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Author Topic: "What's with the eye?" - Stupid Questions  (Read 36026 times)
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« Reply #560 on: 01-04-2010 21:05 »

A: No things might get a little too "saucy" for a futurama episode.

Q: What is a spaghetti western?

Starship Captain
« Reply #561 on: 01-04-2010 22:35 »

A: A Spanish and Italian shot/produced movie which was themed to look like the wild west in America.

Q: Why would the original parallel universe be the cowboy one?

Urban Legend
« Reply #562 on: 01-05-2010 18:38 »

A:  Because the west rules!  and speaking of Spaghetti westerns, there might be a fanfic based on one here next week!  (hint, hint!)

Q:  What is Leela's boyfriend Sean's personality?


« Reply #563 on: 01-06-2010 07:00 »

A: Sleazy and off the wall.

Q: Why is Leela attracted to such a man?

Starship Captain
« Reply #564 on: 01-06-2010 07:18 »

A: Because she thought he had a beautiful soul

Q:What is a soul anyhow?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #565 on: 01-06-2010 12:30 »

A: It's that part of a man which you can only fully appreciate when he is sitting naked on your bed, jazz-noodling.

Q: Does having a beautiful soul have any effect on the likelihood of couch fibers sticking to your butt?

« Reply #566 on: 01-07-2010 07:14 »

A: The more beautiful of a soul you have, the more couch fibers stick to your butt.

Q: Why does having a beautiful soul mean more couch fibers on your butt?

Urban Legend
« Reply #567 on: 01-07-2010 18:37 »

A:  Because it means you're a big softy inside.

Q:  Does Fry like the band "Fastball"?


Starship Captain
« Reply #568 on: 01-07-2010 18:43 »

A: Nope he just doesn't get why a bunch of screaming Albonian Children want to sing in a band about Blernsball.

Q: Why would anyone name a band after a sport in the 31st century?
« Reply #569 on: 01-07-2010 19:14 »

A: The good band names like Cradle of Filth and You've got Foetus on your Breath, were taken.

Q: We all know Bender has a not so secret ambition to be a folk singer. In which musical genre should he really go into.

« Reply #570 on: 01-08-2010 08:41 »

A: Folk- Metal, two of his favorite things in one.

Q: What would Bender's stage name be?

Starship Captain
« Reply #571 on: 01-08-2010 11:06 »

A: Metallord of Tijuana

Q: What would Fry do if he were asked to play in Bender's band?

Urban Legend
« Reply #572 on: 01-08-2010 20:07 »

A:  Since he can't play musical interuments, he'd probably settle to be a backup singer.

Q:   Why can't Fry play musical interuments?
« Reply #573 on: 01-08-2010 20:18 »

A: Not enough couch fibers on his butt.

Q: If Scruffy can resolve his scheduling conflicts, what job would he have in Bender's band?

Starship Captain
« Reply #574 on: 01-08-2010 20:25 »

A: Janitor, and the stage hand who sets things up while not skivving off to look at his Zero-G Juggs magazines and eating olestra laced chips

Q: How on Earth does a head in a jar become president?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #575 on: 01-09-2010 12:10 »

A: By winning the 'popular vote'. (And by 'popular vote' I mean greasing the right palms.)

Q: How on the Moon does a head in a jar become the first emperor?

« Reply #576 on: 01-10-2010 08:25 »

A: By having a coup an assassinating the head in jar president with army of space banditoes that he bribed with gallons of pineapple rum.

Q: What do space pirates do when they are not pirating?

Starship Captain
« Reply #577 on: 01-10-2010 15:10 »

A: They rape and pillage the villages when they come into town.

Q: Why does Bender not perform his primary function more often?

« Reply #578 on: 01-10-2010 21:11 »

A: Because things get bent and a little messy.

Q: What is Bender's least favorite thing to bend?

Space Pope
« Reply #579 on: 01-11-2010 05:54 »

A:  The Professor.  He just can't figure out which way to bend him correctly.

Q:  Besides bending, what other work functions is Bender programmed to do?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #580 on: 01-11-2010 11:26 »

A: Cheese it!

Q: Which other Futurama characters would be good at cheesing it?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #581 on: 01-11-2010 19:30 »

A: Zoidberg.

Q: How did he get so good at it?
« Reply #582 on: 01-12-2010 02:46 »

A: Avoiding medical malpractice lawyers..

Q: If there ever was a "love interest" for Zoidy, who or what would it be?

Starship Captain
« Reply #583 on: 01-12-2010 04:07 »

A: A female Decapodian in the same poor state or condition.

Q: If Philip were to wake up in the year 4000 for real, what do you think he would feel?
« Reply #584 on: 01-12-2010 04:13 »
« Last Edit on: 01-13-2010 04:25 »

A: His 2000 year old wiener.

Q: If Bender doesn't visit the nearest suicide booth betweem now and the year 4000, what would be his choice of professions

edit: Thx Bbdc

« Reply #585 on: 01-13-2010 00:07 »

seriously lobster mooch your answer was hilarious, the funniest I have seen in a long time.

A: chiropractor

Q: Why would Bender be good at the specified profession?

Urban Legend
« Reply #586 on: 01-23-2010 21:31 »

A:  Bender can do anything!

Q:  Did Farnsworth ever date Hatty?

Starship Captain
« Reply #587 on: 01-23-2010 23:40 »

A: Yes in A Flight to Remember "Farnsworth: Though it did get me some action!

[Hattie hangs onto his arm.] "

Q: Did Fry ever get to try a pair of gills?

Urban Legend
« Reply #588 on: 02-10-2010 18:43 »

A:  Nope, Leela stopped that from happening.

Q:  Did Fry have a slight lack of oxygen to the brain when he was born?

Urban Legend
« Reply #589 on: 02-11-2010 01:43 »

A: Possibly.  When his mom yelled at the baseball game on the radio, the resulting Kegelcizing could have squeezed a bit hard.

Q: When Fry meets Bender, what is his first thought?

(and not the actual answer, that's not the point of this thread.)

Space Pope
« Reply #590 on: 02-11-2010 03:44 »

Q: Damn, why didn't I think to wear a costume.

A: What would Fry have dressed up as?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #591 on: 02-11-2010 18:58 »

Q: A giant magnet.
A: What song would bender sing when he got attached to him?

Urban Legend
« Reply #592 on: 02-11-2010 20:50 »

A: Stuck in the Middle With You

Q: What does Amy wear to bed?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #593 on: 02-12-2010 00:20 »

A: Pajamas made from the beaks of a thousand eagles. Also, there are some eagles inside of her slippers.

Q: If Bender built a robotic woodchuck which ate his apartment, stole Hermes glasses and then proceeded to conquer the world, how would Planet Express manage to subtly subvert and overthrow the oppressive regime of woodchucking that would inevitably be established?

Urban Legend
« Reply #594 on: 02-12-2010 01:56 »

A: Dark wizards.

Q: When Bender was made of wood, what did he call his robotalia?

« Reply #595 on: 02-12-2010 15:19 »

A. Blocks.

Q. Did Hermes and Dr. Zoidberg ever get any 'just friends' spooning action?

PS: Yay Xanfor! Now if only the shipping threads are revived...

Urban Legend
« Reply #596 on: 02-12-2010 17:12 »

A: Not on the air, but it's happened.

Q: How much Whale Oil does the Planet Express Ship use per light year?

Space Pope
« Reply #597 on: 02-17-2010 23:13 »

A: 14.23 Barrels.

Q: Does the whale oil ever give off any weird smells?

Urban Legend
« Reply #598 on: 02-17-2010 23:24 »

A: Only if you think whales smell weird.  I do.

Q: What are they gonna use when whale oil runs out?

Bending Unit
« Reply #599 on: 02-17-2010 23:31 »

A:  The rendered fat of un-baptized human children.

B: Why only use the fat from human children?
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