All the whole numbers have been retired. When will man learn that all races are inferior to robots? bean counters Hee Hee Hee I had forgot about those! lol
DOOP Secretary
I see nothing wrong with emotionally compelling episodes.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Following my herd instinct, I agree that the emotional episodes and moments are one of Futurama's strenghts. I think it shows that the writers care about the characters and take continuity and development into consideration, rather than just go for a generic far-out story every week. But at the same time they mix in hillarious episodes like "Amazon Women" and "Roswell". Just look at the great mix in season 3 and (so far) in season 4.
True, in season 1 and 2 the pure comedy episodes were in majority, but still it included episodes with nice, emotional moments like "Series has landed", "Flight To Remember", "Xmas Story"(still the most wellrounded episode of 'em all) etc.
Okay, I'll let you get back to rewieving "A Leela Of Her Own" (from the posts so far, I think I'm going to enjoy this episode).
Bending Unit
Nah... I tried to get into this, I really did. I have to say I thought it was pretty dismal. I've never said that about a Futurama episode before. Slightly comforting that it's a season three castoff, and not a sign of things to come... Although quite what's to come is beyond me. But I shall save *that* particular rant for the appropriate thread... Danny
Originally posted by Torquemada: ...snip...
Pooie it didn't quote the PPG pic well regardless: YAY! PowerPuff Girls Rule! Check out me drawing: http://www.geocities.com/erdrik_e/SIGHT/GalleryPPG.html And to stay OT: I don't see how you can think it was dull... Sure it wasn't 'laugh a minute' but it was still fun and exciting. I liked the Bean Counters hee hee, and the coach was funny too
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
It's not just you, Erdrik. Leela did look incredible cute in that uniform. <--- I mean, just look at her. Originally posted by Erdrik: /EDIT Oh, yeah.. is it just me or is Leela hotter than hell in that BlernsBall uniform! More episode-related. After first viewing, this was pretty darn funny. Several LOL moments, and usuallu always a giggle lingering at the tip of the tongue. Something more substantila after a few more viewings (and 8 ours of work).
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #77 on: 04-12-2002 16:49 »
« Last Edit on: 04-12-2002 16:49 »
Okay, time to post something a little more meaningfull. I still think this is a great episode (but then again I do have a tendency to rate Leela-heavy episodes higher than the average PEEL'er ), seen it a few times, and it niether improves nor drops in quality on rewatching. Some have complained that Blernsball isn't as wacky as it used to be, but I think that's because we don't see much of the actual game. When Leela isn't playing we only see a few moments out of context, and when Leela does play, she's just beaning down batters. In the end the wackiness does return, if a bit forced. The clown bit was funny. Easily the best parts of this episode was Leela's story. I just couldn't stop laughing every time she beaned down a batter. You could see it coming, yet it just looked so bloody hillarious, particularly when she mowed down those 4 Signoids. "Please lady, I wanna live. Can I use bat to protect head?" [smack] "Apparently not." The Signoids was funny at first, but the pizza thing was a bit overdone. But seeing FishyJoe again made up for it. Nice little moment at the Blernsball stadium. The URFL guy/NNY Mets owner was also a nice return, sleazy as always. The NNY Mets coach was decent. Some short comments: I like Farnsworths oneliners. Particularly his line at the park, about showing them how they suck at a game they'd never played before. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, watching Leela beaning down all those batters was funny as h***. I like that they followed up on Leela's interest for Blernsball from "Fear Of A Bot-Planet", that's continuity for yer. Bender has some good moments, as do Fry. I particularly like when Bender throws the fans out after Jackie's vicious, totally uncalled-for attack on Leela and the butt-patting scene, quite funny (or maybe it's just because it's about Leela's butt). Didn't Leela just look cute as hell in that Blernsball uniform? Wasn't that Dwight on the PE blernsball team? When is this guy gonna be introduced? The next-to-last episode? Come on FOX, quit screwing the order of the episodes! Couldn't they at least have tried to make Jackie Anderson likeable? She's supposed to be a "nice guy", but in the immortal words of Leo Wong: "I have instant dislike of her." Nice moment when Leela beaned her down with the towel. Needs more Zoidy. And Hermes. I really like the scene when the NNY Mets owner tried to contract Leela. The music really playes well here, to show two different kinds of perceptions of the scene. When Leela made the spanish comercial was that a word for word translation, or just spanish gibberish? (The only spanish I know is "cerveza" ) Edit: Forgot to give my rating. I gave it 4 on the vote thingy, but on my personal scale it's 8/10 (maybe 8.5, I don't know).
I said it before and I'll say it again...Here's to another lousy millenium.