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Author Topic: Thoughts on [4ACV10] - The Why of Fry  (Read 14678 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #160 on: 04-18-2003 16:04 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #161 on: 04-18-2003 19:15 »

i finally watched the episode too and I think that it is one of the best episodes ever!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #162 on: 04-18-2003 19:36 »

indeed i would concur. got things for shippers and action likers alike. told a tale of how and why fry was in the future, good continuality element.

good all round. best episode in a long time for me.
Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #163 on: 04-19-2003 01:15 »
« Last Edit on: 04-19-2003 01:15 »

Welcome to PEEL getak2003!

Just reading through some of the posts, I was wondering, what does Nibbler have to do with "Hell is other robots"? Did I miss something there?

Urban Legend
« Reply #164 on: 04-19-2003 08:23 »

In HIOR, Nibbler accompanies Leela and Fry to the amusement park (and Robot Hell). However, Bender, Leela and Fry leave Robot Hell by flying away. So how did Nibbler get from the funhouse (where he was last seen) to the PE Building?

Space Pope
« Reply #165 on: 04-19-2003 08:29 »

One word:


or he took a cab...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #166 on: 04-19-2003 09:12 »

he has a spaceship

Space Pope
« Reply #167 on: 04-19-2003 10:34 »

True, but it's in New New York.

Also, when and more important how did he get his spaceship?
Action Jacktion

« Reply #168 on: 04-19-2003 11:42 »

Maybe after he arrived back on Earth in the year 3000, someone else dropped it off for him or he just built it secretly.  Or he could have left it there for a thousand years after freezing Fry (meaning he would have needed a ride back to Vergon 6).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #169 on: 04-19-2003 12:00 »

On the commentary for HIOR, they said that it would be revealed 2 years after how Nibbler got back, they were inferencing to TDTESS, but it doesn't make sense. Maybe Nibbler can teleport. Or maybe he has multiple space ships. Anyway, TWOF, good episode. WOW! Those are a lot of abbrev.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #170 on: 04-20-2003 07:07 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2003 07:07 »

or some other nibblers fetch him

but the most important question is: Why has Leela named Nibbler Nibbler, althoug she didn't know his real name Lord Nibbler?
Lee Roberts

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #171 on: 04-20-2003 07:27 »

I got a nice new avatar from the episode The Why Of Fry The episode was great!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #172 on: 04-20-2003 13:00 »

Originally posted by Bend-err:
but the most important question is: Why has Leela named Nibbler Nibbler, althoug she didn't know his real name Lord Nibbler?

Watch more "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid"

Bending Unit
« Reply #173 on: 04-20-2003 13:44 »

In HIOR, Nibbler accompanies Leela and Fry to the amusement park (and Robot Hell). However, Bender, Leela and Fry leave Robot Hell by flying away. So how did Nibbler get from the funhouse (where he was last seen) to the PE Building?

As was mentioned earlier, the commentary states we would find out later how Nibbler escaped. My theory: In TWoF, Nibbler promises to help Fry win Leela's heart. In HIOR, Nibbler is left with (near)... The Robot Devil! And in TDHAIP, who does Fry make a deal with to win Leela's heart? The Robot Devil! Coincidence? Probably! Only time will tell!

Space Pope
« Reply #174 on: 04-20-2003 13:55 »

Originally posted by BNLbum:
  Only time will tell!

And this fact makes me cry...

Delivery Boy
« Reply #175 on: 04-20-2003 14:09 »

Originally posted by Lee Roberts:
I got a nice new avatar from the episode The Why Of Fry The episode was great!

It is very nice indeed!  :)
Action Jacktion

« Reply #176 on: 04-20-2003 14:30 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2003 14:30 »

Originally posted by BNLbum:
 ...the commentary states we would find out later how Nibbler escaped. My theory: In TWoF, Nibbler promises to help Fry win Leela's heart. In HIOR, Nibbler is left with (near)... The Robot Devil! And in TDHAIP, who does Fry make a deal with to win Leela's heart? The Robot Devil! Coincidence? Probably! Only time will tell!
It was mentioend earlier that "Devil's Hands" doesn't have anything to do with Nibbler.  The commentary only referred to the fact that in season 3 we'd learn Nibbler is intelligent and therefore able to find his own way home.  That's it, there's no great secret.

Bending Unit
« Reply #177 on: 04-21-2003 13:19 »

I'm also new. Hiya everyone.

This ep rocked so much. The great writing explained what happened in the past very well and still was very funny.

"They can't see you as long as you don't think too hard."
"Sorry I wasn't paying attention"
"Ah that is most wise"


Bending Unit
« Reply #178 on: 04-21-2003 20:34 »

Fry: I have the opprotunity to get all the greatest queations answered!

Fry: What killed the dinasaours?

Big brain: MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

God i loved that!
Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #179 on: 04-25-2003 12:13 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2003 12:13 »

I was just watching Jurrasic Bark and was wondering if anyone noticed this. When it goes back to the past when Fry was just about to be frozen, you see one of Nibbler's eyes sticking out of the bin as he throws the pizza box on the desk. And also as the chair is falling, you don't just see Nibbler's shadow, but Fry's as well!

Strange how Nibbler was in the bin, at the same time he should of been under the desk. Maybe there was another Nibblonian there...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #180 on: 04-25-2003 12:34 »

Originally posted by Bad Mojo:
I was just watching Jurrasic Bark and was wondering if anyone noticed this.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #181 on: 04-25-2003 17:12 »

Going ever so slightly off topic, I notice that UK showing of TWOF (in two days time) has got a Critics Choice Rating in the Radio Times (UK listing magazine)...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #182 on: 04-25-2003 17:44 »

Originally posted by sheep555:
Going ever so slightly off topic, I notice that UK showing of TWOF (in two days time) has got a Critics Choice Rating in the Radio Times (UK listing magazine)...

Cool, I'm not surprised seeing as it's such an awesome ep  :) The critics have always seemed to love Futurama, it's just the TV companys that don't.

Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #183 on: 04-26-2003 06:45 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:

But that thread doesn't explain why Nibbler's eye is sticking out of the bin, when he should be under the desk.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #184 on: 04-27-2003 14:18 »

I'm watching the episode right now on Sky1 and they cut Fry's quote "Those bastards" off.  :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #185 on: 04-27-2003 14:31 »

Yeah, I noticed that as well. Still, I don't think it was that noticeable unless you've seen the uncut version (except maybe for Fry's expression).

Unsuprisingly, still a good ep  ;).
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #186 on: 04-27-2003 16:17 »

I fairly enjoyed it. Yeah, it was unquestionably on the best ones recently  :)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #187 on: 04-27-2003 16:19 »

Originally posted by Juliet:
I'm watching the episode right now on Sky1 and they cut Fry's quote "Those bastards" off.   :hmpf:

Aaawwwwhh!  :( Roll on DVD's..  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #188 on: 04-27-2003 19:45 »

Pretty good. I had some Kleenex with me in case (just like every other episode I watch.)

Wait. Hold on. I just remembered (this is REALLY newbie) but, SP3000, Jurrasic Bark and TWOF have connections! "Yay! I'm useful!"-Zoidberg
Starship Captain
« Reply #189 on: 04-27-2003 19:48 »

Welcome to PEEL!  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #190 on: 04-27-2003 19:50 »

indeed, welcome to PEEL, and yes that really is newbie.


Urban Legend
« Reply #191 on: 04-28-2003 01:49 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2003 01:49 »

nibbler says that fry would save the universe in the future and when fry said call me if you need me nibbler said "oh i will". What does it all mean?
Action Jacktion

« Reply #192 on: 04-28-2003 02:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2003 02:00 »

Apparently the writers thought of doing another story about Fry saving the universe, though since the Brains are gone, I don't see why he would be needed specifically.  Maybe it has something to do with Leela, "the other" (no, I don't know what that means either).

Urban Legend
« Reply #193 on: 04-28-2003 03:48 »

its good to know that in the first episode the writers were setting up the final season...
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #194 on: 04-28-2003 05:39 »

Originally posted by Action Jacktion:
Apparently the writers thought of doing another story about Fry saving the universe, though since the Brains are gone, I don't see he would be needed specifically.  Maybe it has something to do with Leela, "the other" (no, I don't know what that means either).

Maybe something will happen in the Farnsworth Parabox, or what ever it's called. Maybe he'll open the link to the other dimension and out the Brains will spew again???
Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #195 on: 04-28-2003 10:36 »

Does anyone know why (in 'Jurrasic Bark') Nibbler's eye is sticking out of the bin, when he should be under the desk?
Action Jacktion

« Reply #196 on: 04-28-2003 12:10 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2003 12:10 »

Originally posted by Zed 85:
Maybe he'll open the link to the other dimension and out the Brains will spew again???
I don't think they should use the Brains again.  They've done pretty much everything they can with them.

(Edit: Sorry, for some reason I was thinking we saw the eyestalk at the pizzeria.)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #197 on: 04-28-2003 13:25 »

It's probably due to a quantum fluctuation. Maybe there are two  Nibblonians.

Maybe it's part of a back-up plan, to ensure Fry would end up in the tube. The Nibblonians can't be sure that Fry will sit down and have a Löbrau, maybe he just want to get out of there and home to wallow in self-pity. In that event the second Nibblonian (the one in the waste basket) will tip the bin. Being curious (as most people are) Fry would go to investigate, and while he's bend over the Nibblonians will push him into the tube. Sure Fry will know it wasn't an accident (he would notice the hands), but that's what the Memory-blanker is for.

Urban Legend
« Reply #198 on: 04-28-2003 14:23 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2003 14:23 »

I've just watched this episode   :) One of the best ever, I love it   :) And as someone said, it reminded me of 'Back to the Future' II at the end. This is now one of my favourite episodes!
Action Jacktion

« Reply #199 on: 04-28-2003 14:38 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2003 14:38 »

Okay, now that I've remembered where we see the eyestalk, let me try to do some wild speculation:

I don't think it was another Nibblonian; it seems that Nibbler was the only one there because he had to make the phone call and push Fry (though it would have been neat for there to have been lots of Nibblonians hiding all over the lab).  We see he's under the desk when Fry comes in, but maybe the "first" time it happens, Nibbler for some reason gets out and hides in the trash, then gets back under the desk after Fry sits down.  As suggested above, perhaps he wasn't sure that Fry would sit down, and had another plan.  But the "second" time, future-Fry grabs him before he can move.  And that would mean we see both the "first" and "second" time in the same scene in 'Jurassic Bark.'

Or it could just be a continuity error.  I remember that Babylon 5's 'Babylon Squared'/'War Without End' episodes (a time travel story much more complex than this) had similar continuity errors and the writer just let them through because it would have taken too much time to show explanations for them.

Anyway, maybe they'll explain it in interviews or the DVD commentary.
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