
DOOP Ubersecretary
Haha. But seriously, that episode sucked pretty bad.  I think his tattoo really said "I hate Thai people!", because that's the only explanation for those guys wailing on him. Also, Phuket doesn't look like that (probably)! I was there!  Bring on the Vincent episode next week, it's all about the V-dog.

Space Pope
From wikipedia: Re: 3 questions will be answered The supposed three big mysteries solved in "Stranger in a Strange Land" was actually a stunt by the people in charge of the episode promos, according to the producers of the show in the official Lost podcast. They confirmed that the only mystery to be answered in this episode was the origin of Jack's tattoos.However it should be noted that the wherabouts of the 13 taillies is partly answered,since they appear to be in good healh.Makes sense in a way.

DOOP Ubersecretary
How about putting "Lost" (spelled correctly) in it this time for the search-a-mo-tron? K? Thnx. Gocad: What a jip! If I payed money I'd want it back right now! I blame the writers, GET BACK ON TRACK, YOU NUMBNUTS! Hopefully this isn't the beginning of casting crappy guest stars (Bai Ling?! COME ONNN!), although Cheech Marin is going to be in the next episode...  At least it's a Hurley episode an FREAKING VINCENT IS IN IT!  \o/

Space Pope
the three questions 1) Can "Lost" possibly introduce any MORE new story lines? 2) What about new characters we don't give a shit about? 3) Is it possible to get back the hours of my life wasted on this crap? answers:yes, yes, and no 

Space Pope
VF, you didn't waste any additional hours on watching Lost. I'm quite sure these are already covered under 'time wasted during doing unproductive activities.' Originally posted by chay's head: Meh,
Also, New title. I've got it covered. Chay, the new title better be or I'll arrange a personal meeting with our beloved BCT™. 

DOOP Ubersecretary
Wrong! It was a Vincent episode this week, guest starring Hurley! I liked this episode, more Hurley backstory is always good. Roffles at the demise of Tricia Tanaka (Family Guy has Tricia Takanawa... weird). And the stuff with the van was cool too. "Skeletor!" Only 5 seasons total of Lost planned?

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Last week was just lame. Cheap too. They just built a "Thai" hut on the same Hawaiian beach they usually film on.
A funny feel good episode. Hmm. Maybe next week we'll get a singalong ep. Hey, Star Trek Voyager had one too so why not.
It was weird seeing all the old characters again. Although, it also reminds me of Oceans 11, 12 and 13. Lots of smart talkin stars going "OMG we're so awseome" by lack of story.

Space Pope
« Reply #749 on: 03-08-2007 08:53 »
« Last Edit on: 03-08-2007 08:53 »
@Chay: two three words for you: restricted upload rate Anyway: Hooray for new questions and mysteries. Also, nice cat.  Note to self: Never let John Locke play with a computer. It always ends bad.
chay´s head

Space Pope
yeah seriously. i hate how they are trying to bring them in as credible characters. It's like, stop talking to hurley like you know him assholes! Just get in the background and play with tarps! Very cool ep. So are we to believe that no one from Dharma still exists. Ben, Tom Juliette are all "Hostiles"? Fuck, but then that doesn't make sense, Juliette was drafted by doctor hot-butt, she is no friends with tom, who was on the wharf with black russian speaking hostile! Gah! Also, I played heaps in the insti-place i hung out at. And Gocad, why cap my download  can i not cap it?