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Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #160 on: 12-05-2006 17:10 »

Ooh... I want one.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #161 on: 12-05-2006 17:20 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2006 17:20 »

You guys heard of SWGemu?

It's a Emulation of Pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies (In otherwords, when it was good and not pandering to the MMO market suits) that is being coded from the ground up. Apparently, It's all legal too.

In others words, They are making the original Star Wars Galaxies modable, free and to be installed on any server you want.

All that is needed is a client download file for the game and the Jump To Lightspeed pack. Both of which you can buy for 10 dollars.

Best part is, that they are almost done with Alpha. I loved SWG before they went all marketing whorish for the prequals and I'll be glad to return there and play for free without having to pay monthly and not crapped on by a bunch of overpaid suits.

EDIT: And the thought of exploring a Tatooine not crowded with abandoned player houses and ghost towns! SQUEEE!

Oh, and I am slowly anticipating the 2nd part of IMPS: The Relentless. Any day now...

« Reply #162 on: 12-05-2006 17:26 »

*Ponders... But not for very long*

I'm in. How, when, who and where?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #163 on: 12-05-2006 18:31 »
« Last Edit on: 12-06-2006 00:00 »

How: Get a SWG and JTL box. Not the fancy SOE Combined set crap, one of the really old ones.

When: They finish the Emulator Client, which will be sometime in 07.

Who: Look for the SWGemu site, It's recently gone down but the forums are still up.

Where: See Who.

They plan to somehow put in some of the more modern content (like the speeders you can share and the many many weapons introduced after the CU) too.

EDIT: Remember how annoying those goddamn Selkath were? well, thanks to Wookieepedia I've found out what happened to them in recent Star Wars history.

Manaan continued to extract kolto, but the use of kolto dwindled with the rise of bacta some time after the New Sith Wars. Forced to lower their prices, the Selkath lost their greatest bargaining chip. The Selkath attempted to join the Galactic Republic, but corruption and complex interests barred the aquatic world from entering the interstellar union.

With the rise of the Galactic Empire, conflict ensued in Ahto City. Thousands of aquatic assault stormtroopers, two star destroyers, and a mass of orbitally-dropepd depth charges destroyed numerous undersea villages and any hope of resistance.

The Imperial forces destroyed the Order of Shasa and instructed several Selkath in the ways of the dark side of the Force. The Selkath were declared a slave race, and it is even rumored that Emperor Palpatine had a host of Selkath slaves in his household on Coruscant. The Empire built a luxury resort on the world. The kolto was harshly exploited by the Empire, and when the Empire withdrew, most of the kolto had been devoured by the Imperial Army.
...in your face, you kolto eating neutral sea monkies!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #164 on: 12-10-2006 18:52 »


You gotta be fucking me...

I found this on Wookieepedia. Please let this be not canon, PLEASE!

Tusken Raiders? no problem? Anakin Skywalker? Hey, It's cool. But a goddamn Ewok!?

Urban Legend
« Reply #165 on: 12-10-2006 19:35 »

Well at least he doesn't have a Jedi partner who's a Gungan...

At least I hope he doesn't.

Shit, now somebody's going to write that story!

Urban Legend
« Reply #166 on: 12-10-2006 20:22 »

Fortunately, it will be Kevin J. Anderson, and everyone will ignore it.

Urban Legend
« Reply #167 on: 12-10-2006 23:20 »

I'd like to see a wompa Jedi, now that would be one bad ass mother fucker

Urban Legend
« Reply #168 on: 12-11-2006 01:40 »

*High fives Nerd-o*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #169 on: 12-11-2006 02:31 »

The thought of creatures that fear freaking hats becoming Jedi.

Ick. Maybe Luke's been a little too easy with the New Order.

On a lighter note, Republic Commando is awesome. I really want a sequal. I demand to know what happened to Sev!  :cry:.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #170 on: 12-11-2006 10:11 »

The Force is not strong with that pic.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #171 on: 12-11-2006 11:53 »

Originally posted by Nurdbot:
I found this on Wookieepedia. Please let this be not canon, PLEASE!

Tusken Raiders? no problem? Anakin Skywalker? Hey, It's cool. But a goddamn Ewok!?

May the yub yub be with you.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #172 on: 12-11-2006 13:42 »

Also, according to Wookieepedia, the old Jedi Prince kiddie novels are amazingly still canon.

And C-3PX belonged to Darth Maul!

I could be on this thing for weeks! weeks!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #173 on: 01-12-2007 17:54 »
« Last Edit on: 01-12-2007 17:54 »


Empire at War ROCKS. The ground RTS thing might be dry and sometimes the voice acting is quite amusing (the guy doing Vader sounds like the dude who was Vader in that Episode III Trailer fan parody) but the budding mod community is the best thing about.

I downloaded Ultimate Empire at War. I have much much more toys to play with in space and on the ground. For example, I can now build a small Katana fleet of Dreadnaughts of my own.

I cannot wait for the World Devastators to be unlocked.

By the way, are there any amusing Star Wars web comics out there? Aside from the one with the lego dudes.

EDIT: Wooo, Manaan is easy to find. Time to Death Star your pacifist fishy asses.
Bending Unit
« Reply #174 on: 01-12-2007 22:09 »

Originally posted by David A:
That's really cool, Faze.

Tell your parents that some guy from the internet says they have great taste in birthday cards.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #175 on: 01-13-2007 07:43 »

I wonder why the 2nd part of IMPS: The Relentless is taking so long?

Last Summer, they were optomistic that by now they'd have posted the entire series.
I Scruffy I

Bending Unit
« Reply #176 on: 01-16-2007 18:16 »

The ewok pictures from one of the star wras RPG sourcebooks, possibly Geonosis and the outer rim worlds, so i doubt it's actual.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #177 on: 01-18-2007 03:36 »

Originally posted by Nerd-o-rama:
Fortunately, it will be Kevin J. Anderson, and everyone will ignore it.

Nope.  Only you my friend only you......

Urban Legend
« Reply #178 on: 01-18-2007 03:46 »

Kevin J Anderson has secured his place in hell with both his Star Wars AND his Dune travesty's. I mean, really people. Blah.

I haven't read his original works, so I can't comment.

About the only thing of his I vaugely like are the Tales Of The Jedi comics (which sort of set the scene for the later Knights of the Old Republic games, which refer to the comics quite frequently).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #179 on: 01-18-2007 06:48 »

Screw Anderson, we should lynch the guy who came up with the 'Jedi Cannot Love' and Midicholorians concepts.

The same man who thought the Jedi code was a rule book as thick as a magic tome.

Urban Legend
« Reply #180 on: 01-18-2007 08:18 »

George Lucas does not monopolise crappy Star Wars.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #181 on: 01-18-2007 09:47 »

He has a cow on his ranch.  It has a sign around its neck with big black spraypainted letters.  They spell out the words: Star & Wars.  George milks this cow each and every day.  When he's not milking that cow.... he thinks about milking that cow.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #182 on: 01-18-2007 13:54 »
« Last Edit on: 01-19-2007 00:00 »


Why does force.net still have the RTS Episode III bit still?


"Palpatine was a Rodian in Ewok's clothing!"
—Mon Mothma

WTF? Isn't Mon Mothma suppose to be the head of the New Republic? Way to gain support for the Rebellion Mothma. No wonder we rarely see Rodians fight for the good guys.

EDIT 2: After reading several threads on the Official SW Message Board, I have come to the ultimate conclusion that most Star Wars fans cannot be satisfied. We're the whiniest fanboys ever created. Seriously. We suck.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #183 on: 01-19-2007 01:14 »

Originally posted by SlackJawedMoron:
About the only thing of his I vaugely like are the Tales Of The Jedi comics (which sort of set the scene for the later Knights of the Old Republic games, which refer to the comics quite frequently).

The only star wars comics i've really been getting lately are the KOTOR ones


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #184 on: 01-27-2007 21:12 »
« Last Edit on: 01-27-2007 21:12 »

The only Star Wars comics you can download are the frigging KOTOR ones.

Oh, and lookie what Nurdy found on Wookieepedia while reading about Hutts:


And yes, It is canon. Hutt Queen. From the late Legacy era, 140 ABY.

Star Wars will never be sexy again. Bye bye Leia in slave outfit...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #185 on: 01-28-2007 09:13 »

That is freaky Nurdy, glad it never appeared in any of the films.

« Reply #186 on: 01-28-2007 12:28 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2007 12:28 »

Lol, am noob and liking this thread   :D everyone loves wookieepedia, would post some cool pics yoinked from there but am actually too lazy. One question for you other nerdy fan people, how many of you have watched the entire saga in one sitting? cause it is really fun, especially if you have a projector screen and surround sound  :D  :D And it only took 13 hours almost without stopping for anything... ^^ Mwahha, hooray for darth maul, my favourite sith  :D

« Reply #187 on: 01-28-2007 12:32 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2007 12:32 »

woop some more *dances about*

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #188 on: 01-28-2007 12:40 »

Edit button , it's right there, guy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #189 on: 01-28-2007 12:53 »

Originally posted by Tweek:
That is freaky Nurdy, glad it never appeared in any of the films.
Hutts are hermaphrodites. I heard Jabba had a cone bra like Madonna lying around, but he grew too fat for it.

I just finished the first two books of the new Legacy era. You'd think by the now the Skywalker/Solo family would see such obvious clues after 40 years of fighting evil Sith and dark Jedi.

Still not used to the whole Galactic Alliance thing.

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #190 on: 01-28-2007 13:17 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2007 13:17 by totalnerduk »

I've just finished reading Timothy Zahn's Outbound Flight. Seriously, he's the only one they should have let near the Star Wars novel franchise.

I'm wondering if there's a movement to declare that only the Zahn books and the original trilogy are canon, and if not, whether it would be worthwhile starting one.

Also, Nurdbot, Wookiepeda is shot through with errors. If I wasn't certain that the thing is run by a clique of idiots then I'd register and begin making corrections - but some dickhead would revert everything to the way that he thinks it should be instead of the way the films, books, and offical material tells it.

Even some of their "quotes" are mis-spelled (or just plain wrong).

Wookiepedia. Strong in the dark side it is. In, I will not go. Again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #191 on: 01-28-2007 13:44 »

I have the choice between Wookieepedia and a Star Wars Encyclopedia that was pushed out around 98. The Encyclopedia has Luke and Vader dueling with reversed blades and is basically endless reams of tiny text with pictures dotted about.

These books don't know that Thrawn is a chiss.

Also, Zahn is a good EU writer, but not all the EU is crap. Interesting fact about Zahn, he planned for the Noghri to actually be The Sith, until George corrected him. I must read Outbound Flight.

The EU is general is okay. Not good, but if you are into books/comics/games it is worth a check in. The scariest thing about the EU in my own opinion is that the Ewok/Droid cartoons as well as the holiday special actually happened.

By the way, what is the name of the actual Galaxy the whole Star Wars universe is set?

And what about the year? I've always been curious about these things.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #192 on: 01-28-2007 17:44 »

I remember when it was "decided" that the Jedi Exile should canonically be female. So they adjusted the Wookiepedia pages to match, and within a day had to block all edits to them because individuals insisted on rubbishing all that and refering to the Exile as male. I just had to sit back and chuckle. I mean, it's easy  for me to say that, because I go for Fem!Exile myself - I also go for Fem!Revan so get disheartened when I keep seeing that Revan HAS to be a man - but then I don't go out of my way and do anything about it. But anyway - I digress: Wookiepedia is great and all - and I do love it - but at the end of the day it's a completely fan-run website dealing with the "facts" about a completely ficticious sci-fi film whose expanded universe rarely knows what the opposite hand is doing - always a dangerous combination.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #193 on: 01-28-2007 18:38 »

One thing that irks me about the prequals was, did the writers actually rewatch any of the original films for source materiel?

In ROTJ, Jabba's subtitles clearly pointed out Bantha Podoo meant Bantha Fodder. Yet in the prequals the word is used in komody moments as silly childish swearword.

Other things that annoy me are the whole Jedi cannot love bullcrap and the fact the Jedi Code seems to be thought as a massive tome full of Space Corp Red Dwarf style rules instead of the simple 6 lined motto we all know.

And the fact they kept using Battledroids as comedy relief.

I seriously hope the guy that helped Lucas write ATC NEVER finds serious work in Holywood ever again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #194 on: 01-28-2007 18:43 »

Well, Nurdbot, the question of which Galaxy is the Star Wars universe is tricky to answer. To answer it, one must think of this as truth:

The film E.T. is possibly a part of Star Wars canon.

Yes, this sounds odd, but let me explain. The Brodo Asogians, or Children of the Green Planet, seen in the Prequel Triology weren't just a cameo. This is expanded on in EU books. The Senator for Brodo Asogia is Senator Grebleips and he is on the Petition of 2000. According to EU, Grebleips funded a voyage to a distant galaxy before the Clone Wars. This voyage is the subject of the film E.T.

Also, in E.T., when E.T. goes trick or treating he says "Home" when he sees a kid dressed as Yoda. And, also, if we go with this idea that E.T. the movie has at least some canon value then we know that the Star Wars galaxy is about 3 million light years away from Earth, as E.T.'s homeworld is 3 million light years away from Earth and E.T.'s homeworld is in the Star Wars galaxy.

So, in short, if you want to know which galaxy The Galaxy is, look about 3 million light years away.

Personally, if E.T.'s homeworld and people are from the Star Wars galaxy, that'd be pretty fucked up. That'd be like saying Greedo shot first or Jar Jar Binks is a part of canon.

Urban Legend
« Reply #195 on: 01-28-2007 19:40 »

So if E.T. is canon, and he made it to Earth before the clone wars, it wouldn't be "a long long time ago in a galaxy far away" it would just be "in a galaxy far away" since ET ttok place in 1982, hell, I'd be alive during the clone wars

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #196 on: 01-28-2007 19:40 »
« Last Edit on: 01-31-2007 00:00 »

Ooooh, lookie what I found on YouTube!

Join The Empire!
Trailer for the Fanfilm Tydirium.
IMPS The Relentless Trailer.
The Boba Fett Chronicles.

God bless modern CGI for making some excellent serious fanfilms. I'm looking forward to the 2nd Episode of IMPS (Snowtroopers!) and the Tydirium thing.

All done in pretty CGI. I can think of no other faction in the SW Universe aside from the Empire that just looks so awesome.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #197 on: 01-28-2007 20:35 »

Originally posted by tyraniak:
So if E.T. is canon, and he made it to Earth before the clone wars, it wouldn't be "a long long time ago in a galaxy far away" it would just be "in a galaxy far away" since ET ttok place in 1982, hell, I'd be alive during the clone wars

No. The Green Planet space craft started its voyage around the time of the Clone Wars. It had to travel 3000000 light years to get to Earth. So, when it got here in 1982, it would've been a long time ago when it was launched from a galaxy far, far away.

Also, doesn't E.T.'s ship resemble a Techno-Union ship a little?

Urban Legend
« Reply #198 on: 01-28-2007 21:21 »

I've read a Star Wars comic a while back (which I'm sure this story wasn't canon), but in it Han Solo died on Earth and his skeleton was later found by Indiana Jones

But the only thing that wouldn't work with ET and Star Wars being canon is that in ET Star Wars is well acknowledged by people on Earth, so that would coincide with acknowledging that Star Wars is ficticious, oh no, my head just exploded

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #199 on: 01-29-2007 18:26 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2007 00:00 »

I'm watching Relevations now. Not bad. Not bad all.

I do enjoy the little details in Corellia, like the CorSec guy with the Corellian blood stripe.

EDIT: Awww man, what the fuck? Just read about General Veers fate in Wikipedia. Reborn Palpatine, you suck.
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