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Author Topic: What Reminds you of Futurama: Fit the 3rd  (Read 111192 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #320 on: 09-05-2012 18:14 »

A teacher today mentioned something called the "40% rule"... :p

« Reply #321 on: 09-06-2012 05:41 »

If Dr. Zoidberg's dumpster were mobile, perhaps he could park it here...


Space Pope
« Reply #322 on: 09-06-2012 06:37 »

I swear that tree just blinked at me.
Starship Captain
« Reply #323 on: 09-06-2012 09:13 »

I swear that tree just blinked at me.

Farnsworth: Good news, everyone! I have a new invention, a tree that blinks at people!

Starship Captain
« Reply #324 on: 09-07-2012 22:00 »

Today I had the opportunity to use a Futurama quote. And it was grand. My friend said "Pfft, drugs are for losers" and I said "Yeah, and hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows!" Everyone stared at me for a second, then we all laughed.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #325 on: 09-12-2012 14:20 »

Yesterday, whilst listening to the radio, I heard a Beastie Boys song; it was immediately followed by a Beck song. (The radio station I listen to is weird.) Independently, neither of these things would have reminded me of Futurama--but, taken together, I couldn't help but be reminded of "Hell is Other Robots" and "Bendin' in the Wind."

« Reply #326 on: 09-12-2012 19:30 »

Last night my husband and I were relaxing and chit chatting before bed and got pretty deep into conversation. All of a sudden, my husband looked up at the clock and goes "9:56- crap it's late." Then, without a moment's hesitation he says "56?! 56!?" and started mock stabbing me. He was being so loud with the "ha has" I'm amazed our daughter didn't wake up.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #327 on: 09-12-2012 20:24 »

That's the best marriage I ever saw!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #328 on: 09-13-2012 13:52 »

Wait--there's more! Yesterday husband was talking in a Russian accent (well, trying to--that's his German, Thai, and Mexican accent, too) while he was getting ready for bed. He pulled at the seat of his boxer shorts and proclaimed, "I have a vedgie!"

"Eeeee!" I said. "Now say 'nuclear wessel!'"

Spicy Weasel

Delivery Boy
« Reply #329 on: 09-13-2012 22:24 »

Has anyone else seen the new TV ad for some school/college where all the masses of people are gliding along a city street, sidewalk to sidewalk between high-rise buildings.   

Reminds me of the 11:59 scene on the robot homeworld / Chapek 9 in Fear of a Bot Planet where the robots stream by for exactly one minute.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #330 on: 09-14-2012 00:40 »

Oh my god I just saw that commercial. Like five seconds ago.

It didn't remind me of Futurama, but now it kinda does.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #331 on: 09-15-2012 05:41 »

I overheard someone say "Shut up baby, I know it" today, and was quite disappointed after eavesdropping a few moments more and realizing this person was not, in fact, discussing Futurama.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #332 on: 09-18-2012 04:44 »

This is why YouTube and Sign Language is amazing :D

Starship Captain
« Reply #333 on: 09-18-2012 21:32 »

Today in my history book I saw a picture of a woman named Mildred Fry. Giggle.

« Reply #334 on: 09-20-2012 05:37 »

I work at as a cook at a boarding school. Today I was told to cut a "cheese log" on the deli slicer...

« Reply #335 on: 09-25-2012 14:39 »
« Last Edit on: 09-28-2012 16:35 »

The very first item on the announcements list for the university where I work:
WMDigest Tue, 25 Sep 2012

Table of contents:

1. Saturday Morning Physics: "Neutrinos" - "Wouter Deconinck"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #336 on: 09-26-2012 21:19 »

This reminds me of the Spiderians of Tarantulon 6 and Three Hundred Big Boys :)


Starship Captain
« Reply #337 on: 09-26-2012 21:58 »

That song by Hedley has a line like this "I don't care if you steal all my air we can breathe together as one" reminds me of Love and Rocket for 2 reasons.

1. When Leela's oxygen tank is shutting down and Fry gives her his
2. When the Ship wants Bender to merge programming.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #338 on: 09-27-2012 15:46 »

I saw a squirrel running across a power line just now as I was driving to school--perhaps the first time I've ever witnessed such a spectacle in real life--and was reminded of Nixon's desire for such a creature to tumble to its death in "Decision 3012."

Space Pope
« Reply #339 on: 09-30-2012 07:45 »

I just put the TV guide up on screen to see 'Birdman of Alcatraz' and 'That's Entertainment II' both on right now. Naturally I thought of the similar Futurama episode titles. But it was weird to see two on at once. Also a few weeks back there was a movie on that reminded me of Amazon Women in the Mood, but when I looked it up, it wasn't the movie the episode was based around. :O_o:
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #340 on: 10-06-2012 13:15 »
« Last Edit on: 10-06-2012 13:17 »

Just saw the B-, erm...C-...well, it was basically a Z-movie "Nazis at the centre of the Earth" ;) When the Führer's remains made a personal appearance, I was for some strange reason reminded of "A head in the polls" ;)

(The movie was some kind of "Poor Man's Iron Sky". It had it's length, was terribly bad: But the showdown against Mecha Hitler on board of a flying huge Vril was really good-ole-fashioned trash fun ;) )

Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #341 on: 10-17-2012 23:20 »

Just watching "Bong of the Dead" (Two dopeheads survive the Zombie Apocalypse, to find out Zombie remains are the perfect Dung for the perfect weed...yep, probably even Cheech and Chong would have called that movie stupid ;) )

Anyway: They had to have to typical "Tough as Nails Power Woman", who bore a certain similarity to Leela (Tank Top, Hairstyle). When asked about her name, she said it was "Lea". Okay, this could have been a coincidence. But her last name was "Kroaker"...and when I heared that one, I wondered wether that name was a deliberate hint at a certain animated TV show ;)

« Reply #342 on: 12-04-2012 23:35 »

Today, I saw this guy with a gray "Planet Express" hoodie! It's so rare to see someone wearing futurama-related stuff.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #343 on: 12-19-2012 22:45 »
« Last Edit on: 12-20-2012 23:44 »

Read volume 2 of the Comic "Quästor" today. (a Fantasy comic playing in the Greek mythology).
In one scene, two investigators were doing research: One by questioning people, another one by getting drunk in a brothel (inhabited by non-human, mythological women).

One of them did remind of a certain someone ;)

Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #344 on: 12-20-2012 00:48 »

Today, I saw this guy with a gray "Planet Express" hoodie! It's so rare to see someone wearing futurama-related stuff.

Strange, I saw someone with that weird futurama shirt with Benders antenna acting like an old fashioned radio tower, and it was the first time I'd seen any futurama clothes. It's my least favourite shirt they do, but still.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #345 on: 12-23-2012 02:11 »

I work in a caravan (travel trailer) dealership, and in order to prevent the vans from being towed away by thieves over the holiday break, we bought some security devices that fit into the towing hitch and make it impossible to hook them up to a tow ball.

They look like Bender. And my boss was the first one to point that out as I'd declined to comment.

« Reply #346 on: 12-23-2012 05:54 »

Reminds me more of the Donbot (the slitted eyes).

Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #347 on: 12-23-2012 12:31 »
« Last Edit on: 12-23-2012 12:34 »

It even looks a bit like a robot modeled after a Decapodian ;)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #348 on: 12-23-2012 20:24 »

One of them did remind of a certain someone ;)

But Prof. Heiny, why did you censor the boobies? I'm disappointed in you.  :nono:
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #349 on: 12-23-2012 21:50 »

Peel rules and American sensibilities ;)
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #350 on: 12-23-2012 23:34 »

Lets face it, if anyone, lets say, Freako, was allowed on here completely uncensored, he would've scarred many generations to come.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #351 on: 12-24-2012 03:56 »

So people on the other side of the pond just let their glorious nippies breathe free when sunbathing and etc, right? And aren't there co-ed locker rooms over there?

I personally like boobies (from an aesthetic standpoint--I like dudes and their various accoutrements, damnit!). I could never understand how seeing everything about the breast but the nipple is acceptable to American audiences.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #352 on: 12-24-2012 05:08 »
« Last Edit on: 12-24-2012 05:20 »

Americans are schizoid.  And beyond hypocritical.

Which reminds me, I was on a social media site earlier today and saw a (local) link with a funny ref from When Aliens Attack that made me laugh and I went to post the text of it right here in this thread, but changed my mind.  It's not nearly as bad as some language I've seen on Peel, but I am actually shy about some things.  So, what the hell, here's the text of the link, not the link itself.  Adult Peelers only, please...

Starship Captain
« Reply #353 on: 12-24-2012 08:21 »

Peel rules and American sensibilities ;)

Americans are schizoid.  And beyond hypocritical.

Don't lump us all together. The "Religious" "Right" (which is actually neither) is reponsible for censoring a lot of what is acceptable in Europe.

I, for one, would rather watch a movie where a woman has an orgasm than one where a man dies in an explosion.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #354 on: 12-25-2012 17:52 »

Why not just compromise and have it be an explosive orgasm?

I personally like boobies (from an aesthetic standpoint

Really? I know they're the most erotic part of a woman and all, but I've always found boobies--even nice ones, of which I am decidedly not in possession--to be strange-looking. I guess it's more the nipples that freak me out, though; I suppose a lady's chest, in silhouette, has a certain somethin' to it.

But anyway, topic: The other night, my friend and I were drunkenly discussing how annoying it is when the inside of your ear is itchy and you can't quite scratch it with even your middle finger. I started to explain to her how whenever I go to scratch my ear I am reminded of Fry poking at his own in "Parasites Lost"--but I gave up the explanation halfway through, both because I was all booze-addled and because my friend does not watch Futurama and would have had no appreciation for that reference.

Seriously (and soberly), though, I am always reminded of that image of the PE ship juuust escaping Fry's index finger and (*shudder*) puncturing his eardrum or whatever every time my own ear is itchy. I don't know why that moment resonates so strongly with me, but there you have it.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #355 on: 12-25-2012 20:41 »

Off topic: why are the most ugly parts of a human, both male and female, the parts used to make babies? Stupid evolution.

On topic: At the restaurant I was at yesterday somebody mentioned something about ice cream soup, and I exclaimed I knew how to make that. Then they asked how and the joke was ruined.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #356 on: 01-02-2013 02:58 »

My parents are currently watching the episode of The Twilight Zone on which the episode of The Scary Door from "A Head in the Polls" (about the guy who likes books, but cannot read them because his glasses and eyeballs and other body parts are no longer functional) is based. I'm kind of having a fan-girlish freak-out about this fact, I find it so exciting!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #357 on: 01-02-2013 06:12 »

Off topic: why are the most ugly parts of a human, both male and female, the parts used to make babies? Stupid evolution.

On topic: At the restaurant I was at yesterday somebody mentioned something about ice cream soup, and I exclaimed I knew how to make that. Then they asked how and the joke was ruined.

1 - Oh come on, those parts are perfectly fine. We don't cover them because they're bad or gross, we do so because they're not (generally) considered to be for public use, and they can use the protection.

2 - Ice cream soup is a beautiful mystery. If you go telling everyone how they can make it at home, it's just not the same.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #358 on: 01-08-2013 04:56 »

Saw some of this in the grocery store tonight and it reminded me of Futurama.  For my personal palate I'd only rate it a 6/10 but it's not bad by any means.


Starship Captain
« Reply #359 on: 01-08-2013 05:54 »
« Last Edit on: 01-08-2013 06:10 »

The song "Electric Feel" by MGMT makes me think of Leela and her electricity fetish.  :flirt:
That and Fry doesn't seem to know how to swim...

Also this music video reminded me of Fry's picture in luck of the Fryish.
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