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Author Topic: Movie Review Thread V: Electric Bugaloo  (Read 25621 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #40 on: 12-30-2005 14:03 »

Fun with Dick and Jane

I liked it a lot. No loss of Jim Carrey humor. Oddly enough it didn't feel like a movie just a TV sitcom. I find that weird. But it was really good and I will appreciate it more when I understand economics more.


Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 12-30-2005 21:34 »

The Producers



Urban Legend
« Reply #42 on: 12-30-2005 22:36 »

Wolf Creek Boriiiiiing! It took a full hour before they even met the serial killer, and he was rather tame.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #43 on: 12-31-2005 05:55 »

I keep hearing stuff about that movie its so friggan violent and scary from the sounds of things its bullshit

Urban Legend
« Reply #44 on: 12-31-2005 10:35 »

He was the lamest serial killer ever. i could be a better serial killer.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #45 on: 12-31-2005 12:03 »

Originally posted by Venus:

Wolf Creek Boriiiiiing! It took a full hour before they even met the serial killer, and he was rather tame.

Thanks for saving the wife-person and me $25+ (tickets, concessions, etc).  She likes horror movies, but only good ones.  She saw your review and told me to just go out and rent any of the 'Nightmare On Elm Street' movies instead of us going to see this movie tonight.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 12-31-2005 12:08 »


It was good but it was well too long


Space Pope
« Reply #47 on: 12-31-2005 13:04 »

Worst CGI movie ever! Right down there with Antz,Shark Tail and Ice Age. Worst of all I wasted 20 bucks. F

Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 12-31-2005 13:42 »

Hey! Ice Age is good!

Also Ralph, if she's into gore get Saw. The acting's kinda lame but yay for clever deaths!

Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 12-31-2005 14:18 »

Saw was one of the few movies that could actually scare me. And it has Cary Elwes!

Space Pope
« Reply #50 on: 12-31-2005 20:50 »

...over-acting so badly, it made me want to strangle a small puppy in an ironic fashion.

Urban Legend
« Reply #51 on: 12-31-2005 21:33 »

Well, he was probably the only actor they could find who was willing to saw his foot off. Give him a break.

Space Pope
« Reply #52 on: 12-31-2005 23:10 »

The 40 Year-Old Virgin Unrated

I had to watch it with my mom who wasn't wild about letting me watch it anyway. I can see why. But it was funny and I'll appreciate it more when I'm in collage.


Urban Legend
« Reply #53 on: 01-01-2006 00:40 »
« Last Edit on: 01-01-2006 00:40 »

I keep hearing stuff about that movie its so friggan violent and scary from the sounds of things its bullshit

Scary? No, not really. Somewhat violent, slightly disturbing in it's way. The serial killer is like an Evil Mick Dundee, so whether you find him scary or not depends entirely on whether you have a deepseeded fear of Australian bumpkins.

I saw it a while ago, but I don't feel like doing a proper review, so here is a quarter-assed one: meh. Oh, and the spectacular idiocy of the protagonists really got on my nerves.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
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« Reply #54 on: 01-01-2006 01:15 »

@ Venus or Nix:

The Hostel (maybe that's how it's spelled).  The latest Quinten Tarrentino movie.  Have either of you viewed it yet?

Urban Legend
« Reply #55 on: 01-01-2006 01:26 »

It's not out yet. The theater i work at get's it on the 6th. I'm sure i'll see it withen the first few days. Looks promising enough.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #56 on: 01-01-2006 02:30 »

Originally posted by homerjaysimpson:
Worst CGI movie ever! Right down there with Antz,Shark Tail and Ice Age. Worst of all I wasted 20 bucks. F

Just saw the preview thing for this on tv the CGI animation does'nt look that bad and also AntZ and Ice Age was good can't say much about shark tail have'nt seen it

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #57 on: 01-01-2006 02:34 »

Incidentally, Hostel isn't technically Tarantino's.  It's written and directed by Eli Roth - Tarantino was an executive producer, according to imdb

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #58 on: 01-01-2006 09:32 »

Eli Roth, director of Cabin Fever, both that and Hostel are supposed to be good.

Space Pope
« Reply #59 on: 01-01-2006 13:08 »

I am not sure of what to make of Hostel. I'm not really for the torture without a good reason plot but that's what I thought of Saw until someone told me the reasoning of it.

Space Pope
« Reply #60 on: 01-01-2006 23:49 »

Fun With Dick and Jane
I never saw the 1977 version so lalalala I haven't got anything to complain about. First movie of the new year ( freaky or what?  :eek: ) and didn't disappoint. Lots of funny little bits with Jim Carrey and that Téa Leoni woman, so it gets a virtual dancing thumbs-up from me.

A (but only using the Ugandan grading system  :mad: )

Space Pope
« Reply #61 on: 01-02-2006 20:05 »

Fun with Dick and Jane
(aka: we were 30 minutes late for that Geisha movie)

The theater smelled like dead feet in the ball pit at a McDonalds. The movie was not as bad. I thought it was a cute, lighthearted romp that winked at corporate morality in the new economy. . . It probably wasn't as good as the Geisha movie would have been, though. I'm glad Tea Leoni is working again, because I think she's a likeable actress. Jim Carrey is really getting old, especially evident in the close-ups. His happy/drunk/upset dancing/antics/stupidness was kinda annoying and seemed added to the script just because it was a Jim Carrey movie. I assume someone like Nick Cage wouldn't be doing that kind of crap.


The Brothers Grimm: Boring C-

Space Pope
« Reply #62 on: 01-03-2006 06:09 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Incidentally, Hostel isn't technically Tarantino's.  It's written and directed by Eli Roth - Tarantino was an executive producer, according to imdb

And what did Tarantino do for this movie?

Aside from allowing that his name would be placed on top of the adverts for that movie so that certain 'people' would be tempted to watch it just because its "whoa, a new Tarantino!" ...?  :rolleyes:

End of rant

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 01-03-2006 21:41 »

*is one of those people*

I think it's more like, "Ooh. Tarantino likes this movie enough to "present it." It must be cool."

It worked with "Hero"

Urban Legend
« Reply #64 on: 01-03-2006 23:17 »

Except that the import version was better.  Oh well, more people saw it this way, so I can geek out to a wider audience.

Plus it's not like films are famous or make lots of money just for being good.  I mean, Serenity for Christ's sake.  Hell, it even had a famous director, and still no one saw it.

Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 01-03-2006 23:26 »

Yes, but it reached its core audience, didn't it? All you guys blab about is how good it is. Is it realistic to expect it to be bigger than it was? *shrugs* I have no interest in seeing it. Make me want to see it. Go ahead. Now!

Urban Legend
« Reply #66 on: 01-04-2006 00:14 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #67 on: 01-04-2006 00:19 »

Ooh, it gots one of dem vagina-having things? I'm there.

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 01-04-2006 00:42 »

Hey, it was the best I could come up with on short notice.  Really, it's the acting and character humor that make the film great, and it's hard to convey those convincingly in text.

Space Pope
« Reply #69 on: 01-04-2006 01:43 »

The acting was good? Which Serenity did you see..?

Urban Legend
« Reply #70 on: 01-04-2006 02:16 »
« Last Edit on: 01-04-2006 02:16 »

I'm comparing it to two categories of visual art:

Other science fiction.
Joss Whedon's other projects.

It's all relative.

Also, I confess.  I'm really bad at forming fully-fledged arguments.  I tend to start with a few emotionally asserted but unprovable premises, hope my audience buys into them, and then fast-talk my way into a believable conclusion.  Sadly, that's never worked on Jeremy.  Or you, for that matter.

Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 01-04-2006 02:55 »

Originally posted by Jeremy:
*is one of those people*

I think it's more like, "Ooh. Tarantino likes this movie enough to "present it." It must be cool."

It worked with "Hero"

I think that there quite a few out there that thought that he had directed Hero.

Fuckin' Miramax.  :p

Starship Captain
« Reply #72 on: 01-04-2006 11:15 »

Spirited Away

The single best animated film I have ever seen. Breathtaking scences with all the action a film needs.

I watched this almost immediatly after the first time Id seen it.

A++++++++++++++++++ (And one of the best films ive ever seen).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #73 on: 01-05-2006 01:06 »

Joss Whedon kicks ass he has some great ideas for stuff

Urban Legend
« Reply #74 on: 01-05-2006 07:27 »
« Last Edit on: 01-05-2006 07:27 »

The Producers

Bloody fantastic!


Space Pope
« Reply #75 on: 01-05-2006 07:44 »

Originally posted by Jeremy:
Yes, but it reached its core audience, didn't it? All you guys blab about is how good it is. Is it realistic to expect it to be bigger than it was? *shrugs* I have no interest in seeing it. Make me want to see it. Go ahead. Now!

I agree with you 500%. Good job. I'll pretend that I made that post.

Urban Legend
« Reply #76 on: 01-05-2006 13:08 »

Nix, make her want to see it.  Unchain her from the oven if you have to.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #77 on: 01-05-2006 14:40 »

Remember that time USC won the Rose Bowl?  Yeah, neither do I...  :rolleyes:


Space Pope
« Reply #78 on: 01-05-2006 20:37 »

Originally posted by Nerd-o-rama:
Nix, make her want to see it.  Unchain her from the oven if you have to.
I hope you aren't holding your breath on that one. Nice try though.

Space Pope
« Reply #79 on: 01-08-2006 22:10 »

Walk the Line

Really good. Honestly I had no good idea of who Johny Cash was until I heard about the movie. Resse Witherspoon was great in that movie. I loved it. There was something that bothered me about the movie but now I forget. I was kind of mad that for about 20 minutes after the movie me and my sister had to stand outside in the cold waiting for my mom cause I had no cell phone and I couldn't find a working payphone.

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