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Author Topic: Star Wars: A New Thread  (Read 51176 times)
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transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #160 on: 07-21-2011 22:09 »
« Last Edit on: 07-21-2011 22:14 by totalnerduk »

Beh, and it will probably be the retouched versions... I WANT THE ORIGINALS!

I have the original versions on DVD. The original cinematic releases... where Han shoots first, and the Sarlaac pit looks like a gigantic sandy vagina monster.

The DVDs contain the original trilogy, the remastered trilogy, and the remastered trilogy with commentary. They're in a metal tin, and they were an Xmas present a couple of years ago.

Compare your DVD collection to mine and then kill yourself!


Space Pope
« Reply #161 on: 07-21-2011 23:23 »

I have the laser disc versions on DVDs. They aren't even remastered. :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #162 on: 07-21-2011 23:31 »

They wiped the originals to make the special edition, all that's left is the crappy transfers they made to laserdiscs and vhs
you better all buy the blurays quick, the 3D version will be out soon!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #163 on: 07-21-2011 23:32 »

3D *puke*

Space Pope
« Reply #164 on: 07-21-2011 23:35 »

I prefer the unmastered versions. You can see through the cockpits of the snow speeders and the TIEs in Star Wars (I refuse to call it A New Hope) have obvious boxes round them.

They are still great films, however. The touching up was always unnecessary.

3D *puke*


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #165 on: 07-21-2011 23:36 »

The bluray release should also include the Christmas Special.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #166 on: 07-22-2011 02:42 »

They wiped the originals to make the special edition

Nope. The original prints exist here and there in the hands of collectors. The original releases for the trilogy were copied several times to allow more than one theater to show them at once, you see.

As is typical, some of these found their way into private hands. The legacy is preserved, even if the holders are too scared of degradation to allow the film to leave the hermetically sealed cans.

Urban Legend
« Reply #167 on: 07-26-2011 16:55 »

Check these, fellow SW geeks.

They're the intro movies for the new SW: The Old Republic game. I don't have the time to get into an online game, but these are freaking fabulous. And you can download them for full resolution watching.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #168 on: 07-27-2011 00:18 »

I've seen the first two of those already, they're pretty cool, and I think that's John DiMaggio as the Han Solo facsimile in the first one? Not sure.

Space Pope
« Reply #169 on: 07-27-2011 01:24 »

I'm as angry as I've ever been! Those snippets are better than 6ish hours of prequel!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #170 on: 07-27-2011 02:08 »

Yeah definitely John DiMaggio.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #171 on: 07-28-2011 14:35 »

Star Wars games really don't interest me for some reason. I find it hard to work up an interest for Star Wars things outside the actual movies. Having said that I did play an awesome Star Wars LittleBigPlanet level recently, and I also rather like this Star Wars Lego set because it's awesome...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #172 on: 07-28-2011 15:05 »

I have bought at least 20 Lego Star Wars sets, no idea where they all are now... :(

I built them all of course.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #173 on: 07-28-2011 15:40 »

Now you are just old enough to buy that set as well. I hope you didn't buy any 14+ Lego sets before you reached that age :shifty:...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #174 on: 07-28-2011 16:46 »

I did... :p What's so hard, it's just putting blocks on top of other blocks...

Urban Legend
« Reply #175 on: 07-28-2011 16:49 »

I have the boxset, but I'm not actually sure what the hell is on them.

They're in a metal tin, though, I'm sure... so maybe there's a chance that the original releases are on them. Technically it's my dads, and technically I haven't picked it up in years because I tend to find that Star Wars plays often enough for my liking on Sky.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #176 on: 07-28-2011 16:50 »

I did... :p What's so hard, it's just putting blocks on top of other blocks...

You were clearly advanced for your age :p...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #177 on: 07-28-2011 17:01 »

I know, I still am... :rolleyes:

Space Pope
« Reply #178 on: 07-28-2011 17:10 »

If you listen to parents ("Oh they're very bright for their age!"), it would seem that every child in the world is above average intelligence.

Urban Legend
« Reply #179 on: 07-28-2011 17:14 »

I were a jeanioos when I were a kid.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #180 on: 08-06-2011 13:33 »

If any of you is in London:


To celebrate Star Wars: The Complete Saga launching on Blu-ray September 12th, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment have teamed up with Empire Presents… Big Screen for three days of incredible Star Wars activity at London's The O2. On August 12-14th, Empire Presents…Big Screen will play host to a variety of rare treats for Star Wars fans of all ages.

C-3P0 himself, Anthony Daniels, will be on hand on August 12th and 13th to introduce a very special Industrial Light & Magic presentation, where the geniuses behind Star Wars' ground-breaking effects will guide audiences through the secrets of the beloved movie series.

Joining Anthony Daniels on stage will be two of ILM's most key talent – Digital Artist John Goodson and Visual Effects Supervisor Bill George. Fans will hear from Bill and John as they take us on a journey behind the scenes of the films while revealing exclusive new content which will be found in the upcoming release of Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

In addition, on Saturday August 13 only, there will be an incredible Star Wars Blu-ray Lounge, in association with Panasonic. This amazing installation will bring the high definition wonder of the upcoming Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray to a virtual living room at London's O2, with some exclusive sneak peeks at some of the 40-hours of special features never-before seen in the comfort of our dedicated lounge. Attendees will also receive a limited edition Star Wars character mask! Fans are also invited to the lounge on Saturday to share and record their own personal Star Wars story as part of the Star Wars Stories Project.

Meanwhile, over the duration of the weekend, every fan attending Empire Presents… Big Screen will have the special opportunity to be photographed on part of a replica Star Wars set, complete with legendary characters C-3P0 and R2-D2 – a memorable treat for families and fans of all ages. Families are also invited all three days to take part in the Star Wars Padawan Training where attendees will learn how to use the force to save the galaxy.

Tickets for Empire Presents… Big Screen start at £10, with a Day Pass just £35.

For tickets to Empire Presents…Big Screen, go to www.empirebigscreen.com

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #181 on: 08-07-2011 00:46 »

Can you get them without the prequels?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #182 on: 08-07-2011 00:47 »

couldn't you get some cathartic value out of burning the prequels?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #183 on: 08-07-2011 00:48 »

Svip: probably some day.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #184 on: 08-07-2011 00:48 »
« Last Edit on: 08-07-2011 00:50 »

I prefer to think of them as having never existed without the need to burn them.
I'm as angry as I've ever been! Those snippets are better than 6ish hours of prequel!
So is staring at dog crap for 6 hours.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #185 on: 08-07-2011 00:50 »

So, Star Was Holiday Special or Prequels?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #186 on: 08-07-2011 00:51 »

Wait, is this a Hitler or Stalin question?

Then not Mao.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #187 on: 08-07-2011 00:53 »

It's an Auschwitz or Nanking question.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #188 on: 08-07-2011 00:54 »

Then the Holiday Special, as it never truly pretended to be canon.  And moreover; it did not ruin the entire mythology of the original trilogy!

Space Pope
« Reply #189 on: 08-07-2011 05:06 »
« Last Edit on: 08-07-2011 05:10 »

It was one of the worst filmed and worst written American television shorts in history though. It rapes the eyes and ears way way more than the prequels do (with the exception of Jar Jar Binks).

The prequels suck, for sure, but credit where credit is due...the Holiday Special is a FAR worse piece of entertainment. At least the prequels you can sit through, even if you're biting your tongue and hating every second of them. If you sit through the entire Holiday Special your eyes melt and your lungs stop taking in oxygen...basically your body tries to tell you it'd rather be dead than continue to endure the torture.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #190 on: 08-07-2011 05:30 »

But the Holiday Special has Bea Arthur singing in it. And the scene is pretty emotional.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #191 on: 08-07-2011 14:43 »

I've never seen the Holiday Special, but by the sounds of it I don't want to either...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #192 on: 08-07-2011 14:48 »

I've sat through the Holiday Special.... and I'm still ok. :)


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #193 on: 08-07-2011 15:30 »

I've seen it either, mainly so I'd know what people's beef is with it. And I have to say I saw worse movies.

Space Pope
« Reply #194 on: 08-07-2011 19:18 »

I've sat through the Holiday Special.... and I'm still ok. :)

Well, of course, I never said you don't get better.

And I have to say I saw worse movies.

As a lover of the worst of the worst films, of course I know there's much, much more unwatchable stuff out there. But as far as authorized films based on insanely popular franchises go, this may be the bottom of the barrel.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #195 on: 08-07-2011 19:20 »

That it might be.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #196 on: 08-07-2011 19:56 »

Project Kill.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #197 on: 08-07-2011 20:56 »

I've seen The Star Wars Holiday Special three times... including once on television... my entire class was looking forward to seeing something Star Wars on TV, I don't recall anybody thinking it was good! Being children we didn't think that it wouldn't have the big budget excitement of the film :p
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #198 on: 08-11-2011 02:14 »

Check these, fellow SW geeks.
I'm not sure I like the way a lot of the tech has direct prequel counterparts (especially the fairly lame ass proto-droidekas) Also, Indiana Solo's ship is just way too much of a Millennium Falcon clone. I like the look and all, but it does not fit with the art direction of the other Old Republic games.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #199 on: 08-11-2011 09:26 »

To be honest, I agree. The only thing I would say though is that the Indy ship is not so much a Falcon clone but the perfect love child of the Falcon and the Ebon Hawk. Like the Corellian Engineering folks were just a few designs away from actually creating the YT-1300 - and yet it takes them over 3 and a half millennia to do it...

I checked the credits and unfortunately the Smuggler is not John Di Maggio - except for one bit where I would swear it was though...
I mean, I think the TOR movies are fantastic, agree with them being better than the Prequels, but it's funny that while these depictions look super-realistic, the actual art direction of the rest of the game is deliberately less so - I just hope people don't complain about it.
I don't know though, the biggest problem I have with TOR is that I'd like to play it, but probably won't, because I really don't do MMOs - not the time and not the money.

On an unrelated note, I actually dreamt last night I was watching yet another version of the Star Wars trilogy where GL had left in all the scenes cut from the original release and used much earlier revisions of the scripts, so the footage was even older and key scenes ran slightly differently. He still used special digital effects to tart everything up though.
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