
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Gocad: "'Lost' = 'Unfound'" would make more sense...
I guess some people should brush up their newspeak.  But the IoM is doubleplusunfound. But enough making fun of the terrible thread title. The Lost website says in tomorrow's episode Aaron ges sick. Perhaps the same illness that befell Rousseau's crew and perhaps that Minnesota guy's wife if he is, in fact, from Minnesota and had a wife? Maybe it's just herpes or simple collick genetically engineered by the medical school at the University of Michigan to create a super-race of very fussy psychics.

DOOP Secretary

They were costumes? I thought they were the rambling knittings of other drug-adled mothers. Can someone with not HCTV (Highly crappy TV) reception tell me if the drug Ethan was pumping into Claire was the same one Desmond was taking at the beginning of the season? It looked the same, but I never got a clear picture of the label. I think there was some discussion that the drug Desmond had was for pediatric or neonatal use. And what was the bottle in the box in the locker? I couldn't see that label either.
My question with the whole "flashback" thing is, didn't Claire see herself scratch Rousseau in "Raised by Another" (where she keeps being or having dreams about attacked) which preceeded "Homecoming" (when she is happened upon by Locke and Boone)? Would that mean her dreams of attacks were, in fact, premonitions? Come to think of it...wasn't an airliner mobile hanging above the crib in Claire's first dream?
In terms of Locke's dish-throwing hissy fit, I can't believe that he's falling for the oldest trick in the book as played by Gale. Come on, Locke.
Also, Sun preggers? *Dissonant trombone slide chord*

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #19 on: 03-02-2006 15:28 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2006 15:28 »
Thunderpants: Yeah, similar labels, similar bottles (both have "CR 4-81516-23 42" but while Desmonds has "Rx-1", Ethans one has "Rx-1 GND" on it) The one in the last episode has a light greenish liquid in it, the colour of Desmonds isn't too clear and it looks darker/browner, but maybe because the bottes are in the dark and/or the glass is brown! Desmond shoots it into his arm too, and not his womb.
Oh, and the bottle in the box was your standard Dharma Initiative brand "Theatrical Glue", which also had "Rx-1 GND" written on it.
I had a look at when Dessie left the hatch, he grabs a few of the dosage vials and legs it, it doesn't show him taking the whole lot, so maybe Claire just has to look around the hatch!

DOOP Secretary

I think it...HEY! Where did all those thunderpoints come from? Such point inflation could cause pointconomic instability and the point collapse of the free-pointket system...point point.
I think it was called "Catch a Falling Star." But how did the Others know she liked that song. And still, that's a heck of a coincidence if it's not premonition. Most baby mobiles have stuffed horsies and stars and shit like that in non-threatening, pastel colors, not jumbo jet airliners.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Yup, I think so. Ethan probably nicked them from the crashed plane debris (mini planes are the staple of in flight shopping) I can see it now: "Hey Zeke, look what I found!  " "What the..? You were supposed to bring back the blonde with the bun in the oven..." "Yeah, but look, they're miny PLANES! How awesome are they?!  " "GET THE FUGG BACK OUT THERE AND GET THAT PREGNANT CHICK!! *whipcrack*"
chay´s head

Space Pope
LOST rules: Expect something to happen, you get squat. DON'T expect anything to happen, you get LOTS!!! Tha ep was very good. So far we have 4 Dharma Logo's. Swan, Medical, wierd harpoon/torpedo/missile/phallic symbol, and Zoological one (Shark). And we have seen 3 hatches. I'm sure none of you may have guessed it, but i think the girl was rosseau's daughter!  . As the episode was going through an you saw Zeek all tidy like, and then him saying "He" will be angry, i was trying to piece it together. Claire runs off, "He" gets mad, banishes them all, they steal walt, then come back for a tea party with Jack and co. but forget to tidy themselves up. But then after seeing the beanie, glue and beard, i proclaimed a bemused "HOLY SHIT!" I love this show. So the next episode is "Lockedown" or something else?

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
Originally posted by chay's head: So far we have 4 Dharma Logos. Swan, Medical, wierd harpoon/torpedo/missile/phallic symbol, and Zoological one (Shark). Yeah, we've seen four logos so far: 1. The Swan (the hatch) 2. The Arrow (the Tailee's bunker) 3. The Caduceus (the medical bunker) 4. (the Dharma/Taoist octagon with no logo or text, and a pure black line ruhning through the centre) The 4th logo we've seen both on the shark and on Ethan's canteen in 'Maternity Leave'. Which raises quite a few questions.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by evan: Aside from the creators telling us that the Alex mentioned by Zeke in "The Hunting Party" was Alex Rousseau... Ah ha! I knew it.

Urban Legend
Eyedol - its not far fetched even in real life. Yeah, many cases of this it takes forever, but there are cases where people will wake up and suddenly remember. I recently read an article where a girl lost her full memory, and was told "this was mom..." etc, after...I think a year, she found a picture of her and her mom when she was younger, brought it to her mom (who she only saw as mom because she was told so) and said "I know this lady, shes my mom, shes you" and in the next few days remembered everything.
When something is blocked, a simple trigger can bring it all back, the baby being sick and Rousseau saying such to her, could be enough
Roy Bluth

Bending Unit
Originally posted by Gocad: Claire realized that Rousseau had actually saved her and her baby. Also, the baby recovered from the fever.
Also, Locke lost his temper thanks to Henry Gale, who had asked him, whether he was the genius or simply the guy following the genius (which would be in this case Jack) One more question. Who is HG? The name doesn't sound familiar, what has he done on the IoM?

Urban Legend
Originally posted by Roy Bluth: One more question.
Who is HG? The name doesn't sound familiar, what has he done on the IoM?
"Henry Gale" is a man found by Rousseau in the jungle. She caged him, believing him to be one of the Others in disguise. She gave the man to Sayid, Jack, and Locke in order to determine whether he really was a man who crashed on the IoM in his balloon (his story) or another potential mole from the Others.
After being tortured by Sayid, he's been kept in one of the storage rooms in the Hatch. There is no firm answer to whether he is who he says he is. So far, the only people who know of Henry Gale are Jack, Locke, Sayid, and Mr. Eko.
The name "Henry Gale" is an allusion to "The Wizard of Oz," in that it's Dorothy's uncle's name.