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PEE Poll: I Found Tihs Movie To Be Rather Pedestrian...
My favorite movie   -2 (22.2%)
my least favorite movie   -3 (33.3%)
I have no opinion   -4 (44.4%)
Total Members Voted: 9


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #200 on: 08-10-2008 17:46 »

Michael Man is the man, his blue, black and white/cream/grey palette makes his films look so super duperly good that I probably wouldn't even care if he made a crappy movie (I even liked Miami Vice, so whut?)
Will Smith plays a good Ali, or as good as I imagine him to be, never met him myself but apparently Smith studied him.
Anyhoo, the fights are great, and it was easy to make the film interesting because Ali has an interesting life.

I didn't even recognise John Voight as Howard Cosell until I saw him in the credits, lolz.

Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #201 on: 08-10-2008 18:06 »

I have to catch up on my reviews...

Dark Knight

Saw it twice, loved it mroe the second time. The Joker was considerably more funny the second viewing as well. Heath did an amazing job with the character.

No less than an A for this film

I thought the animation was spectacular and the story had a great message to it... Of course the whole time I wanted to just hug the little robot.

Get Smart
I loved it, and to Xanfor, there was a Cone of Silence. I found it funny.....

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #202 on: 08-10-2008 18:29 »

I finally saw The Dark Knight in it's entirety, in a fully legal movie theater.

...what can I say? It was amazing. Even better than Batman Begins, which I loved. I want to give Christopher Nolan a high five. Does anybody know if he's going to return for another sequel? It would be a shame if some crappy new director gets hired to continue the series.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #203 on: 08-10-2008 21:08 »

My Neighbors the Yamadas

Most boring Ghibli movie yet...not much of a story, mainly random vague occurances involving a not-that-interesting family. A middling effort.


commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #204 on: 08-12-2008 21:11 »
« Last Edit on: 08-12-2008 21:11 »

I finally saw The Dark Knight in it's entirety, in a fully legal movie theater.
Are you stalking me?
I just saw it last weekend too...

Edited to add: Did anyone else find Batman's lisp terribly distracting??

Urban Legend
« Reply #205 on: 08-12-2008 21:51 »

Just the "bat voice" in general was ridiculous.  That was the only laughable/annoying thing I found in the film.  That really could have been toned down, a lot.

Urban Legend
« Reply #206 on: 08-13-2008 00:36 »


Some of the best animation I've ever seen, I really liked Wall-E and EVE, I also liked the story and the message A-

Pineapple Express

Really funny, the ending went on a little too long, but they wouldn't have been able to pass it off as an "action" film without it, so it's not that big of a deal B/B+

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #207 on: 08-13-2008 10:02 »
« Last Edit on: 08-13-2008 10:02 »


 Obviously not the first time I've watched it, but after reading what I thought of as unwarranted and unjust hate toward it, I felt compelled to view it again. I just don't see where the notion that this is a bad movie comes from. Sure it has occasionally heavy-handed and corny dialogue, but when it's at it's best, it can be genuinely evocative.

 Just because it made a load of money and won a ton of awards doesn't mean you have to view it with resentment. It's excellently crafted and at moments capable of beauty. People seem to form a negative view of the movie in a kind of pyramid scheme when sometimes they're not taking the movie for what it is, just listening to what other people say and mindlessly agreeing (I call it the Vista Syndrome).

 It's unfortunate that macho guys who automatically reject any film with emotion spread slander and give Titanic a bad name.
It's far from my favourite movie, but that doesn't mean it's the trash some people say it is. The music goes well to help create the atmosphere, and the characters were well-cast and interesting.

High special effects movies don't have to be dismissed as shallow self-indulgence. The odd combination of the movie's elements worked to turn off some people I think...Anyway, I'm rambling.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #208 on: 08-14-2008 17:04 »

Star Wars: A New Hope - Revisited
Adywan to the rescue! A truly epic bit of fan editing. Over two years he made over 150 edits for continuity, better sound, better visuals, original charm (Greedo doesn't even get a shot off!) improving on the Lucas "do-over" that disappointed so many hardcore fans.

Various cool little edited things that you may or may not notice to a now revitalised classic.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #209 on: 08-15-2008 15:14 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2008 15:14 »

Step Brothers
Quite hilarious, but not exactly a good movie.

Tropic Thunder
Very hilarious. Downey, Jr., made this film. I didn't even notice it was Tom Cruise, which made it funnier when you found out it was him.

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Great story, great acting, very funny. And singing superheroes!

Iron Man
One of my favorite Marvel movies. Once again, Downey, Jr., did a fantastic performance.

The Incredible Hulk
Very good, but not quite Iron Man. Sets up The Leader and, along with Iron Man, the Avengers quite nicely.

Note: I give grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, ... D-, E, and F, for a total of 14 possible grades. This allows for more diversity and exactness than a traditional "out of 10" system.

And, yes, I actually do think through my grades and don't automatically give A+'s out.

Urban Legend
« Reply #210 on: 08-15-2008 15:57 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2008 15:57 »

Step Brothers, Tropic Thunder, Pineapple Express, Blades of Glory, Anchorman, Superbad, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Balls of Fury, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, and Semi-Pro:

Uhh...wait...what was this about?   :confused: I can't remember which one is which....

Oh, well.


Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #211 on: 08-15-2008 16:53 »

I wholeheartedly agree with you Bear. Comedy movies these days are pathetic. I miss the days of Chevy Chase and Planes, Trains and Automobiles...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #212 on: 08-15-2008 16:56 »

Chevy Chase wasn't in Planes Trains and Automobiles

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #213 on: 08-15-2008 16:59 »

I know that...I was more referring to the first Vacation movie.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #214 on: 08-15-2008 17:57 »

I'd say it's high time for Airplane III. Only, you know, with a new script this time. William Shatner can come back though, he was great.

Space Pope
« Reply #215 on: 08-15-2008 18:10 »

Ya know I liked Chevy Chase as Fletch, while the second one was meh, the first one is good. And Geena Davis is a chick named Larry, how awesome is that?

But you know I am a fan of these Will Ferrel movies, I want to see Pineapple Express, because I don't know stupid humor is funny sometimes. I guess it's more for teen audiences with really gross humor.

And I would go see Tropic Thunder if I didn't have to listen or see that whiny bitch Ben Stiller. I hate him with a burning passion.

He and William H. Macy are on my "To Kill" list.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #216 on: 08-15-2008 18:13 »

What what? William H. Macy? I guess you don't like the movie Mystery Men then...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #217 on: 08-15-2008 18:29 »

The Clone Wars
Warner Brothers and not 20th Century Fox logo?
Different opening music and title, and no scroll or pan down to planet?
Oh no no no, off to a bad start already.
This is one of the weaker of the prequel era movies.
The story is ok, I can accept helping out Jabba for the War effort and the Separatist plot sure, but the dialogue is way off, too teenage/kiddy for me, badly written and acted out by the new addition, Anakins padawan Asohka Tano.

The thing that annoyed me most other than Jabbas uncle (voiced by the worst casting choice evarrr, who also does a weird Sean Connery impression for Separatist General Loathsom), was that neither Ventress nor Asohka appear in Episode III but have no story wrap up to indicate why.

Other than that, it was cool seeing all the 3D Republic hardware smacking the droids around, and a baby Hutt is kinda funny lookin'.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #218 on: 08-15-2008 20:57 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
neither Ventress nor Asohka appear in Episode III but have no story wrap up to indicate why.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #219 on: 08-15-2008 21:39 »

Yeah, didn't you realize that this was just a TV show pilot that was converted to a theatrical movie as a last-second shameless cash-grab?

I was looking forward to taking my son to see it, but the critics have really been savaging it. I'll probably see it anyway for curiosity's sake if nothing else.

Oddly enough, they previewed an actual 30 minute episode to the press a while back, and it was almost unanimously praised. I guess this style of animation works better on TV than it does on the big screen.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #220 on: 08-15-2008 21:42 »

Good thing I didn't go tonight...

Space Pope
« Reply #221 on: 08-16-2008 19:37 »

Airplane, Vacation and Fletch = awesome

Planes, Trains and Automobiles, not really so much.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #222 on: 08-17-2008 00:56 »

Originally posted by Books:
What what? William H. Macy? I guess you don't like the movie Mystery Men then...

How can anybody not like Mystery Men?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #223 on: 08-17-2008 14:16 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
How does that explain anything?

She survives the fall into crevasse the TV series (unlikely as it seems): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asajj_Ventress#Clone_Wars_animated_series

So she just disappears somewhere after the TV and movie events I just saw, Asohka too.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #224 on: 08-17-2008 18:59 »
« Last Edit on: 08-17-2008 18:59 »

You Don't Mess With The Zohan

I want to Bam Boom Adam Sandler big time. Oh his charcetr Zohan is so sexy, love it when he shake his thing  by thrusting his cock all the time and getting the bam boom with all his female customers. The way he does their hair was really hot. It's a good film but I think some parts are slow and shouldn't be in the movie. I would go and see it again for his sexiness.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #225 on: 08-17-2008 21:58 »


Oh Liam, you stud you! Also, best voice ever. this movie is deeply satisfying. So much violence, so many many awesome kills. I'm still thinking about that guy waiting for the power bill to not be paid... you'll know who I mean. Pretty good story too.


Urban Legend
« Reply #226 on: 08-17-2008 23:14 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Originally posted by Nixorbo:
How does that explain anything?

She survives the fall into crevasse the TV series (unlikely as it seems): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asajj_Ventress#Clone_Wars_animated_series

So she just disappears somewhere after the TV and movie events I just saw, Asohka too.

Anakin kills her. It was on one of those animated Clone Wars DVD-only releases I think. I saw it happen at any rate. He murdered her!  :eek: (Part of his descent to the dark side).

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #227 on: 08-18-2008 04:27 »

Oh for the love of...
She survives the fall into crevasse the TV series (unlikely as it seems)
Since in the Clone Wars cartoon, it's the first time anyone sees her, she doesn't die because oh hey look, she appears in the Clone Wars movie and fights again!

Urban Legend
« Reply #228 on: 08-18-2008 05:25 »
« Last Edit on: 08-18-2008 05:25 »

Well, she just fell, is all. Jedi can survive all sorts of things. :P She's quite out and active in other stuff, mainly the comics. She pretty much Obi-Wans nemesis throughout the various Clone Wars tie ins.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #229 on: 08-18-2008 11:08 »

Hellboy 2

Pretty cool. Really like Del Toro's creatures. This move have good humour, really like Tambor and the steam nazi dude...

Anyone farmiliar with the mythology know the story behind the two rings?

It was also really cool because it was a special session with a QA with Guillermo Del Toro afterwards (via phone though...). Really interesting to hear about his childhood and his fascination with monsters.


Space Pope
« Reply #230 on: 08-18-2008 18:49 »

Popcorn Taxi, Cha..?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #231 on: 08-18-2008 18:53 »

Yay! Were you there too?

Space Pope
« Reply #232 on: 08-18-2008 18:54 »

Not that one. I may be going to Wall.E though.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #233 on: 08-18-2008 20:00 »

They had a preview for that and everyone was like "Have you got your ticket yet?" and was like "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I might go... Does look to be an awesome movie.

They give out prize to the people who have travelled the furthest. I'm going to say i've come from tasmania...

Space Pope
« Reply #234 on: 08-18-2008 21:57 »


*See my Hancock post.

Can people make a good movie without the last 40 to 30 mins sucking?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #235 on: 08-18-2008 22:26 »

Short answer: Yes, with an if.

Long answer: No, with a but.

Urban Legend
« Reply #236 on: 08-20-2008 01:15 »

Nice simpsons reference Frisco

Tropic thunder

pretty funny story and send up on Hollywood in general, RDJ is hysterical, Black's funny too, Ben stiller was OK, but his character just seemed like another Derek Zoolander


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #237 on: 08-20-2008 04:29 »
« Last Edit on: 08-21-2008 00:00 »

Yeah, he has some fascination with mentally challenged people in his movies.
Also, putting his wife and dad in them.

Hellboy II
Creatures and fights good, but there's just something not right about the characters acting in it, and I think the last one as well, maybe we're spoiled after more real-world based comic book movies like TDK and Iron Man.


commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #238 on: 08-21-2008 18:43 »

I'm going to say i've come from tasmania...
Good idea. That way they'll feel so bad for you they'll let you in for free!

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #239 on: 08-21-2008 20:06 »

Cloverfield. (Or: This Is What Qualifies As Filmmaking Today)

I wasn't expecting to kinda like this movie, after being exposed to the huge amount of coverage it got. It seemed like a good premise I would enjoy. And...it begins with this boring party with ridiculous characters you hate. It just gets worse...everything about this "film" is absolutely pitiful...such a disappointment. Not to mention the worst ending in movie history. I really really hated this. One of the few movies I actually regret wasting my time on, it isn't worthy of this long a review.

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