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Author Topic: Nomination-Worthy Posts Thread Harder  (Read 105980 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #600 on: 11-18-2017 07:39 »

"Accommodate" gets me sometimes. Words with double letters that are pronounced like single letters can be aggravating like that.

Glad you appreciated that little bit of what I threw in there and momentarily patted myself on the back for.

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« Reply #601 on: 12-05-2017 07:29 »

So cB's post in the Happy Thread about Christmas carols reminds me that there are really only a handful of holiday songs I even like. They are as follows:

1. "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" (but only the James Taylor version, because his version is kind of doleful and depressing and that is totally my jam*; any nominally cheerful song that includes a line like "We'll just have to muddle through somehow" was pretty much made for me):


*Bonus, sort-of-Christmas song in the same vein: Dan Fogelberg's "Same Auld Lang Syne" (yes, I have the tastes of a 70-year old)...


2. "Snoopy's Christmas vs. The Red Baron" by The Royal Guardsmen (a song about violent, bloody (cartoon) battle should not be so dang catchy, but it is):


3. "Linus and Lucy" by the Vince Guaraldi Trio (yes, there is a Peanuts theme (pun intended) here--what of it?):


4. "Do You Hear What I Hear" (I guess there are several decent versions, but the one I have heard most on the radio in recent years--and the one of which I have grown most fond--is Carrie Underwood's):


5. "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (Boss's version, obviously; it's actually one of only two or three Springsteen songs I even like):


6. "Blue Christmas" (yes I know that Elvis was allegedly a racist piece of hillbilly slime but maybe that's actually apocryphal and anyway man oh man could he sing):


7. "Little Saint Nick" by the Beach Boys (side note: I really love the Beach Boys, just in general):


I also really (unironically) enjoy most versions of "Baby It's Cold Outside" while also acknowledging its possible date-rape-y qualities (though others have made mildly compelling arguments to the contrary, so there's that); anyway, here's the Funny or Die send-up, which features the always-charming Casey Wilson:


Oh, and since we were talking about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend up-thread, here's their version of a Christmas song, which I find rather catchy:


Rachel Bloom also has a song called "Chanukah Honey," which is pretty great:


And, finally, who could forget this gem?


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« Reply #602 on: 12-16-2017 08:14 »

While waiting for the chance to catch 2049, a friend opined that it was a terrible film, very misogynistic in nature, and urged her friends to boycott it. And I realize that it's kind of silly and very non-independent-thinking of me, but now I'm really hesitant -- down inside I think I might be afraid that I'll like it...

The film isn't misogynistic at all. Some people are just ridiculously stupid and unable to distinguish the difference between a film portraying something and a film condoning it. The world portrayed in Blade Runner (both the original and the new film) is extremely misogynistic. There's an argument that the original Blade Runner has a streak of misogyny (I mean, hell, Deckard basically rapes Rachael in it at one point), but Blade Runner 2049 is critical of the world it presents. To get angry with it for this is to completely miss the point of the film, which is (among other things) that misogyny is bad.

Well put.

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« Reply #603 on: 12-18-2017 21:10 »

Watch it, now. Virginia doesn't take kindly to being told what to do or what to be.


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« Reply #604 on: 12-19-2017 05:52 »

Skittles is lovely, with gorgeous fur
But she has her human's eggnog to stir
And hours to go before she purrs
And hours to go before she purrs

Nice Frost there! (My fave poem no less)

Urban Legend
« Reply #605 on: 12-22-2017 19:36 »

Skittles is lovely, with gorgeous fur
But she has her human's eggnog to stir
And hours to go before she purrs
And hours to go before she purrs

Nice Frost there! (My fave poem no less)

Agreed. Best post ever.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #606 on: 12-22-2017 20:21 »

As for tax reform, here's where those shadow leaders come in. Congress knows which side their bread is buttered on, and they know they have a douchebag in office who does not give a flying fuck about the middle class and will not defend them. And, the people who stand to get hurt most are the people who still fucking believe trickle down economics is a thing.

Right on the mark. Sadly :(


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #607 on: 01-15-2018 18:49 »

I don't know about any of the other fellas out there, but the moment my hot romantic interest dates some dude the age of my dad, who also turns out to be a time duplicate of me, I also go out and look for me a Colleen.

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« Reply #608 on: 01-26-2018 06:59 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #609 on: 02-01-2018 20:19 »

Yeah, fuck RoseArt--if you're going to eat a crayon, it's gotta be a Crayola. Just remember not to peel it, because you lose a lot of fiber and other nutrients that way.

Hahahaha :)


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #610 on: 03-28-2018 02:02 »

Speaking of fuzzy science, what's the deal with keto? Can someone please explain it to me in terms I can understand, preferably using the Official PEEL™ Smileys?

Keto  :laff: diets  :evillaugh: tend to be  :confused: caloric  :shifty: deficient  :O_o: because they cut out  :hmpf: high caloric  :cool: foods, like bread  :eek:, so although you eat  :rolleyes: as much as you can  :( most of that food  :cry: doesn't get stored away

And I didn't use the  :puke: smiley once in that explanation.... Phew  :rolleyes:


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« Reply #611 on: 03-28-2018 08:14 »

a fun toy that I can take off its stand and fly around like a real live spaceship when all the grownups leave the room.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #612 on: 03-29-2018 15:52 »

That's what I plan to do with mine!

What a Tachyon.  At least I am back on the list.  I think.

Yes,  you're on top of me. 

just. dying.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #613 on: 05-02-2018 08:34 »
« Last Edit on: 05-06-2018 13:48 »

Oh, I'm definitely more obsessed with movie length (you know us women, always critical of the length of things) than a normal person should be...

Different strokes for different folks, though, I suppose.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #614 on: 05-21-2018 04:48 »


No one said I would do it, but I won the List, 306 electoral posts.  Biggest post count in history!

You're just upset that I beat you. :p

I would have won the popular posts too, if it wasn't for all the illegal posts in Rhode Island!


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #615 on: 07-03-2018 09:07 »

I really want to know what that costume is made out of. It looks like velvet or really heavy felt or some sort of molded foam, and it's wiggin' me out.

Anyway, relevant to recent conversations in this thread:

I'd watch that movie pretty freakin' hard.

Because he is the supreme being.
Jeff Goldblum is my religion.
I would watch the shit out of that movie. Also, they better include this scene OR ELSE:

cB, you and I can be the Legion of Future Ex Mrs. Ian Malcolms. If he's the supreme being, we can be his high priestesses. Deal?

I am inordinately fortunate to know you guys :)


Urban Legend
« Reply #616 on: 09-06-2018 12:31 »

Oh my God

Drunk crying is the best crying!


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #617 on: 10-09-2018 17:36 »

...and a terrific roommate (who's fallen in love with me but that's another thread)...

People are falling in love with you; you're falling in love with people, and you're having wild sex with scads of super hot women? Uni sure is a lot more complicated than back when I was in school :p

What?  My time at university was all of those things, if you ignore all of those things.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #618 on: 03-14-2019 18:55 »

Oh yeah, I remember you being a nice guy who loves Zoidberg.

Only one of those is true now. I'll let you guess which, dickhead.



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #619 on: 01-03-2020 23:52 »

Hello Everyone,

I am new here in this community. I'm working with [redacted spam] is India’s leading organization in the field of Information security.

[redacted] is the best company for VAPT & Penetration Testing in India...

Can you help me protect my collection of very strange and borderline illegal porn?

I'm assuming that's included in the "penetration testing"...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #620 on: 02-13-2020 23:43 »

I know this thread has largely outlived its purpose, since we no longer hold (much less nominate people for) PotM, but I feel like this well-placed Futurama reference deserves some recognition:

I swear I wasn't trying to be cute or anything, but I watched two movies last weekend and they both had the word "ghost" in the title

So that's why you said you had to go meet that ghost.

Reader, I chortled. Well played, UrL!

Space Pope
« Reply #621 on: 02-15-2020 05:07 »

Hooray! People are paying attention to me!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #622 on: 03-13-2020 21:07 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2020 21:43 »

I'm listening to Powerwolf and Gloryhammer. You wouldn't be able to convince me fifteen years ago that I'd be enjoying these bands today.

Gloryhammer sounds like a uniquely Nordic sex position...

Ah, yes- Svip's favorite.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #623 on: 04-01-2020 21:47 »

I'm holed up with Svippy, of course, and I'm doing okay for the most part. I can say, though, that I'm starting to communicate in a series of clicks and buzzes instead of words. Svip responds by patting me gently on the head until I make a shut down noise and go to sleep.

And I clearly need to get my eyes examined, because I read that as "to communicate in a series of dicks and buzzes". Hopefully someday I'll be able to leave the house so I can see a vision specialist!
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #624 on: 04-06-2020 15:18 »

Although if your eyesight gets really bad, you might not be able to see one.

Starship Captain
« Reply #625 on: 04-07-2020 03:34 »

Although if your eyesight gets really bad, you might not be able to see one.

Oh, I like that.

"I saw the eye doctor today"
"Glad to hear you're doing well!"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #626 on: 04-12-2020 14:33 »

You know, PEEL does feel like it's picked up a bit over the last few months. I remember we would sometimes go days without any new posts after hobbitboy left, but now there's actual discussions going on! I wonder if that will last once the US election is over and when the pandemic ends...

If either of those things are ever concluded, you mean.  :p

Ah, the good ol' dictatorship/global extinction combo. My favourite! :p


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #627 on: 05-09-2020 02:45 »

Wait, I'd have to do math? Fuck that! :p

That's exactly how I felt when learning French. When I realized that they did not have proper designations for numbers past 69 and use addition to add numbers past that, I just said fuck it.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #628 on: 07-11-2020 21:42 »

I'm learning french, but only to test my theory that you learn french to get someone into bed, but you learn italian if you want them to keep coming back for more


Starship Captain
« Reply #629 on: 07-12-2020 04:36 »

Do you say something like "come back, mon amour! I mean, come back, mi amore!"
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #630 on: 07-12-2020 22:12 »

I don't think you actually have to speak Italian if you are Italian.  "How you doin'?" is generally sufficient.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #631 on: 07-13-2020 02:11 »
« Last Edit on: 07-13-2020 02:28 by totalnerd undercanada »

Somehow, I don't feel like cunning lingusitics apply to this situation for Spacefish in the same way that they might apply to, as they say in Italian, a leccatore di gatto. As I understand it, Spacefish is more of an assaggiatore di galli which doesn't benefit as much from the way you use your tongue as the way you use your throat. So I guess that Dutch might help him keep a lover more than Italian will.

Unless it has nothing to do with acrobatics of the tongue, and more to do with cooking.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #632 on: 07-13-2020 19:01 »

I hate to be That Guy, but this is a nomination thread :p


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #633 on: 11-05-2020 01:33 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2020 01:52 »

The laugh from this post was enough to momentarily distract me from the current electoral shitshow. :)

Now, the average human body contains enough iron, finely distributed, to make several nails. Maybe eight. Maybe ten, if you were hoarding plenty of blood.

Interesting! When I die, I hope people will say, "Yeah, I'd totally nail her."  :flirt:


Urban Legend
« Reply #634 on: 12-12-2020 19:49 »

I don't wear my crown all the time, just on special occasions.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #635 on: 12-12-2020 21:05 »

... and I think coffeeBot precludes me from saying anything more.
We had dirty, dirty Danish sex under the table. I was covered in buffalo sauce from head to toe.

See, and here I was thinking that Danish sex would be more sticky than dirty...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #636 on: 03-12-2021 05:30 »

I do have a rant brewing, but I feel it is better served in my native tongue, as it is basically about how to get a keyboard with a Danish layout these days.

Served in your native tongue, won't it just sound like rrap rap rrrap rap rap? :p


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #637 on: 03-31-2021 02:17 »

A ZZ plant?  I bet that rocks!

ZZ plants? They do rock. They got leaves and know how to use them, but to make them well-dressed plants I gotsta get paid.

Nicely done :)


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« Reply #638 on: 05-20-2021 18:16 »

What makes Comedy Central crazy?

Who knows?  It could be environmental factors.  It could be a genetic predisposition to insanity.  It could be some combination of both.  I'm not sure if anyone can say for certain what the cause is.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #639 on: 07-31-2021 20:33 »

<Tachyon photo goes here>

I'm getting some mild Luke Skywalker vibes!

That, or blonde Paul McCartney

Mild Paul Skywalker, one of the lesser-known Jedi.

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