great acting, very funny. And singing superheroes! A
Iron Man One of my favorite Marvel movies. Once again, Downey, Jr., did a fantastic performance. A-
The Incredible Hulk Very good, but not quite Iron Man. Sets up The Leader and, along with Iron Man, the Avengers quite nicely. B
Note: I give grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, ... D-, E, and F, for a total of 14 possible grades. This allows for more diversity and exactness than a traditional "out of 10" system.
And, yes, I actually do think through my grades and don't automatically give A+'s out.

Urban Legend
« Reply #210 on: 08-15-2008 15:57 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2008 15:57 »
Step Brothers, Tropic Thunder, Pineapple Express, Blades of Glory, Anchorman, Superbad, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Balls of Fury, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, and Semi-Pro: Uhh...wait...what was this about?  I can't remember which one is which.... Oh, well. F. For #@*! OFF HOLLYWOOD "COMEDY"!!! TRY WRITING A DIFFERENT SCRIPT!!! 

DOOP Secretary

Chevy Chase wasn't in Planes Trains and Automobiles

DOOP Secretary

I'd say it's high time for Airplane III. Only, you know, with a new script this time. William Shatner can come back though, he was great.

DOOP Ubersecretary
The Clone Wars Warner Brothers and not 20th Century Fox logo? Different opening music and title, and no scroll or pan down to planet? Oh no no no, off to a bad start already. This is one of the weaker of the prequel era movies. The story is ok, I can accept helping out Jabba for the War effort and the Separatist plot sure, but the dialogue is way off, too teenage/kiddy for me, badly written and acted out by the new addition, Anakins padawan Asohka Tano.
The thing that annoyed me most other than Jabbas uncle (voiced by the worst casting choice evarrr, who also does a weird Sean Connery impression for Separatist General Loathsom), was that neither Ventress nor Asohka appear in Episode III but have no story wrap up to indicate why.
Other than that, it was cool seeing all the 3D Republic hardware smacking the droids around, and a baby Hutt is kinda funny lookin'.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Books: What what? William H. Macy? I guess you don't like the movie Mystery Men then... How can anybody not like Mystery Men?

DOOP Ubersecretary
Oh for the love of... MYSELF, RIGHT UP THERE YOU ANNOYING LITTLE MAN: She survives the fall into crevasse the TV series (unlikely as it seems) Since in the Clone Wars cartoon, it's the first time anyone sees her, she doesn't die because oh hey look, she appears in the Clone Wars movie and fights again!

DOOP Secretary

Short answer: Yes, with an if.
Long answer: No, with a but.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

I'm going to say i've come from tasmania...
Good idea. That way they'll feel so bad for you they'll let you in for free!