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Author Topic: Prison Break  (Read 15215 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #280 on: 01-28-2009 09:16 »

I know, right?

Bending Unit
« Reply #281 on: 02-07-2009 03:37 »

Gleno- S4 helps clear stuff up quite quickly. I think they realized they were becoming to mysterious [i.e. LOST] and that's not what this show is about. So I'd say don't stop watching now to anybody if you made it through S3.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #282 on: 02-12-2009 10:24 »

Cool thanks for that....!
Sounds good, I heard that from the start they had a story to tell and they were just going to tell it, and not beat around the bush....but I guess the show got too popular and they decided to milk it for all they could....

Anyway I'll watch S4 and hopefully it ends as amazingly as it started....!

Bending Unit
« Reply #283 on: 03-04-2009 05:50 »
« Last Edit on: 03-04-2009 05:53 »

I just read that they are for sure ending it in the next 4 or 6 episodes left. I feel as if the ending will be rushed. The way they ended the mid season made it seem like there was a good story line that needed to take place, and nothing that would be quick considering that they planned on introducing a character that was an unknown force working behind the scenes yet essential to this whole story from the very first second.


Bending Unit
« Reply #284 on: 05-16-2009 05:46 »

If anybody hasn't seen all the episodes yet. I would advise you to finish the series, it's well worth it. The show was wrapped up very nicely. Old friends and enemies re-appear to give it a full ending like no other.

The last episode I give an A+

There was one thing the writers did that I wasn't fully happy with but it made it feel like real life. I can't wait to see what the DVD release "Prison Break: The Final Break" is going to show.

Space Pope
« Reply #285 on: 09-21-2009 14:04 »

Just occurred to me: Prison Break was just the live-action remake of The Animals of Farthing Wood, right? :confused:

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #286 on: 12-08-2009 19:39 »

I don't know how they did it, but one of our commercial channels showed The Final Break last night. I thought it wasn't even out on DVD yet?


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #287 on: 12-11-2009 07:02 »

The Final Break DVD came out aaaages ago dude. Pretty much at the same time the Season 4 one did. I thought the whole thing was just fucking retarded and badly-done, the writing just felt completely rushed. I did like the way Michael's whole storyline played out though, it was the perfect ending for his character. I think they all forgave Mahone because he did end up coming through for them in the end. And yeah, all the characters in the women's prison were just terrible. Shame since I actually liked Gretchen, too.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #288 on: 02-03-2013 04:37 »

I've just now started watching this. Netflix has made it possible to glut yourself on back-to-back episodes for all sorts of TV shows. I had always thought that the actor who played Michael Scofield, Wentworth Miller, is hotter than Georgia asphalt.

In about three weeks time I'm up to season 4...episode 6 or something. The last is that the

Anyway...I'm not sure if using spoiler tags is necessary, since this show has been finished for almost four years now? I've just found the moral complexity and ambiguity really fascinating. I think it's amazing that in this age when movies and TV show death as such a casual thing, that this show makes a point of portraying each death (or injury) as something serious and disturbing, especially in Michael's eyes. I love how his character is imbued with that sense of moral certitude, and it's interesting to watch him struggle with it.

The actors all do an excellent job. And I like how they have portrayed each character--even the villains--as being complex, and even sympathetic, to a certain degree (some more than others).

Season 4 has gotten rather ridiculous. I question if the characters would truly be motivated to be helping each other out like that. e.g.,

Despite the growing absurdities, I am fascinated by the problem-solving and the way the show keeps you on the edge of your seat.
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