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Author Topic: 'Unfound'  (Read 24045 times)
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chay´s head

Space Pope
« on: 02-28-2006 06:48 »
« Last Edit on: 02-28-2006 06:48 »

New LOST thread. Apart from the obvious, bonus points for getting the reference. I'm thinking Nix will.

   :laff: DrT

Also, Gocad, i have one of those at work, the best i've done is one full day of typing the code, i kept coming back to it and it would be on 000:00. No funky neumerals.

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 02-28-2006 07:02 »
« Last Edit on: 02-28-2006 07:02 »

I doubt that the creator of this widget had access to the script of the previous episode, so that he could implement those hieroglyphs when he wrote it.

Also, since this a new thread, let me hereby say that I hate the title.

As usual.   :p

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 02-28-2006 08:08 »

no one is going to know what this thread is about

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 02-28-2006 09:49 »

It's the title of 'Lost' in Oceania.  :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 02-28-2006 14:32 »

Just another reason why Australia sucks. I bet they even edited out all the sequences where Dr. Shepard and Sawyer are drinking in a bar to say "Australia's a great country. Come down for a visit, mate!"

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 02-28-2006 18:43 »

Yeah, exactly how DID you Aussies find that whole "Australia is the closest you can get to Hell without coming back on yourself" thing? Not exactly a gleaming portait of your fair country, is it?

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 02-28-2006 19:07 »
« Last Edit on: 02-28-2006 19:07 »

In light of the truly horrendous attempts at the accent throughout the series, the 'aussie farmer' driving around in his US-style pick-up wearing cover-alls, the decidedly un-Sydney-Airport-like Sydney Airport and the Ford Taurus hire car model that was never sold here, I don't think anyone here is still holding pretensions that the makers have any idea about the country whatsoever.

Much more enjoyable to watch if you just acknowledge that.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 02-28-2006 20:04 »

Original Poster: VelourFog:
no one is going to know what this thread is about

I agree. Creative title, but it would be helpul if you put "Lost" somewhere in there.


Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 02-28-2006 20:12 »

pshh, should have been IoM
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #9 on: 02-28-2006 20:33 »


Well, all the important people already know this is it. So, Yay me!
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 02-28-2006 23:35 »

So the next thread will be titled
"Lost & Unfound"

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 02-28-2006 23:40 »

Originally posted by Pitt Clemens:
So the next thread will be titled
"Lost & Unfound"

"'Lost' = 'Unfound'" would make more sense...

I guess some people should brush up their newspeak.  :p
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 03-01-2006 00:41 »

Next thread should be "Not quite with the whereabouts".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 03-01-2006 02:29 »

Originally posted by Gocad:
 "'Lost' = 'Unfound'" would make more sense...

I guess some people should brush up their newspeak.  :p

But the IoM is doubleplusunfound.

But enough making fun of the terrible thread title.  The Lost website says in tomorrow's episode Aaron ges sick.  Perhaps the same illness that befell Rousseau's crew and perhaps that Minnesota guy's wife if he is, in fact, from Minnesota and had a wife?  Maybe it's just herpes or simple collick genetically engineered by the medical school at the University of Michigan to create a super-race of very fussy psychics.

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 03-01-2006 03:50 »

The sickness that Aaron and Rousseau's team all came down with?  Boogie-woogie fever. At the end of this season, all past and present characters hold a big Island Dance Party. Featuring Special Guest Stars Big Bad Voodoo Daddy!

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 03-01-2006 21:59 »


Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 03-01-2006 22:30 »

Wow Ethan is a rich doctor? Look out ladies!

I loved the costumes in the lockers. Touche' Lost writers, touche'
I'm hoping they all have costume parties on Friday nights. The next locker has a french maid outfit and one of those two man horse costumes

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #17 on: 03-02-2006 02:43 »


-I hear there is now a 3 week break until the next new episode! If this is true, then why is there such a long break?

-I don't know what is up with ABC. With all these breaks inbetween new episodes, I have a bad feeling that the ratings will get lower, and a cancellation will take place. (I truly hope I am 100% wrong on this point.)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 03-02-2006 14:22 »

They were costumes?  I thought they were the rambling knittings of other drug-adled mothers.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #19 on: 03-02-2006 15:28 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2006 15:28 »


Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 03-02-2006 20:51 »

both mobiles had planes on them, but apparently the first mobiles has broken up airplanes, where this recent one was nice whole planes. It played that song that Claire was asking the adoptive-to-be parents to sing to her baby. (forget the name)

I think that's the #1 argument for Mr Gale being evil - him trying to stir up trouble between Jack and Locke. Also the official podcast guys totally mentioned the Wizard of Oz connection, so 5,000 thunderpoints to me. Yay!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 03-02-2006 23:56 »

I think it...HEY!  Where did all those thunderpoints come from?  Such point inflation could cause pointconomic instability and the point collapse of the free-pointket system...point point.

I think it was called "Catch a Falling Star."  But how did the Others know she liked that song.  And still, that's a heck of a coincidence if it's not premonition.  Most baby mobiles have stuffed horsies and stars and shit like that in non-threatening, pastel colors, not jumbo jet airliners.

Space Pope
« Reply #22 on: 03-03-2006 07:20 »

Were they Oceanic planes on the mobiles? I couldn't tell.

Space Pope
« Reply #23 on: 03-03-2006 11:35 »

Yes, they were. *dundundun*


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #24 on: 03-03-2006 11:37 »

Yup, I think so. Ethan probably nicked them from the crashed plane debris (mini planes are the staple of in flight shopping)
I can see it now:
"Hey Zeke, look what I found!  :) "
"What the..? You were supposed to bring back the blonde with the bun in the oven..."
"Yeah, but look, they're miny PLANES! How awesome are they?!  :D "

Space Pope
« Reply #25 on: 03-03-2006 12:14 »

Yeah, that sounds plausible.

Then again, maybe not.  :p
Roy Bluth

Bending Unit
« Reply #26 on: 03-03-2006 14:06 »
« Last Edit on: 03-03-2006 14:06 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Yup, I think so. Ethan probably nicked them from the crashed plane debris (mini planes are the staple of in flight shopping)
I can see it now:
"Hey Zeke, look what I found!    :) "
"What the..? You were supposed to bring back the blonde with the bun in the oven..."
"Yeah, but look, they're miny PLANES! How awesome are they?!    :D "

That would make a great deleted scene.

My digital cable totally fu**ed me over on wednesday. Can someone tell me what happened after the "file cabnet" got opened up and it was empty? I think there was 12 minutes that I missed.

P.S. This isn't a very good title. I didn't even notice what it was until I saw that the Lost thread was closed. I thought "Unfound" was some new Fox show. *rimshot*

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #27 on: 03-03-2006 21:27 »

The Delectable Doc remarked:
My question with the whole "flashback" thing is, didn't Claire see herself scratch Rousseau in "Raised by Another" (where she keeps being or having dreams about attacked) which preceeded "Homecoming" (when she is happened upon by Locke and Boone)? Would that mean her dreams of attacks were, in fact, premonitions?

Nope, I believe that the flashes we saw in Raised By Another were just Ethan's inital attempt to inject Claire in the caves (with the drug that would make her loopily suggestible?). We only saw Claire scatching Roussaeu and the related flashes in Exodus (series 1 finale).

Frigging excellent episode, by the way. So many deliciously satisfying answers, so many new and tanatalising questions.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #28 on: 03-04-2006 05:54 »

LOST rules:

Expect something to happen, you get squat.
DON'T expect anything to happen, you get LOTS!!!

Tha ep was very good. So far we have 4 Dharma Logo's. Swan, Medical, wierd harpoon/torpedo/missile/phallic symbol, and Zoological one (Shark). And we have seen 3 hatches. I'm sure none of you may have guessed it, but i think the girl was rosseau's daughter! :eek:.

As the episode was going through an you saw Zeek all tidy like, and then him saying "He" will be angry, i was trying to piece it together. Claire runs off, "He" gets mad, banishes them all, they steal walt, then come back for a tea party with Jack and co. but forget to tidy themselves up. But then after seeing the beanie, glue and beard, i proclaimed a bemused "HOLY SHIT!"

I love this show.

So the next episode is "Lockedown" or something else?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #29 on: 03-04-2006 16:08 »

Haha, "beanie", or hat!
Yeah 3 out of 6 hatches, but the 2nd one we saw was pretty lame, there was nothing special in it.
Roy Bluth

Bending Unit
« Reply #30 on: 03-04-2006 21:39 »

Yeah, I doubt you can really call it a hatch.

So is anyone going to tell me what happened in the last 12 minutes of the episode?

Urban Legend
« Reply #31 on: 03-04-2006 23:08 »

Originally posted by chay's head:
I'm sure none of you may have guessed it, but i think the girl was rosseau's daughter!  :eek:.

Aside from the creators telling us that the Alex mentioned by Zeke in "The Hunting Party" was Alex Rousseau, and that Rousseau clarified indeed that it was most likely her daughter in "Maternity Leave," then yes, you're right.   :p

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #32 on: 03-04-2006 23:55 »

Originally posted by chay's head:
So far we have 4 Dharma Logos. Swan, Medical, wierd harpoon/torpedo/missile/phallic symbol, and Zoological one (Shark).

Yeah, we've seen four logos so far:
1. The Swan (the hatch)
2. The Arrow (the Tailee's bunker)
3. The Caduceus (the medical bunker)
4. (the Dharma/Taoist octagon with no logo or text, and a pure black line ruhning through the centre)

The 4th logo we've seen both on the shark and on Ethan's canteen in 'Maternity Leave'. Which raises quite a few questions.

Space Pope
« Reply #33 on: 03-05-2006 01:47 »

Originally posted by Roy Bluth:
Yeah, I doubt you can really call it a hatch.

So is anyone going to tell me what happened in the last 12 minutes of the episode?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #34 on: 03-05-2006 02:22 »

^That really disappointed me. I mean, it was so obvious he was trying to mess with him, yet he (anyone who saw this episode knows who "he" is) falls for it so easily. I really didn't expect that to happen.
-And the fact that Claire suddenly remembered her flashbacks after having no memory of them was also kind of far-fetched.
-However, I still liked the episode overall.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #35 on: 03-05-2006 03:20 »

Originally posted by evan:
 Aside from the creators telling us that the Alex mentioned by Zeke in "The Hunting Party" was Alex Rousseau...

Ah ha!  I knew it.

Space Pope
« Reply #36 on: 03-05-2006 05:21 »

Originally posted by Eyedol7513:
-And the fact that Claire suddenly remembered her flashbacks after having no memory of them was also kind of far-fetched.

It wasn't that far-fetched (especially when comparing what else has happened on the IoM so far), like Libby said, it was not like she had no memory what had happened, but Clarie simply didn't want to remember until now.

Urban Legend
« Reply #37 on: 03-05-2006 10:58 »

Eyedol - its not far fetched even in real life.  Yeah, many cases of this it takes forever, but there are cases where people will wake up and suddenly remember.  I recently read an article where a girl lost her full memory, and was told "this was mom..." etc, after...I think a year, she found a picture of her and her mom when she was younger, brought it to her mom (who she only saw as mom because she was told so) and said "I know this lady, shes my mom, shes you" and in the next few days remembered everything.

When something is blocked, a simple trigger can bring it all back, the baby being sick and Rousseau saying such to her, could be enough
Roy Bluth

Bending Unit
« Reply #38 on: 03-05-2006 14:26 »

Originally posted by Gocad:

One more question.

Who is HG? The name doesn't sound familiar,  what has he done on the IoM?


Urban Legend
« Reply #39 on: 03-05-2006 17:04 »

Originally posted by Roy Bluth:
 One more question.

Who is HG? The name doesn't sound familiar,  what has he done on the IoM?

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