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« Reply #1240 on: 06-20-2011 17:26 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 17:28 »


first 2 episodes. New season



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1241 on: 06-20-2011 17:28 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 17:31 »

My God InfoMan! you're awesome. :D

Wow, the reviewer doesn't seem too pleased, they are forced to pose for the calendar? I think Neutopia and Benderama look great. :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #1242 on: 06-20-2011 17:35 »

With that clip, Overclockwise has shot up to joint most anticipated episode of the season for me (along with Benderama). Bender becoming some sort of sentient God entity is great. I predict a callback or two to Godfellas - possibly in the form of a cameo from the God-entity.
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #1243 on: 06-20-2011 17:46 »


first 2 episodes. New season


Hm. Somewhat concerning, although I did already wonder what the reasons for the episode order could be. It would make sense if they've put "weaker" ones first. Although they strike me as episodes with broader appeal to audiences.
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1244 on: 06-20-2011 17:55 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 18:00 by Who,Where,What,How? »

The reviewer is a woman...I'm just saying

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1245 on: 06-20-2011 17:58 »

The reviewer is a woman...I'm just saying

We know. :laff:

Bending Unit
« Reply #1246 on: 06-20-2011 18:03 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 18:05 »

Hm. Somewhat concerning, although I did already wonder what the reasons for the episode order could be. It would make sense if they've put "weaker" ones first. Although they strike me as episodes with broader appeal to audiences.

If anyone I know hates Futurama but suddenly likes Futurama over this episode and says: "I love Futurama best show ever!" I'll just say: Eh, you hated it last week."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1247 on: 06-20-2011 18:06 »

Hm. Somewhat concerning, although I did already wonder what the reasons for the episode order could be. It would make sense if they've put "weaker" ones first. Although they strike me as episodes with broader appeal to audiences.

If anyone I know hates Futurama but suddenly likes Futurama over this episode and says: "I love Futurama best show evea!" I'll just say: Eh, you hated it last week."

I hate people like this. For example, over at South Park Studios, fans complaining that the show 'sucks' and 'has been going downhill' and '(name of episode) was shit', yet when 'You're Getting Old' aired:


I can guarantee that if they hadn't of made that ep people would still be complaining. :nono:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1248 on: 06-20-2011 18:11 »


first 2 episodes. New season


Hm. Somewhat concerning, although I did already wonder what the reasons for the episode order could be. It would make sense if they've put "weaker" ones first. Although they strike me as episodes with broader appeal to audiences.

I'm not concerned at all.  I expected exactly what was written from these episodes, and I expect that I'll get what I expect when I watch them.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1249 on: 06-20-2011 18:33 »

I'm not reading the review this time, and I haven't looked at any of the Countdown stuff. I don't want to spoil this season, want fresh eyes, which is kinda hard to do in the internet age, amirite?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1250 on: 06-20-2011 18:34 »

Totally agree with DannyJC13, these eps look fantastic to me! I'm sure the preview guy is just a Family Guy fan ;)
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1251 on: 06-20-2011 18:41 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 19:03 by Who,Where,What,How? »

most likely

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1252 on: 06-20-2011 18:43 »

Totally agree with DannyJC13, these eps look fantastic to me! I'm sure the preview guy is just a Family Guy fan ;)

The preview "guy" is actually a woman... at least that's what was stated in that article.  Also, I don't know if they're a family guy fan or not.... but they seem to be a legitimate fan of futurama, and I found the article in question very reasonable.
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1253 on: 06-20-2011 18:50 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 19:05 by Who,Where,What,How? »

I wonder what IGN will rate it, I mean they rated the xmas episode a 9..Worst episode ever

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1254 on: 06-20-2011 18:55 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 18:57 »


first 2 episodes. New season


I never looked forward to "Neutopia", personally.  And this preview simply solidifies my assumption.  I always felt that the plot idea of them changing sex was pretty silly and rather not thought provoking.  It could possibly have been an intelligent reflection on gender and sex in modern society, but I guess it is not.

In fact, reading this preview, the episode seems worse than I thought.  Although, I am not surprised by the posted images.  I agree with Schenkel that managed "Amazon Women in the Mood" excelled at its presentation of gender and sex relations in modern society to a point where it was intelligent and witty.  In fact, looking back now, I am sort of disappointed that the main story is about them having a new sex rather than the whole sex changing aspect.

Seems to me someone in the writers' room said "hey, what if they were all the opposite sex?!"  And then tried to tack on a reason for that.

Still, "Benderama" looks promising.  If her only issues are an inappropriate usage of a guest star and a strange pacing at the end, I am sure it will be decent.

Of course I am going to watch both episodes.  I have to.

Oh you're talking about the reviewer...whoops

Yes, the world is not always about you.

Totally agree with DannyJC13, these eps look fantastic to me! I'm sure the preview guy is just a Family Guy fan ;)

I also call people Nazis or Hitler sympathisers if I disagree with them.

« Reply #1255 on: 06-20-2011 19:11 »

Wow, the Overclockwise clip seems extremely promising. I think that no matter how the writing is, it will be a strange and memorable episode. And I believe that the writing will be good, this type of episode usually has good writing. It makes me think of some mix of The Sting and Godfellas.

Too bad about the harsh review. I had been expecting that Neutopia was one of the low blows of this season, but I was really looking forward to Benderama. I still am, but this makes me somewhat less optimistic.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1256 on: 06-20-2011 19:41 »

Wow svip it was only a joke! Lighten up.

I thought Benderama would be great too, Aki. Bender talking to Bender sounds great to me!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1257 on: 06-20-2011 19:51 »

So was mine.  But you could have done the least of reading the preview, where you would have noticed that the previewer was a woman.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1258 on: 06-20-2011 20:19 »

Somewhat Futurama news:
Patric Verrone is running for WGA West President again

And, in the article it mentions that he wrote this article on net neutrality, which I found pretty interesting.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1259 on: 06-20-2011 21:22 »


first 2 episodes. New season


I never looked forward to "Neutopia", personally.  And this preview simply solidifies my assumption.  I always felt that the plot idea of them changing sex was pretty silly and rather not thought provoking.  It could possibly have been an intelligent reflection on gender and sex in modern society, but I guess it is not.

In fact, reading this preview, the episode seems worse than I thought.  Although, I am not surprised by the posted images.  I agree with Schenkel that managed "Amazon Women in the Mood" excelled at its presentation of gender and sex relations in modern society to a point where it was intelligent and witty.  In fact, looking back now, I am sort of disappointed that the main story is about them having a new sex rather than the whole sex changing aspect.

Seems to me someone in the writers' room said "hey, what if they were all the opposite sex?!"  And then tried to tack on a reason for that.

Still, "Benderama" looks promising.  If her only issues are an inappropriate usage of a guest star and a strange pacing at the end, I am sure it will be decent.

Of course I am going to watch both episodes.  I have to.
I can only agree to this; Futurama has to be intelligent and not like "Hey, what about this plot?", the author of the preview wrote a solid report about this.

But I'm going to watch them though, of course.
We (at least not me) cannot make a 100% statement about the episodes before we watched them, but it seems to be about right that Neutopia isn't going to be the best.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1260 on: 06-20-2011 21:34 »

Futurama needs to tone down the making fun of modern society a little, we have South Park and Family Guy for that.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1261 on: 06-20-2011 21:45 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 21:46 »

Wasn't a big fan of the animation In that clip, fry looked badly animated (up close)

What the fuck. :nono:

Who,Where,What,How? has a point though. I thought exactly the same thing when I saw it. I was readying myself to register my disgust when soon after viewing it I read Who,Where,What,How?’s perfectly valid comment. Fry's close-up animation in that clip was utterly terrible, embarrassingly so. It was so fucking shit that it made an otherwise amazing scene become completely tarnished by its disgraceful execution. If you or anyone else was convinced by this, either you are very easily pleased, or have trouble registering the subtleties of the human facial expression, just as the people responsible for animating this substandard clip evidently had...

It was a wholly unconvincing close-up animation of Fry’s face. It was so bad it distracted me from the scene, so yes it was a problem, and one which registered not only with me. I started to hope we wouldn't go back to it after I'd already encountered the first failed attempt, but it only got worse. It wasn't helped by the fact that Bender's portion of the scene was fantastic and therefore created an extreme contrast to Fry's hideously armature and highly off-putting facial animations. The new eps may be in HD, but that doesn't mean the animators can get away with doing a sloppy job on the basics. This ruined the scene, and I'm thoroughly disappointed because now it’s a scene memorable equally for it greatness as it is for its sloppiness...

As for the review of the two new episodes, I read it and I’m not really surprised by what I’ve read. I do however have hopes of some gems later on, just as the first part of this batch delivered...

Urban Legend
« Reply #1262 on: 06-20-2011 22:43 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2011 22:44 »

I can only agree to this; Futurama has to be intelligent and not like "Hey, what about this plot?"

I dunno. The Prisoner of Benda and The Lesser of Two Evils are both very clear examples of "hey, what about this plot?" and they both work pretty damn well in my opinion. Both are also intelligent, but then I imagine Neutopia will be somewhat intelligent too.
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1263 on: 06-20-2011 22:44 »

Thank you otis, Glad i'm not the only one.

What annoys me is through to seasons 1-4 their was never any sloppy animation.
The movies had a lot and In season 6a a fair amount.

It's weird how the animation staff for futurama don't change this. One minute a scene can be really well animated and then the next it's sloppy. It's like having two styles of animation in an episode in different scenes and it really throws you off the entire episode in general. Hopefully their isn't many sloppy scenes this season. Compare the whale clip, benderama clip, silence of the clamps and then the overclockwise clip. you would have to be an idiot not noticing the dramatic contrast in Overclockwise compared to the other clips. I'm suprised the animators can get away with this it's on national television...not an internet toon

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1264 on: 06-20-2011 23:03 »

Well, I was too busy LOL'ing at Fry's 'TRY HARDER!' line to notice his crappy animation rendering...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1265 on: 06-20-2011 23:05 »

Thank you otis, Glad i'm not the only one.

What annoys me is through to seasons 1-4 their was never any sloppy animation.
The movies had a lot and In season 6a a fair amount.

It's weird how the animation staff for futurama don't change this. One minute a scene can be really well animated and then the next it's sloppy. It's like having two styles of animation in an episode in different scenes and it really throws you off the entire episode in general. Hopefully their isn't many sloppy scenes this season. Compare the whale clip, benderama clip, silence of the clamps and then the overclockwise clip. you would have to be an idiot not noticing the dramatic contrast in Overclockwise compared to the other clips. I'm suprised the animators can get away with this it's on national television...not an internet toon

It's refreshing to see someone else who shares my opinions in this important matter. I totally agree with everything you wrote there, Who,Where,What,How? The only reason I don't usually express these views is because I know that so many here will think it's a ridiculous claim. Having read your opinions, it's like you scooped out my brain and squeezed out the delicate thoughts I otherwise was reluctant to post. I wholeheartedly agree. I too hope for a bit more coherence in the animation department, and I believe it was a major factor in the show feeling different after the original run...

The original run did have a few inexcusable flaws, most notably an example of Bender in the episode Where No Fan Has Gone Before in which there was a down shot of him from within the Planet Express Ship. It was so off it practically raped my eyes. Thankfully these instances were few and far between back then though, and the overall standard of animation in Season Four in particular was excellent...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1266 on: 06-20-2011 23:56 »

I believe it was a major factor in the show feeling different after the original run...

I'm no animation buff, but I do agree that in the movies and the new season, there have been some moments where things were so severely off-model that I was distracted from the ostensibly brilliant story going on around these monstrous-looking characters. The first act (or, actually, the entirety) of "The Mutants Are Revolting" is so crappy-looking in terms of character design that I almost don't like to watch it.

As far as the content of the "Overclockwise" clip goes, though, I thought it was awesome. This was already my most anticipated episode of the new season, and now it looks as if it may live up to these expectations.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1267 on: 06-21-2011 00:35 »

Not episode related, but still funny news!


Starship Captain
« Reply #1268 on: 06-21-2011 08:01 »

lol at these recent complains. really? really?
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #1269 on: 06-21-2011 15:19 »
« Last Edit on: 06-21-2011 16:31 »

Today's update: Action Delivery Force            (Alternate link)

« Reply #1270 on: 06-21-2011 16:08 »

Billy West Interview


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1271 on: 06-21-2011 16:57 »

Today's update: Action Delivery Force            (Alternate link)

LOVE IT!!!!  I LIKE amine Amy

Bending Unit
« Reply #1272 on: 06-21-2011 17:03 »

I love Amy's clumbsy moments! I can't wait!!!!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1273 on: 06-21-2011 17:06 »
« Last Edit on: 06-21-2011 17:10 »

Wow, clip was sweet. PE Building on a cliff? Ha ha. :laff:

lol at these recent complains. really? really?

Agreed. It's really not a big deal, guys... :nono:

« Reply #1274 on: 06-21-2011 17:51 »

I loved that new clip from Reincarnation, just hilarious. Sure there is a risk they will make the entire anime sequence a little too hyper, but all we can do is wait and see. I'm looking forward to it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1275 on: 06-21-2011 17:54 »

I loved that new clip from Reincarnation, just hilarious. Sure there is a risk they will make the entire anime sequence a little too hyper, but all we can do is wait and see. I'm looking forward to it.

Hey Aki, I was right about the Tracksuit not being Fry's 'casual' Anime clothes. Wonder if they'll have any significance? :p

« Reply #1276 on: 06-21-2011 18:01 »

Hey Aki, I was right about the Tracksuit not being Fry's 'casual' Anime clothes. Wonder if they'll have any significance? :p

Yeah, I noticed. I doubt it, they won't have a complex enough story for that. Maybe he switches to it when he fights or something like that?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1277 on: 06-21-2011 18:03 »

Maybe they go doing something athletic, obviouly Hermes will get some form of limbo in there.

God that almost sounded like something Kurt would say. :nono:

« Reply #1278 on: 06-21-2011 18:05 »

I don't think they will. Stereotypical anime focuses less on sports and more on fighting, so I think the anime sequence in the episode will focus a lot on fighting and not get into any less stereotypical plots.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1279 on: 06-21-2011 19:18 »
« Last Edit on: 06-21-2011 19:20 »

lol at these recent complains. really? really?

Agreed. It's really not a big deal, guys... :nono:

It is a big deal, I have the right to make that assessment and I feel it was a valued criticism. The poor level of animation displayed isn’t enough to turn me off the show, but it is enough to warrant me making such a comment. If you or anyone else here wants to defend the shows animation quality since the original run, then by all means go ahead. If not, then please respect my opinions and know that they are shared...

The new clip is alright, quite interesting and pushing a new territory for the show. I’m intrigued and await the full episode. I quite like the anime character designs as well...
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