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Author Topic: The Annoying Little Futurama Question Thread  (Read 3722 times)
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Delivery Boy
« Reply #40 on: 05-28-2005 00:29 »

Originally posted by germanfryfan:
I don't know if it is, would be a good thing for this thread though.

The other thing is that if it gets pushed to the 2nd page of the General Disscussion it'll be forgotten - unless you want to bump it everytime.   ;)

I don't know if it's ever used here, but at most other forums they make use of "sticky" topics that are permanently kept at the top of the topic list.  It's useful for topics of things like rule listings and FAQs.  Don't know if the capabilities of these boards are any different, but I would think that stickies could be used here if there were a couple topics you always wanted to be kept on the first page.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 05-28-2005 07:21 »

That is exactly the problem! The message board engine PEEL uses is a bit rusty, being coded in early 2000. It has been fixed many times manually by our Admin mArc, and lots of features have been added already. Fixed threads however are impossible to implement. I guess it is because the database system PEEL uses isn't that compliant for developing an effective procedure to do so.  :hmpf:

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 05-28-2005 07:27 »

Originally posted by JDB:
Yeah, that would be a good Idea to change the name. Can we do that, though?

dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #43 on: 05-28-2005 13:01 »

on to the topic,these sites will help:
help: http://www.tvtome.com/Futurama/guide.html 
     or this: http://www.gotfuturama.com/Information/EpisodeGuide 

« Reply #44 on: 05-28-2005 13:14 »

I have a question, but it always seemed too obscure to search for, and too silly to actually ask.  But here's a thread for stupid questions, so...

Which episode has the commentary where they all claim to be drunk at a party?  Where the person giving the "this episode was broadcast" info says it in this slow monotone and then the others make fun of him....
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #45 on: 05-28-2005 13:29 »

well its the first ive heared of it
the fool

Delivery Boy
« Reply #46 on: 05-28-2005 13:32 »

I don't know if this belongs in here, it's probably been discussed many times before, but...

I've always had a theory that Prof. Farnsworth is the father of Mom's 3 sons. In one episode, it flashes back to when Farnsworth worked for Mom, and they were always 'going at it like Woodchucks'. They time between when Farnsworth got fired, and the year 3000, could have been enough for Mom's sons to grow into what they are now?

or not
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #47 on: 05-28-2005 14:33 »
« Last Edit on: 05-28-2005 14:33 »

Shiny: I Dated a Robot.

the fool: Some relevant threads.

And, more to the point:
From this interview with David X. Cohen:
Right from the start, on the DVD of the pilot, you said there were hints being dropped for later storylines that were going to be picked up, like Nibbler's shadow -- were there any storylines that you never got the chance to follow up because of the cancellation?
Yeah, there were a few -- if I go back to Igner, for example, part of the reason we didn't follow this one was because we didn't end up making him such a big character. But one thing we were going to reveal down the line was that Igner was the Professor's illegitimate son, because he and Mom had had a fling years ago. That was one we were going to follow a bit more, the past history of Mom and the Professor.
So, Farnsworth was never intended to be the father of all three of the sons, but there was an unrealized idea about him being the father of Ignar in particular.
the fool

Delivery Boy
« Reply #48 on: 05-28-2005 23:10 »


Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 05-30-2005 15:07 »

new question:

how do you get futurama episode framegrabs?


Bending Unit
« Reply #50 on: 06-06-2005 20:40 »

Ok heres a question for PEEL: why does it take so many posts to change status? its probably a reason for spam.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #51 on: 06-06-2005 20:46 »

Oh well, it is indirect a reason to prevent spam. Rasing another status (called rank) should never be your reason for posting. More should giving your opinion to a discussion, or talking to other people about a topic be your reason.

But you already got it right, that ranks are given to the numbers of posts you have. And the higher your rank is, the more posts do you need to get the next one.

In the PEELers' FAQ it is written down how they are graduated.

« Reply #52 on: 06-11-2005 10:56 »

Hey, does anyone know the name of the song playing in "The Deep South" while Fry and Umbriel are hanging out together, and "falling in love" so to speak?  I'm reasonably sure this isn't the part of the parody of "Atlantis" by Donovan - although that song's used in the episode, but during the video of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce put out to promote tourism.

The lyrics were something like "Down under the ocean... where I wanna be, she may be" or something like that.   Thanks!

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #53 on: 06-11-2005 11:03 »

The song they played during that scene in which Umbirel and Fry spend the time together was the original version of Donovan's "Atlantis".
Donovan himself did the spoof "Atlanta" that was later used on that info video.
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