DOOP Ubersecretary
If you guys ever see a short film called "Ward 13" listed in the TV Guide (possibly as part of The Animation Show), watch it, it's the best 14 minute claymation short film ever. Trailer on the website here!Hard to believe it came out of Australia... nothing good has come out of Australia since... Ummm... Well, enjoy the film!
Space Pope
Faze: Ooh! Ooh! I've seen that! He decapitates things with walking sticks!* The ending's nicely done, too! *Walking sticks: Not just for old people anymore!*escapes from PEEL on a hospital bed*
Space Pope
« Reply #98 on: 02-04-2006 20:31 »
« Last Edit on: 02-04-2006 20:31 »
That Firefly MovieAs a big Buffy fan and all around nerd, you'd think I'm the prime audience for this movie. I guess, since I never watched, or had any interest in the original TV show, I'm not the super primest audience. But if this movie was planning on reaching out even the slightest bit beyond it's core fan base, then you'd expect I would like it, right? Well it was pretty darn average. It wasn't exactly BAD, but it was, at times, one or more of the following: confusing, boring, clichéd, and unoriginal. The concept of a western in space doesn't really appeal to me and even the costumes seemed lazy and incongruent (one lady is in what looks like an ao dai, another man is in a white button down shirt and a tie, a third woman is dressed in what looks like a left-over "sexy alien" costume from Star Trek). As a costume-nerd I notice stuff like that and I'm sorry, but it pissed me off. I like the idea of the rage gas, but wasn't that the plot of 28 Days Later? But overall, it's not like I wanted to kill myself, so I give it a C+
DOOP Ubersecretary
Rage gas? I don't remember a rage gas... I'd think I'd remember if there was a rage gas. Madagascar Pengiuns in A Christmas Caper:Wooo! They're awesome.
DOOP Secretary
80% = A-? Where did YOU go to school?
...Actually, at my university, 80% just makes the cut for an A-
Space Pope
The Blob (1958)Frightening monster? Check. Annoying characters? Check. Convincing actors? Check. Scary music score? Check. Oh, the horror! A+
Urban Legend
VF, I'm going to do what I normally do and explain something to someone that they probably don't care about or even remember bringing up. The mixed-up costumes in Serenity are a big part of Firefly's kitsch; human culture at that time's pretty much an incongruous blend of every modern civilization just sorta thrown together for fun. That's how you get the Japanese commercials, Australian crimelords, ubiquitous Chinese swearing, space-cowboys vs. cyberpunk dictators, etc. This extends to the costumes, which are mostly a mix of American and Chinese styles from the last 2 or 3 centuries, mostly to mix the cowboy look with the "classic" Asian aesthetic. Does it make sense? Not really. But you're a Buffy fan, right? Sometimes you just have to accept weirdness. confusing, boring, clichéd, and unoriginal I don't fell like arguing these points, and really can't argue on clichéd. I'm just going to say I like it for the same reason anyone seems to like Whedon: the characters and the witty banter.
DOOP Secretary
Walk The LineMmm, Johnny Cash biopic, starring Joaquin Phoenix and (Greasy) Reese Witherspoon. It's good. The principle characters are pretty much flawless and the performances (including the singing, which they do) is damn good. I was a bit disappointed that it kinda ended abruptly around 1968, however, that said, if it was to feature ALL of Johnny Cash's life then I'd've been sat there for five hours instead of two. Excellent.
DOOP Ubersecretary
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)I loved this movie, Robert Downey Jnr can play cool and droll, like in Air America, and teamed up with Val Kilmer worked great, very funny movie. Some nice narration, movie references and nipplage to satisfy me too: Sexy detective thriller comedy, great stuff. A
DOOP Ubersecretary
*bump* SyrianaMmmmmm, political... From many points of view on the subject of the oil industry in the middle east and the US. George Clooney, Matt Damon and Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig?) from DS9 are in it, all doing some nice acting. The plot or outcome isn't entirely obvious or laid out easily for you, you have to read between the lines and try to work out what's going down Some really cool scenes and locations used too, i.e the big oil plant/ship. Kind of grim view of the complicated goings on, I was left feeling "this is what's happening over there? will it ever change? " B+