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Author Topic: I Found Tihs Movie To Be Rather Pedestrian...  (Read 33125 times)
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PEE Poll: I Found Tihs Movie To Be Rather Pedestrian...
My favorite movie   -2 (22.2%)
my least favorite movie   -3 (33.3%)
I have no opinion   -4 (44.4%)
Total Members Voted: 9


Bending Unit
« on: 05-27-2008 23:34 »

I thought I'd take a CRACK (  :laff: no pun intended!) at this one. This is the new movie review thread.

I rented Amelie with my mom last weekend. Talk a bout a snooze fest!   :sleep:   :sleep:   :sleep:

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 05-27-2008 23:35 »

I love tihs movies!

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 05-27-2008 23:36 »

Hi DaveMason.  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 05-28-2008 00:40 »

Which movie is the poll for?

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 05-28-2008 02:44 »

There haven't been enough threads that combine seduction and DaveMason lately... I assume I will leave this thread satisfied?  :nono:

I rented Amelie with my mom last weekend. Talk a bout a snooze fest!  :sleep:   :sleep:   :sleep:
She told me she had plans.  :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 05-28-2008 11:14 »

Tihs is the best movie review thread title ever.

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 05-28-2008 21:33 »

I love you, Dave!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 05-29-2008 00:30 »

Marry me, Dave. You complete me.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 05-29-2008 14:00 »

I'll marry you, Coldy?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 05-29-2008 18:28 »

Is this the new Movie Review thread>

Anyway I saw Sex and The City movie today and I loved it. Best chick flick movie ever

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #10 on: 05-29-2008 18:32 »

How much kitty is in this film about the City?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 05-29-2008 20:50 »

The Machine Girl

If I didn't have such a bad cough, I would have been laughing my ass off to the point where I'd be on the floor trying to breath.
This is classic B grade shlock horror and is perfect for a popcorn filled night filled with laughs and tears of laughter.

Giving this 9 Drill Bra's.

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 05-29-2008 21:41 »

It's out already? Sweet. I'm so gonna laugh till my eyes bleed...

Space Pope
« Reply #13 on: 05-31-2008 10:43 »

I watched The Little Rascals movie from 1994 today...it had the Olsen twins in it as a special two second appearance. All those kids looked no older than 5 or 6. I liked the outtake at the end where some lady in the background said "let's do the scene again" and the kid goes "I don't want to." Gold.
Otherwise; children cannot act very well. It was cute but stupid. Oddly, I saw that movie once when I was little and thought I couldn't remember any of it. Then I heard that kid sing that pickle song, and the whole 'Boys - euugh!' 'Girls - euugh!' thing. Bells rang.

Originally posted by DogDoo8:
If I didn't have such a bad cough, I would have been laughing my ass off
I had phlegm in the back of my nose and throat when I went to see Iron Man. I want to go see it again just so I can laugh properly at the parts where one might feel the need to laugh.
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 05-31-2008 16:16 »

Sex and the city.
Never seen any of the tv series, yet I actually enjoyed it. I left the cinema filled with a warm fuzzy feeling, which I hate usually. Yet, I liked it a lot.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 06-01-2008 05:41 »


Yes, That! movie from 1954 about giant ants.  It came up in a discussion in another forum about getting rid of ants in a non toxic manner, and suddenly I realized I had to see it.  Fortunately Google Video was obliging to my desire to see the film without paying for it.

As a Type 2 monster movie, I rate it pretty highly considering the age and cheese level: as high or higher than the second Jurassic Park film.  Sure, the ants are goofy looking, the sound is straight from a swarm of locusts, and the "radiation makes things big" plot device is known only to apply to those with a neutron fetish, but it's still well-done for being made in the mid-50s.

While not as gory as other, later monster movies, it still managed to be fairly intense.  It's from an era when it was okay for women and children to be killed by monsters in a horrible fashion, so it's got that going for it.  There were a few MM cliches that I wish the filmmakers left out.  Then again, the film may predate said aspects actually being cliched.

It's thoroughly enjoyable and, despite the obviousness, still somewhat surprising.  It's a, if not the, prototypical Type 2 MM.

In an odd coincidence I had just seen Tora! Tora! Tora! at work and instantly recognized the police officer protagonist (played by James "Stop calling me Lloyd Bridges" Whitmore) in Them! as Admiral Halsey.  Similar WWII-era weaponry too.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 06-02-2008 22:03 »

Indiana Jones 4

Sure you bash it relentlessly for the obscene amount of CGI, ridiculous and uncharacteristic set peices, convoluted plot elements and 'meh' villains, annoying Shia LaWhatever and his stupid motorcycle and the filmmakers seemingly complete disregard for their promise (okay, "comment" ) of making the movie with only the technology available at the end of the 80's.

...but it's still a pretty entertaining movie.



Space Pope
« Reply #17 on: 06-02-2008 22:44 »

Cute, if too filled with fairy-tale logic. This definitely more of a girl movie, even though a (straight) guy friend recommended it to my mom.  Ending is a tearjerker, in only the way that movie logic can be. Good message, family-friendly, etc.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 06-02-2008 22:57 »

Originally posted by HookerBot 5000:
Sex and the city.
Never seen any of the tv series, yet I actually enjoyed it. I left the cinema filled with a warm fuzzy feeling, which I hate usually. Yet, I liked it a lot.

The series depressed me. None of the women ever took the time to think for themselves. Except Miranda. She had a type of cynical viewpoint I can relate with. Samantha and Charlotte were both drones for their stereotypes, and Carrie... Well Carrie simply asked abstract questions to her computer which by the end of the episode never failed to recieve an ambiguous "Well, it doesn't really matter anyways" monologue. What it needed was laugh track, that would have helped in so many ways.

The videography was always fantastic though. At least the directors knew what they were doing, even if the writers didn't.


Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 06-03-2008 11:17 »

Originally posted by Books:
Indiana Jones 4
annoying Shia LaWhatever and his stupid motorcycle
What the hell was with the blonde hair?

I concur with your spoilers, Books. Very much so.

I still don't know what I thought of that movie. Probably because I saw it two nights ago and my memory is fading. I should probably see the whole series of films before I pass any judgement.  :rolleyes:

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #20 on: 06-03-2008 13:23 »

Street Kings
aka: Keaunu Reeves shoots everybody instead of arresting thier asses, bad cops and corruption.
Similar to Training Day.
Also, House M.D. shows up.


Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 06-03-2008 14:39 »

^^ saw that too. Regular genre corrupt cop movie.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #22 on: 06-03-2008 23:12 »

Seven Samurai

Long, excellant movie about a group of Samurai commited to defending a small town. The samurai are all distinct and amusing characters and the film does a great job of drawing you in and engrossing your attention. I woulden't call it mind blowing, but considering the year it's made, it's awesome.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #23 on: 06-04-2008 14:21 »

I hate you, Books.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #24 on: 06-04-2008 14:41 »

I watched Seven Samurai...and you didn't.  :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #25 on: 06-04-2008 14:54 »

Yes, hence I hate you.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #26 on: 06-04-2008 15:20 »

I also watched it, and you still didn't.  :D

To add to Books' comments.  The movie is several hours long, subtitled, and in black & white..... but you never notice!

A must watch for any die hard movie or story telling fan.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #27 on: 06-04-2008 15:33 »

Thanks guys. I'm going to go cry.  :(

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #28 on: 06-04-2008 15:42 »

Don't forget it was originally filmed in 4:3. Not that it detracts from the experience mind you...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #29 on: 06-04-2008 16:18 »

Also, it's a great film.  One of the best ever... definitely!  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #30 on: 06-08-2008 16:28 »

Eh, it's a good movie, but you definitely notice how long it is.

« Reply #31 on: 06-08-2008 17:39 »

Indiana Jones 4

I'm not sure if I was just tired or what, but I had no idea what was going on for the last 20 minutes or so.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #32 on: 06-09-2008 00:13 »

Originally posted by SonicPanther:
Indiana Jones 4

I'm not sure if I was just tired or what, but I had no idea what was going on for the last 20 minutes or so.


No, it wasn't just you.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #33 on: 06-09-2008 00:25 »

Into the Wild

Fantastic adventure and life of an amazing person who lived in real life. I'd already known about the story (but not yet read the book) so I've been waiting to see a long time, and it was worth it. The very end made me cry, only a handful of movies have ever done that.


Charlie Wilson's War

Boring as heck. A bunch of politicians running around talking about stuff and wearing suits. Films like this just don't interest me. (See: Michael Clayton.) I like Tom Hanks, but he should have known better.


Space Pope
« Reply #34 on: 06-09-2008 00:40 »
« Last Edit on: 06-09-2008 00:40 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:

Yes, That! movie from 1954 about giant ants.  It came up in a discussion in another forum about getting rid of ants in a non toxic manner, and suddenly I realized I had to see it.  Fortunately Google Video was obliging to my desire to see the film without paying for it.

As a Type 2 monster movie, I rate it pretty highly considering the age and cheese level: as high or higher than the second Jurassic Park film.  Sure, the ants are goofy looking, the sound is straight from a swarm of locusts, and the "radiation makes things big" plot device is known only to apply to those with a neutron fetish, but it's still well-done for being made in the mid-50s.

While not as gory as other, later monster movies, it still managed to be fairly intense.  It's from an era when it was okay for women and children to be killed by monsters in a horrible fashion, so it's got that going for it.  There were a few MM cliches that I wish the filmmakers left out.  Then again, the film may predate said aspects actually being cliched.

It's thoroughly enjoyable and, despite the obviousness, still somewhat surprising.  It's a, if not the, prototypical Type 2 MM.

I think THEM! is one of the best of the genre nicknamed "Bad 50's Insect Fear Films", and is a personal favorite.  Most of them are absolutely ridiculous & the special effects for that time just suck.  This one plays it straight, and actually spent some money on effects (which look goofy now, but were pretty good in their time).  I likes it...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #35 on: 06-09-2008 02:50 »

Not only that but the characters were actually likeable without being superhumanly.  They're not drawn very deeply, but the movie isn't supposed to be a character study.  Most monster movies these days have at least one character that everyone is supposed to hate because the filmmakers try to make them into some sort of capitalist, baby-eating Hitler-cyborgs, and another few characters everyone hates because they're douchebags.  The female character isn't a stereotypical, "I'm an unfairly marginalized woman, trying to make my mark on the manocentric manocracy of Science when, in fact, I'm just spewing insane theories" character common in many monster and disaster movies.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #36 on: 06-09-2008 04:23 »

THEM is a great Atomic Monster movie and one of my favs.

Now, a big thanks goes out to Jay Katz and Miss Death from the Mu Meson Archives for organizing the Long weekend Dusk Till Dawn Sci Fi Marathon witch was last night 8:30pm till 4am. Thanks From me, andy and stu.

A review for all 4 movies.

Star Odyssey (1979)

This was just pure laughs for everyone last night.
This movie just got more and more ridicules the more it went on to the point where everyone laughed or clapped when ever the Two Robots talked about committing suicide because they could not consummate their love for each other, witch was solved at the end. Or when ever a certain character would strut around flexing and posing for the camera, or jumping out of the scene when everyone else walked/ran.

I completely forgot there was a bad guy in this film as it only dealt with him and his forces for 7-10% of the movie. And I was not expecting the ending.


Prisoners of the Lost Universe (1984)

Now I have seen this movie before but not all the way through so this was good for me.

This movie had the best production values of all the movies last night with some of the better acting too.

Not to many horrible monsters in this one but a decent adventure. Set in an alternate universe where time travels different to ours with cave men, thieves, warlords and a green man that can talk to anything. Not forgetting a watch that can detect thieves and the leading lady witch looked alot like Jessica Simpson and sounded like her too.

A great film showing what the 80's had to offer witch proves how bad the 80's where.


Warriors of the Wasteland (1983)

The highlight of the night or morning as it started around midnight.

The year 2019.
After a nuclear holocaust the only remaining people are those that wan to live and those that want to kill.

Theres nothing special about the people that want to live, their pretty boring really. The real beauty lies with those that want to kill.
They looked like a bunch of Homosexual white wearing Football playing Hairdressers with the biggest fetish for shoulder pads that I have seen, they where ridicules and had the dumbest names they could come up with.

The best character was the bow and exploding arrow, gold cod piece wearing black guy whom was in 'Starsky and Hutch' movie who got the best looking chick and the best kill shots. Although Scorpion (main) did get the bad guy with a drill up the ass.


Alien Contamination (1981)

The last and most boring film of all.

Not much to offer as it bored me to nod off a couple of times.

A cyclops from mars comes to earth, you don't see it till the end, and starts laying eggs that when they blow up and you get the goo on your self make you blow up.

Avoid if possible.


Space Pope
« Reply #37 on: 06-09-2008 05:00 »

Speaking of bad 50's films, my friends & I went to the video store last night, and we rented Plan 9 From Outer Space, which I've seen before (it rented for like $1).  I've said it before, and I'll say it again; this film is so riotiously bad that it's actually entertaining.  The sets are made from cardboard & shower curtains, the dialog is terrible, the acting horrible (at one point, a cop scratches his head with the barrel of his pistol he's pulled out of his holster, with his finger is on the trigger), the plot is incomprehensible.  It's so bad that Ed Wood (the director & script writer, as well as possibly the caterer & van driver) hired an aging & broke Bela Lugosi to play a Dracula like character in the film; Lugosi died 2 weeks into filming, so, instead of just dumping his filmed parts, they replaced him with Ed Wood's sister's Chiropractor, who walked around with his cape covering his face for the rest of the film, so he wouldn't be recognized.

It's unintentionally hilarious, and is one of my favorite really bad films.  Well worth the cost of rental, particularly if you plan to count the obvious goofs, blunders & nonsensical things.  Maybe even make a drinking game out of it.


« Reply #38 on: 06-09-2008 09:45 »

Plan 9 is one of the best worst movies of all time... Ever seen Troll 2, though?

Space Pope
« Reply #39 on: 06-09-2008 11:23 »

Nope, haven't seen any of the Troll films.  Tell me more about this one...
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