
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Almost like "The Route Of All Evil":
Dwight: "I heard alcohol makes you stupid." fry: "No, I'm ....doesn't."
Just fry having problems with his attention span and articulation.

Space Pope
Yo. I finally got to see this episode and it rocked a lot. It wasn't the best ep. ever though and I found the 2nd act to drag a bit and be too exposition-y and nibbler-y (i dont really find them very entertaining) Originally posted by evan: I think that the "other" Nibbler referred to is Leela. However, she is the "other" because she is the only other Earthling that will know the truth about the Nibblonians, the Brainspawn, and Fry. Well Nibbler in 1999 wouldn't have known that Leela would of known the truth about him... now would he? Nibbler told Fry that he was stationed on vegon 6 (right?) and that he would move to earth to help fry out if he would agree to get frozen. . . so up till right then, Nibbler didn't know that he would be going to earth at all. .. so he couldnt of planned to go to Earth with Leela, now could he? that said, I do agree that Leela has some signifigance. Perhaps this figures into her being a mutant in the human world and why she was allowed to stay on the surface (wouldnt they of done some blood tests, etc?) Remember, Nibbler '99 does not know that the Brainspawn *will* attack Earth in 3000 or so. Therefore, he doesn't know what will happen. He won't know that he'll have to reveal the truth to Leela when the Brainspawn *do* attack. She's the only other that will know.


Fry: "Who killed the dinosaurs?" Brain: "ME!!!"
hahahahaa.... I loved this episode, it got in a groove that no episodes have really had for almost a season now. TMLH had it like 70%, but this was just strait up quality all the way through. People that said it didn't have enough jokes, maybe need to watch it again. The second half of the ep, practically every line Fry says is a joke... i love it.
Also, I love how the show blatantly makes fun of timetravel and all its impossiblities.
Chanukah Zombie

Bending Unit
I do not have the gumption to go through four pages of thread right now. If I'm repeating something anyone else said here, then may the Mods have mercy on me! Here it is: 1) Fry saved the universe by making a delivery. 2) Nibblonian lore calls Leela "the Other." If this means Fry is supposed to get lucky with her at some point in the future, then it could mean that he is to save the universe again by making another delivery. Uuuhhh... you do know I'm talking about sperm, right?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Yeah. Never take anything I say personally. Take it seriously by all means, but not personally. Now go jump off a bridge or something. Note the smiley to denote the fact that I am joking around.Hey Jeff, I want to hear the song!
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Gocad: Chaz is a tough opponent for Michelle in the contest for the worst character ever... Aww, c'mon! Chaz was hilarious... he reminded me of one or two "real" people. Michelle was only the worst character ever because of her constant refusal to accept what she could and could not change. Otherwisethat honour would have belonged to Harold Zoid.


Hmm interesting episode. Unlike a lot of people I don't hate Nibbler but I absolutely despise the Nibblonians. The plot got to the brains a little too quickly for my liking and there wasn't really enough Bender.
For some reason the Leela/Chaz plotline where Leela gets to see how exciting it is when someone she is close to calls the shots reminded me too much of that episode of Friends where Phoebe dates that health inspector.
None the less it wrapped up a lot of unanswered questions and I really like the brains so I suppose I'll give it an A.