chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #643 on: 11-10-2006 02:40 »
« Last Edit on: 11-10-2006 02:40 »
RUNNING COMMENTARY! YAY HOT KATE!!! YAY, MAL!!! NOOO BEN'S GOING TO DIE!!! END PART 1 OF COMMENTARY! Have to go to my girlfriends house  Edit: PART 2!!! YAY!!! MAl again. Look North WTF? NO!!! Kate, Sawyer NoooO!! ...wait, are they about to do it in the cage?...um it would appear so, the cameras? I bet ben's enjoying himself, i doubt he gets 4chan on the island. Oooo, poor "Monica" can't travel! Jack, i feel your pain buddy. WAit! Off teh island noes! Nathan Fillion is good at being drugged by beautiful ladies. If only JD was assisting with the surgery! Sheppard wasn't on jacob's list? Eh?!?!?! NOES SAWYER!!! NAKED KATE, LOOK OUT! The plot thickens! if only Ben's blood could to! DEAR GOD PLEASE!!! RADIO IN NOW JACK!!! NOW!!! I like sawyer muchly! ( i have it paused with sawyer on his knees, don't know if he dies yet... Oh thank christ. FUCKING RUN KATE YOU TWO TIMING SLEEZE WHORE BAGGING CUNT!!! Whew, i got a little carried away there, but wow, quite and episode. EDITAGAIN: Wah, that was the cliff hanger? i thought next week was the cliffhanger? Nuts! TV.com mislead me by having "Not in portland anymore in the list for so long. i won't survive!!!

Space Pope
« Reply #649 on: 11-11-2006 02:43 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 02:43 »
Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: TV audiences need a human face of evil (and a cloudy monstery face of evil), so Ben is the human part.
True, but it's quite obvious that Juliet is ten times as evil as Ben. And on top of that, she has a far more appealing appearance than Ben. I'd say she is the new frontrunner in the 'Queen bitch of the Universe Island'™ competition. Those 10 fish biscuits are so mine. Hmm, fish biscuits. 

DOOP Ubersecretary
I watched the season 2 finale again, when Michael is driving the boat away, and he and Jack look at each other, there is a small island in the distance that is definately not connected with the main island. If that is the same pier Sayid, Sun and Jin went to, surely they saw it too? Sayid even has a map of the friggin' island in episode 302! And it shows a few small islands offshore. And he says the should go north because Jack mightn't see the 1st fire. Also, there's another island over Suns shoulder as she says, "I can help you sail the boat." In conclusion, there are probably a few islands, so how could Eko know which one is which? 

DOOP Ubersecretary
It's Jesus Stick, Charlie said so.  Quote Eko when he reached the top of the cliff (S02E21), "I don't see nothin", and it shows you a few hills that he sees. I doubt that he meant it as a double negative, and I'd say it's highly unlikely that he saw anything but those few hills they show you when he reaches the top!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #658 on: 11-11-2006 22:28 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 22:28 »
I have it on my hard drive, I watched it a few minutes ago!
Locke has a dream where Eko sees his brother in Lockes wheelchair at the top, but behind him is more cliff, and Eko falls after that so sees nuthin'!
When he really does it, he climbs up, looks around in a dissaponted way, camera pans across some non-pier-seeing views, Locke shouts up and he shouts down, "I don't see nothin", then he turns and sees the big question/circle mark above the plane, then it cuts to him and Locke at the bottom checking it out.

Urban Legend
« Reply #661 on: 11-11-2006 23:28 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2006 23:28 »
Maybe it doesnt mean north like our directions. Eko was a man of God, kinda. What if north meant up, to the sky. It wouldnt hint towards another island, but...its another thought. Anyone been to http://www.thehansofoundation.org/ lately? All gone except a letter from a guy. Holy shit, I clicked on the word humanity and got scared. Also, on the bottom of hanso's letter. look at the letters, can anyone understand them?