Urban Legend
I've just watched this ep and I was quite dissapointed. I wasn't so keen on the overall storyline. It was funny in parts and there were some good lines in there, but apart from that, I found it kinda meh. It was cool seeing Roberto again though, and I liked Robot 1-X, he was really sweet. I really didn't like the ending, I usually dont like when you watch something and it all turns out to be a dream or something to that effect in the end. Its just lazy story writing I guess and its a quick way out. I liked it a little bit better than Bend Her, but personally, I still thought it was a pretty poor ep
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by alexvilagosh: First rule to writing stories. Never end with '...and then I woke up.'
It just needs to be done right. "The Sting" was pretty damn excellent, and "Whizzin'" was great too.
Mouse On Venus
Liquid Emperor
*bump* Originally posted by Xmpel: I liked this episode. It wasn't Simpsons styel. Some errors. Remember that on Futurama you can do things that you cant on the Simpsons. Exactly. I read somewhere (I think it was the CGEF review section) someone comparing Obsoletely Fabulous to The Simpsons episode Das Bus, which is bull. The idea of going to a desert island is practically the only idea the two eps have in common and personally I think it's an idea that's far more at home on Futurama anyways. (I will review this episode later. I was thinking with the release of the Season 4 it might be good to see what people think of the episodes now.)
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #133 on: 12-24-2003 10:20 »
« Last Edit on: 12-24-2003 10:20 »
Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: Exactly. I read somewhere (I think it was the CGEF review section) someone comparing Obsoletely Fabulous to The Simpsons episode Das Bus, which is bull. The idea of going to a desert island is practically the only idea the two eps have in common and personally I think it's an idea that's far more at home on Futurama anyways. And also it never happend. Originally posted by Rocketboy: Whatever happend to Robot - 1X ?
I ate him and then emitted a fresh pine scent. But they must be quite expensive so only people with enough money can get them. Then the Prof tried to duplicate his and it activated its Selfdestruct sequence to keep him from finding out its secrets, thus making it impossible for others to steal its techology.
Mouse On Venus
Liquid Emperor
I personally enjoyed this episode. It's another episode like Godfellas where Bender finds himself on his own in the middle of nowhere and has to find ways to entertain himself, and I personally like scenarios like that just to see which direction of many the writers go in. The Roboticon 3003 sequence was surprisingly tame by Futurama's standards - perhaps after four production seasons of writing robot jokes they just did it on auto-pilot - but once Robot 1-X came into frame, the story started to take off. The desert island sequence was my favourite part of the episode. The shelter, the "Helf" message, Bender as a lighthouse, the "Now turn around" gag (Matt's finest moment, perhaps?), the walking beers...even the fact that a bunch of obsolete robots would choose to inhabit a desert island. It's safe to say the entire second act of this episode is one of my favourite in Futurama history. The third act wasn't so strong, but still not bad. I liked Bender cracking the Orphanarium night light as well as Bender trying to save his friends and just falling apart, and "Save my friends! Waah! And Zoidberg!" The whilstling boulders joke I was less keen on. It was okay, but the technique of extending sounds to stupid lengths (such as the dot matrix printer in Leela's Homeworld) seems a bit of a tired formula. There was a scene with Scruffy in the animatic (on the Season 4 DVD) that I would've liked to have seen kept in the full episode at the expense of the whistles. The "It was all a dream" thing I agree with Teral when he says it works if it's done well, but I actually thought it was done well in this instance. The fact that the 'dream' actually had a purpose - a visual reprogramming to alter Bender's opinion of Robot 1-X - made it much less of a cop out than it could've been. The fantasy sequence at the end was a bizarre way to go out, but Bender's "Thanks, baby!" saved it for me. I would've liked to have seen BNLBum's version instead though. Visually, I thought this episode absolutely rocked. From the big stuff to the CG stormy ocean sequence to little things like Bender in the garbage can, this was just a beautifully directed episode (big up Dwayne Carey-Hill). In terms of writing, there were a few slightly hollow parts here and there, but for me the story was strong enough. Definitely one of my Season 4 favourites. (sorry it's so lengthy, people, but I love the sight of my own typing. )
Liquid Emperor
I loved this one....! "Your Mother" "Bite my splintery wooden ass" Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: The "It was all a dream" thing I agree with Teral when he says it works if it's done well, but I actually thought it was done well in this instance. The fact that the 'dream' actually had a purpose - a visual reprogramming to alter Bender's opinion of Robot 1-X - made it much less of a cop out than it could've been.
Exactly....and who saw it coming....? Not me.... Funny funny ep.... I'm crap at reviews....
DOOP Secretary
I have to admit, this one isn't a favorite. It's okay, but I just think that there were some other great Bender episodes in season 4, namely "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV".
Starship Captain
« Reply #155 on: 04-04-2005 17:48 »
« Last Edit on: 04-05-2005 00:00 »
I thought this episode was actually pretty good, mostly cause of the end. I don't see why you people didn't like this episode, I thought it was very well written and hilarious. The ending worked with the episode, it actually wasn't much of a suprise to me. Mostly 'cause the part right before didn't really seem like a fitting ending. Bender saying sorry, pfft as if.
But I do agree with the people saying it wasn't that good compared to the rest of the season. With other great episdes such as the Sting, The Devils Hands, Fansworth Parabox etc. It's probaly one of my top ten favorites... or a least in the top fifteen. This particular had some very good jokes, while still kinda having a moral or lesson to it. Which is a good, a episode that's serious and funny work's well in Futurama. Some examples are The Sting, Episode Two: The Series has landed, Space Pilot 3000. I'll stop boring you people reading this now...overall, great episode.
Rating: 9/10
edit: because I suck a typing