H. G. Blob
Ok. Season 2 Episode 1 just aired last night or so. It was amazing. They have some pretty good cliffhangers for a show thats really about escaping now.
It amazed me how close the police were at certain points. Dont blame me for talkin about an episode that aired a while ago in America.
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #207 on: 02-06-2007 12:54 »
« Last Edit on: 02-06-2007 12:54 »
More T-Bag, more Haywire, more cowbell C-Note and Bellick is back in the sack! BUT! Another con bites the dust, Haywire is crazy-ing it up in Holland Heaven right now!
Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
Wow. That was a deep episode.
DOOP Secretary
I just watched the three most recent episodes in a row. One word: Wow. That is all.
DOOP Ubersecretary
I hope it's a Justin Timberlake song on the usb thing they got from the box. Michael: "Of course! He is the key to solving everything!" Then Sarah starts beatboxing and Linc dances to "Rock Your Body"... The End.
Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
Is it me or do the characters all have much more depth than in the first season?
DOOP Secretary
Well, they kinda had to add more to them - it was very basic things driving them (Michael excluded, obviously) to break out in Season 1, now that they're out, the writers need to give them something more to carry the show.
You can see the storyline starting to wind down, now. I still have no ieda what the hell Season 3's gonna be about (apparentally they have it planned for 5 seasons, and the first two were "the first part of the trilogy" ), but I can't wait to find out. Whether or not the show would be able to last that long is another thing, though...
DOOP Secretary
That was when they were first concieving it, recent interviews have revealed they've built more ideas for the show since then. Paul T. Scheuring has pretty much guaranteed there'll be a third season, apparentally the "trilogy" comment was made on the DVD. Unless it's all just a ploy to throw us off the fact the show's ending. I wouldn't put it past them.
DOOP Secretary
Nah, you don't need to use spoilers for things like that, but if you specifically say who dies, then you should. Regarding what you said, most of the characters who've been killed only died when their storyline had reached an end. And I'd rather see the cast get narrowed down so only the players important to the story remain, than see them drag it out even MORE with pointless sub-plots. T-Bag excluded, of course, 'cause he's T-Bag.
DOOP Secretary
So, let me get this straight... The whole reason the brothers were in this mess was to protect their father... who is now dead. The whole point of the conspiracy was to protect Terrance Steadman - who is also now dead - so Caroline Reynolds could become president. And she has now resigned. Thus making the ENTIRE SHOW POINTLESS. Arrggghhh!!! And yet, I still love it. Weird. Why is T-Bag STILL in Mexico, though? I thought he was on his way to Thailand? ... Oh well. The incest in Episode 19 made up for it.
DOOP Secretary
God damnit. They had EVERYTHING wrapped up... then they go and do that. Okay, it's Prison Break, I SHOULD be used to that happening by now, but still. Firstly, Sona prison is FUCKED UP. Seriously. I know Prison Break is a dark show, but, if the whole of Season 3's like that, it's going to be as disturbing as hell. The writing was fucking brilliant, though a lot of things are left unanswered. What the fuck IS the plan? Are Sucre and his family dead? Having Michael, Mahone, Bellick and T-Bag in prison together is going to be interesting, though I really can't see where the other characters' storylines can go from here. I mean, what the hell is C-Note supposed to do now? You'd think that'd be the end of his character, yet his name is still in the opening credits. So, yeah, I'm not sure how I feel. I finished watching it half an hour ago and I'm still kinda shaking. That says a lot about this show. Either way... R.I.P. Kellerman