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Author Topic: Star Wars: The Thread Strikes Back  (Read 67353 times)
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Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #440 on: 10-20-2015 22:12 »
« Last Edit on: 10-20-2015 22:14 »

I have to say the more i watch the trailer the most i like it...

a bit too many lens flares at the start.... but i kinda like it overall..

now to try to destroy hipe and remain pesimistic..  because im beginning to think this might actually work ...and i had to many disapointments allready for a long time

. I don't believe we have seen Lupita Nyong'o's character yet, either.

We have... 


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #441 on: 10-20-2015 22:16 »

Why don't you stop watching and analysing the trailers, and save yourself for the film itself?  :)

Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #442 on: 10-20-2015 23:18 »
« Last Edit on: 10-21-2015 00:07 »

believe me.. i really try not to

still not nearly as obsesed as some people im seeing arround framefreezing everything and allready ploting the entire movie ahead

Space Pope
« Reply #443 on: 10-21-2015 00:35 »

I think the lack of Luke is obvious: they want to make his reveal a big deal in the movie.

Space Pope
« Reply #444 on: 10-21-2015 02:50 »

How possible do you think it is that JJ Abrams is going to actually make Luke turn out to be the advertised big bad in disguise in an attempt to make an iconic twist for the new trilogy?

Space Pope
« Reply #445 on: 10-21-2015 03:16 »

How possible do you think it is that JJ Abrams is going to actually make Luke turn out to be the advertised big bad in disguise in an attempt to make an iconic twist for the new trilogy?

That would be a horrible, horrible idea. 90% of the plot in the original trilogy is about Luke resisting the dark side. Suddenly making him the villain because reasons wouldn't be the smartest thing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #446 on: 10-21-2015 08:10 »

Surely it turns out Luke is the bad guy?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #447 on: 10-21-2015 09:35 »

Maybe he's the good guy but the galaxy has gone bad.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #448 on: 10-21-2015 15:52 »

Five bucks says the New Death Star blows up Tatooine :p

Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #449 on: 10-21-2015 19:33 »

Five bucks says the New Death Star blows up Tatooine :p

i would pay millions for it to blow Endor

Space Pope
« Reply #450 on: 10-21-2015 20:32 »
« Last Edit on: 10-21-2015 20:36 »

How possible do you think it is that JJ Abrams is going to actually make Luke turn out to be the advertised big bad in disguise in an attempt to make an iconic twist for the new trilogy?

That would be a horrible, horrible idea. 90% of the plot in the original trilogy is about Luke resisting the dark side. Suddenly making him the villain because reasons wouldn't be the smartest thing.

I agree. But we're talking about the same guy who actually thought switching the roles of Kirk and Spock from Wrath of Kahn in the emotional climax of Into Darkness was clever.

I can totally see the studio going "No that's a horrible idea" and then Abrams going over their heads and presenting the idea to Lucas who went "YES AWESOME" and then convinced the studio to let him do it. :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #451 on: 10-21-2015 21:47 »

If he does turn out to be the Bad Guy, there will surely be some slowly-revealed justification, e.g. he's doing it for the greater good, or he's sacrificing his soul to save someone he loves, etc.


Space Pope
« Reply #452 on: 10-22-2015 00:06 »
« Last Edit on: 10-22-2015 00:10 »

Absolutely. It could be done very well. But if that is the case and they intend for it to be a twist, they're doing a horrible job of not making it super easy to guess.

On the other hand, if leaving him out of the advertising is a deliberate attempt to get people to guess that he's the bad guy, only to have a huge reveal that he's simply been in exile or something, then....that's genius.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #453 on: 10-24-2015 23:26 »

I'll just leave this here.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #454 on: 10-24-2015 23:35 »

So, I'm going to the very first showing of TFA at my local cinema, 00:05 on the 17th December. Very excited. :D
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #455 on: 10-25-2015 01:55 »

So, I'm going to the very first showing of TFA at my local cinema, 00:05 on the 17th December. Very excited. :D

Lucky you.. in 2 hours all tickets for the 18 were gone.. only 3D passes were avalaible and i refused as i dont want to see this movie first in 3D (dark, blurry and with 3D glasses on top of my regular glasses) so we had to go for the 19th

Space Pope
« Reply #456 on: 10-25-2015 02:35 »

I'll probably wait a few days before seeing it, and then go at an unpopular time (like 10 AM-ish).

My hype can wait a bit longer.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #457 on: 10-25-2015 02:47 »

I was going to see Jurassic World after the crowds died down, but it slipped my mind (it doesn't take much...) and will be getting it on blu-ray.  It's entirely possible that I'll do the same for Force Awakens.  Unless most everyone here raves about it, in which case I'll likely go UrL's route and see it some weekday morning.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #458 on: 10-25-2015 02:16 »

I'll just leave this here.


You are a bad man, and I have no regrets over having laughed a lot at your video. Well done.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #459 on: 10-25-2015 19:32 »

I'll just leave this here.

You are a bad man, and I have no regrets over having laughed a lot at your video. Well done.

The George Lucas part killed me the most. :laff:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #460 on: 10-25-2015 22:20 »

I've managed to avoid all trailers, but I couldn't resist watching this one, thanks :) :)

Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #461 on: 11-10-2015 23:59 »

Im going to submerged mode

im eating quite a lot of spoilers and im trying activelly to avoid them...

they are everywhere

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #462 on: 11-30-2015 22:27 »

Saw a trailer during a commercial break on my boring regional news channel, of all places.  Fortunately I managed to avert my eyes and avoid assimilating spoilers.

J J Abrams was asked recently which of the many rumours and fan theories about Force Awakens was his favourite...

[JJ] I’m sure there are some I don’t know, but the one I heard that I think is so great is that Jar-Jar is a Sith...



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #463 on: 12-16-2015 18:45 »

T-minus 6 hours and 20 minutes until I see The Force Awakens! Cannot wait. :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #464 on: 12-16-2015 19:51 »
« Last Edit on: 12-16-2015 20:04 »

Lucky bugger, I'm seeing it in 22 hours and 40 minutes.

I just got spoiled about a major plot point, so I hope you're able to go in blind like I was wanting to :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #465 on: 12-16-2015 23:02 »

Enjoy, guys!  If the crowds have thinned a tiny bit after Christmas I'll try to see it on the 29th or 30th.  Otherwise I'll just bide my time... <insert image of Palpatine steepling his hands, with a slightly malevolent smile>

P.S. I will literally be wearing earplugs in the theatre line, to avoid spoilers :)


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #466 on: 12-16-2015 23:11 »

"Well thank you Mr Blow The Picture For Me"

Urban Legend
« Reply #467 on: 12-17-2015 05:03 »

T-minus 6 hours and 20 minutes until I see The Force Awakens! Cannot wait. :D

Hurr, when you posted this I'd not long gotten back from seeing it.

Wow, what an ending! Who would've thought that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father!

But yeah I liked it and thought it was fun and stuff. There, spoiler-free review!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #468 on: 12-17-2015 23:04 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2015 23:16 »

Well that was pretty fucking awesome.
If I had to rank the movies from best to worse it would be
5,4,7,3,6,2, The Clone Wars Movie and 1

My only complaints for The Force Awakens is minor nitpicks that people probably don't care about

Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #469 on: 12-18-2015 00:41 »
« Last Edit on: 12-18-2015 21:15 »

My only complaints for The Force Awakens is minor nitpicks that people probably don't care about

We are talking about Star Wars. Belief me, there are no "minor nitpicks that people probably don't care about". Even the slightest details can cause hordes of mom-basment dwelling sci fi freaks rush into the fray, shouting their infamous battle-cry "NERDRAGE!!!"

Anyway, I am a huge fan of the classic trilogy, and the new movie unfortunately did not do it for me at all...:(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #470 on: 12-18-2015 22:55 »
« Last Edit on: 12-18-2015 22:56 »

Enjoyed the film lots, was a fan of Kylo Ren before going in but I appreciate him even more after seeing the film.

Some thoughts (spoilery as fuck, obviously):

Lots of questions are brought up by the end of the film, but I think we needed a lot more questions answering about the events that occurred in the 30 years after ROTJ before we start to build up this fresh universe.

Urban Legend
« Reply #471 on: 12-19-2015 00:31 »

Saw it this afternoon and really liked it, especially the acting from the new cast members. Only minor nitpick was the obvious reusing of a certain item from the ot and the cgi characters kind of stuck out like a sore thumb

Space Pope
« Reply #472 on: 12-19-2015 06:19 »

I also enjoyed it.

The new characters are excellent and I feel like this movie did a great job of "passing down the torch" so they won't have to rely on the fan favourites in the future.


Urban Legend
« Reply #473 on: 12-19-2015 13:43 »

Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #474 on: 12-19-2015 18:39 »

Okay, I'll throw in my thoughts.

So there
Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #475 on: 12-19-2015 22:57 »

It was very cool and a good, solid movie on its own.


Space Pope
« Reply #476 on: 12-20-2015 03:01 »

One other thing I'll give VII credit for is that it was very tightly paced. There was barely a dull moment and it was interesting the entire way through. No trade negotiations whatsoever! :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #477 on: 12-20-2015 04:43 »

Yeah, I found that it didn't really drag on at all like the prequels seemed to do a lot.

Space Pope
« Reply #478 on: 12-20-2015 16:32 »

Even the original trilogy suffers from padding. The beginning of A New Hope drags on forever before Luke meets Obi Wan. And Return of the Jedi is almost 2/3rds material not related to the main plot. The Empire Strikes Back is the only well-paced of those three.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #479 on: 12-20-2015 17:36 »

Perhaps it's a generational thing.  Seeing A New Hope during opening week, it certainly didn't seem to drag on in the least.  It was a new and very different sort of sci-fi film to us and it took a while to acclimate to its setting.  The pacing at the beginning reinforced the believability of Luke wanting to get the hell away from that farm in the middle of nowhere and out from under the control of his aunt and uncle but it didn't seem unduly slow.

The machinery looked well-used, and the sets looked like they were shot on location and it really drew the audience in.  The John Williams score helped a lot, too.  The only real jarring exception that I recall was the stupid pyrotechnic effect on the first R2 unit.

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