
« on: 02-11-2005 00:39 »
PEEL is getting to many of those annoying little question threads. With qusestions like these: "What episode is this from", "What scene is this from" and "In what episode does so and so say this". So if you have a Futurama related question like that, feel free to ask it here.  (Sorry if this has been done before, I was just trying to make PEEL better)
Futurama Nerd


Here's a question, not related to Futurama. Where have you been JDB? You become Starship Captain faster than me, then you leave. I was beginning to like you!

DOOP Secretary

FACT: Most people who ask these annoying little questions are stupid n00bs.
FICTION: Stupid n00bs are actually going to look for a thread to post these questions in.


Originally posted by Futurama Nerd: Here's a question, not related to Futurama. Where have you been JDB? You become Starship Captain faster than me, then you leave. I was beginning to like you! I was away for about 3 weeks or close to a month because something went wrong with our internet connection. It was so screwed up! Somedays it would let me on... but then cut you off 2 minutes later. And somedays it wouldn't even let me on! So if you've been wondering where I was, Mystery Solved! But now I'm back and here to stay!  Futurama Nerd: " Was beginning to like me? Don't you like me anymore?
Quantum Leek


hey if we're on a question thread, in one of the commentaries david cohen asks the audience to work out a mathmatical question and says can they e-mail the answer to him and they'll win a prize well i wonder if anybody has answered it?
it's in season3 might be roswell that ends well (don't quote me on that)
Quantum Leek


if that was his real address he must get so much spam it's unreal! but if he only gets descent futurama fanatics like us e-mailing him i don't hink he should be too complacent. after all if not for us his show would not have been any kind of success at all, but we all know we love him and all the futurama team, they are as gods who made that show!!!
also does anyone know why katey sagal never does commentaries for DVD's?
Quantum Leek


« Reply #14 on: 02-20-2005 14:33 »
« Last Edit on: 02-20-2005 14:33 »
i can't believe she's that busy either, and people like billy west,tress macneil and maurice lamarche do tonnes of stuff. i mean they do so many voice jobs it's unreal yet they made time, maybe she's just lazy? i ask seriously what in the world could be more important then futurmama? i tried e-mailing the cohen address but no reply as of yet, i wouldn't be surprised if it's not working now or if i was deleted as spam.  i wish i could just say hello to david cohen and tell him he's great! p.s- to actually post a question in this question thread, i wonder how long fox have the rights to futurama for? because after theylose them i wonder will we see more episodes shown on t.v by smart stations?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

No, it have something to do with people not knowing it exist. Believe me we've had dozens of these type of threads over the years and none of them work, because they don't get enough posts to stay on page 1.


What Episode is this Farnsworth quote from? "No Fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!"
Is that from 'TLOTF'? I'm not to sure.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Nope, this version of UBB doesn't support "Sticky threads". The only way the thread can stay on the first page is if people post in it.
Futurama Nerd


@Andy1234: I don't really care about rank. I was just saying that he became one faster then me. I was happy he was back that's all, he's a nice guy. Geez.
Futurama Nerd


^By posting stuff. Just make sure you don't spam, that's bad. Like, you need one more post to become a Delivery Boy.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Here on Peel? Your rank, as well as the stars relate to your post count. For you that will be with the next post. Check out this little FAQ to see when they come. Keep in mind though that spamming for ranking is not cool. 

DOOP Secretary

There has been lots of n00bs, or the politically correct title "new PEELers", around PEEL lately and they've been making alot of threads that have no real contribution or have been done. Since this thread was made for that, I'm bumping it so this problem can be prevented from happening.


Yeah, that would be a good Idea to change the name. Can we do that, though?

DOOP Secretary

Changing the thread name. Now that could be the latest moderator superpower.