Urban Legend
In one episode (The One Amigo?) Bender visits his hometown in Mexico and we meet a new relative.
Huh, we were fairly on the money there. I'm up for that, though. There is a Professor/Hermes team-up episode.
Keeping up the odd character pairings formula. I'm all for it. Another is directed by Crystal Chesney-Thompson and it's a Fry episode that Claudia Katz described as "sweet"; DXC said it was hard to animate and sound-engineer this particular episode because of a scene with 37 characters moving and talking at the same time.
I may be wrong, but this sounds very interesting and potentially super sci-fi. Could just be like when everyone went on a date with Yivo at the same time, though. DXC said All The Way Down was originally meant to be the premiere, but then they realised it worked better as a season finale.
Hmm. I think it would benefited them well to open with such a bang, but then we'd need at least one more outstanding episode so the season didn't end on a bum note. Plus, the whole tying into "Meanwhile" thing could have been a hindrance to it. During the Q&A somebody asked about any upcoming references to the time Fry and Leela spent together while the universe was frozen in Meanwhile, DXC said "Hard yes" and that's going to come up in the new (series?) finale...
No surprise here. I'm anticipating a full-on Fry/Leela romance and, likely, more of a direct sequel to that episode than "The Impossible Stream". I can see it opening with lots of "Remember how we were going to get married before all that stuff happened, Leela", "Yeah, but I feel like the moment passed" type stuff, causing one of them (most likely Fry but hopefully Leela) to end up exploring alternate realities to see if they should get married or not. I suspect it'll involve something a bit more epic and space-opera than just their relationship.
Urban Legend
Final two episode credits:
The Futurama Mystery Liberry - David X. Cohen, Jeanette Lim, and Patric M. Verrone Interesting. Three credited writers is definitely a good sign. These tend to feel more tired when it's just one writer handling all three (which was essentially the case on "Prince and the Product" -- yes there were two writers, but it seemed like a writer team rather than they handled different segments each). Also, I wonder if I should read anything into David X. Cohen's involvement when this episode is almost certainly set to be the (potentially canon) return of the brain spawn. Probably not. Otherwise - Nona di Spargement
Keeler using a pseudonym again. Odd.
This is fascinating as it throws basically every theory we had about the credits on "How the West Was 1010001" out the window. He must have a legal reason he can't be officially involved with Futurama as a whole right now, but who knows why.
DOOP Secretary
I'm almost certain we'll never know the true reason for Keeler's use of a pseudonym for the Hulu episodes, but my head-canon is that he's just so indebted to/fond of the Futurama crew that he overcame his disgust for the show itself (which disgust I think is evident in some of his remarks on commentary tracks post-BBS) to pen a couple episodes.
I say all this as someone who loves Keeler's work, and is thoroughly charmed by his crotchety-old-man persona. I honestly think he's the only guy affiliated with the show who is clear-headed about its weaknesses and flaws, and thus has one of the more fraught/ambivalent relationships toward it. He's like Futurama's version of a John Swartzwelder: kind of a crank, kind of a recluse, but so thoroughly plugged in to what makes the show work that he can't help but write for it (even if those individual efforts seem always to fall short of his high expectations).
DOOP Secretary
I haven’t listened to the commentaries in a good six or seven years, but as I recall Ken Keeler was not over-effusive in his assessments of the show generally (and his own contributions specifically). The Infosphere’s entry on the “Meanwhile” commentary provides a list Keeler asked to be read on the track in his absence; I think the tone there perfectly encapsulates how warmly he felt for the crew and how critical he was of the series (in oftentimes pedantic and/or self-critical ways, but still).
Urban Legend
Sadly, I'm not expecting a home media release for these new episodes at all. I hope that I'm wrong if for no other reason than I want my commentary fix. I'm almost certain we'll never know the true reason for Keeler's use of a pseudonym for the Hulu episodes, but my head-canon is that he's just so indebted to/fond of the Futurama crew that he overcame his disgust for the show itself (which disgust I think is evident in some of his remarks on commentary tracks post-BBS) to pen a couple episodes.
I say all this as someone who loves Keeler's work, and is thoroughly charmed by his crotchety-old-man persona. I honestly think he's the only guy affiliated with the show who is clear-headed about its weaknesses and flaws, and thus has one of the more fraught/ambivalent relationships toward it. He's like Futurama's version of a John Swartzwelder: kind of a crank, kind of a recluse, but so thoroughly plugged in to what makes the show work that he can't help but write for it (even if those individual efforts seem always to fall short of his high expectations).
I don't think being a pedant or pointing out flaws means you dislike something. I never got the impression Keeler didn't think highly of the show. I mean hell, I spend hours pointing out the show's flaws. It's also my favourite show of all time.
Bending Unit
« Reply #663 on: 11-02-2023 17:21 »
« Last Edit on: 11-02-2023 17:25 »
DOOP Secretary
Depending on how this next batch of episodes turns out, this is either really promising or really unfortunate news. If season 9 is an improvement over season 8, then I'll hold out hope that seasons 10 and 11 will continue that positive trajectory...but, if not, then whatever.
I think more Futurama in the world is a a net neutral—certainly not a bad thing, not necessarily a good (or, let's say, necessary) thing—but I'll continue to be cautiously optimistic about each new episode/season. If nothing else, I'll be curious to see who they tap to write these next twenty episodes, as the credits for these first twenty have been rather eclectic and lead me to suspect they're not really operating with a full-on writers' room (for better or worse).
« Reply #672 on: 11-03-2023 08:47 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2023 08:50 »
I wonder if it's two more seasons, or another season once again split into two? I really wonder why they always do that, lol. Besides the inherent appeal of stretching out what content they've made, I guess.
Hulu doesn't split seasons in two, they order 10 episode production seasons. This year we got all 10 8acv episodes. Next year we'll get all 10 9acv. This new order is for 10acv & 11acv. As for your question why Comedy Central did split it in two, as do some other streaming platforms with animated shows, it's so they don't have to pay any of the people working on the show a required seasonal raise. So Hulu did the right thing here.
DOOP Secretary
The new season premieres on the 29th July! Source.