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Author Topic: The Television Show Test Thread  (Read 40056 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« on: 03-21-2008 09:37 »

I've been watching Eli Stone lately. I wasn't sure if anybody else watched it, so I didn't want to open up it's own thread. And we have a lot of television show threads. We do have those gems sometimes (like the South Park and Lost threads) which go on and on in discussion. However, more often than not, we have 5-20 post threads about shows that nobody cares about.

My idea was this: we have a test thread for television shows. This way, PEELers can test out certain shows for discussion. If a certain show seems to be dominating discussion, we'll simply create its own thread for it.

I must say that I'm hooked on Eli Stone. It's very imaginative. Does anybody else watch it?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 03-21-2008 10:00 »
« Last Edit on: 03-21-2008 10:00 »

I don't watch Eli Stone, but have often seen it on Ninja, but never clicked. What's it about etc...

Good thread...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 03-21-2008 10:14 »
« Last Edit on: 03-21-2008 10:14 »

Eli Stone's a thirty-something attorney who has odd visions which guide him to take certain cases, do certain things, etc. Many blame his visions as being caused by a recently discovered brain aneurysm, but Eli thinks that it might be something (or -body) more. Some of his visions include musical numbers. And he has a smart alec black secretary.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 03-28-2008 03:52 »

Well, it's after Lost so, I end up watching it when I'm too lazy to lift the remote and change the channel.  I like it alright, but I don't think it's going to make it past eight episodes.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 03-28-2008 04:06 »

i just watched all 10 seasons of Friends in only 9 days

i think that's enought for TV shows for me for a few.... days  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 03-28-2008 04:11 »
« Last Edit on: 03-30-2008 00:00 »

FOR THE YEAR!!  All 10???  Whoa!!  In nine days... you have the true sense of Friends continuity in you head right now!!  You could win a trivia contest with that knowledge, Bend-err!!    ;)


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 03-28-2008 04:14 »

I have never seen a complete episode of Friends  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 03-28-2008 04:31 »

Originally posted by HYPNoBRECKY:
FOR THE YEAR!!  All 10???  Whoa!!  In nine days... you have the true sense of Friends continuity in you head right now!!  You could win a trivia contest with that knowledge, Bend-err!!   ;)

actually out of boredom i started all over again  :laff:  :nono:

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 03-28-2008 05:35 »

You could get rich being bored!!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 03-28-2008 05:44 »
« Last Edit on: 03-28-2008 05:44 »

Originally posted by HYPNoBRECKY:
You could get rich being bored!!

how? you'll pay me for slacking?

Bending Unit
« Reply #10 on: 03-28-2008 05:55 »

Nah,  all that knowledge would get you on a game show or somethin'!!

Urban Legend
« Reply #11 on: 03-28-2008 12:25 »

Well not so few days but I did recently finish all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 12 days. Followed by the last 2 seasons of SG1 in 3 days.

I guess this lovely weather was good for something in old blighty.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 03-28-2008 14:03 »

Originally posted by Tweek:
I have never seen a complete episode of Friends   :)

It goes like this:
"So no one told me life was going to be this waaaaaay..."
  • Female gets problems
  • Ross gets whiny
  • Ross and/or Joey is attracted to some woman
  • Could Chandler make a more sarcastic remark?

Act break
  • Female with problem gets frantic.
  • Joey does something stupid
  • Ross does something stupid

Act break
  • Female with problem gets support from other females
  • Hilarious consequences (graciously marked with laugh track) ensue for Ross and Joey
  • Oh...my...god...another sarcastic remark?
  • Fin.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 03-28-2008 14:13 »

you forgot 2 actors in there  ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 03-28-2008 14:45 »

Thanks Dr.T now I'll never have the need to watch it  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 03-29-2008 00:29 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
 It goes like this:
"So no one told me life was going to be this waaaaaay..."
  • Female gets problems
  • Ross gets whiny
  • Ross and/or Joey is attracted to some woman
  • Could Chandler make a more sarcastic remark?

Act break
  • Female with problem gets frantic.
  • Joey does something stupid
  • Ross does something stupid

Act break
  • Female with problem gets support from other females
  • Hilarious consequences (graciously marked with laugh track) ensue for Ross and Joey
  • Oh...my...god...another sarcastic remark?
  • Fin.
God, I love that episode

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #16 on: 03-29-2008 08:51 »

I don't recall any Friends episode like that.

All the ones I've seen begin with "So no one told you life was going to be this waaaaaay..."

Space Pope
« Reply #17 on: 03-29-2008 10:18 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
I don't recall any Friends episode like that.

All the ones I've seen begin with "So no one told you life was going to be this waaaaaay..."

Oh snap he got you there Dr. T. And funnily enough you're percision on Friends is quite acurate. Yeah I watch it, and damnit I find it addicitingly awesome. Inf act I could summerize the whole series for you right now.

Best. Show. Ever.   :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 03-30-2008 01:17 »

Originally posted by Bend-err:
you forgot 2 actors in there   ;)

No.  No, I didn't.

Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 03-30-2008 03:00 »

I watch both Lost and Eli Stone.  My mom watches both shows as well.

Eli Stone is, in my opinion, an awesome show! I love it every time Eli gets a vision.  The visions with musical numbers are hilarious!  XD 

I think this show is very original and creative, and I enjoy seeing how the characters interact with each other.

Bending Unit
« Reply #20 on: 03-30-2008 11:30 »
« Last Edit on: 04-05-2008 00:00 »

Oh, this show, nobody probably knows of... but I love it so much that I Tivo it so I can watch it every morning during the week while I sip on my one or two cups of "cuppaccino."

It's a little series that aires at dawn on Animal Planetcalled: Sunrise Earth.  It's as if one was sipping one's "morning joe" and looking out their window at an exotic vista out one's front door!!  They have been in the Far East This week, mostly.  That and Costa Rica.  Breathtaking views and it's literally an hour at dawn somewhere on the planet!!  Heaven!!

edit-  I don't own a TiVo;  it's a generic term for programming your VCR/DVDR/ETCetra to record stuff at a certain time and wot not.  Someone asked.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 03-30-2008 15:25 »

Feels like as good a place as any to post this:
Scrubs to ABC?

Urban Legend
« Reply #22 on: 03-30-2008 16:10 »

I really hope the show doesn't make a chanel move, if anything, maybe they should just wrap up the seasons remaining 6 episodes and air them this summer, i'd like the show to end with some dignity, especially since the last couple of seasons have been lacking in quality

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 04-01-2008 04:15 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2008 04:15 »

Ahhh I too have enjoyed reams of Friends when I lived with people who owned all the seasons. Every weekend, hungover to shit, we'd sit through hours of it. Oddly, it didn't get old!

I've also borrowed the final season of Buffy from a friend of mine this week, funny you should mention that. I'm clocking through an ep or two every night.   :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #24 on: 04-01-2008 05:08 »

I was trying to verify a Cookie Monster quote ("Om-nom-nom", in case you wondered) and was reminded how hilarious that show could be.

Cookie poetry slam
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #25 on: 04-01-2008 05:43 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
Feels like as good a place as any to post this:
Scrubs to ABC?

How about the Scrubs thread?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 04-02-2008 04:43 »

So what is it that's happened last week in the USA that none of my fave shows have aired, huh? HUH? Geez.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #27 on: 04-02-2008 12:51 »

The writers are now striking against Australia.

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 04-05-2008 02:16 »
« Last Edit on: 04-05-2008 02:16 »

The answer is: 42.  The episode, Doppelganger is airing right now on SciFi channel of SGA, better known as Star Gate Atlantis.  They are directly hinting at   The Hithhikers' Guide to the Galaxy.  It makes me enthusiatstic for another viewing of said movie!  Which will be on my list when I go to trade in Sweeny Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.  I don't know when that will be...  I am awfully intrigued with this genius performed piece of art.  But The Guide is up again because of SGA.  It's a good thing.

Space Pope
« Reply #29 on: 04-06-2008 15:15 »

Either fake accounts like Hypnobrecky should be banned, or an ignore feature should be added to the board so that we can at least have the choice to not have to see their posts.

Bending Unit
« Reply #30 on: 04-06-2008 16:32 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2008 16:32 »

I just pretend there is an ignore feature, JoT, and hypnotise my brain to not see YOUR posts...  NOT...   you're a fun fellow, JoT!  ... And dude, I am definitely not fake... that's just something winna threw out to be funny way back in another thread and it took off as if a wildfire...are YOU a fake account, Jot?  I'm just sayin'... He who protesteth loudeth probably has issuethes over the subject.  People who keep yeeling and pointing and and sying, "gay, gay, gay...."  usually have issues to ponder in their own life... If you persist in this "fakey" thing maybe your account is one of fakisnm also... and maybe you should ponder being more yourself and not worry about acceptance.. They will like the REAL you anyway you present yourself.  Jo T, I would like you if you were the real you.  Realx and just says it as yous seees it and we will love you for your REAL uniqueness...  I'm rootin' for the REAL JoshTheatre to stand up for his real spotlight of love and likeability.  My friend, you are great.  And like I always reinterate... God don't make no junk.  You are one of his brilliant creations full of wonders and possibilities...I believe in you, JoshTheatre... you have every right to be an enemy Jo T, but man, that's a lot of overly expended energy of hate that will just EAT at... you  that's how hate works... a beast that must be fed or it dies and fizzles out of existence.  To keep it breathing and hating lots of energy is thrown at the intended target.. But you live with the affects, the intended most times is totoally oblivious of the malice and torment thet the hater has stored up for malice' sake. 

The human face has an immense amount of muscles.  It takes more mscles to frown than it does to smile... yet many people expend all this extra energy keeping themselves under a dark cloud of thier own making.  When one ccould let a little sun into thei innersanctum by just smiling, forgiving others and one's self and just be an entity of light intsead of a soul suker of malice.  You are a wonderful person who needs to lighten up for one's own sake..  Maybe I should go and be les this... Apologies, Jo T, Disreguard my rant.  I'm  sorry..

Space Pope
« Reply #31 on: 04-06-2008 17:33 »

The human face has an immense amount of muscles. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile...

I dislike that quote so much. It's flawed in so many ways.
A) It's not a scientific fact. And even if you were to research it, it could be heavily disputed as to what constitutes a smile and what constitutes a frown.
B) The number of muscles involved in a task does not determine the amount of energy put into performing that task. It could easily take more energy to move one large muscle than it would take to move several smaller muscles.
Yes, I know I'm missing the bigger picture of the phrase, but I enjoy debunking that one.  :)

I didn't respond to the rest of Brecky's post because of it's formulaic and cliche content. Also the fact that it's meaningless.

So how 'bout them television shows?

Bending Unit
« Reply #32 on: 04-06-2008 21:22 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2008 21:22 »

Formulaic?  Thanks.

edit-  It meant somrthing to me, that's why it was shared.   cliche?  Dude, humans have been arouind for thousands upon thousANDS OF YEARS... evrything we think probably has already been thunk before.  Take what you can and live a good life is all one can hope for in these days and times.  Whatev, dude, whatev... walks away defeated...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #33 on: 04-07-2008 05:21 »

So, did anyone else buy the Garth Marenghi's Darkplace DVD?

I would so love a second series of that stuff or something else along that vein (A late eighties attempt at a Soap Opera or GM shooting his own Made For TV Movie).
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #34 on: 04-07-2008 10:00 »

Haven't watch a episode of straight Law and Order for AGES. But the one where Jeremy Sisto comes in was on tonight, so i watched that, might make a habit of that. Loved him as Billy on Six Feet Under. Also, it's on after Good News Week which is hilarious.

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 04-07-2008 10:30 »

Is Sisto a regular, now?  He was good in {b] Six Feet Under[/b]...  Billy got to be all carazzzzzy and incestuously perverted in his obsession with his sis  and then straighten his act up and be all redeemed by the finale and deaeth of said series...   Six Feet Under... haven't thought of that for ages!  Thanks, cha, I'm going to go rent the series again when I get done Marathoning Sweeney Todd Demon Barber of Fleet Street and   Hitchhickers' Guide to the Galaxy.  Good ole' Billy and all those corpses! ;)
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #36 on: 04-07-2008 21:38 »

Originally posted by HYPNoBRECKY:

Now you're just being rude.

Bending Unit
« Reply #37 on: 04-07-2008 23:35 »
« Last Edit on: 04-08-2008 00:00 »

No I'm not, cha.
edit- lighten up. Will ya?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #38 on: 04-08-2008 03:04 »

I'm going to cut you.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #39 on: 04-08-2008 04:08 »

*restrains chay*

No, don't not do it chay.

I remember Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Was there a episode about a Broccoli disease or some kind of vegetable?
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