
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Hey leia, did you hear about this exhibit in our area for the next few months?

DOOP Secretary

It still holds for a hollow spherical shell
Not really, since a hollow spherical shell positioned outside of a gravitational field will have its own gravitational field completely negated by its own structure on the inside. That's why the concept of a habitable inner-surface of a dyson sphere is false. ...I think I just made your argument for you. Anyway... How come Palpatine goes from being a genius master manipulator, executing very intricate plots and positioning everybody to unwittingly do his bidding in the prequels... to a lunatic blowing up planets with a giant space gun in the originals? Seems like a big change... like lost about a hundred IQ points somewhere in-between. The Palpatine depicted in the prequels should have been able to crush the Rebellion without ever firing a shot.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #451 on: 11-29-2011 01:33 »
« Last Edit on: 11-29-2011 01:39 »
One thing that confuses me is that how Qui Gon Jin suffers and dies by getting stabed in the gut but Obi Wan and Yoda instantly revert to nothing, also Qui Gon doesn't become a spirit until the end of ROTS where Obi Wan and Yoda can instantly speak to Luke and one another
It has to do with how Jedi 'return from the netherworld of the force' and become a "ghost" visible to living beings. At the end of ROTS, there was an entire scene that Qui Gon was supposed to be in where he talks to Yoda and tells him how to do that. It's still in the book and the screenplay. In the actual film, Yoda briefly touches on the subject. Basically, Qui Gon was the first one of them to figure out how to do it, and he tells Obi Wan and Yoda how to do it. Therefore, when they die they disappear and immediately begin to communicate with and appear to those that are force sensitive. Edit: Also, before anyone asks the "Why then when they appear as ghosts does Obi Wan look like he did in ANH and Anakin looks like he did in ROTS?" This is because a Jedi comes back in ghost form in whatever was the best part of their life, when they were strongest in the force or at their prime.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, I'm not a fan of child-murdering, Padme-chokers being the Jedi-est Jedi Annakin Skywalker ever was, and I hate both children and Padme. This excuse strikes me as retconning of the highest order. This is not to say I haven't partaken in internalized retconning, but at least I have the good decency to acknowledge my state of denial when I can't quite cover up a plot hole.

DOOP Secretary

Wait, the guy who played old messed-up Vaderkin was named Sebastian Shaw? That's the name of an X-Men comics character. A mutant who runs the Hellfire club.
Also, Anakin wasn't really ever a good dude when he was young. Even before he took to slaughtering children "younglings" he was an arrogant and disrespectful tool. I'd have said his moment of redemption saving luke and offing Palpatine was probably his most pure.

DOOP Secretary

Also, Anakin wasn't really ever a good dude when he was young. Even before he took to slaughtering children "younglings" he was an arrogant and disrespectful tool. I'd have said his moment of redemption saving luke and offing Palpatine was probably his most pure.
His past was a lot better before it was ruined by being made into films. I am sorry, colourful pictures played in a sequence.

DOOP Secretary

Oh and if the whole 'return as a Force-ghost' thing was first learned by Qui-Gon, and then taught to Yoda and Obi-Wan.... how did Anakin know how to do it?

DOOP Secretary

You know what? I hate Star Wars now.
Gonna go back to Trek.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

You know what? I hate Star Wars now.
Gonna go back to Trek.
I don't know if I should be happy or frightened...

DOOP Secretary

With Coldy frightened is usually the safer option.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
That whole scene where Anakin magically learns how to fly spaceships and destroys the trade federation's mother ship is bullshit. Hell, the whole reason to visit Tattooine and find some magically force power boy was pretty dumb too. * winna runs off to cry.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #471 on: 12-01-2011 09:54 »
« Last Edit on: 12-01-2011 09:57 »
No , you are actually right... Even acepting some of the newest Lucas work , this new trilogy should had started in episode 2... Anakin would had been what we all tought... a great Jedi Knight who was apreciated by his colleges (like Obi Wan said) but not a "mega-special" chosen one. What made Luke special was that he was the last Jedi .... not being "the son of the chosen one".. he was the son of a suposed dead Jedi who then turned out to be a traitor who fell to the dark side... contributed to the extintion of practically all other Jedi and so the emperor had nobody to fight him on the force level until a new Jedi shows up.. the prequels only need to show Anakin as a Jedi and how and why he fell ... Lucas wasted 1/3 of them showing us a kid's movie with a stupid race and a lame Battle of Yavin/Battle of Endor ripoff/mix.. And as stated... Anakin ... a 9 year old kid? Padme... a 14 year old... queen? What kind of mornic planet makes a 14 year old queen? oh wait... i just renember: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_II_of_SpainStill i maintain that point as that really didnt worked out well

DOOP Secretary

She was elected in Star Wars, Isabella II took over as a regular monarch!
Isabella I was the best, though.

DOOP Secretary

And she probably did not say shit like 'I will not condone any action that will lead us to war' and then later condone such an action.

DOOP Secretary

Maybe the politcs are so messy on Naboo that your have to be 14 in order to not have some horrible scandal behind you.

DOOP Secretary

Nothing wrong with young leaders. This is an entirely different culture, as well.