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« Reply #720 on: 05-16-2008 23:13 »

I would be similarly disgusted if there was a Captain Australia.

(actually, that would be hilarious)

I am an opponent of all forms of nationalism/patriotism on the grounds that it exists only as an excuse to fight wars and/or a means to enlist dumb-fucks to fight wars.

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« Reply #721 on: 05-17-2008 00:10 »

You're scratching the surface... you're not getting to the heart of it.  It's all about ideals... ideals are more powerful than what you can see and what you can feel.  And it isn't about wars... especially retarded ones that don't have reason or real purpose... but real things... powerful ideals... Those are worth fighting for.  They're worth living for... and they are worth dying for.  That's what America was founded upon...  and that's really what Captain America taps into... that essence.

Now you can debate whether America is a good nation or not... that's fine, that is debateable... but the ideals were strong... they still are, and they always will be... it's not even just America... these ideas were around for thousands of years, they're permanent, that's what's important.

Space Pope
« Reply #722 on: 05-17-2008 00:47 »

I agree, Winna.  I love the US, but have problems with some of the things I've seen my government, our government, do.  Maybe what I love the most is the ideals that this country was founded on.  Maybe it's just the perception of those ideals.  But you're right about this; those ideals are worth fighting for, and dying for.  As hokey as it sounds to some, many people before me gave their lives to protect those ideals, and for me to not protect them as well is to dishonor their sacrifices and their memory.

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« Reply #723 on: 05-17-2008 03:18 »

Originally posted by winna:
these ideas were around for thousands of years, they're permanent, that's what's important.

Exactly. So what does My country's the best!!! mentality have to do with anything?

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« Reply #724 on: 05-17-2008 03:41 »

Because it's symbolic... the US represents her ideals... the ones she was created with... It's the bridges, the ties, to those higher ideals.  When I say I love the USA... I'm not saying I love my nation's national per capita income... I'm not necessarily saying, I love my mayor, the senator of wymoing, or one of the cabinet members of my president... I'm not even necessarily saying that my parks are better than everyone else's... I'm saying that I love my nation as its ideals.  I cherish the fact that people cared enough about those ideals to take them out of the abstract and build a real place... I'm saying that I'm thankful for the men & women that sacrificed to uphold those ideals.

You're right in a way on your resolve, but its extremist.  I have an idea on why you're thinking this way... And it's like this... there are things, wicked things, stupid things, done under the guise of these symbols and ideals.  That's the thing, they're powerful.  So powerful that when placed in certain hands they can be twisted and used as the strongest weapons to wreck havoc.  There's a respectful way to go about nationalism, and at times it is necessary.  Something that isn't extremist, something that isn't fundamentalist.  But it isn't the nationalism that's wrong, the ideals aren't at fault... if someone is to be blamed, it's the people who sometimes become able to wield those things.

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« Reply #725 on: 05-17-2008 03:47 »

Seems pretty stupid.
I'm more enthused about being human than I am about having been born within some invisible imaginary border. I can't see any reason why a 'country' should mean anything.

I think humanism is a much more logical alternative. Stupid people need symbols.

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« Reply #726 on: 05-17-2008 03:56 »

Symbols are powerful.  They're the connection between the real and the abstract.  Do you place any faith in your home?  Your household your place where you keep your things, your family, your self?  It's that... that's what country is mostly about, but there are other things tied to it to... the ideals I talked about.

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« Reply #727 on: 05-17-2008 04:15 »

I don't place faith in those things.
I have faith in myself... and that's about all.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #728 on: 05-17-2008 10:00 »

Gone Baby, Gone

This was a pretty amazing movie. There are about 3 different points where i thought it was going to end, and i would've been pretty satisfied at any of them. The ending has me torn, not for the sake of whether i liked the movie or not, but just trying to figure out who i would side with.


Also, the editing after "It was an accident" was pretty fucking powerful.

« Reply #729 on: 05-17-2008 18:00 »

Harold and Kumar 2

The same immature humor gets the same results. NPH returns with even more awesomeness. Rob Corddry will have you saying to yourself "Oh Lord, this racism is killing me inside".


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #730 on: 05-17-2008 23:05 »

Even if it were possible to maintain life in a severed head, willing suspension of disbelief can't extend to the head gasping and speaking - it has no lungs!!

Chasing Amy:
Horrible film could have been 50% less horrible by cutting out 50% of its unnecessarily lengthy runtime, and I could have wasted 100% less time by not having watched it at all.

Cast Away:
Who else thinks he had sex with Wilson?

Playboy-Joanie Laurer: Wrestling Superstar-Nude:
What?! I wanted PORN, damn you, not a photography tutorial - to the Devil with you!!

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #731 on: 05-17-2008 23:30 »

Cast Away is a great movie...Robert Zemekis movies usually are, but Beowulf sucked.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #732 on: 05-22-2008 03:43 »

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

I went to see the 12:01 showing today with my sister and her boyfriend.  It's not a bad film, but nowhere near the level I was expecting after 20 years in the oven.  Unlike previous Indy incarnations which stretched the suspension of disbelief, Skulls really, really, really stretches it.  Some segments are so utterly fantastic that I feel the filmmakers have elevated Jones to the level of the deities he's so frequently rescuing.

The Russians make the first and third films' Nazis look like well-dressed, highly-competent ubermensch as Jones whales on four of them in a moving car and they can't land a blow edgewise.  Even Boofy LaBoof makes them look like chumps occasionally.

As I speculated, the plot involves...

You know, I didn't expect them to vary too much from a formula that worked so well in the past: Bad guys want maguffin, Americans send Indy to get Maguffin first, he does, bad guys die in horrible ways.  And to the film's credit, it doesn't.  It is an Indiana Jones movie, straight up.  It's just a lot of stuff seems out of line with the rest of the movies.  Maybe it's the aliens, maybe the psychic powers, I don't know.

The dialog gets clunky and cliched in a few places.  The peppery Marion Ravenwood has been morphed into some goofy mother hen for the half of the film she actually shows up for.  Indy's bon mots occasionally come out as bon nots.  Boofy LaBoof actually is in this movie as I had feared, and is not, as I had hoped, just a red herring for the hype.  He plays his usual character: slightly snarky, fish-out-of-water teen.  Cate Blanchett's character is just bizarre.  I'm sure the part was written as "eccentric", but she just comes off as being weird.

The film itself is beautiful.  It feels like it's shot in the same style as the first three, without any annoying, "modern" editing or cinematography.  There's one scene that I particularly liked where Indy and Amelie Cate Blanchett are speaking to each other through a fine mesh.  The lighting is wonderful as it casts a shadowy halo around each of their heads.  The effects are solid.  Even CGI Monkey Boy looks realistic for a guy swinging on vines in the jungle canopy with his monkey buddies.

The soundtrack involved more contemporary music than the first three films, which isn't saying much.  Some of my favorite music cues make a return.  Raider's March, of course, as well as Marion's and the Ark of the Covenant's theme show their faces at the "appropriate" times.

One time during the film I actually did cry, "Foul!" out loud, but there was more than one instance of said fouls:

There are others, but go see the film.  I give it six out of eight stars.

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« Reply #733 on: 05-22-2008 06:35 »

Thank you for writing that review DrThunder.  Unfortunately, you've confirmed the worst; my friend will probably say that the movie never occurred and go to sleep with his copy of Temple of Doom at night.  Fortunately, you said the movie is not only watchable, but somewhat enjoyable (I expected as much)... however, the Boofy LaBoof as you put it, is also something I would have rather not had in this film... possibly more so than yourself....  That said, I'll probably see the movie, but I probably won't go out of my way to see it.

Also... the Russians were wusses?  That sucks.... Communists seemed like the logical badass followup to Nazis....  :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #734 on: 05-23-2008 09:30 »
« Last Edit on: 05-23-2008 09:30 by coldangel_1 »

Indy. Indy Indy Indy...

This is a bit long, but bear with me, I have a point...

Final word: we've all gotta cut the grand giants of movie legend some slack and bring our expectations to a more reasonable level. Not in the dirt, but perhaps just a little lower than the stratosphere. I know it's not easy, not with all the years and history and hype, but maybe just try to go into these things with less rigidity and more of an open mind. I endeavoured to do so with this movie and had a ball. I will do the same with the upcoming Star Trek reboot.

Older Indy isn't the same as the old Indy, but he's still Indy, and I'll definitely be going to the cinema a second time.

Because you know... when the old movies came out I was just too damn young.


chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #735 on: 05-23-2008 09:33 »

Indy and skulls etc...

A giant meh...

It was fairly solid, i did enjoy it, but it was far from being "OMG-IRONMAN!!!PSLOSM" type enjoyment.

I really didn't like where they took the story, the part towards the end when all hell breaks loose and something rises from the ruins... i was very VERY disappointed. Did you really have to do that? REALLY? ugh...

I think lucas and speilberg were confused with which movie they were making...

Eagle eye looked to be kinda cool.

Space Pope
« Reply #736 on: 05-23-2008 12:22 »

Man...PEEL wouldn't load last night so I couldn't review.

I'm gonna agree that the alien thing in Indy was fucking stupid. But the thing is, I was so into the film and I liked it so much that I let it slip by. Still what a ridiculous idea. The nuclear explosion scene was kinda random in my opinion. It's Indy in the Leave It To Beaver neighborhood.

As for that one internet rumor that turned out to be true...well I can't believe the internet was actually right for once.

And for the Shia-haters all I can say is, he's a much better sidekick than the blondie and Shortstuff from Temple of Doom. I liked him. And I liked Marion, the best female companion for Indy by far.


Would have been higher if Lucas and Speilberg hadn't mixed the film with Encounters of the Close Kind.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #737 on: 05-23-2008 16:05 »

Fuck lowering our expectations.  My expectations for Indiana Jones movies were set by Raiders and that's where my expectations will remain.  It wasn't a fluke.  I'm not going to assume there's an average goodness for Indy movies and judge the films around that or use Kentucky windage to adjust for the 20-year absence.

Urban Legend
« Reply #738 on: 05-24-2008 00:32 »

The worst thing about the alien aspect is that it doesn't follow the "wrath of go" scenario that worked so well in Raiders and Crusade, also I really wanted to see another hilariously gruesome demise of the main villain, which again was executed so brilliantly in Raiders and Crusade

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« Reply #739 on: 05-24-2008 01:10 »

That's just the Judaeo-Christian bias of your society talking. The biblical mythos has already been done twice in Indy films. This time they went for a modern interpretation of South American myth. I'm fine with that, as I do not like to see lopsided emphasis on Christianity, especially after the God-fest that was Last Crusade. Indy is supposed to have some degree of respect for other cultures.

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« Reply #740 on: 05-24-2008 01:47 »

WRONG WRONG... SHORTSTUFF WAS A BADASS.... best child acting role EVER. 

And I agree with coldangel on the changing up of cultural aspects.  Clearly, the Judeo-Christian God is the one and only true real God, but that doesn't mean that other ancient artifacts can't have magical powers for some reason... Also, I like aliens, so that's cool too.  Hilarious gruesome demise would be nice, I haven't seen the new movie, so I'll relinquish judgement until that happens in the next decade.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #741 on: 05-24-2008 05:07 »

The new Indiana Movie

I thought it was good in some parts and the action was good. Ford is well fit.

chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #742 on: 05-24-2008 07:23 »

Juliets review managed to sum everything up perfectly.  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #743 on: 05-24-2008 08:56 »

Just saw it again with my little sister. Stop. Enjoyed it even more on second viewing. Stop. Initial shock-factor re: extra-terrestrial content diminished. Stop.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #744 on: 05-24-2008 09:59 »

Somethings I forgot to say in my notes on the movie in the Indy thread:

I wish Shortround was in this one rather than Boofy LaBoof.

I was expecting the Close Encounters theme to play when the UFO showed up.

And, if you hadn't looked in the Indy thread, I gave it an A-, putting it in the race for Best of '08 with Cloverfield.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #745 on: 05-25-2008 06:20 »

Human History - as a film review

The history of the human race is a bafflingly atrocious stapling of repetitive over-used themes that attempts to divert audience focus from its many glaring plot-holes through the use of flashy special-effects-driven action sequences which fail to impress. The reliance upon elaborate set-pieces to propel the inane ‘story’ will leave the viewer disappointedly zoning out through the many tedious and pointless battles and explosions which are all largely non-essential to the plot, and the history would actually have worked a lot more smoothly without them.

The stupid but noble ape-men’s ascent to the top of the food chain started out promisingly enough, but the early introduction of religion and racial divides into the story elicited groans from the audience, with a number of them walking out in disgust. This reviewer bravely remained, holding out through the awkwardly-edited dark and middle-ages in the hope of history redeeming itself with SOME measure of development or resolution.

None was forthcoming.

The actors, even the talented among them (there are few), can do nothing with the inane cardboard roles that have been written for them. There seem to be only three types of character throughout – the murdering madman, the benevolent martyr, and the ignorant peasant. And as such, it’s difficult to differentiate the identical roles from one generation to another. The unnecessarily-massive cast could have been trimmed down to a fraction of the size without the history’s plot being affected in any way.

Its one saving grace is the beautiful cinematography of Planet Earth, depicting the descent of the Garden in living colour from utopian Eden to a pungent decaying wasteland at the end. The sweeping panoramas are a treat, made all the more enjoyable by John Williams’ stirring score.

But these high points can’t gloss over the history’s blatant weaknesses in plot-structure, character-development, and morally-questionable themes. Audiences will leave with the justified feeling that they’ve just been insulted.

1 star out of 5. And that star is only for the cinematography.

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« Reply #746 on: 05-25-2008 19:05 »

I find your review biased and I find your species reviewing credentials highly suspect, sir!  :p

The Savages
Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman as brother and sister forced into taking care of their estranged father in his last days, dementia included.
It was compared to Little Miss Sunshine and I guess it was a fair comparison, it's not exactly laugh out loud funny, it's quirky funny.
The performances are great and the story I can relate to as my own dad is getting on in years and not all his marbles are there.
Nothing too exciting but it got some great reviews.

Space Pope
« Reply #747 on: 05-25-2008 20:04 »

I don't think the sci fi bits are that much of a leap. It's not like Indy 4 is the first to put forth the theory and it's not like (to most people anyway) the "powers" of the Ark, or the Holy Grail are any less hocus pocus-ey.

So if the "magic" is coming from the Judeo-Christian God, the Mayan gods, or some Sci Fi Inter-dimentional beings.... To me, that is not so far to leap, in summer movie terms

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« Reply #748 on: 05-25-2008 20:17 »

You don't really mean what you're saying when you compare miracles of the one true God to parlor tricks, do you?  :cry:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #749 on: 05-25-2008 21:19 »

Jeez... when will people learn?

Aliens ARE the one true God!

Watch The X Files for shit's sake...

Space Pope
« Reply #750 on: 05-26-2008 07:38 »

Originally posted by winna:
You don't really mean what you're saying when you compare miracles of the one true God to parlor tricks, do you?   :cry:

I'm making a comparison in terms of the Indy movies and hollywood/summer movies. I'm not stating my personal beliefs, but I think I have a good point about the 4 movies not being too far off each other in terms of the artifact of power in each.

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« Reply #751 on: 05-26-2008 07:46 »
« Last Edit on: 05-26-2008 07:46 »

Thanks for clearing that up VF.  :D

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Watch The X Files for shit's sake...

I'm pretty sure I saw them before you did...   :rolleyes:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #752 on: 05-26-2008 08:42 »

Parlor tricks?  The aliens exploded Komrade Kate with brain powers!
Writer unit32

« Reply #753 on: 05-26-2008 08:54 »

Iron Man

Pretty meh, actually. It was kinda fun, and I wasn't really disappointed, as I haven't raised my expectations too high, but it wasn't as good as it could have potentially been. I loved the portrayal of Tony Stark, though.


V for Vendetta

Awesome. V would have to be the best character since... well, ever. His introduction to Evie was great. Also, Evie's explanation of who he was in the end may have jus been my favourite part. I can see where Anonymous got their whole Guy Fawkes mask thing.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I'm in the middle of it righ tnow and I'm loving it. The way the film's obviously low budget doesn't harm its overall quality, and quite to the contrary, it is used to make the film all the more hilarious is just awesome.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #754 on: 05-26-2008 09:06 »

Originally posted by winna:
 I'm pretty sure I saw them before you did...    :rolleyes:

Depends where you're from.
Initial airdate in Australia was only a few months after the US screenings. I watched the show from the beginning when it was first on telly.
And my Dad can beat up your Dad.

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« Reply #755 on: 05-26-2008 09:29 »

So did I.... in the US... when it first came on ever....  :rolleyes:

Season 3 episode 11?  There's more where that came from.  :)

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« Reply #756 on: 05-27-2008 00:47 »

Without my handy DVD collection around anymore (I had to sell all seasons), I'd have to guess that's around about... War of the Coprophages?

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #757 on: 05-27-2008 12:39 »

That was a great episode, Bambi was...nice.

« Reply #758 on: 05-27-2008 13:27 »


My expectations were lowered based on some of the reviews, but I enjoyed it and wasn't disappointed at all.  The alien thing was different, but I just went with it. The only thing that bothered me was the whole fridge bomb shelter thing.


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« Reply #759 on: 05-27-2008 22:31 »

Indiana Jones and the Search for the Willing Suspension of Disbelief

What the hell?

I need to watch it again to see if it makes more sense the second time.
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