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Author Topic: When's the new Batman movie out!? Films you're looking forward to (Trailers Too)  (Read 39682 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #520 on: 04-01-2010 00:03 »

clash of the titans looks like it's going to give legion some tough competition for stupidest movie of the year.

Space Pope
« Reply #521 on: 04-01-2010 02:38 »

Haha The Expendables trailer, is insane just for the amount of action stars in it.

I watched that in full and I still have not a clue as to what the plot is about. (Gonna assume that it's really not that important). And was Iron Man 2 shooting next door so they just decided to not change Mickey Rourke's appearance at all?

And I though Clash of the Titans looks alright until I saw this:

Not. Again.

Urban Legend
« Reply #522 on: 04-03-2010 09:54 »

The coming A-Team movie.

Pluses: Liam Neeson.

Minuses: No sure yet.

Something decent or total suckage? Place your bets.


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #523 on: 04-03-2010 12:35 »

The pessimist in me estimates (at least) a 90% chance of total suckage.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #524 on: 04-03-2010 20:05 »

I agree with the halfling.

The other 10% is Liam Neeson.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #525 on: 04-04-2010 10:48 »

 Do you think he'll be an opera-singing ghost in this one?

Urban Legend
« Reply #526 on: 04-04-2010 14:06 »

It's possible. He could also be a talking lion.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #527 on: 04-04-2010 15:55 »

Resident Evil: Afterlife

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #528 on: 04-07-2010 06:23 »

Dinner for Schmucks

It's a remake of the '98 French black comedy "Le Dîner de Cons", which I've seen before and loved. Schmucks seems good.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #529 on: 04-18-2010 02:20 »


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #530 on: 04-20-2010 02:04 »

For Get Low, Robert Duvall and Bill Murray, kewl.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #531 on: 04-20-2010 11:47 »

They totally ripped off the part where the piranha jumps up to bite the helicopter from Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus!  That being said, I'm glad they're piranhas and not candirus.

Space Pope
« Reply #532 on: 04-21-2010 02:59 »

They totally ripped off the part where the piranha jumps up to bite the helicopter from Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus!

I totally thought that too!, (even though gravely I've never seen Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus), and I totally knew you were going to say that too!

Additionally, I think I've mentioned this before, but the 1978 movie Piranha is a sterling movie.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #533 on: 04-21-2010 03:40 »
« Last Edit on: 04-21-2010 03:48 by coldangel_1 »

Metal Gear Soild movie has been put on hold. Probably a good thing.

Still no script for the next Star Trek.

Keanu Reeves is still Spike in Cowboy Bebop, set to be released next year...

There's a Green Lantern movie in the works.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides is slated for May next year, and will have Blackbeard in it.

There's also going to be a Hangover 2, and Mission: Impossible 4. Also Kung-Fu Panda 2, Transformers 3, and Underworld 4 next year. The sequel onslaught goes on...

Curiously in 2011 there's going to be a Smurfs movie, combining live-action and CGI. I wish that were a joke. Maybe they're trying to tie-in with the success of Avatar.

Less insane is the Tintin movie slated for December 2011.

Resident Evil: Afterlife

I didn't know they could fit so many massive action clichés into one trailer. They've even got the guy who inexplicably throws his sunglasses at the camera in slow-motion! :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #534 on: 04-21-2010 04:25 »

Keanu Reeves is still Spike in Cowboy Bebop, set to be released next year... <<< someone better kill Reeves before they start shooting

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #535 on: 04-21-2010 05:46 »

someone better kill Reeves

You can't.

Space Pope
« Reply #536 on: 04-21-2010 08:56 »

Hah, I remember that. He's like some kind of dull template of existence.

Keanu Reeves is still Spike in Cowboy Bebop, set to be released next year... <<< someone better kill Reeves before they start shooting
Maybe we can at least attempt to do that. I have 2 weeks off in June. I'll tell everyone I'm holidaying in...Antarctica.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides is slated for May next year, and will have Blackbeard in it.
I was just asking someone whether they were making this the other week. I think it was when we were waiting to see Kick Ass and there were about 15 of THE EXACT SAME posters for Clash of the Titans covering 2 square metres of the wall opposite us and we decided the big sea creature was the Kraken. I made a point that the Pirates movies were pretty decent sequels since they actually seemed to have stories to them. Also I have a bit of a thing for the sea and sea creatures..not a huge thing, just a slight interest.
*  is secretly a squid

Spewformers 3? Seriously? I keep telling people original ideas have left the building but people always seem to want to debate me about it. Me no understandy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #537 on: 04-21-2010 09:19 »

Yeah there aren't many movies that aren't remakes of old movies or adaptations of things from other mediums.

There'll be no Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightly in the next Pirates movie. That's a relief, because both of their characters shitted me to death.

Space Pope
« Reply #538 on: 04-21-2010 09:26 »

I see on IMDB that Geoffrey Rush is only "rumoured" to be in it? Aww..

Space Pope
« Reply #539 on: 04-21-2010 09:52 »
« Last Edit on: 04-21-2010 10:09 »

They totally ripped off the part where the piranha jumps up to bite the helicopter from Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus!

I totally thought that too!, (even though gravely I've never seen Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus), and I totally knew you were going to say that too!

Additionally, I think I've mentioned this before, but the 1978 movie Piranha is a sterling movie.
I really thought it was more Cooper, or even Hayden. (Hayden did want to prevent communist subversion sapping and impurifying all of our precious bodily fluids! :eek:)

I scoffed at Mega Pirahna until I saw the guy lying down, pummeling wave after wave of piranhas using only his feet. That was only, like, twenty seconds into it, too, so there wasn't really much time for scoffing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #540 on: 04-23-2010 22:52 »

someone better kill Reeves

You can't.
maybe you can't, I can

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #541 on: 04-23-2010 22:54 »

oh, and also:


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #542 on: 04-24-2010 07:02 »

maybe you can't, I can

Perhaps with a silver garlic-tipped stake blessed by Pope Benedict.

Also, Predators... I've almost had enough of them.

I want George Lucas to make a Boba Fett movie.

Urban Legend
« Reply #543 on: 04-24-2010 08:04 »

Predators? Isn't that the documentary about the Catholic Church? :p

Space Pope
« Reply #544 on: 04-24-2010 13:07 »

Is Predator wearing a Batman mask? :nono:

You should be more careful on the first Pre-date, that's why so many people end up as skull trophies in a spaceship.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #545 on: 04-25-2010 05:27 »

I just hope they don't give the Predator an elaborate back-story and character-development... explaining how he was teased as a boy for having a mutant vagina for a face and that's what drove him to kill everything...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #546 on: 04-25-2010 13:36 »

Maybe they have to band together stop Chris Hansen.
Sir Wankalot

Bending Unit
« Reply #547 on: 04-25-2010 13:51 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2010 13:53 »

Early contender for blockbuster summer smash of the year?
Mouth to Anus Human Centipede

Space Pope
« Reply #548 on: 04-25-2010 14:00 »

My favourite part is the fact that people had a price to perform in that :)
Sir Wankalot

Bending Unit
« Reply #549 on: 04-25-2010 14:39 »

I would have done it for free, just as long as I'm behind one of the girls and not the guy.

Space Pope
« Reply #550 on: 04-25-2010 14:50 »

You find women's farts more pleasant than men's?

Space Pope
« Reply #551 on: 04-25-2010 15:28 »

Farts? You're an optimist.

Space Pope
« Reply #552 on: 04-25-2010 16:22 »

Somehow I don't really believe that during filming they actually made a REAL human centipede, stitches and re-connections and all. If they did then, sure, farts would be optimistic..

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #553 on: 04-26-2010 02:14 »

Mouth to Anus Human Centipede

That actually made me feel ill. I think I'll skip that.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #554 on: 04-26-2010 02:23 »

They'll make a movie about anything nowadays won't they?

Space Pope
« Reply #555 on: 04-26-2010 02:26 »

Don't be silly. What's makes you think that?

I think I'll skip that.
Aww, and I was going to ask you to go out and see it with me. Would've dressed in bandages and everything!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #556 on: 04-26-2010 02:53 »
« Last Edit on: 04-26-2010 02:55 »

Mouth to Anus Human Centipede

That actually made me feel ill. I think I'll skip that.
I agree completely. If the trailer made me feel so sick, I don't want to know how sick the movie would make me. Just farting on my own now makes me feel bad. And, besides, what's the practical advantage of this? The back parts are just going to be tortured from swallowing feces and die off from malnutrition. Worst evil genius ever.
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #557 on: 04-27-2010 12:17 »

There's a Green Lantern movie in the works.
And the trailer raised an eyebrow on my face.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #558 on: 04-28-2010 04:15 »

trailer raised an eyebrow on my face.

Would have been worrying if it had raised one somewhere else.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #559 on: 04-28-2010 06:32 »

There's a Green Lantern movie in the works.
And the trailer raised an eyebrow on my face.
What trailer?
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