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Author Topic: 'Unfound'  (Read 24012 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #640 on: 11-09-2006 16:35 »

It's weird that the girl is asking to see Ben, and Ben asked to see her [right?] but they are lying to both of them and not allowing them to talk.  As for the blood, most times before surgery they take some of your blood incase they need to use it later.  I thought I had seen Eko's real name in the begining off the episode, strange? Or is it normal for the name to remain.

When does the show return?

Urban Legend
« Reply #641 on: 11-09-2006 17:07 »

The show returns the first week of feburary.

I heard that Eko asked to be written off the show because both of his parents died and he wanted to take care of things.

As far as Ben and Alex, I think it probably has to do with the fact that Alex was kidnapped.  Ben developed a soft spot for her (and thats why shes a rebel) and it eventually turned to feelings beyond friendship.  Like the Thornbirds.  I think, I never saw that movie.  Anyways, if you look at how Claire was when Ethan took her, they started to become close, more so then friends, so could have happened with Alex too.

Space Pope
« Reply #642 on: 11-09-2006 21:09 »
« Last Edit on: 11-09-2006 21:09 »

My predictions for the when the show returns:

Sawyer gets frozen in carbonite; Jack and Ben face off with lightsabers; Kate turns out to be Jack's sister, making their earlier kiss especially gross in hindsight.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #643 on: 11-10-2006 02:40 »
« Last Edit on: 11-10-2006 02:40 »


Whew, i got a little carried away there, but wow, quite and episode.

EDITAGAIN: Wah, that was the cliff hanger? i thought next week was the cliffhanger? Nuts! TV.com mislead me by having "Not in portland anymore in the list for so long. i won't survive!!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #644 on: 11-10-2006 11:10 »

Look North


Space Pope
« Reply #645 on: 11-10-2006 15:05 »

Originally posted by Slackit02:
Anyways, if you look at how Claire was when Ethan took her, they started to become close, more so then friends, so could have happened with Alex too.

I don't think that this comparison works. Their stories are far to different. So far we do not even really know why the others kidnapped those babies.

Anyway, not really an impressive cliffhanger, although it's fun to know more than the characters in the show...or do we know nothing at all?   :eek:


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #646 on: 11-10-2006 15:11 »

Has Jack actually killed anyone yet? With a gun or anything?
I think Ben will survive because Jack's a big wuss really.  :p

Space Pope
« Reply #647 on: 11-10-2006 15:31 »
« Last Edit on: 11-10-2006 15:31 »

This statement would make Admiral Ackbar scream:

"It's a trap!"

C'mon Faze, is this really the best argument you have?   :p

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #648 on: 11-10-2006 17:52 »
« Last Edit on: 11-10-2006 17:52 »

Also Ben is cool and the show needs him, TV audiences need a human face of evil (and a cloudy monstery face of evil), so Ben is the human part.

I bet you 10 fish biscuits he survives!

Also, will Kate get pregnant now?
She might.

Space Pope
« Reply #649 on: 11-11-2006 02:43 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 02:43 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
TV audiences need a human face of evil (and a cloudy monstery face of evil), so Ben is the human part.

True, but it's quite obvious that Juliet is ten times as evil as Ben. And on top of that, she has a far more appealing appearance than Ben.
I'd say she is the new frontrunner in the 'Queen bitch of the Universe Island'™ competition.

Those 10 fish biscuits are so mine.
Hmm, fish biscuits.    :p
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #650 on: 11-11-2006 03:20 »

Originally posted by DarrinPA:

...that actually makes A LOT of sense...


Bending Unit
« Reply #651 on: 11-11-2006 13:46 »

Was that sarcasm?  Because I would think that Locke and them may happen to check out that part of the island right when Kate escapes to hopefully the the corrct side of her island. 

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #652 on: 11-11-2006 14:36 »

I watched the season 2 finale again, when Michael is driving the boat away, and he and Jack look at each other, there is a small island in the distance that is definately not connected with the main island.

If that is the same pier Sayid, Sun and Jin went to, surely they saw it too?

Sayid even has a map of the friggin' island in episode 302! And it shows a few small islands offshore.
And he says the should go north because Jack mightn't see the 1st fire.

Also, there's another island over Suns shoulder as she says, "I can help you sail the boat."

In conclusion, there are probably a few islands, so how could Eko know which one is which?

Urban Legend
« Reply #653 on: 11-11-2006 15:53 »

Because he got a messege from God.  HELLLO FAZE, WE ALL MUST LISTEN TO THE GOD STICK.

Bending Unit
« Reply #654 on: 11-11-2006 15:56 »

Well I am still backing my idea of him seeing something important when he was on the cliff [or whatever you call the thing he climbed] he may have seen a boat docked on a certint island.  But I don't think the question is how does Eko know which island but how would Locke and Desmond know which one?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #655 on: 11-11-2006 20:02 »

no sarcasm, that was serious, i think thats an excellent explanation!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #656 on: 11-11-2006 22:00 »

It's Jesus Stick, Charlie said so.  :p

Quote Eko when he reached the top of the cliff (S02E21), "I don't see nothin", and it shows you a few hills that he sees.

I doubt that he meant it as a double negative, and I'd say it's highly unlikely that he saw anything but those few hills they show you when he reaches the top!

Bending Unit
« Reply #657 on: 11-11-2006 22:22 »

Lies, all Lies.  Because didn't he see his brother up there? {I may be wrong because I don't remember the episode very well]. If not, Can anybody think of a different time when Eko may have seen another island?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #658 on: 11-11-2006 22:28 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 22:28 »

I have it on my hard drive, I watched it a few minutes ago!

Locke has a dream where Eko sees his brother in Lockes wheelchair at the top, but behind him is more cliff, and Eko falls after that so sees nuthin'!

When he really does it, he climbs up, looks around in a dissaponted way, camera pans across some non-pier-seeing views, Locke shouts up and he shouts down, "I don't see nothin", then he turns and sees the big question/circle mark above the plane, then it cuts to him and Locke at the bottom checking it out.

Bending Unit
« Reply #659 on: 11-11-2006 22:36 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 22:36 »

Thanks, I guess I was wrong.

There are sooo many things in this show that I have missed, I have been reading wikipedia about all the connections to the people before they came to the island, I really wish I could catch all this while watching.  This was also cool that I found about Locke and Eko

In I Do, Locke notices a scripture on Eko's "Jesus stick" that reads "Lift up your eyes and look north - John 3:05." Locke's first name is John.

I wonder if the 3:05 is going to give them the knowledge of the right island.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #660 on: 11-11-2006 22:57 »

I'm confused, I looked it up, John 3:05 is:
"Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit."  :hmpf:
Maybe the John 3:05 bit was unrelated, and Eko was running out of stick space, a coincidence, or, A TRAP!  :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #661 on: 11-11-2006 23:28 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 23:28 »

Maybe it doesnt mean north like our directions.  Eko was a man of God, kinda.  What if north meant up, to the sky.  It wouldnt hint towards another island, but...its another thought.

Anyone been to http://www.thehansofoundation.org/  lately?  All gone except a letter from a guy.

Holy shit, I clicked on the word humanity and got scared.

Also, on the bottom of hanso's letter.  look at the letters, can anyone understand them?

Space Pope
« Reply #662 on: 11-12-2006 02:30 »

Originally posted by Slackit02:

Also, on the bottom of hanso's letter.  look at the letters, can anyone understand them?

Those letters are just abreviations. (Remember the various Hanso foudation programs?)
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #663 on: 11-12-2006 04:30 »

Yeah, the Hanso thing was all resolved. Alvar was being held hostage, Rachel was Alvars daughter, Alvar is going to start fixing the Hanso Foundation. tada!

Also, i'm with Faze, I think John is unrelated.

Urban Legend
« Reply #664 on: 11-13-2006 06:41 »

 I wish i could be smart and catch all this cool stuff like you guys. 

regardless of the last epsiode (eww, may i say) i still have no idea how i'm going to survive until february. my wednesdays used to be fun; now they're just depressing (especially with the mediocre new south park episodes!).
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #665 on: 11-13-2006 06:51 »

It's all a trick Hilly, we're not actually smart, we just steal these thoughts from people on other message boards and then make it look like our own thoughts here...

I mean, you idiot.

Also, i'll be having my own little LOST adventure during the break. I'm going to South Africa for 5 weeks. Please Pray i come back...


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #666 on: 11-13-2006 11:22 »

Don't worry chay, you can always use the computer there to communicate with us, in between entering the numbers.

Bending Unit
« Reply #667 on: 11-13-2006 13:40 »

Originally posted by Futurama_Hil:
 I wish i could be smart and catch all this cool stuff like you guys. 

Haha, so far all my ideas have been proven not possible, I think I need to start stealing other people's ideas and post them here as my own.    :D

Space Pope
« Reply #668 on: 11-13-2006 14:00 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Don't worry chay, you can always use the computer there to communicate with us, in between entering the numbers.

Listen to Uncle Faze, Chay.
And watch out for those sneaky polar bears. They turn up everywhere these days.  :p
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #669 on: 11-13-2006 17:32 »

I should start being really racist and call all the black people Mr. Eko, i'm sure that would go down well!

Space Pope
« Reply #670 on: 11-13-2006 18:15 »

Do it!

In other news, I re-watched the last episode, and I'm of the opinion that the gaffers deserve an emmy for the lighting on the aquarium set. Beautiful.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #671 on: 11-14-2006 01:21 »

I demand to know more detail! Explain yourself!

Bending Unit
« Reply #672 on: 11-15-2006 13:03 »
« Last Edit on: 11-15-2006 13:03 »

The first half of the season just ended and all there is to talk about is the light in the aquarium?  This is going to be a long couple of months.

Space Pope
« Reply #673 on: 11-15-2006 13:14 »

[Teal'c]Indeed.[/Teal'c]  :p

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #674 on: 11-15-2006 13:51 »

At least the new hatch has bathroom (but no kitchen centre table thing) and a TV.
And a pirate show!  :D

Oh wait, they cancelled the pirate show.  :(

Space Pope
« Reply #675 on: 11-15-2006 16:05 »

Somebody should encounter the BCT™ in the bathroom...perhaps the red-shirt guy?  :evillaugh:
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #676 on: 11-15-2006 17:22 »

i love uncyclopedia's Red Shirt page.

Urban Legend
« Reply #677 on: 11-18-2006 10:16 »

Lost sucks more and more.  I dont even miss it.  Heroes is so much better.  SCREW THIS THREAD, AND SCREW YOU CHAY  :love:
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #678 on: 11-25-2006 08:58 »


Take it back.
Agent Rodriquez

Delivery Boy
« Reply #679 on: 12-03-2006 01:31 »

So who here watched SNL tonight with our favorite island doctor?

I enjoyed the bit with all of the guys in the elevator talking to Foxy about Lost.

"I got a theory for ya...you guys have nothing. the writers are sitting around asking 'what do you think is gonna happen next' 'I don't know, what do you think?'"

"Don't tell me what's happening in season 3."
"Oh so we have to live around your tv schedule? You seen Seven? It was Gwyneth Paltrow's head in  the box."
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