Frida Waterfall


I remember hearing a theory, probably on this thread, where the crew would visit the nudist planet and somebody notices something strange on Fry's butt while there. This is some evidence behind that. I'm totally convinced now.
I think the artists photoshopped that particular screenshot- chances are more likely (from what we have heard) that that is where the time sphere is located, not an ode to Bender. Bender, as far as we know, doesn't fit under the description of "mysterious".
Frida Waterfall


The time sphere is on Fry's butt. It's in tattoo form, that's all.
Are they sure it's a tattoo? If Fry has been affiliated with some universal mythology (like my proposed Father Time theory), then wouldn't it be more suitable for him to have it as a birthmark? You know, so then it was always there since the beginning of his existence.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #284 on: 11-06-2007 19:03 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2007 19:03 »
*squints at the tattoo again* *digs through her purse* Gah! I was wondering if there was a reason behind the FOX Atomic booth handing these out at Comic-Con:  That's the front and back of a temporary tattoo I got over the summer, the only Futurama-related item the FOX booth was handing out at the time. I never uploaded the image before this because I thought 1) it was too bland to be of any interest and 2) irrelevant to the movies, but after seeing that screenshot.... (I don't think that's actually the mark of interest in the movie (like Frida, I also think it might be a birthmark), but I wouldn't immediately discredit the screenshot, either. Maybe someone put Bender's face on Fry's butt for a currently inexplicable reason.)


Originally posted by Kryten: Slashfic-sense tingling... Ohhhh boy! I can wait to start writing that Fry/Bender fic I've been thinking about. This certainly will- ...Uh...
Frida Waterfall


I found another summary of "Bender's Big Score"'s plot here. Here's all you really need to know from the site. In the first direct-to-DVD "Futurama" film, the Planet Express crew finds themselves battling a group of intergalactic nudists who infect Bender with a computer virus and send him to the past to loot history's greatest treasures. But when the beer-loving robot's crimes have devastating effects on the space-time continuum, Fry, Leela, Dr. Zoidberg and the gang must figure out how to make things right. This was pretty interesting. It isn't Bender's choice to go through time and go on a grand heist, but rather forced by a virus. And I think Leela's wedding was just created through the aftermath of Bender's meddling through time according to this summary.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Marc, great inteview! You lucky bastard...
Liquid Emperor
For those who think it was all planned this way, From Bender Gets Made.
Bender: You know the secret of traditional robot cooking? Start with a good, high-quality oil ... then eat it. So what's this big score anyway?
So in Bender's Big Score, since Nibbler thinks the world is doomed, I wonder if will find out who is "The Other" is. And if "The Other" is simply someone with a corresponding tatoo on their butt.
Frida Waterfall


Originally posted by futz: So in Bender's Big Score, since Nibbler thinks the world is doomed, I wonder if will find out who is "The Other" is. And if "The Other" is simply someone with a corresponding tatoo on their butt.


DOOP Secretary

Pics or it didn't happen
Liquid Emperor
(Prof: But - I - said - let - me - see - those - TUBES.) Hmmm... yes the other known butt tatoo: 
Frida Waterfall


If you read the review Jive posted on the movie news thread, there is one bit that leaves my jaw hanging.
"Fry and the Sea Animal"
I'm confused: are they talking about Nibbler? Or are we going to meet some other weird creature? This just leaves me puzzled.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #301 on: 11-12-2007 15:10 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2007 15:10 »
Umbriel? A man can dream... The thing which excited me the most about Frida's other review is it said... We find out what happened to the other Fry!...
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #303 on: 11-12-2007 16:03 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2007 16:03 »
Originally posted by Zmithy: So... are you gonna keep it, ebay it, or stick it on your butt?   It's getting so cold that wearing the tattoo would be a moot point, no matter where I eventually put it. Unless I slapped it on the back of my hand or something.... I was, at one point, seriously considering bundling the extra tattoos with the extra comics I grabbed and selling them, but I'd feel kind of sleazy selling stuff I was given free of charge. I'm not entirely sure of the legal implications of that, either. Re: "Sea Animal", I have to assume they mean Zoidberg... but at the same time, I have to wonder: surely they would know the character's name if that were the case. I mean, it's Zoidberg. So, I really have no clue, either. Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk: The thing which excited me the most about Frida's other review is it said...
We find out what happened to the other Fry!... I will admit that I don't know what you mean by that. "The other Fry"? Do you mean the second Fry that was generated during of "The Why of Fry" that resulted in Fry surviving (so to speak) the destruction of the Infosphere? Because I thought that the other Fry simply disappeared out of existance?
Apologies if that's not what you meant; that's the only thing I could think of.
ETA: I know what part of the article you're referring to; I just thought they meant they were going to show an alternate scenario (universe?) where Fry had not been frozen... like in AoI, but without Al Gore.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Officer 1BDI: I will admit that I don't know what you mean by that. "The other Fry"? Do you mean the second Fry that was generated during of "The Why of Fry" that resulted in Fry surviving (so to speak) the destruction of the Infosphere? Because I thought that the other Fry simply disappeared out of existance?
Apologies if that's not what you meant; that's the only thing I could think of.
ETA: I know what part of the article you're referring to; I just thought they meant they were going to show an alternate scenario (universe?) where Fry had not been frozen... like in AoI, but without Al Gore. When I read that review I assumed that when it said... We also get to find out what happened to a duplicate of Fry who stayed behind in 2000. that it meant... the Why Of Fry version of Fry, but maybe I got mixed up and they mean something else. It's just that seeing as that ep also mentiones "The Other" and I'm almost certain something to do with that will be covered in one of these movies that I sorta rekon The Why Of Fry has a key role to play... Maybe it is just another Fry, but as soon as I read that The Why Of Fry was the first things I thought of...

Liquid Emperor
Hmm, neither news nor speculation really, so I put it here: Short reminder: The CGEF DVD hand out contest is going to end in two days. Enter soon if you want to have a chance. I *should* get an advance copy of BBS soon, too. Needs to go over the ocean though. Hard to trust reviews one didn't write  I also *should* be able to treat a few fans from L.A. with something quite special. Might be decided via a drawing or first come first serve. Details soon on CGEF (a day or two, I'd guess).
Frida Waterfall


There's already a review thread on PEEL! It's a stab in my heart to hear that somebody has saw new Futurama before me...
I'm sure before the DVD is released to public, some inconsiderate n00b will come onto PEEL and spoil the entire movie, in detail, and ruin it for us hardcore fans. So, until I have watched the movie, I'll be in hiding. In fact, I probably won't be online at all in fear of spoilers.
Frida Waterfall


I am seriously thinking about taking off November 27th as a "religious holiday". Face it, there's no way I'm going to be able to focus on anything that day. It'll just be best for me to stay home. And we haven't had a holiday in years, yet alone one as extraordinary as this.
The spoilers in reviews are supposed to be gentle. Everything in the reviews have confirmed the answers to minor questions or have given us similar information that we have in the very first review a year ago or in either of the two official Fox summaries.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #314 on: 11-13-2007 13:30 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2007 13:30 »
For the people finding it hard waiting for the 27th, think of the non-americans. I have to wait an extra 2-4 days for it to get to England. I hope it's 2 days rather than 4 days, I paid more than enough postage for it... edit - Hey check this out from the new review I've just read of Bender's Big Score. It's kinda a spoiler but not really... There are snappy new opening credits Can't wait to see them!... also just read in another review that... There are two Xmas songs!... Interesting, makes me wonder about when they plan to air these as episodes on TV as it won't be this year...


Xmas songs? Huzzah! Also, I have gathered from several reviews that BBS will probably make my incredibly sensitive self cry... YES!! (I love crying at movies... I'm so weird)
Frida Waterfall


I still remember how one girl in my school years ago got out on the valid excuse that she had a hair appointment. I'd think of that option too, but where I am now has much more stricter rules on missing workdays. And recently, I believe some college students attempted to get out of class, claiming that it was a "religious holiday". But unfortunately for them, their professor investigated the date more and found out that was really the date that the Halo III game was being released. In the end, they didn't get out.