
Space Pope
Okay, I know I'm late to the game with this but; Superbad. This is the second time I've gone alone to a movie, just so happens the same people made both those movies. Anyhooters, the ads gave the impression it was going to be one of those guy movies full of useless swear words and stupid sex jokes...which it was in part, but there were still a lot of great moments. Favourites include: The imagination sequence involving the old lady in the liquor department - "Enjoy your remaining years!" "I will. Enjoy fucking Jules!" "I will!" and towards the end the boys in the sleeping bags in their drunken 'I love you' state - "boop boop" on the nose. Ah. Also the whole setting of the car on fire and shooting at it...that looked like fun. I give it a 'would watch again but probably not buy..unless there's a blooper reel' out of 10.

DOOP Secretary

30 Days of Night
Frantic bouncing camera movement is all well and good when used sparingly to convey urgency and panic, but not so much when you CAN'T TELL WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.
Aside from that, yeah pretty cool if fairly bog standard plot. It's really just another vampire movie. It would be generic, except they set it in the snow... which doesn't really make that big of a difference. Oh, it's isolated, so it's atmospheric... or something. See it if you like vampire flicks and enjoy blurred bouncing camera movement and the seasickness which accompanies it.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Finally watched LA Confidential, Kevin Spacey was great in it, and Guy Pearce was ok, I think Russel Crowe was playing himself "fightin' round the world"!  Good stuff/10.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Futurama: Benders Big Score Bender: We're back babeh! Finally, the return, the second coming, the revival... ~130 mins of Futurama good news everyone! All (read: most) of the characters big and small return, but was it worth the wait? Some spamming scammer aliens con the Planet Express crew and somehow end up with a time machine... then it only gets worse from there on in a sometimes confusing twist-athon, bring a timeline notepad and some crayons folks! The cast is great as usual and there are plenty of laughs, especially the fan service opening scene, TAKE THAT, BOX EXECS!!  "Torgos Executive Powder" FTW! My dad liked some of it too, but I was slightly dissapointed, very slightly. A good start however, next one pls. A-

DOOP Secretary

Goodbye Bafana
The touching story about the friendship between Nelson Mandella and James Gregory, His personal Prison Guard in the time of troubles is an excellent view, adapted from James Gregories Auto Biography with the same title the film is very well done. However, It is one of those movies where reading the book first will give you a greater and deeper understanding what happened between these men and during this time in South Africa.
So it gets a B without and the book and a A when watched after the book has been read.


Mr. Magorium's toyshop thing
Do I even need to explain?

DOOP Secretary

Falling Down
What, I can't review old movies? Says who? Go to hell.
This flick is awesome. It's like a big revenge-fantasy against all the messed-up things that annoy us all about the modern world, interspersed with a crapload of (often darkly hilarious) social commentary. Told from the perspective of the 'bad guy', I consider this to be the greatest thing Michael Douglas has ever done.


« Reply #261 on: 11-26-2007 06:33 »
« Last Edit on: 11-26-2007 06:33 »
The DepartedSaw this movie like 3 months ago, but I'm just now reviewing it. I love the whole concept of trying to find secret identities (kind of like Death Note which is the ILLEST anime ever). But also like Death Note I hated the ending. I mean its like they just got lazy and said THEN EVERYONE DIES!! Wait not just dies, everyone gets shot in the head pointblank. Wow, how creative. B+

DOOP Secretary

LayZ - the performances were pretty good though, before everyone got shot in the head.
Maz - Aww... Stop falling over all over the place.

Urban Legend
« Reply #265 on: 11-26-2007 11:38 »
« Last Edit on: 11-26-2007 11:38 »
Bender's Big Score(Spoiler Free)
Loved it for the most part. There was one montage involving Leela that was a little iffy, and while it has a great story, a couple of the connections between plot points seem a bit forced, but these were not big deals.
There are two musical numbers. The first was absolutely atrocious, and I can't believe it made it into the movie. The second was a sort of bass heavy hip hop dealie that's ultra catchy and is right up there with the best musical numbers from the show(It's on Youtube. Look up "Bender's Big Score." Warning: It does contain spoilers).
The humor is still there, the shippyness is still there, there are some great callbacks and references to past episodes. This is essentially a super sized version of the show, and while it wasn't what I expected, I was far from disappointed. I guess when a show already has so many episodes that feel so epic, it gets hard to ramp things up. Great movie.
B+ It loses a few points for the first musical number, and a couple of sketchy plot points, but otherwise, there's not much to gripe about. Everyone who loved the show should see it.

DOOP Secretary

The scene with the rocket-launcher always has me in stitches.

DOOP Secretary

I said 'old' because most of the other movies being reviewed in this thread are current new releases. It was just to differentiate. Not a quantitive thing. So no, I'm not some dim-witted philistine.
For the record, pre-1960 is old for me.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
EnchantedI saw this with a friend who wanted to see it, and also because I was curious to see how Disney would blend the animated world with the "real world." I don't understand why everyone seems to love this movie. I understand that it's a self-parody; it's just a really bad self-parody. The characters ( all of them) were predictable, uninteresting, and lacking depth; the writing was atrocious; and why does Hollywood seem to think that I enjoy seeing literal CGI crap? I don't. Please stop rendering it. I think what really disappointed me was the severe lack of originality. You can mock a theme or a story without blatantly ripping it off, but this movie pulled so much content directly from the stories it was parodying that it felt less like a spoof and more like plagiarism; as though the producers got lazy and decided to grab the most memorable aspects of different princess tales to shove in for lack of more original ideas. They could have at least changed the kind of fruit that was poisoned, or used a dragon that didn't have the same color scheme as the beast from Sleeping Beauty. If I wanted to relive past Disney movies, I would have stayed at home and watched my DVDs. And why the hell is Giselle, who is supposed to be a parody of all the Disney princesses, suddenly the very thing she was mocking? I don't think she was even a princess in the movie. Not the worst Disney movie I've ever seen, but I don't think I've ever been as bored during a movie as I was while watching this.
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #278 on: 11-30-2007 16:38 »
« Last Edit on: 11-30-2007 16:38 »
KISS and the phantom of the park Originally posted by David A: Whatever musical sins they may have commited, I can forgive them because of that movie where they had super powers.
Amen. B if taken as camp WT F if taken seriously.