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Author Topic: Thoughts on [4ACV10] - The Why of Fry  (Read 14676 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« on: 04-05-2003 13:48 »

The episodely review and discussion thread. No reading on if you don't want to get SPOILED. Some moderator in the US will hopefully enable this once its time has come.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 04-06-2003 19:30 »


Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 04-06-2003 19:33 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 19:33 »

cool ep!
Lee/Fry part was cute,
and now we know how fry got frozen  :)

« Reply #3 on: 04-06-2003 19:33 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 19:33 »

I dident like this episode as much as most of the others. The jokes seemed too obvious, the script was sub-mediocre and, well, I dident see Farnsworth anywhere.     :(   But its nice to get some of those loose ends tied up, and of course its nice to see Fry and Leela together. How many of you caught the "purple" joke near the end? I guess time travel is color oriented, if you remember in Roswell that Ends Well, the two colors were Red from the supernova and blue from the metal in the microwave. . . red + blue = purple, after all that time travel.  -Tom

AsianLightning, i believe it was "Scooty" puff puff junior and senior. Kinda interesting how the eagle on the Sr. scooter reminded me of the US airforce and the symbols they use. . . which was probably on purpose, heh.

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 04-06-2003 19:34 »

Huh, I guess I wasn't allowed to post my earlier topic. Oh well. I liked the episode. It wasn't by any means the greatest ever, but it had it's moments. I especially liked the Snooty Puff Puff Jr. (if I remember the name right). I really, really, liked the little "surprise" at the end.

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 04-06-2003 19:34 »

Great episode, if this were the last Futurama episode I ever saw I'd be content. It would be great to someday watch Space Pilot 3000, The Day the Earth Stood Stoopid, Roswell that Ends Well and The Why of Fry all in a row to see the whole story.

« Reply #6 on: 04-06-2003 19:36 »

Scotty Puff Puff Sr I think the name of it was aka The Death Bringer!

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 04-06-2003 19:37 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 19:37 »

Great episode! The start was funny and it remained interesting throughout.

Fry: "I can't work under these conditions, without me there is no mission, i am the mission."
Leela: "We're back from the mission"
Fry: "Wha, what? You went without me?"
Bender: "You were looking up cursewords in the dictionary, it seemed a better use of your time"

We kinda guessed most of what happened, but it was great to see it confirmed and all the bits between.
The bit inside the data-thingy where Fry talks with the Nibblonians about how it was his life they had taken away was so touching.

Nibbler: "We had no choice, you were the only one that could help us. What is one life weighed against the entire universe?"
Fry: "But it was my life" :sniff:

Definately one of the top episodes produced. And it advanced the plot between Fry and Leela so much at the end, but yet it didn't seem forced or sudden.

Loved it all, full marks!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 04-06-2003 19:41 »

As the Futurama episode to watch, it had the biggest disappointment potential ever - but luckily, The Why Of Fry was as great as 'previously indicated'  ;) Possibly my new favorite episode of all time!
That important guy Leela was dating could've been toned down though, or his character at least developed some more. He was only funny the two first times, then he become hopelessly predictable, which isn't good for one of the main characters of the episode. But all in all a spectacular episode: 94%!
Electrostatic T

« Reply #9 on: 04-06-2003 19:41 »

I liked it too, especially when Fry finally has Leela's attention!

Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 04-06-2003 19:42 »

It reminded me of Back the the Future part 2 in a way.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #11 on: 04-06-2003 19:42 »

Holy crap, that was awesome. Not the most hilarious episode ever, but it was funny, and I don't recall any dead spots, or anything that struck me as lame/forced. The story was really good, too. It's everything we thought The Day The Earth Stood Stupid was going to be.

Seeing how they tied all the other episodes together was sexy. And the ending! So romantic. I'm surprised this wasn't used as the final episode ever.

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 04-06-2003 19:43 »

Welcome to PEEL, Electrostatic T  :)

Space Pope
« Reply #13 on: 04-06-2003 19:54 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 19:54 »

The episode was ok. The joke were good but they should have done more with the plot than what they did.B

Bender's pucker up,pal quote sounded like Fuck her up,pal the first time I saw the episode.  :hmpf:

« Reply #14 on: 04-06-2003 19:56 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 19:56 »


I waited for this episode @#a$ING FOREVER and the clock on my tv DIDN'T SET ITSELF AHEAD FOR DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME! I was watching a movie to pass time WAITING for futurama and watching the clock every single second, ready to record it, only to turn off the movie to see that it was 7:50 instead of 6:50!

Fox will NEVER play this again and it's going to be YEARS before cartoon network can! NOOO! NOOOoooo*hack*!

*Years before a DVD will be out, too, and if I tried to get a certain other way, the dvd would be out before my computer finished d-err, baking cookies.

Space Pope
« Reply #15 on: 04-06-2003 20:02 »

idea: wait for DVD ?

« Reply #16 on: 04-06-2003 20:02 »

Oh no!  This man is over "No-ed"!  "Helps another guy drag Scythemantis out onto the street to beat him, this taking the pain away from his mind. Its ok, Im sure youll find some. . . way. . . to view the eposide. Poor chap.
« Reply #17 on: 04-06-2003 20:09 »
« Last Edit on: 04-07-2003 00:00 by [-mArc-] »

Wow.  All I can say is wow.  When I saw David Cohen was the sole writer, I knew it would be good, but it easily met my expectations for this long-awaited episode.  Many great moments, but most importantly a very strong and interesting story.  A couple of those "how is Fry gonna get out of *this*?" moments.

[edited out]

Rating: A+ (~98/100)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #18 on: 04-06-2003 20:15 »

Overall I'm pleased with this ep. And I liked the bit between Leela and Fry at the end.
Fry: "...Then I am the most important person in the universe!"
I'd be interested in learning what else might've changed as the result of Fry's time-tripping interaction with Nibbler in 1999.
Still, it felt like there was something... missing...
But, I was pleasantly shocked: I was right about something! According to Nibbler, Fry's "delta brainwave" deficiency is a result of his being his own grand-dad. I suspected that might've been the case.
<pleasantly floats a cool 3 cm off the ground>
My score on the ep-meter: 87.5%

« Reply #19 on: 04-06-2003 20:23 »

Creative ending, good episode. The jokes were kinda stale but still a great show.

Urban Legend
« Reply #20 on: 04-06-2003 20:23 »

 Oh my god.....What do i even say? God, how can i possibly review this? It made my insides happy in ways i don't even understand!
     i can't believe they had this planned out in so much detail even back when the show first started. The history all comes together so flawlessly.
     And i loved the whole "But it was my life." scene. It was so touching and Nibbler really did look sorry about having to do it.
    And of course the shipper within me melted in happiness at the Fry/Leela interaction and i don't just mean that amazing final scene but also the one where Nibbler asks "is there anything in the future worth saving?" and Fry imediately says Leela. Not Bender, not his job or his friends, but Leela. And did you hear the absolute awe in his voice when he asked Nibbler if he actually thought he had a chance with her?
they should have saved this ep and aired it right before Devil's hands, just for the full shipper effect.
Oh my God i love this ep so much. Words can't even express. i am absolutely floored. After it was over i just sat on my bed for like 5 minutes before my brain would start processing stuff again.
My joy can only be expressed in smilies and even these don't convey it enough.
  :love:   :love:   :love:   :love:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #21 on: 04-06-2003 20:25 »

Great episode! Loved all the earlier episode references, the scooter, Fry's "YES!" at the end, the Yoda gag, the Brains, just everything... definately one of my new favorites.
The Names Nick

« Reply #22 on: 04-06-2003 20:31 »

I cought the ep but it was 7:10 so I missed some because I didnt double check my watch to make sure it was right when I reset it this morning, I hate daylights savings, any way I cought the show at the part where fry was setting up that bomb. Though after all that n after watching Nibbler help him into the ice box. Did anyone notice Nibbler reffering to Leela as the "other" he said ex words "she must be the other" indicating perhaps she too in a later ep has to make some kind of important sacrifice for the universe. This got me thinking perhaps she dies with Fry in the last ep making this sacrafice.

Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 04-06-2003 20:37 »

It was very good... for an ending.  It didn't feel like a "normal" episode.  I don't really see how devil's hands could be better of an ending for the series than this episode.

Compared to a normal episode, The Why of Fry wasn't particularly funny, and was very heavy on the Fry/Leela thing.  I think this episode would have been better if it was the *end*, rather than just an episode.

I don't know, 4/5

Urban Legend
« Reply #24 on: 04-06-2003 20:40 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 20:40 »

This was an...interesting...episode. I'm not quite sure how I can review this, because it's so unlike previous episodes. I'm not really a shipper, nor was I huge on "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid," but I liked this.

It tied up a few loose ends that we'd all be wondering about, yet kinda knew already. Because of PEEL, we all saw Nibbler's shadow (and later, Fry's shadow), underneath the table at the Cryogenics Lab. We all saw that coming. Including "Roswell.." in the Futurama mythology was completely unexpected. In the good sense.

Funny bits: the orphans, Elzar, Fry and Nibbler meeting the elders, and Chaz (the 1st two times).

Elzar: "Table for two? Step this way."
Chaz: "I'm afraid we don't have a reservation, but, as you can see, I'm the mayor's aide! Table for two, please!"
Elzar: "Okay, then..."

Fry: "Oh, Nibbler. At least I'm important to you, even if it's only because I clean up your poop."
Nibbler: "The poop eradication is but one aspect of your importance!"
Fry: (screams) "Did you just talk?"
Nibbler: "Indeed. And I have other amazing powers as well."
Fry: "Like what?"
(Nibbler jumps up and hits Fry with a blackjack.)

« Reply #25 on: 04-06-2003 20:51 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2003 20:51 »

The Names Nick, don't double post, especially not with the same content as the last.

Now for the ep. review, this ep. was so....COOL! I loved every minute. I was kinda sad that Nibbler blanked his memory. If no one believed him last time, why would they do so this time? It was nice to see Nibbler keep his promise. From the looks he gave, I thought he was lying just to get his way. As a LFR, I absolutely loved that moment between the two. No worms, no time skips, no saving their lives (that they know of), etc. Just a plain old smooch on the lips.

The only ep remaining that has the ability to top the ep would be Devil's Hands. It was just that good.
Neon Invader X

« Reply #26 on: 04-06-2003 20:56 »

That was a great episode!  I don't think there's anything else I need to say about it.  ;)
The Baz

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 04-06-2003 21:02 »

I'm torn.  It wasn't a terrible episode but it wasn't great story wise.

Why did Fry cry and complain so much about having his life postponed for 1000 years when he made it so clear he was happier in the year 3000 not 2000?  Rather selfish on his part and that caught me off guard.  He contemplates not freezing himself (rendering him to not live, and the universe to be destroyed in 3003)  but would only change his mind if he knew he had a chance with Leela?

Sheesh.  Doesn't seem much of a noble character.
The Names Nick

« Reply #28 on: 04-06-2003 21:03 »

yea sorry about that double post I hit the wrong button when tryn to edit errors by mistake n it double posted.

« Reply #29 on: 04-06-2003 21:06 »

Welcome to PEEL, Neon Invader X and Names Nick, since I havent seen yall post before  :)   -Tom

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #30 on: 04-06-2003 21:10 »

Originally posted by Venus:
... It made my insides happy in ways i don't even understand!
... And did you hear the absolute awe in his [Fry's] voice when he asked Nibbler if he actually thought he had a chance with her? [Leela]
Oh my God I love this ep so much. Words can't even express... After it was over I just sat on my bed for like 5 minutes before my brain would start processing stuff again.

Venus, take it from another 'shipper', you got it B-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-D!

Urban Legend
« Reply #31 on: 04-06-2003 21:17 »

damn straight. did you hear that weird sound during the final scene? That was me squealing

Bending Unit
« Reply #32 on: 04-06-2003 21:26 »

I really liked this episode.  It wasn't the most hilarious episode but still quite funny, besides it was one of the most plot driven episodes since the pilot.  I agree with McGrady on that this episode would have made a very good end to the series (with the exception of Farnsy's complete absence) since it tied up Fry's entire "purpose" of the series and contained a good amount of previous episode info.  What I liked most about this episode were its emotional aspects.  I liked how Fry got to chose for himself whether or not he wanted to be sent to the future.  I also liked how the plot flowed.  It never felt forced or rushed and held together rather well.  A really good, plot heavy episode
« Reply #33 on: 04-06-2003 21:28 »

I must say i loved this episode!! It was awesome all the way through.  I didnt think the jokes were laugh out loud funny, but they were very clever in my opinon.  I absolutly LOVED the end.  I had a smile on my face for about 10 mins just thinking about it.  Then I watched the Episode again.  This is my new favorite episode, Replacing Love & Rocket.

« Reply #34 on: 04-06-2003 21:40 »

Originally posted by The Baz:
I'm torn.  It wasn't a terrible episode but it wasn't great story wise.

Why did Fry cry and complain so much about having his life postponed for 1000 years when he made it so clear he was happier in the year 3000 not 2000?  Rather selfish on his part and that caught me off guard.  He contemplates not freezing himself (rendering him to not live, and the universe to be destroyed in 3003)  but would only change his mind if he knew he had a chance with Leela?

Sheesh.  Doesn't seem much of a noble character.

Why would he complain about it? He found out it wasn't an accident like he thought for three years. He said himself too, he didn't like being used. He would have rather been asked.

Also he has to have some reason to sacarifice his life so others may live and until he found out the truth of how he came to the future, he was willing to do just that. Would you freeze yourself knowing you would be nothing, but a loser for all time just to save a world that could give a damn?

Now maybe I wrote this in vain, I just wanted to say something about it, but kudos to your own opinion.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #35 on: 04-06-2003 21:49 »

Really good episode, although I like everyone else kind of knew what was going to happen.  I didn't expect the reference to Roswell That Ends Well, though "yeah I did the nasty in the pasty"....  So that's what happens when you're your own grandpa.  I really liked this episode, if it's the last of "Season 5" then at least I had 2 really good episodes at the end of the season.  I think "if" they made new episode then they could still elaborate off of this episode.  Like for one, what did Fry and Nibbler do after Fry pushed himself into the freezer, and the thing about Leela being the "other".  I also heard on a commentary on my DVDs that there was something secret about how the building Fry was in didn't get destroyed (from the first ep).  Nothin more to say, really good episode 5/5, 10/10 etc....!

Urban Legend
« Reply #36 on: 04-06-2003 22:14 »

Sadly, I was cutting up a Christmas tree, so I missed 3 minutes. However, it did little to reduce my understanding. I thought it needed a little more jokery, but it was pretty good. It made me said when they were like:

Nibbler: Whats one insignifigant life compared to the lives of everyone in the universe?
Fry: But it was my life!

It was a little cray-zay and plot heavy, but overall pretty good. What was the name of Fry motor scootie thing?

Urban Legend
« Reply #37 on: 04-06-2003 22:33 »

Waiting until April to cut up a Christmas tree, Chump? Lazy.

I think that the "other" Nibbler referred to is Leela. However, she is the "other" because she is the only other Earthling that will know the truth about the Nibblonians, the Brainspawn, and Fry.

Remember, Nibbler '99 does not know that the Brainspawn *will* attack Earth in 3000 or so. Therefore, he doesn't know what will happen. He won't know that he'll have to reveal the truth to Leela when the Brainspawn *do* attack. She's the only other that will know.

We're dealing with time-travel, so they're be a lot of confusion. Like, how could Fry go back to father his father if he wasn't born yet? Stuff like that.
The Names Nick

« Reply #38 on: 04-06-2003 22:34 »

Originally posted by winna:
Really good episode, although I like everyone else kind of knew what was going to happen.  I didn't expect the reference to Roswell That Ends Well, though "yeah I did the nasty in the pasty"....  So that's what happens when you're your own grandpa.  I really liked this episode, if it's the last of "Season 5" then at least I had 2 really good episodes at the end of the season.  I think "if" they made new episode then they could still elaborate off of this episode.  Like for one, what did Fry and Nibbler do after Fry pushed himself into the freezer, and the thing about Leela being the "other".  I also heard on a commentary on my DVDs that there was something secret about how the building Fry was in didn't get destroyed (from the first ep).  Nothin more to say, really good episode 5/5, 10/10 etc....!

Ok correct me if Im wrong or confuzed here but didnt they make more eps after this one? Im just asking because u make it sound as if it was the last one ever made when u say "if" they made a new ep. If this is the last one then I think they ended the story a little too soon, so to speak.

Starship Captain
« Reply #39 on: 04-06-2003 22:35 »

this episode was excellent.
Better than Leenage mutant leela
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