
DOOP Secretary

This is shocking and sad. Hopefully the one positive here is it will make a few people think about the harm of excess drinking and doing drugs...
No, because every junkie says that "that'll never happen to me, I can handle it".... then, dead.... Collosal waste of talent, she was.... When others struggle to get deals, she pisses away hers, treating fans with disrespect to the extent that she'd rather be down the off-licence than onstage (fact, she cancelled a gig in London due to "illness" but was then spotted in Oddbins buying up the wine counter). Her legacy will be youtubed footage of her stumbling around the stage in Serbia, while the team behind her thought nothing of doing anything about it, rather punting her into the recording studio so they can get enough recordings to release on the event of her death. Pathetic.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I'm thinking more along the lines of people who haven't done any drugs yet but were open to the idea, now they might think twice. Also the people who get wasted every week binge drinking, they might think a little, just a few of them anyway, with any luck...

DOOP Secretary

I know where you're coming from, however, as long as some people think that dying in a pool of your own sick is cool, then we're fighting a losing battle here....
As far as binge drinkers are concerned, as a tee-totaller, I think it's the same, they all think that being crazy, out-there, zany funsters is getting pissed-up paraletic getting into fights and ending the nights in casualty is such a "great thing to do"... And frankly, I'm of the opinion to let them keep doing it, and hopefully Darwinism will take its course.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #484 on: 07-29-2011 17:18 »
« Last Edit on: 07-29-2011 17:20 by SpaceGoldfishfromWazn »
I feel sorry for Amy Winehouse, but as with every dead celebrity, I find it hypocritical that the people/websites that were the most vicious/gleeful about her when she was off her tits are now the ones with all the tributes and the ones getting the most self righteous whenever they see a Amy Winehouse joke. So it's okay to sneer and laugh about someone when they are still alive and have to deal about it, but as soon as they die the same jokes become "sick and disgusting". Right. Not hypocritical at all.
Still I feel bad about leaving harsh words on her last tour video, even so, I personally believe if you can't treat your fans, especially the ones that have spent their entire week's salary or more to give them a good show, then you don't have any business being up on stage. I'm sorry Amy, but no sympathies. Where would anyone be without their fans? Treat them right, because they are the people who love what you do. With anyone talented, its another case of of someone of someone squandering their precious gift. As quite a few people i know have said, she sounded like there were five black women hiding inside a skinny white girl. In other words, damn she could sing!
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Moses Hightower is now helping Eugene Tackleberry teach the new recruits in The Big Police Acadamy In The Sky.

DOOP Secretary

He was mention in the Deathpool.

DOOP Secretary

Probably. A lot of people suspect he did, but he never confirmed it.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope

DOOP Secretary

Too polite to say? On PEEL? You got to be joking!