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Author Topic: Actual Complaints  (Read 64173 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #360 on: 10-15-2006 01:37 »

*clears throat*
when you make a new poll it says- PEE Poll: instead of- PEEL Poll: and it makes me sick  ;)

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #361 on: 10-15-2006 06:01 »

Just as the double s in "Disscussion" that is a tradition and won't be changed.
I think it was even changed to that by request from a Peeler (Velur Fog I think to remember) way ago.

Take a look at this

Bending Unit
« Reply #362 on: 11-03-2006 16:43 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2006 16:43 »

The star ranking system - how does it work ? Is it based on number of posts ?

I usually post carefully thought and usually substantial stuff, not many small one-word posts. As a result I am still Zoidberg's peer while others are already professors. I thought a better ranking system would be on word count (but that can be fooled by quoting a large post of course). Just food for thought... In fact I don't really care whether I am poppler or Space Pope as long as I can discuss what I want to.. Keep up the good work!   :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #363 on: 11-03-2006 17:39 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2006 17:39 »

 http://http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/Futurama/1-005048-1/  heres one that I stupidly posted, Fry_B, the answers are all there!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #364 on: 11-03-2006 19:29 »

For anything you could possibly know about PEEL (including ranks), check here.

Cutting down on ignorance. One slice at a time.


Bending Unit
« Reply #365 on: 11-03-2006 22:08 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
For anything you could possibly know about PEEL (including ranks), check here.

Cutting down on ignorance. One slice at a time.

Many thanks - hey you people spend LOTS of time and effort on this Board - too bad I don't have that much time... but I'll do my best. I am just discovering now that this Board is a lot larger than I thought  :)
I am sure PEEL has its hand in Futurama's return big time !

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #366 on: 11-03-2006 23:31 »

They're all lying to you Fry_B.  The answers are actually held within the chatroom, aka #futuramachat, aka #fc, aka THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND!  Anyways... the real people don't actually look at post count, and anyone who has more than 500 posts in a year is considered a spammer.  You'll do fine, and won't be banned like those professors, besides I hate those people anyways.  :)
Writer unit32

« Reply #367 on: 11-18-2006 09:09 »
« Last Edit on: 11-18-2006 09:09 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #368 on: 12-06-2006 06:30 »

It is said that from Starship Captain you can declare stuff.. Sorry but I could not find WHERE you declare these things - do the fields appear in your profile once you reach those ranks ?

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #369 on: 12-06-2006 13:27 »

Originally posted by Fry_B:
It is said that from Starship Captain you can declare stuff.. Sorry but I could not find WHERE you declare these things -

Generally, the rank thread is used for such things, although some people just use the test thread.

do the fields appear in your profile once you reach those ranks ?

No, but I suppose you could put it under intrests if you like.  There's probably enough room there.

Some people list such things in their signatures, but if you do so, keep in mind that long signatures can be annoying if posted frequently, so use it sparingly.


No problem.

Space Pope
« Reply #370 on: 12-10-2006 12:20 »

Does anyone moderate the fan art section anymore? There was a thread that went over 21 pages and people kept talking. Also are threads like "Should I do....or not?" threads allowed?

« Reply #371 on: 12-10-2006 13:02 »

^ Also, there's more random anime/ computer game art in there than there is actual Futurama stuff. Haven't seen Kryten in ages /:

*shrugs* I'm sure the fanart community will pick back up when the new episodes appear, just a bit slow at the moment.

Space Pope
« Reply #372 on: 12-10-2006 20:06 »

Yeah and theres some fan fiction going on that isn't futurama related at all. Where is Kryten?

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #373 on: 12-11-2006 08:44 »

I haven't seen him in months. Bart182 seems to be busy with other stuff as well and Trippy's visit a month ago only seemed to be rather short. That leaves Velour, Nix and Tweek for the job. Though most of the time the male mods of these three are seen "cleaning". Neither of them really cares about FanFiction though.  :hmpf:

Main problem in my eyes isn't that we have too few mods however. That 21 pages thread should have been simply stopped to be used by the people posting in it. Same as that "gibberish" thread in the Re-/Checked Weird Scenes. Instead they felt pleasure to fill it up.  :(

Space Pope
« Reply #374 on: 12-12-2006 00:16 »

I agree GFF, but you can't just go and say stop posting, because not only is it just adding on to the 21 page thread, but the ones who don't know the rules don't know any better. And if we can't actually stop the threads and more gibberish waste is gonna pile up.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #375 on: 12-12-2006 15:20 »

If you think a thread needs closing pop in to the chat room, if I'm there I'll be happy to look in to the problem.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #376 on: 12-12-2006 16:22 »

you should change the webbi name dudes but still a good web site

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #377 on: 12-12-2006 16:55 »
« Last Edit on: 12-12-2006 16:55 »

Nicky. What we just tried to teach you in the chat room will be handled even stricter here. Please type in proper words and don't use your fst-talk (that should be a fast, not a fist... though some might want to use it) like you call it. Reason for that is: You have all the time in the world to type here, you are not in a hurry and pressing just few keys more won't hurt.

Now for your incomprehensible question:
If we understood you correctly, you meant the "webpage" as "webbi".
I don't know your knowledge on internet technology, but you can't just change a Domain like you would change your nickname in a chatroom.
Beside the fact that both "peelified.com" and "gotfuturama.com" have been like that for years and that the whole community of Futuramafans around the world knows and recognizes these domains, changing it mostly involves registering new domain names. Not only does that cost a lot of money, but also needs quite some time to do.

As for your "good" critic. I am fairly sure the owners and writers of CGEF will appreciate it, though at the same time I think they already know, since it is considered to be the best and biggest Fan-Page there is.   ;)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #378 on: 12-12-2006 17:10 »

Originally posted by Nicky boy:
you should change the webbi name dudes but still a good web site

Thanks for your input, but I think we'll stay with the name and URL that have served us well in the past 5 years, if that's allright with you.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #379 on: 12-17-2006 11:12 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2006 11:12 »

cheers mate but how do you get stars

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #380 on: 12-17-2006 12:10 »

Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #381 on: 12-18-2006 10:13 »

is a post on your profile something when the person leaves a comment. if so how do you read it

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #382 on: 12-18-2006 17:17 »

The post count on your profile just says how many posts you have made on the whole messageboard. There is no system such as personal comments or mail implemented on PEEL.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #383 on: 12-20-2006 08:30 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #384 on: 12-20-2006 10:49 »

Ok my internet is a bit shit and it won't work so i'll adress this issue in here so maybe someone else can do it.

Can someone please press the alert button on Nicky Boy? His posts are irrelivant and don't make any sense. I just found one that said "sasasssafgd"

Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #385 on: 12-22-2006 09:16 »

calm down im new and i really want to increase my rank so sorry rover guy and i am only 12 so calm it down  dude

Starship Captain
« Reply #386 on: 12-22-2006 09:27 »

@ Nicky Boy, technichally, being 12 makes no difference, I'm 13, and know 5 other PEELers (2 of which never post) who are 12 too, and although they have the occasional spam, they seem to errrm... not spam so much as you, so if you don't want people complaining about you, then please could you stop spamming as much?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #387 on: 12-22-2006 10:54 »

Plus, if you want to increase your respect then increase your posts the proper way, with proper posts.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #388 on: 12-22-2006 14:23 »
« Last Edit on: 12-22-2006 14:23 »

sorry guys, plus to everyone who hates me. bye

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #389 on: 12-22-2006 14:49 »

You don't have to go, just try to put some thought in to your posts and don't just post for the sake of it.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #390 on: 12-22-2006 15:18 »

ok then,thanks.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #391 on: 12-22-2006 16:01 »

Dammit Tweek.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #392 on: 01-26-2007 15:35 »

Bumping an old thread because I have a question.

I know it's really annoying when people post old threads, but if I have something to add to the thread, will I get crap for bumping it? Because otherwise I guess the only other solution would be to make a new thread for it, but if I was to make a new thread, I also don't want to get crap for making a thread when there's already a topic on it. I.E. "There's already a thread on this!" Should I just not post in that thread then?

« Reply #393 on: 01-26-2007 19:24 »

^ As I understand it, current forum policy is:

"If a bunch of people you've never seen post (and are now all inactive anyway) talked about a paticular Futurama subject 4 years ago, then the subject is deemed as 'already discussed', and it is utterly forbidden for anyone else to comment on the subject ever again"

Pretty much why I never bothered with OnTopic discussion when I joined - it was impossible to actually talk about a particular episode or whatever without the thread being locked, so you're left with random games and things that somehow keep the Futurama discussion forum active without the need to actually discuss Futurama.

Enjoy :P

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #394 on: 01-26-2007 19:47 »

Use old threads if you have something to contribute.

Contributing in this case does not include such posts as "LOL I agree," "OMG UR RITE," "That's what I think lmao," or that sort of thing.

Starship Captain
« Reply #395 on: 02-05-2007 20:26 »

Flood-control tends to block some of my posts.  what is it and why does it activate?

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #396 on: 02-05-2007 22:03 »

The flood control is there to prevent - surprise - flooding.  ;)

It atomatically activates after every post you make and stays on for 90 seconds. That means you have to wait 90 seconds to post again.

« Reply #397 on: 02-06-2007 07:32 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Use old threads if you have something to contribute.

Contributing in this case does not include such posts as "LOL I agree," "OMG UR RITE," "That's what I think lmao," or that sort of thing.

Not unless you have one of these baby's

Even then it is still sometimes frowned upon
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #398 on: 02-05-2009 09:32 »

Whenever I try get on peel at school the screen doesn't scroll up and actually scrolls all the way down. Is this a peel problem or is it just my stupid computer?

Urban Legend
« Reply #399 on: 02-05-2009 09:35 »

I think it's the computer, eh, probably 50/50.

Also, I can't get chat to work. Ever. It says ping timeout, is there anything I can do?
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