
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #440 on: 02-03-2010 08:07 »
« Last Edit on: 02-03-2010 08:09 »
So we're not going to see what happened to Sam when he landed on Earth?
We will, but it won't be the main focus of the movie. On blue and orange: FUUUUU---
Parasitic Puppy


that's awesome, i didnt' even realize they were already planning another movie. moon was excellent  i'm excited for the wolfman remake. i'm sick of all the remakes coming out just like everyone else, but this one really seems to hold onto alot of what made the original classy. hopefully i won't be disappointed.

DOOP Secretary

yeah, it will be great
no Comedian, no Rorschach, no Doctor Manhattan, no cold war but wolrd peace
yup, sure sounds awesome

DOOP Secretary

and the fact that the creators didn't make one means THERE SHOULD BE NONE!
not all stories have to be run to the ground

DOOP Secretary

as much fun as seeing someone get run over by a truck i guess
actually thinking about it, that would be more fun

DOOP Secretary

The reason why Watchmen is in a different universe than DC canon is that DC didn't want Moore messing with the Charlton Comics characters. He originally wanted to use these classic characters in the Watchmen story, fucking with them so much that it would destroy any chance that they could be used again. That's why The Question became Rorschach, Captain Atom became Dr. Manhattan, etc. That's why you don't see Watchmen characters in other DC comics (other than little easter egg references).
DC doesn't do Watchmen characters in their comics. Instead, in recent years, they've been making the Charlton characters more like the Watchmen characters. The Question is become more of a vigilante and an Objectivist. There have been other character changes as well.
Basically, to do a sequel to Watchmen would ruin it's allure. You could do a prequel, showing the Minuteman days, but that's it. That's what Moore originally planned, actually.

DOOP Secretary

LXG is the only one that stinks.
I actually kinda liked it. I even own the DVD. I mean... I still own the DVD because nobody wanted to buy it on eBay, but nevertheless... it's Sean!

DOOP Secretary

Probably. There were elements that weren't great, but on the whole it was pretty okay.

DOOP Secretary

the ultimate cut really makes the movie a lot better by adding way more from the comic (like the Black Freighter)... but i am sure that a lot of people complain that it's now 3.5 hours long

DOOP Secretary

Haven't seen that. Must.
Parasitic Puppy


Am I the only one who thinks Watchmen was total crap?
i'm with you. i couldn't stand the film. the only thing worth watching was the opening montage. the rest was a waste of time.

DOOP Secretary

Well it's easy to criticize, but these poor struggling Hollywood people do the best they can with the meagre budgets they're allocated.

DOOP Secretary

watchmen was better than avatar

DOOP Secretary

better story (that isn't overdone) better acting
take away the graphics of avatar and it would have been extremely boring and bland

DOOP Secretary

*raises hand* I was the provider of said neck-rub 

DOOP Secretary

The Joker is never not awesome.
