
Liquid Emperor
We live in SoCal and go to DLand all the time  we have annual passes. We actually got engaged there...my husband held up a sign that read: "Marry Me??" on space mountain when they take the photo.  My husbands dad is an Imagineer. Oh and we went to disneyworld for our honeymoon, and it was pretty bad. I mean, it was the end of June, but I imagine its always pretty bad there. And yeah, I'm prepared for next Thursday to be horrible but that's just how it is in the summer. But we'll get there really early. Also, we're brining my 4 month old daughter so we won't be able to go on a lot of things, but my Mother in law is coming so hopefully she can watch her while we do star tours.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
This is a thread to discuss Star Wars.... not space mountain. 

Liquid Emperor
Hahaha Zoidey. I'll post a picture of the proposal when I get on my computer. We had a semi Star Wars themed wedding. Yes, I've seen the Jedi Training Academy like 1000 times. Its pretty cute. I'm always jealous of those little kids though!!!  We used to go to Disneyland like once a week, but since I've been pregnant and after I had my daughter we haven't gone as often. We did bring my daughter when she was 8 weeks old though!!! LOL She's my Star Wars-Disneyland-PEELer-In Training  and her middle name is Organa after princess Leia. I'm looking forward to Star Tours. I don't think I'll care where we go...I'm just really excited about it being different. I've been on the old one so many times I can recite the entire script.  I will be screaming from nerd-gasim. Anyway, I've been wanting to get a Tattoo of the Star Wars Rebel Symbol on my lower back for soo long. Red, outlined in black. It would be awesome. I don't know why its been so many years.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
Six Flags has metal detectors
Another reason to go visit the Mouse. Disneyland is detector free. They only look in your bags at a checkpoint before you get to the main entry gate...unless they're so cleverly hidden I don't notice them. I personally think the sideways proposal sign adds to the charm of the message and you try holding it straight flying through the dark at nearly 30mph while also holding on to the car. Not entirely as easy as it looks. Guess he could've pinned it onto his shirt the correct way... I have a valid question and I'm sure someone's asked it before but WHY do some nerds angrily rant about anything new George Lucas throws at us Star Wars fans? Are they waxing nostalgic they can't even really have (because I'm willing to be some of them weren't even around for the original films' releases) or what?

Liquid Emperor
Yes, he had to pull it out of his jacket pocket in the dark on a rollercoaster...and he said "I figured sideways would be better than risking it being upside down." I didn't see it till we got off the ride and looked at the picture. I'm screaming at him on the ride "what the hell are you doing?!" Cause I could tell he was doing something, but why would anyone search thru their pockets on a rollercoaster?  Everyone loves to hate George Lucas. Honestly, it really pisses me off. It takes a lot of work to make a film,(I work in the film industry) especially ones like Star Wars. For people to criticize every single thing he does is just annoying. Star Wars wouldn't exsist without Lucas. It's HIS story whether you like it or not, he can do whatever he wants with it. I hate when people are hypocrites "oh I LOVE star wars! But I hate the first three, and I hate George Lucas." Um well guess what, then you hate Star Wars. You can't say "this is my favorite novel! But I hate the end so I never read it." ????? It just doesn't make sense. Star Wars is a complete story, I-VI and without the prequels and the changes he's made, it wouldn't make sense. That's my two cents, and I refuse to argue this any further.


I have a valid question and I'm sure someone's asked it before but WHY do some nerds angrily rant about anything new George Lucas throws at us Star Wars fans? Are they waxing nostalgic they can't even really have (because I'm willing to be some of them weren't even around for the original films' releases) or what?
I don’t hate the prequels, but there was definitely something special about the first film (and yes, I did see it in the cinema when it was released). This was before the advent of CGI, and I think people were just so impressed by the visual impact of the film (and the score was pretty neat too). It captured the imagination and set a standard that was hard to maintain.

DOOP Secretary

I haven't done a marathon yet, but might end up doing one soon if I can get some friends together for the long haul. Some friends of mine did a marathon of the SE of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is longer than all the Star Wars movies. Now that's a commitment...

DOOP Secretary

At the beginning? But it's the end that's the lame part!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I've never done a marathon but I did one watch the original trilogy one movie at a time for three days I think.
That counts as a marathon in my book, since I ignore the existence of the new ones. 
May I add, Jar Jar Binks is a fucking dickhead!  I didn’t like Episode I or II, but I’ll give III some merit, I quite enjoyed it, the dark nature, the story was interesting and it started to get me engrossed which the first two failed completely to do... I’m not some Star Wars nerd though; I never even watched them until 2004 when I bought the DVD boxset of the originals. I enjoyed them and thought they were pretty clool. Due to the fact I was an adult when I first watched Star Wars it means that now I have no nostalgia goggles for these movies, because I was a neutral guinea pig... I hadn’t watched any of the prequels at that point so I hadn’t been damaged (aside from the messing about that had been done with the originals). I saw the prequels later and straight away I was irked by shitty Jar Jar Binks, fuck that little piece of turd, god even thinking about it makes my blood boil... The second one just didn’t grip me, too much CGI. I liked the puppetry of the originals, so much better, especially Yoda. Real effects rock. The third is pretty alright though, I’d almost given up before I watched it, but I enjoyed it. Obviously the originals are far better, I found the actors much easier to get, it seemed like they fitted unlike with the prequels whom most of the actors didn’t fit for me. This remember comes from someone who hadn’t watched Star Wars until 2004. I was 20 when I first saw them. I thought the DVD transfers of the originals looked quite amazing I gotta say...

DOOP Secretary

Beh, and it will probably be the retouched versions... I WANT THE ORIGINALS!