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Author Topic: The 4 Futurama Movies Speculation Thread (Possible spoilers)  (Read 70417 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #200 on: 08-24-2007 16:15 »

No, 1BDI. The correct answer is "Good news everyone!"

Well now we'll finally see the Chanukah Zombie. And, more awesomely (if that's even grammtically correct), Mark Hamill will be him. It's a good  thing that Mark's an experienced voice actor. Maybe he'll do some other voices for the show in the future...

It's good that they've gotten some of the original voices for guest characters back, like Coolio as Kwanzaa-bot, Al Gore, and Stephen Hawking for the second movie, along with all the regulars back. This revival sounds like it'll be easily better than Family Guy's return. I also think the return of original voices and crew shows that the new stuff might be at the quality of the original run.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #201 on: 08-24-2007 18:41 »

In the earliest interview about the new Futurama movies:
AVC: On Futurama, Robot Devil has appeared a number of times. Is there a Robot God to go along with him?

MG: That's one of the things we're probably going to explore in one of the Futurama movies. In one of our best episodes, we had a conversation between Bender and what apparently was God, and I think we're going to explore what was really going on in that conversation.

The Nibblonians discussing recent upbringings with the Planet Express crew? Fry in pope-like garnets? Bender meeting with the galactic space entity again? Now the Chanukah Zombie is going to make an appearance in "Bender's Big Score"? I think we're going to be visiting the subject of religion in the future in all four movies.

If we know that religion is going to be active in all four movies, if Bender's going to have a starring role in all four of them (according to the same interview I just quoted above), and if Futurama keeps its vow to have continuity run throughout the series, then I think we're probably looking at a giant epic arc in four exciting adventures in the movies. If my prediction's correct, as each movie progresses, we'll find out more about the prophecy, but at the same time, Bender will become less liked by the characters who once supported.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #202 on: 08-24-2007 20:21 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2007 20:21 »

Where did the Mark Hamill news come from?
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #203 on: 08-24-2007 20:40 »

It's on the main page of CGEF right now.  I assume mArc got the information from DXC again, although he never specified where the tidbits came from.

Space Pope
« Reply #204 on: 08-25-2007 05:58 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
 I also think the return of original voices and crew shows that the new stuff might be at the quality of the original run.

Yeah, but I think this'll be especially important if it comes back as a series after the movies. It's certainly a good sign that they were able to get so many people back for these DVDs!

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #205 on: 08-29-2007 05:28 »

Originally posted by Frida Waterfall:
Good news, everybody! We got the official cover art for "Bender's Big Score"!

I just had a thought, do you think that pink alien with the crown on their head is Nudar the nude alien we've heard about?...

Space Pope
« Reply #206 on: 08-29-2007 06:16 »

I don't know, I thought Nudar was shown on the one page of that free comic that i saw somewhere...i think i remember him looking somewhat different from that. But on the other hand, I guess that's got to be him.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #207 on: 08-29-2007 10:36 »

I'm 99% sure that's Nudar.  He and his people were rather prominent in the trailer in all their naked glory.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #208 on: 08-29-2007 13:28 »

Cloolsome. I've just noticed that Fry is holding something in his hand, can't make out quite what it is though. Also looking at the design of the cover it could be a slipcase with the Bender TV screen image being part of a seperate image underneath when you slide the outer case off...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #209 on: 08-29-2007 13:59 »

Popcorn.  Definitely.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #210 on: 08-29-2007 14:47 »

So it is. The fact they are outside kinda threw me off, but I guess it shouldn't have seeing as the Planet Express ship crashes into a giant outdoor TV screen in every episode...
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #211 on: 08-29-2007 15:43 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2007 15:43 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
 I just had a thought, do you think that pink alien with the crown on their head is Nudar the nude alien we've heard about?...

I thought that was an assumption...

I originally thought that Nudar was an octopus. You know, like the "inconceivable being of horror", with dozens of tentacles. That's because I thought that Nudar, who was first mentioned in the David X. Cohen interview with Toynami, was the same alien that Matt Groening was talking about in a later interview. So, when I merged the two creators' descriptions together, I was expecting a bare-naked, enormous, tentacle-raping alien. Apparently, I assumed wrong. WAY wrong.

Looking back on those early interviews, I think the "giant alien octopus" that Matt Groening was referring to earlier was really the long tentacle that was holding up "pope" Fry in the exclusive Comic-Con comic.  So, the title "A Beast with a Billion Backs" could be referring to that giant alien octopus. I just have a feeling that he has some tight connections with Nudar, but that's just me.

Looking back at all the news we have just received in the past year on the new Futurama material, everything looks very exciting. Also, has anyone ever noted how all the interviews and bits of information that we are recieving on the internet do actually match up to the first major article about "Bender's Big Score"? I remember how a lot of members actually thought that it couldn't be canon, but everything is matching up. Planet Express is going to go under a hostile takeover by a new owner (and character), which is Nudar. The crew (at least Fry and Bender) are both confirmed that they will be traveling back to the 20th century in the movie, and other dates too. And there's a lot more that keeps matching up, too.

Hey, do you think we'll get to the the sexeteria in Jerusalem in one of the new movies?

« Reply #212 on: 08-29-2007 15:55 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Popcorn.  Definitely.

Or a bucket of Popplers...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #213 on: 08-29-2007 15:59 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2007 15:59 »

So, when I merged the two creators' descriptions together, I was expecting a bare-naked, enormous, tentacle-raping alien. Apparently, I assumed wrong. WAY wrong.

No, that's the second movie.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #214 on: 08-29-2007 16:03 »

Originally posted by Ralph Snart:
  No, that's the second movie.

Matt Groening was just talking about the series in general in that interview, wasn't he? Or did he specifically mention that the entire interview was the second movie? I think I may have a misunderstanding here...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #215 on: 08-29-2007 17:04 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2007 17:04 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
Cloolsome. I've just noticed that Fry is holding something in his hand, can't make out quite what it is though. Also looking at the design of the cover it could be a slipcase with the Bender TV screen image being part of a seperate image underneath when you slide the outer case off...

I think there is an image of Bender underneath. If you look, there seems to be a fine outline around the TV. Probably something like the Season 4 box, where you have the character's inner structure blocked by the slipcase.

If the pink one is Nudar, he looks either rich or royal.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #216 on: 08-29-2007 17:25 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
If the green one is Nudar, he looks either rich or royal.

Nudar might be a king of a planet or galaxy. Note the crown. With royality comes wealth, so he'd be both.

I wonder how Nudar even found the crew (member(s)?). He may have been on a brief search for a robot who was daring enough and willing to go back in time for pay. My other theory is that he/his family/his race has had a time-long feud with the Nibblonian civilization and once wait to become as epic and powerful as they are. Now, with a character such a Bender being best friends with two people who will (suspected in Leela's case) play a very important part in the universe, he could go through Bender to get to him (or them, as the case may insist).
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #217 on: 08-29-2007 23:09 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
If the pink one is Nudar, he looks either rich or royal.

JustNibblin' can either back me up on this or correct me, because my memory's a bit fuzzy, but

It's still entirely possible that he is a figure of importance on his planet, if not the ruler itself.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #218 on: 08-29-2007 23:28 »

Oh, I hope they don't bring religion into it too much. 'Godfellas' was a brilliant episode because of it's ambiguity. 'If you do things right', etc. The subtle manipulation on 'God's' part to make Bender do the right thing. If that's all explained... Well, the whole magic and mystery and message risks being swept away.


Space Pope
« Reply #219 on: 08-29-2007 23:41 »

Oh, I so completely agree with that. Godfellas was actually the first episode I ever watched, and it's what got me into Futurama. One fateful night in march 2006 i was flipping channels and i saw a robot floating thru space......spouting philosophy and such. I thought, "If every episode is as good as this one, I gotta get me some of this show." And i wasn't exactly disappointed as i think on subsequent nights i saw A Flight to Remember, My Three Suns, X-Mas Story...umm okay but i guess the point was, right, don't make it outwardly religious.

Bending Unit
« Reply #220 on: 08-29-2007 23:51 »

Originally posted by Officer 1BDI:
JustNibblin' can either back me up on this or correct me, because my memory's a bit fuzzy, but

I back you up--I had the same impression.



Starship Captain
« Reply #221 on: 08-30-2007 18:39 »

Wait, trailer?! Where can we see this at? I've seen shakey comic-con footage, but only the "BOX NETWORK" scene.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #222 on: 08-30-2007 19:16 »

You remember the part where 1bdi and jn were actually at Comic-con?
What up?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #223 on: 08-30-2007 19:44 »

i havent seen the trailer for the movie is it on the internet somewhere? like youtube.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #224 on: 08-30-2007 20:49 »

To reiterate:

There is a 55-second long clip of the trailer on YouTube here.

There is a transcript of the full five minute trailer here.

JustNibblin' added his own information here.
Robo D Rulz!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #225 on: 08-31-2007 00:37 »

Oh yes, this is going to be SOOOOOOO AWESOME!! I always had a feeling that Futurama would come back and it looks like my gut feeling was right, YAY!!

Like everyone else, i've known about this for some time, but now that we're about 3 months away, I can't keep from getting excited!

  :D   :D

Choke on that FOX  :p   :evillaugh:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #226 on: 09-01-2007 05:57 »

does that green alein in the bottom left hand corner mean anything?

Bending Unit
« Reply #227 on: 09-01-2007 12:54 »
« Last Edit on: 09-01-2007 12:54 »

Well Dru, it looks like they're in the middle of New New York, so anyone could be on the cover.  I belive they wanted some civilians on there, but only one becuase that would actualy ruin the cover.

Well that is my opinion, don't yell at me if it's not right!
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #228 on: 09-01-2007 13:04 »

Well, you're right about the "it could be anyone on the cover" bit.  I don't remember seeing her (?) in the trailer at all; I think it's just a random NNY-er too.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #229 on: 09-02-2007 19:56 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
Oh, I hope they don't bring religion into it too much. 'Godfellas' was a brilliant episode because of it's ambiguity. 'If you do things right', etc. The subtle manipulation on 'God's' part to make Bender do the right thing. If that's all explained... Well, the whole magic and mystery and message risks being swept away.

Now you're thinking on my level, Xanfor! They needn't put more religion in it that Hell is Other Robots.... I'd weird about something if it has too terribly much. If it does, then it wouldn't be Futurama anymore...it'd be more like some random other show nobody's written yet...or something. If I wanted to watch something like that, I'd just watch one of those Saturday morning shows or whatever. :nono:
Fry´s Armpit

« Reply #230 on: 09-04-2007 03:51 »

Just to let you know, I met Billy this weekend at the London con and I asked him about the commnetary on the DVD and he confirmed that he, John and Katey all did the commentary on the first DVD.

He also said he hadn't seen much of the later movies, just the odd "clip" here and there.

What a wonderful guy!!!


Bending Unit
« Reply #231 on: 09-04-2007 09:22 »

awesome! i wish that lauren tom, phil lamarr, and dave herman did some commentary too..

Bending Unit
« Reply #232 on: 09-04-2007 11:09 »

Well, that's great that Katey is involved in the commentary!  This will be first time for her, right?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #233 on: 09-04-2007 13:51 »

Originally posted by gwynhwyfar:
awesome! i wish that lauren tom, phil lamarr, and dave herman did some commentary too..
Originally posted by JustNibblin':
Well, that's great that Katey is involved in the commentary!  This will be first time for her, right?
[ Disclaimer: The following is not to be construed in any way, shape form, manner, or by implication, as a complaint!]

So do I!

[/Disclaimer: The preceding was not to be construed in any way, shape form, manner, or by implication, as a complaint!]
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #234 on: 09-04-2007 21:19 »

Awesome news. Katey's never done commentary before, though serveral writers and staff members have. It's great to see Billy and John doing it as usual. I love listening to the commentary...

Urban Legend
« Reply #235 on: 10-02-2007 19:19 »

Now that Futurama is coming back, will anything change?  Will it be more dirtier?  Will the humor be more PC just stay the same as it always was?  I believe that since Futurama has a big fan base and it came back, it will probably last a long time. 
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #236 on: 10-02-2007 19:27 »

Take a look for yourself...

Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #237 on: 10-02-2007 19:29 »

It's going to be a little dirtier, but I think they said it was going to be the types of jokes the tried to make with the show on TV and wouldn't pass censors, or something like that. So yes, dirtier, but only a smidge.

« Reply #238 on: 10-02-2007 20:17 »

Originally posted by Frida Waterfall:
Take a look for yourself...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #239 on: 10-02-2007 20:30 »


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