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Author Topic: Thoughts on [4ACV10] - The Why of Fry  (Read 14673 times)
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Delivery Boy
« Reply #200 on: 04-28-2003 20:15 »

Also, why does nobody like Harold Zoid? It's a complete mystery to me.
The writers tried to make him unreasonably demanding to be funny, but he instead ended up seeming like a total jerk to a lot of people.

Anyway, about the epsiode, it really rewards you if you think about it for a bit.  For instance, the first time I watched it when Fry is fading out of existence and saying "Scootie Puff Junior Suuuuucks...", I thought that he was just saying it at the last moment before he faded out, but when you think about it, he faded out because he said that.  When Nibbler knew to upgrade the Scooty-Puff, the change "rippled forward" and caused Fry never to get stuck in the Infosphere and get sent back in time, causing him to disappear.  Seeing the rippled effects of what he was doing come around a 1000 years and immediately affect him was kind of cool.

As for the quality of the episode, the plot was excellent, and there were some good jokes in there, but I'd say the overall humor value of the episode was mediorcre as far as Futurama episodes go.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #201 on: 05-01-2003 18:09 »

Okay, I've watched this episode for the fourth time in five days.  It's pure brilliance.  Although bits of the main plot were predictable (we've known for weeks beforehand that Fry would cause his past self to fall into the tube), the way it was done was unexpected enough to make the episode gripping.

And the jokes - bloody hilarious, especially some of the Nibblonians one-liners - "You will have 60 seconds to make an exciting escape", "You don't want to hear that... because it would be... BORING!" and Nibbler ordering the pizza: "I, period, C, period, Wiener".  Not to mention the Scooty Puff Jr. disintegrating in Fry's hands.  :laff:

As for Leela... I bet you're expecting me to babble on about the post-shower scene and stamp love smilies all over this post.  Well I'm not.  Leela has a lot of great moments in this episode, and it was worth putting up with the irritating Chaz for twenty minutes just to see her ram the badge in his mouth.  :D  And the final scene is just wonderful.  I love this episode, easily the best of McSeason 5, and up with "Luck of the Fryrish" and "Time Keeps on Slippin" as the best ever episode.  :)

« Reply #202 on: 05-02-2003 06:03 »

Yep, just saw the Ep. here in Aus (not on telly, downloaded it for all you Aussies wondering "what??"  ;) )

This episode was certainly a funny one!  :D loved every minute of it! and was great to see the link with Nibbler and Fry's freezing at last, and good to see zoidy again!  ;)

Fry:"Space delivery boy fry, reporting to duty!"
Zoidberg:"Dr. Zoidberg, Soaking in brine! *sprays water over amy though some blowhole in his head*"

hehe  :D

"Beavers mate for life"
"11 > 4"
"For quality carpets go to Camplins Carpet warehouse!"

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #203 on: 05-02-2003 06:50 »

I just saw the episode, im also in Australia, and i thought it was pretty good. It really throws up questions for the next few episodes.

Leela for Fry!

« Reply #204 on: 05-05-2003 19:37 »

I really liked it, now it is possible for nibbler to do something for leela to like fry.
i didnt understand why fry decided to go0 back to the past cuz in SP3K whe liked being frozen

Urban Legend
« Reply #205 on: 05-06-2003 06:18 »

That's true, Killerfox - but the thing he didn't like was being used. He had also hit a period of low self esteem and feeling he was wrong to be in the future. These two factors contributed to him going back in time with the intention of preventing himself coming to the future.

« Reply #206 on: 05-06-2003 18:00 »

well thats true

Urban Legend
« Reply #207 on: 05-09-2003 05:23 »
« Last Edit on: 05-09-2003 05:23 »

maybe the sole purpose the nibblonians pushing fry into the future was to stop the brains in TWoF And its all just a huge anti-climax
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #208 on: 05-09-2003 05:37 »

Originally posted by mikey:
maybe the sole purpose the nibblonians pushing fry into the future was to stop the brains in TWoF And its all just a huge anti-climax

He also stopped the brains in "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid".  And at the end of "THe Why of Fry" Nibbler hinted that Fry's help would be needed again.
The Hypno Toad

Bending Unit
« Reply #209 on: 05-25-2003 09:52 »

Wow......... I finally understand......

NO......wait.... This just got alot more confusing.... i guess they cant make alot more Futurama Episodes now....  :(

 :evillaugh: Dem0nGrymm@aol.com  :evillaugh:
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #210 on: 05-25-2003 18:02 »

Originally posted by The Hypno Toad:
i guess they cant make alot more Futurama Episodes now....   :(

Who'd have thought the show's cancellation would have such dire consequences?
The Master Con
« Reply #211 on: 05-25-2003 19:55 »

Remember that on the Season 1 commentaries they state that we will find out how Nibbler escaped Robot Hell. Perhaps in the finale we will find out that Fry has one last thing to do for the Nibbler's race or for the Universe for that matter.

Bending Unit
« Reply #212 on: 05-29-2003 19:54 »
« Last Edit on: 05-30-2003 00:00 by Kryten »

hoo'ah! i finally got to see it. i downloaded it from CENSORED.
Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #213 on: 05-29-2003 23:40 »

Dude, don't say where you got it from!

Bending Unit
« Reply #214 on: 05-30-2003 19:10 »

why cant i say where i got it from?
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #215 on: 05-30-2003 19:39 »

Read the PEEL rules.  No discussing downloadz.
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #216 on: 05-31-2003 00:45 »


Especially since CGEF actually links to What else? Futurama - New Zealand, with the comment

"many different original sections, though they specialize in EP downloads."

I don't want to be a traitor, I'm a true Futurama patriot, but I didn't really like the episode. The mayors aide jokes got a laugh, but the brains are still boring, the magical time warp and the entire last act were so forced.

"Beavers mate for life" and "11 greater than 4" were pretty good. IMO, the entire 'how Fry got to the future' plot was dragged out way too long. Should have ended with The Day The Earth Stood Stupid.

Starship Captain
« Reply #217 on: 06-01-2003 21:02 »

After having seen tonight's episode, The Sting, I must say that TWOF was a great lead in to this story.  I will be disappointed if they don't follow this up anywhere except in the Devils Hands episode.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #218 on: 08-22-2003 09:54 »

Just thought id put this topic back up for discussion since its airing Sunday. Great episode, love the nibbler episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #219 on: 08-22-2003 23:25 »

Not much Bender, but, a great followup to The Day The Earth Stood Stupid!!!
bob newhart

Delivery Boy
« Reply #220 on: 08-23-2003 12:30 »

this might have been mentioned already but it has me confused, if fry went back to stop himself but then pushed himself into the pod than wouldnt it have been both fry and nibblers shadow in the 1st episode?

Bending Unit
« Reply #221 on: 08-23-2003 22:45 »

Originally posted by bob newhart:
this might have been mentioned already but it has me confused, if fry went back to stop himself but then pushed himself into the pod than wouldnt it have been both fry and nibblers shadow in the 1st episode?

Fry's shadow is in Jurassic Bark along with Nibbler, and Nibbler's eyestalk is in the trash can in the same episode.
I think that they weren't excepting Fry to be there until S4 was being made, then they snuck Fry's shadow into that scene.

Space Pope
« Reply #222 on: 08-23-2003 23:08 »

In Space Pilot 3000 we see Timeline A where Nibbler freezes Fry. In Jurassic Bark we see Timeline B where Fry freezes Fry.

« Reply #223 on: 08-24-2003 00:40 »

did they actually explain why when Future Fry mentions the name Leela to Nibbler he says something like: "she must be the other one" ??

sorry if it was posted, didn't find an answer.. im such a slow reader!!

Starship Captain
« Reply #224 on: 08-24-2003 00:43 »

the "other" line was a lingering thought in my mind.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #225 on: 08-24-2003 14:32 »

No, we never got an explanation, but coupled with Nibbler's line "Oh we will, we will!", it's likely something that would've been explained in a 5ACV episode.

« Reply #226 on: 08-24-2003 15:58 »

yeah... maybe we will hear about it in the DVD vol 5

Space Pope
« Reply #227 on: 08-24-2003 15:59 »

Originally posted by gus:
yeah... maybe we will hear about it in the DVD vol 5

There are only going to be 4 DVD sets.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #228 on: 08-24-2003 16:05 »

Originally posted by starone:
the "other" line was a lingering thought in my mind.

Perhaps a movie could clear this thought up  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #229 on: 08-24-2003 22:32 »

Being a dumbass, I just saw it today for the first time.  I loved it. It was pretty funny all the way through.  The Leela/ Chaz sideplot was great, it set up that beautiful end.  Fry learning about the stuff was clool too. Good ep, definatley classic.


Urban Legend
« Reply #230 on: 08-24-2003 23:04 »

I'd only seen this ep through... illegitimate means so far, so seeing it in all its glory on TV was great. Favorite line:

Fry: I did do the nasty in the pasty!

Nibbler: Verily. And that past-nastification is what shields you from the brains.

  :laff: Any show that uses the phrase "past-nastification" is a classic.
Zack Brannigan

Bending Unit
« Reply #231 on: 08-24-2003 23:17 »

I, too, saw it for the first time tonight.  David X. Cohen hits another grand slam, in my opinion.  The guy is right behind Ken Keeler as one of my favorite writers.

Bending Unit
« Reply #232 on: 08-24-2003 23:18 »

Emmy-Winning episode? You Bet!
Tonight I watched it for the second time and I still find it really funny.
Great Job, DXC!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #233 on: 08-28-2003 14:41 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2003 14:41 »

Originally Posted By gus:
did they actually explain why when Future Fry mentions the name Leela to Nibbler he says something like: "she must be the other one" ??

My personal take on this is that it was a Star Wars reference. (As in  Princess Leia was the "other one"/Luke Skywalker's sister.) Maybe, if the series was to continue; it was a set up for a future episode where Leela turns out to be Fry's sister, (being that Fry had a crush on Leela/just as Luke had a crush on Leia in the first Star Wars). In both scenarios, both man/woman were in close quarters on a spaceship. Plus, (a side note), "Leela" similar to "Leia".

Some of my favorite parts:

Fry bobbing at the pineapple.

Fry: "So I really am important, how I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock..."

When the Scooty Puff Jr. falls apart on Fry.

Brain1: "You fool, you will be transported to the other universe with us, trapped there for all eternity."
Brain 2: "And we'll form a tightly knit click that you won't be part of!"

Bending Unit
« Reply #234 on: 08-28-2003 17:07 »

Originally posted by zvoidx:
  My personal take on this is that it was a Star Wars reference. (As in  Princess Leia was the "other one"/Luke Skywalker's sister.) Maybe, if the series was to continue; it was a set up for a future episode where Leela turns out to be Fry's sister, (being that Fry had a crush on Leela/just as Luke had a crush on Leia in the first Star Wars). In both scenarios, both man/woman were in close quarters on a spaceship. Plus, (a side note), "Leela" similar to "Leia".

I don't think they would've done this. For starters, they would realize how many of thier fans would be upset by it (I know I would be pissed off as hell). Second, they've shown them in bed together (even if only on the What If machine), and that's a little gross (of course, Fry also knocked up his grandmother). Third, Leela was born a thousand years after Fry, and we saw Fry's birth to his parents, and Leela's birth to her's.

In conclusion, it doesn't matter since Futurama is over, but I sincerely doubt it.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #235 on: 08-28-2003 18:34 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2003 18:34 »

Whoah...wait up! This is a satirical show here...What I said was, "Maybe...it was a set up for a future episode". The key word here being "episode". I wasn't implying some permanence to this idea.
With Futurama, you can pretty much create any scenario. For example, I could see a show where Farnsworth explains how Leela and Fry were part of some secret cloning experiment in the 1970's/1980's. Leela suffered a side effect of having one eye and she was sent into the future to cover up the evidence of the project. Fry stayed in the past and coincedentally ended up meeting Leela in the future. They find out that they have the same "father", a donor to a lab. Of course in the end, Farnsworth proves that the data was wrong and Fry goes back to having a crush on Leela. Possible name for episode, "Puke, I'm your father".   ;)
Sorry, for that whole spiel, but my point being that it was a possible set-up for (ONE) episode like that.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #236 on: 11-18-2003 07:17 »

Originally posted by gus:
did they actually explain why when Future Fry mentions the name Leela to Nibbler he says something like: "she must be the other one" ??

sorry if it was posted, didn't find an answer.. im such a slow reader!!

So has anybody figured out what that line meant? Or is it agreed upon that it is an unsolved mystery that would've been solved had there been more episodes made.

Still wondering about that one. Other than that, I loved the episode. I loved it so much I think it would've made a better season ender than that "The Devil's Hands" ep. The ending of "The Why of Fry" was somehow more touching and felt so much better than the ending of "the Devils hands" That's IMO of course.


Bending Unit
« Reply #237 on: 11-18-2003 08:18 »

Well saw it last night for the umpteenth time, but on TV! Wich was wierd cus i thought Futurama didn't show in Sweden anymore, and i had to put up with crappy subtitels and a comercial  :nono:
Anyhoo...The jokes are over average but nothing spectacular, altho it has a few golden ones like Fry trying to eat that pine-apple, but what makes this episode so fantastic is without a dout the shippy part, love that ending  :love:

Bending Unit
« Reply #238 on: 11-18-2003 19:55 »

easily ranks in the top five Futurama episodes ever.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #239 on: 02-17-2004 12:23 »

Wow....what can I say that hasn't already been said....? Since I first heard about this ep I have been dying to see it and tonight it was finally on tv....
It was worth the wait to finally discover how and why Fry was frozen....(I kinda wish I hadn't discovered PEEL until I'd seen it though because some parts were spoiled but there was still enough left to make it amazing)

It is so brilliant that the writers had all this planned from day one....and to keep hinting at what may have happened through the series....it's just a testament to how much thought and planning went into  Futurama and why it may never be equaled....

After seeing this ep it really hurts that there will be no more new ones....there was still a lot to be explained (The other) and I reckon David X and co. had it all ready to go but damn FOX....damn them all to robot hell.... :cry:

Best episode ever until I see the remaining ones....

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