
The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Just as the double s in "Disscussion" that is a tradition and won't be changed. I think it was even changed to that by request from a Peeler (Velur Fog I think to remember) way ago. Take a look at this

DOOP Secretary

For anything you could possibly know about PEEL (including ranks), check here. Cutting down on ignorance. One slice at a time.
David A

Space Pope
Originally posted by Fry_B: It is said that from Starship Captain you can declare stuff.. Sorry but I could not find WHERE you declare these things - Generally, the rank thread is used for such things, although some people just use the test thread. do the fields appear in your profile once you reach those ranks ? No, but I suppose you could put it under intrests if you like. There's probably enough room there. Some people list such things in their signatures, but if you do so, keep in mind that long signatures can be annoying if posted frequently, so use it sparingly. Thanks No problem.


^ Also, there's more random anime/ computer game art in there than there is actual Futurama stuff. Haven't seen Kryten in ages /:
*shrugs* I'm sure the fanart community will pick back up when the new episodes appear, just a bit slow at the moment.

DOOP Secretary

If you think a thread needs closing pop in to the chat room, if I'm there I'll be happy to look in to the problem.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #377 on: 12-12-2006 16:55 »
« Last Edit on: 12-12-2006 16:55 »
Nicky. What we just tried to teach you in the chat room will be handled even stricter here. Please type in proper words and don't use your fst-talk (that should be a fast, not a fist... though some might want to use it) like you call it. Reason for that is: You have all the time in the world to type here, you are not in a hurry and pressing just few keys more won't hurt. Now for your incomprehensible question: If we understood you correctly, you meant the "webpage" as "webbi". I don't know your knowledge on internet technology, but you can't just change a Domain like you would change your nickname in a chatroom. Beside the fact that both "peelified.com" and "gotfuturama.com" have been like that for years and that the whole community of Futuramafans around the world knows and recognizes these domains, changing it mostly involves registering new domain names. Not only does that cost a lot of money, but also needs quite some time to do. As for your "good" critic. I am fairly sure the owners and writers of CGEF will appreciate it, though at the same time I think they already know, since it is considered to be the best and biggest Fan-Page there is. 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Nicky boy: you should change the webbi name dudes but still a good web site Thanks for your input, but I think we'll stay with the name and URL that have served us well in the past 5 years, if that's allright with you.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary


DOOP Secretary

You don't have to go, just try to put some thought in to your posts and don't just post for the sake of it.

DOOP Secretary

Dammit Tweek.


^ As I understand it, current forum policy is:
"If a bunch of people you've never seen post (and are now all inactive anyway) talked about a paticular Futurama subject 4 years ago, then the subject is deemed as 'already discussed', and it is utterly forbidden for anyone else to comment on the subject ever again"
Pretty much why I never bothered with OnTopic discussion when I joined - it was impossible to actually talk about a particular episode or whatever without the thread being locked, so you're left with random games and things that somehow keep the Futurama discussion forum active without the need to actually discuss Futurama.
Enjoy :P

DOOP Secretary

Use old threads if you have something to contribute.
Contributing in this case does not include such posts as "LOL I agree," "OMG UR RITE," "That's what I think lmao," or that sort of thing.