

Now there's logic for you. Heh, this is a sure sign of how hard they're kicking themselves right now.


This is the third of my all time favorite comedies that Fox has canned. ("Titus" and "Andy Richter Controls the Universe" are the other two) It makes me wonder why I watch Fox at all.
Unca Dave

As one who's spent 35 years in and around the broadcast industry, I can tell you what Fox's problem is: not a single one of The Visionaries at Fox is from the "old school" when TV was run by show-biz types who knew, if nothing else, at least to give the audience what they want. TV now is a business run by bottom line MBA types who obviously don't know a good program when they see one. All they recognize are dollar signs, and no one ever went broke by underestimating the sophistication of the public. That explains their slavish addiction to the trash reality shows which, it seems, are not confined to Fox, or indeed even the US.(Go to http://www.channel4.com/ and check out "Lapdance Island".) They're cheap to produce and appeal to the lowest common denominator. As for football, anyone who remembers the near riots when (whichever network it was) dared to adhere to their schedule by cutting off a game that had about two minutes left on the clock (translation: about 30 actual minutes) in order to air a Heidi movie understands where Pro Sports rank. Besides, given the actual production costs versus the potential income (there's them dollar signs again!), it's no wonder that sports appeal to the MBAs running not just Fox but all networks. 30-some years ago a different network pulled the same shenanigans with Star Trek. Today it is Fox and Futurama. Perhaps in 2035 it will be some other network's turn to be the jerks. Until such time as programming decisions are made by someone other than accountants, this trend will continue.


Bending Unit
Originally posted by ataricat: This is the third of my all time favorite comedies that Fox has canned. ("Titus" and "Andy Richter Controls the Universe" are the other two) It makes me wonder why I watch Fox at all. I think I know the answer: because they may have cancelled your favorite all-time comedies--but the other five networks didn't even show them at all. And probably never would in a million years. Can you imagine NBC, ABC, or CBS putting up with Futurama for even a whole season? (Keep in mind that NBC only reluctantly picked up Seinfeld as a possible mid-season replacement after its first half-season, despite critical raves.) Can you imagine WB or UPN being willing to pay its budget? For that matter, can you imagine any of them even picking up Futurama in the first place? The fact is, there's a pretty good chance that the next great series will be on Fox, and we'll all be watching Fox again, and bitching about how much they suck again. Sad, but true.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

oh sweet! i accidentally ran out of tape on the kif gets knocked up a notch episode so im missing part of the beginning  FOX you can still BMSMA!!!!!!!!


Let's sneak into the Fox building, and air Futurama non-stop during the Superbowl!
Action Jacktion


« Reply #36 on: 08-11-2003 13:05 »
« Last Edit on: 08-11-2003 13:05 »
Originally posted by Damitol: Best deal I've seen so far is $35.99 at Best Buy. $31.44 shipped at Overstock.com, using $5 off coupon and Stockback rebate. And since you live in the USA you won't get screwed with shipping. (I just looked that up, even though I already bought the DVDs. Yes, I'm obsessed with finding the best deals.) But maybe you like personally picking it out, which I understand. And the NFL season on Fox begins on the 7th of September, so there probably won't be any more reruns. The games are scheduled to be over by 7:00, but you know how that works out....


Wow, all of those but "The Why of Fry" I haven't seen yet. I guess I'll still be watching Fox for a few weeks.


Originally posted by less than hero: Fox showing Futurama? They have finally realised their mistake!!! It may sound strange, but I have faith that one day they will be back. That is all. Thank you... ^More proof that faith is, in fact, a very bad thing.