

Originally posted by Akito01: If a robot is sentient, then what is the process by which you modify it's behaviour?
By teaching it a lesson! Teaching it acceptance through experience - exactly what happened. My guess is that Bender was hooked up to the port that we saw in "Hell is Other Robots" and "Love and Rocket" and a vision was injected into him. The vision was customized (hence the "everyone experiences the upgrade in a different way" comment) to Bender's personality type and the experience he would learn the best from. Also, that explains the fact that Amy's hair grew back for the next episode in production order. It doesn't explain how "Bend Her" was in 3004 and "Obsoletely Fabulous" was in 3003 (made clear by signs in each). They did it to confuse us!Before I get too off-topic, it was a good episode, especially seeing low-tech Bender. I personally thought Bender would be becoming a 1X, but, oh well. There were funny parts, and no one can deny it. Though I can't help but feel like these later episodes of Futurama are starting to feel a heck of a lot more like The Simpsons... 7 out of 10

Urban Legend
Originally posted by Akito01: I take it no one else had ever owned one of those Timex Sinclair computers to get the lack of memory joke?
That joke is quasi-similar to a joke from The Simpsons. "Everytime I try to learn something, I forget something else. Like that time I learned how to make wine, and forgot how to drive." Or somesuch.


Originally posted by getak2003: ok, ok, im kinda freaking out now, lando has not been updated since spanish fry and unlike other lazy asses on this board i have a job on sundays so i miss these new futuramas....
i have missed the last two bender ones, but by reading what you say, it's now big sheit, if you all think they are crappy, then i know i will be deleting my hard downloaded downloads.
what's left anyway? just devil hands right? And "bender should not be allowed on TV" oy...3 bender eps in a row.

Liquid Emperor
Fer crying out loud, Amy's burnt hair was a JOKE, people! Nothing more. Even if it wasn't a dream, they definetely wouldn't have had her have the burnt hair an episode later. Its not THAT continuous.
As for "three crappy Bender episodes in a row", first off it just depends on the content of them. These last two were pretty empty, and though "Bend Her" I found very funny "Obsolutely Fabulous" was kind of weak(though, it is entirely subjective for each person). But the final of them, "Bender Should Not be Allowed on Tv", is supposedly very good, and sounds like a great satirical episode. Episodes like "Godfellas" are certainly better then "Bender Gets Made"s, and "Pharaoh to Remember"s, but that still means Bender can have the occasional true gem.

I'd say B+ ... I really enjoyed it.
To those who are tired of all these Bender eps "in a row" remember that the production order makes more sense ... it's only the Fox scheduling that puts three Bender-centric eps together. Either way, it's disappointing to know there's only two more new eps left of this landmark show. Long live Futurama!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #57 on: 07-28-2003 01:43 »
« Last Edit on: 07-28-2003 01:43 »
yeah, that pic is all this fan eye candy you all talk and rave about, still not im my tastes, but i will let you make your own opinions about it.
as for long live futurama, too bad, already dead! and for those who think i left for good, you still have to wait until i see the last two episodes for that to happen, sorry if i dissapointed anyone here. that is unless you ban me for thinking differently,
don't worry, some quick hate filled reviews of lousy episodes or long love filled reviews for good episodes is all i will be doing on this one type of thread...hopefully.
muahahahahahahaha ------------------ Author of the Going Insane Series available in The Leela Zone
If what I say makes no sense, just remember, I'm russian.
Free Tibet Fuck China!!!
Super Rad!


I liked the episode a lot. I laughed the whole way through. I liked the part where the Mom had them sort change, and Bender just stole it, that's classic Bender.
Zed 85

Space Pope
Can't say I do Timo. It was an okay ep - it had it's highlights but was ultimately lacking a fair bit off the likes of some of the best episodes we've seen. I really liked the obsolete robots though, especially the fact that the water-works one looks like one of the Martians from the old Smash Mash adverts.  I suppose it is a reference to Fight Club, but the music, if nothing else, as they go around wrecking everything actually reminds me of the Soviet invasion of New York in Red Alert 2. Oh well where was I? Not too bad, but not brilliant at the same time. C+


I haven't hated this season as much as some of you. I think the past few episodes will play well on DVD. This episode had some choice moments. The only thing truly bad about it was the complete lack of the PE crew through most of it, but that was probably necessary considering most of it was just going on in Bender's mind.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

I'll definetely call it an improvement on "Bend Her", at least Bender wise. Admittedly the abscence of the rest of the PE crew for most of act 2 and 3 hurt this episode a lot, but Bender was pretty good. Several good moments in this one, like the waterwheel bot. "AHHHH! I'll never make it this time!!" and Sinclair. Nice to see Roberto again, and hear his stapping sound. The start of the robot show was good, Mom were not so good. Overall good Benderific episode, solid Futurama episode. 7.5/10. "Save my friends .. and Zoidberg." Originally posted by getak2003: you still have to wait until i see the last two episodes for that to happen, sorry if i dissapointed anyone here. that is unless you ban me for thinking differently,
Wether you call it "thinking differently" or "onesided negative ranting" doesn't change the fact it's repetitive and annoying. If you made some constructive contributions to the forum, rather than just these "I hate what Futurama have become" monolouges...


Didn't like it much, though my wife thought it was good. At least it gave me a few good laughs...
"Your mother" "Well, guess I'd better find me some shelter...Guess I'll go out for a while" Bender as a lighthouse "BZMMMMMMM" "Now turn around" The six trapped ducks
But as all of these occured within about 3 minutes, I can't give thumbs up to the whole episode. Overall, I'd say it's my third-to-least favorite.

Bending Unit
« Reply #73 on: 07-28-2003 12:51 »
« Last Edit on: 07-28-2003 12:51 »
I'm really starting to wonder if the shippers have taken over the board, thereby explaining the overall negative slant the majority of reviews have taken concening the recent run of episodes. I like the whole Fry/Leela arc as much as the next person - but I watch Futurama more for the laughs, and the last three have been full of them.
Once Bender got to the island, this one really took off for me. Lots of great gags. A few were predictable but fun, and others caught me completely by surprise (plugging in the blender).
From the title card gag ("Prove That None of This Happened" ) to our first real glimpse of how Bender sees the world (and that explains *a lot* about him), this was a really "smart" episode, addressing some thought provoking themes (technophobia, fear of change, dealing with feelings of inadequacy, the true nature of "reality" ) wrapped inside a ton of clever gags.
God I'm going to miss this show. Where else am I ever going to hear a line like "I'm a steam powered, wooden robot - just as nature intended!".
Other favorite line: Leela's "Oh good lord, he's made of wood." I've laughed twice just typing it.
Action Jacktion


Originally posted by Damitol: I'm really starting to wonder if the shippers have taken over the board, thereby explaining the overall negative slant the majority of reviews have taken concening the recent run of episodes. Mental note: Damitol knows too much....


We gotta call them as we see them...
If we compared last night's episode to every other show on TV, then yes, it was brilliant.
But if we compare them to other episodes of Futurama...then sorry, neither the plot nor the lack of jokes satisfied (yes, Bender's first hours on the island were great, [especially Bender's "shelter"] but the lack of technology didn't have enough jokes-per-minute).
And if an episode has a lack of jokes, then character development had better be the trade-off. I see no character dev.

Bending Unit
Originally posted by getak2003: yeah, that pic is all this fan eye candy you all talk and rave about, still not im my tastes, but i will let you make your own opinions about it.
as for long live futurama, too bad, already dead! and for those who think i left for good, you still have to wait until i see the last two episodes for that to happen, sorry if i dissapointed anyone here. that is unless you ban me for thinking differently,
Oh your HIGHNESS will LET us make our own opinions about it. Oh THANK you. I hate to break the news to you, but you are not that important, you are another loser troll who got spanked off of usenet. No one really gives a damn WHAT your opinion is, and if you DID get banned it wouldn't be for "Thinking Diffrently" it would be for being altogether too common a form of asshole. Get over yourself, you are NOT that important.