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Author Topic: Helping the newbs  (Read 11201 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #120 on: 05-21-2004 05:37 »
« Last Edit on: 05-21-2004 05:37 »

Well, i was greeted by the one and only FutureFreak, ah the days when she would great us all.

EDIT: On another note, i added an advert to the PEEL File Uploader. I just ask that i get a few clicks now and then for this service.

Bending Unit
« Reply #121 on: 05-21-2004 12:26 »

I'm sooooo glad I found this!  This is the most help I've gotten.  A big sorry to everyone for my anoying, redundent threds. :( I was just trying out the system.  Try and be patient with me.  Thanks for being Freindly germenfryfan!!   ;)

Urban Legend
« Reply #122 on: 05-21-2004 14:30 »

I was greeted nicely and then I proceeded to piss everyone off in a disorderly manner. Considering that they didn't know who I was and weren't used to it, it was surely not taken nicely. Especially when you wig out on a mod.

Space Pope
« Reply #123 on: 05-21-2004 15:23 »

except me, i've seen you in a chatroom  :p
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #124 on: 05-21-2004 16:14 »

Originally posted by SlackJawedMoron:
 No welcome for you, though, nasty. You suck.   :p

*loudly cries and runs in corner*

I'm so sad and lonely... I'm gonna go eat a bucket of ice cream *sobs*   :cry:

Bending Unit
« Reply #125 on: 05-27-2004 04:33 »

as you know i am not so long here!
So i have a question: I set my avatar and my sig at my profile. But when i post something here, i canīt see my avatar also not my sig!
Whatīs the problem?

Space Pope
« Reply #126 on: 05-27-2004 06:06 »
« Last Edit on: 05-27-2004 06:06 »

PEELers' FAQ: My signature wont show, and I have uploaded a picture in the profile. Help! - Should explain the siggy.

For the avatar, are you seeing none or just your old one? If it's your old one try clearing your browser's cache and/or refreshing the page.

Bending Unit
« Reply #127 on: 05-27-2004 07:19 »

Ah okay, thanks for your help  :)

« Reply #128 on: 06-10-2004 08:08 »
« Last Edit on: 09-05-2004 00:00 by Tweek »

Now, there's all this talk that bores the n00bs, let's make it graphic!!

Image too wide

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #129 on: 06-10-2004 13:45 »

Wow, that image is hosted by Angelfire!

« Reply #130 on: 06-12-2004 13:06 »

or was it?

Space Pope
« Reply #131 on: 09-03-2004 18:15 »

Since i've changed webhosts and have a new domain, the PEELers' FAQ should be linked to at the following URL:

Urban Legend
« Reply #132 on: 09-04-2004 15:33 »
« Last Edit on: 09-04-2004 15:33 »

I really don't like the way people have been waving the FAQ in peoples faces. It's one thing if they actually do something wrong, but innocent people are getting slammed with 40 posts of "REED TEH FAQUE LOL!!!!11". It's fucking annoying, and it's spam.

Besides, if a noob does something like constantly flaming people, do you think they're going to read the FAQ? No. They should be stormed off the board.

Note: This is a good example of when to use the FAQ links/pictures.

Space Pope
« Reply #133 on: 09-04-2004 15:41 »

Normally, if it's a welcome post i include a friendly link to the FAQ, and i've not seen complaints from people when it's posted. It seems to get read quite a lot (as i have seen from website stats), and so i don't see a problem with it.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #134 on: 09-04-2004 16:44 »

Lampy, I don't think that posting a link to the FAQ is meant to be a way of saying "These are the rules. Don't break them."  It's more a way of saying "Hi there.  If you have any questions, here's the FAQ."  I mean, that's what the FAQ is for; answering frequently asked questions.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #135 on: 09-04-2004 20:16 »

David: I think that TLI is talking about the inordinate amounts of pleasure others take from waving the FAQ at people. Some just take it too far.

Personally, I think that the FAQ should be linked to from the main forums page. In really big letters.

Then, if people want to take a look, they know where to find it, and the dicktards who love to post a zillion links, the ones that TLI is annoyed at, won't be linking to it all the time, or they'll be known as "spamtards". Because they're usually also the ones who love to point the finger and shout "spam!" when there's just no need.

TLI: I know what you're on about. Ignore David. He's missing the point, whihc means that he's unaware of the problem, which is nice for him, because that means he has nothing to be angry about.

David: in case you didn't infer from that the fact that I don't think you got it, please don't try to tell me you "got" "it". TLI has a point.

Aslate: Yes, you normally use the FAQ as nature intended. With a smile and the intent to edufy. I salute you.

N00bz: This doesn't exonerate you from your responsibilities. Do read the FAQ. It can save you a lot of hassle and heartache.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #136 on: 09-04-2004 21:42 »

It's not often that I agree with Lampy, but he's totally right in this instance.  Posting a link to the FAQ was supposed to help cut out spam and worthless threads.  Instead it's become a way for spammers to up their post count, whilst appearing to make a legitimate post.

Urban Legend
« Reply #137 on: 09-07-2004 01:59 »

Once again, I wish we had sticky threads.  Put the FAQ, the search button, and some Rules of the Road in said thread, lock it, and post it.  Put it in the General Discussion forum, because that's where newbies gravitate.  While this "Rules of the Road" thread is nice, very few people actually come to the Wish Void.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #138 on: 09-07-2004 06:47 »
« Last Edit on: 09-07-2004 06:47 »

I think a small link to the FAQ is great, people can click it if they want, it isn't stapled to thier eye socket.
However, having it posted at the sight of every poppler and Crusty is sheer moronicy, do you really think that that is the only time they're going to see it? Even the noobs will get sick of seeing thier kin getting that waved in thier face.
And that damn picture that's with it almost everytime is starting to shit me, and others too, i'm sure. Sure, it looks cool, but it's big, intrusive, and probably gives the impression that they've done something wrong. However friendly it may be, you don't want to make one post in a new forum and be told the rules directly like that.

A small link to the FAQ is all that is nessessary.
A perfect example by Mr. Slater

« Reply #139 on: 09-14-2004 08:05 »

Man, all this stuff is really gonna help me here!
Thanks all!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #140 on: 10-23-2004 22:11 »

Is there any way to know just how many post you have done? I mean I know we roughly know how many post, like for example if you are a crustacean you have 5 to 49 posts. But wot I really wanna know is the exact posts?


The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #141 on: 10-23-2004 22:20 »

click on your profile .
There you'll see how many posts you've made  :)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #142 on: 10-23-2004 23:56 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #143 on: 10-24-2004 14:02 »

I don't see how posting when you think you'll get to a certain rank helps newbies in any way, it is just spam  :rolleyes:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 10-24-2004 17:43 »

And that's why I just cleaned out this thread.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #145 on: 10-26-2004 19:19 »

Oh, thanks germanfryfan and totalnerduk.     :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #146 on: 10-31-2004 21:28 »
« Last Edit on: 10-31-2004 21:28 »

I am wondering, how you put pictures other than the ones they suggested on the left hand column of your posts?

I just realised the previous post is also done by me, I am not double posting, but placing a new question several days later, if I edit the previous post, it would not show as a new post so...

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #147 on: 10-31-2004 21:35 »
« Last Edit on: 10-31-2004 21:35 »

you mean these avatars (now you have a Leela one).

You have to draw one, or let somebody draw one (ask here).
Then, when you got it into the fitting rules, which are given here, ask for it to be uploaded to custom here.

Easy, he?    :rolleyes:

edit: These double posts are ok, there where several days between and to get attention you had to post. It's called "bumping" then   ;)

Starship Captain
« Reply #148 on: 11-01-2004 14:50 »

Speaking of which i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get those little animatics of the PE Crew you normal see posted when someone has a TOTPD? And if you have to host them in Imageshack or photobucket etc.etc.
Starship Captain
« Reply #149 on: 11-01-2004 14:54 »

GFF's animation page of course!  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #150 on: 11-01-2004 14:59 »

Cool! Thanks  :)

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #151 on: 11-01-2004 16:23 »

Screw the newbs!

« Reply #152 on: 11-01-2004 16:44 »

Originally posted by Rage Dump:
And that damn picture that's with it almost everytime is starting to shit me, and others too, i'm sure.
Yeah I hate that picture too, its really patronising towards new members as it suggests that they know nothing about posting sensibly.

And the FAQ is great, I like the way it also offers some insight into the workings/traditions of the board.

Do "Hi, I'm new" threads really cause much of a problem? I just think they're a good way for people to get to know the new guy/gal and encourage them to stay.

*Sigh* With futurama dead, how much longer can this gem of a message board last?

Urban Legend
« Reply #153 on: 11-01-2004 16:53 »

Originally posted by Zmithy:
 Yeah I hate that picture too, its really patronising towards new members as it suggests that they know nothing about posting sensibly.

Do "Hi, I'm new" threads really cause much of a problem?

1) I said that in another thread, I'm pretty sure I beat him to it. However, it's not like I'm disagreeing. It's obnoxious.
2) As far as "I'm new" threads...why the hell would anyone think they're so special? If you ask me, it's bullshit.

Urban Legend
« Reply #154 on: 11-05-2004 02:49 »

And now, a change from all the flames and spam...

Since our Fearless Admins refuce to give us sticky threads, can someone maybe put a link to GFF's PEEL FAQ on the main page?  It's a lot more useful to total newbs than our regular FAQ, and there's info in there that I still use today.  Also, I'm sick of having it clutter up my bookmarks.  I noticed people stopped linking to it in "Welcome" posts, and I realy think it would help out the newbs.

While we're on the subject, we could make the PEEL FAQ link and the "Rules of the Road" Thread a little more prominent, if we're willing to slightly re-arrange the layout.  Like by getting rid of that ancient, obnoxious poll...

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #155 on: 11-05-2004 07:43 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 07:43 »

They refuse to give us sticky threads because Peel's database and board engine doesn't have this feature implemented.

But I second that statement for the FAQ, it should get link on the mainpage. Newbs probably still won't see it but the chance that they do is by far bigger.
As for the welcome posts: I've always tried to reduce the linking to the FAQ. Normally I did it whenever he / she realy crossed a rule, had some UBB-troubles or needed an explanation, but as long as there was nothing wrong at all, I thought there is no need for it to be linked.
Also I haven't used, nor seen the welcome pictures I've made, these some Peeler's keep bitching about, for over a month now. Still some people keep complaining   :confused:.

And the last thing: Thanks for giving me credits for the Peeler's FAQ, but it wasn't my achievment at all.
Aslate started to write and hosts it. It already existed when I joined PEEL.

Urban Legend
« Reply #156 on: 11-05-2004 11:09 »

Yeah, well...you always used to post it Sorry Aslate.  My point remains valid.  Also keep in mind my suggestion for larger links.

Space Pope
« Reply #157 on: 11-05-2004 12:03 »

I think that's a good idea also, makes sense.

I compiled the "Rules of the road" thread into a webpage and hosted it, and i've manged it since then.

Starship Captain
« Reply #158 on: 11-08-2004 08:10 »

good news everyone, i just got my best friend to join Peel. his name is cyberworm and he helped me write the lord of the rings jokes.

Starship Captain
« Reply #159 on: 11-09-2004 20:44 »

Hmmm... everyone really seems to hate on newbies.  Everyone has to be a newbie at some point. Me, being an intrigued newbie, wonders how this message board has "clicks" of people. Kind of like high school, but on a message board.  Everyone is stereotyping, but not by their clothes, by their avatar. Also, if you say long messages about politics or something you're probably smart.  If you say f*** once and awhile you are probably cool. I wonder if these people act like this in real life. Are these people actually smart and cool, or is it just nerds that found a place on the internet where they can be socially excepted? Or what about the mean ones, (for example:thelampincident) are they that mean in their daily lives or do they just let their rage out on the nice people of Peel, because it's easier not facing anyone.  Anyway, so much to learn. I'm a newbie.  Say it loud I'm a newbie and proud!!!
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