

If Zoidberg were rich, he wouldn't be as funny.
What If...Leela was the promiscuous, clumsy one, and Amy was the responsible captain?

DOOP Secretary

Leela would be the clumsy mechanic, Fry would be the incompetant doctor and Bender would be the cold logical bureaucrat.
What if Hermes got promoted to grade 34?

DOOP Secretary

SpaceCase: 274 275 Xanfor: 001

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by SpaceCase: Are you familiar with the humor of Jack Benny? Sure. I grew up listening to that guy. 


Leela would see some fantasies involving her that would frighten her badly. Bender would simply scan through Fry's subconscious in order to find out where he keeps his money and valuables so he can steal them.
What if Fry and Amy had remained a couple?

DOOP Secretary

Fry would have blown all her parents' money on instant lottery tickets.
What if Fry's head had been attached to Leela instead of Amy?


Then Leela would have broken off her own arm in order to keep Fry's hand to himself.  What if Hermes hadn't been turned into a Jamaican character (he was originally named "Dexter" in some early concept art)?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #21 on: 02-22-2008 05:16 »
« Last Edit on: 02-22-2008 05:16 »
What would the series be like if Zoidberg was rich? If Zoidberg was rich, he'd date an aging hooker, take her home. Long [graphic] story short, she'd leave early with very. Very. Bloody nipples. What If...Leela was the promiscuous, clumsy one, and Amy was the responsible captain? The first part wouldn't happen. It just... wouldn't. I mean, sure, Leela would get a lot of action if she had lower standards or entered a parabox and reappeared at a con (or both), but as it is, Leela is relatively undesirable and very, very picky. I know it's a "What If" but it just wouldn't... couldn't happen. Everything else seems possible. Amy would lose sight in one eye, wear spandex and big boots and men would find her far less attractive. x] Geez, I sound so anti-Leela. I love Leela. Just so you know. what if Leela and Fry had a kid? They would name it Yancy and he would have curly hair like Leela's mom. :] What if Hermes hadn't been turned into a Jamaican character (he was originally named "Dexter" in some early concept art)? Zoidberg's name would be Dr. Jamal Jackson to compensate for the lack of black peeble and Bender's last name would be JewysteinHebrewbergowitz to compensate for the lack of Jews... then Ricardo or whatever the stabby robot is named [so very tired...] would be a more central character.


Leela would get hit on a lot more often, for one. 
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
Mr.Past Nastification, this is the last time I have to make the question because you keep forgetting, cause I want to make up an answer, too.
But My answer for professor Zoidy's, It'll be like in Spider-Man 2, People on the subay will find out, give them back their masks, a kid saying "We'll tell nobody", The guy who assumed the team killed his father would find out, try to kill him whilst an Octopus try's destroying the world whilst Fry saves The Head of Kirsten Dunst and then they'll try get married in the next sequal, but the guy who assumed the team killed his father will be the next enemy.
What would happen if Hermes replaced one of the ships crew members?


Things would become a lot more efficient, for one.
What if Leela's parents were aliens instead of mutants?

DOOP Secretary

Omicron Persei 8 would have been invaded by Omicron Persei 5.
What if Zapp wasn't a moron?

DOOP Secretary

He would probably take over Earth and become pharoh again.
What if Leela becamce leader of Omicron Persei 8?

DOOP Secretary

He would probably activate self-destruct.
What if he was tuned to Fry instead of Leela?