
DOOP Secretary

Oh my god!!!!! I love the look of the Yogi Bear Trailer. brings me back from watching this as a kid.

Space Pope
*watches the Yogi Bear trailer* Wow. Dan Aykroyd looks old Hmm...yeah...I dunno about that one. :| "Gee Homey, it's not very nice to maul Ranger Ned" "You want some of this?!" "Uh-uh!" Oh, I was having the most wonderful dream. I had a hat and a tie with no pants on...

DOOP Secretary

that wasn't a dream...

DOOP Secretary

I do like the look of Action Doctor. Great tag line too.
"The good news is you're going to live... The bad news is, he's going to kill you."

DOOP Secretary

Highlander: The Reckoning (possibly only the working title)
Reboot/remake of the original, ignoring all the silliness that came out of the sequels and TV series.
Will (probably) have Kevin McKidd as Connor, and Vinnie Jones as The Kurgan.
Could be good.

DOOP Secretary

You just saw that trailer? It's already out here, Faze.
Not in Ireland.

DOOP Ubersecretary
*bump for fake trailer* Blackstar Warrior! Lando Calrissian blaxploitation!  Oh man that needs to made so hard.

DOOP Secretary

Twlight fans/ non Twlight fans what do you think of this Vampire SuckThink I want to see it

DOOP Secretary

As a non-Twilight fan, I find the film absolutely stupid. A waste of energy to say the very least. But don't act so surprised, it's made by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. Idiots among directors. They've only really made really bad parody films, that make what they parody actually look good by comparison.
And if that is your end result, than your product has failed as a whole.

DOOP Secretary

Miyazaki Developing Porco Rosso: The Last SortieAcclaimed animation director Hayao Miyazaki is developing a sequel to his 1992 film Porco Rosso entitled Porco Rosso: The Last Sortie, says a report from Cut Magazine (via Nausicaa.net and AICN). The original film told the story of an Italian World War I fighter pilot who was transformed into a pig by a magical curse. The English language release featured Michael Keaton in the titular role. Miyazaki is quoted as saying that The Last Sortie will be set during the Spanish Civil War and that it will represent a sort of artistic escape for him at the moment, focusing on a male character after so many films with female protagonists. A sequel to Porco Rosso would represent the first direct sequel on the part of Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli. Previously, characters have crossed over between films (as was the case with Whisper of the Heart and The Cat Returns as well as the Susuwatari creatures in both My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=68973

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #700 on: 08-25-2010 17:05 »
« Last Edit on: 08-25-2010 17:07 »
Heh, Frank Darabont: "I must admit I didn't think much of Rick first time I laid eyes on him; looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man... then he blew some zombies heads off with a shotgun, awesome!" Enter The Void looks trippy. (NSFW bits)
David A

Space Pope
A sequel to Porco Rosso would represent the first direct sequel on the part of Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli. Previously, characters have crossed over between films (as was the case with Whisper of the Heart and The Cat Returns as well as the Susuwatari creatures in both My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away. Also the fox-squirrels from Nausicaä show up in Laputa. I'm not sure how I feel about Miyazaki making a sequel to one of his films. I mean, Porco Rosso is like the one Miyazaki film I haven't seen yet, but all of his other films seem like the kind that really, really don't need sequels.

DOOP Secretary

Well Porco Rosso was only meant to be a 30 minute short film for Japanese Airline flights... then got made into a feature length film.
And if any of his could work with a sequel it's this one I'd say.

DOOP Secretary

I know. They should at least have Russian accents or something. That's more owly right?

DOOP Secretary

Cohen bros cowboy/western movie adaptation: True Grit Looks good.
It looks exactly like the original movie only more srs bzns and less awesome because it hasn't got John Wayne in it.


I would pay money to see some trannies beat some red necks up.