
Urban Legend
Obviously I'm hoping for as many seasons as possible, but at a minimum, I'm hoping for 3 production seasons so we can have something close to the previous runs (Fox was 72 episodes, CC was 68 including the movies). Three on Hulu would be 60 episodes. It does feel like the media landscape has massively shifted in Futurama's favour. I suspect the demographic watching it weren't necessarily the type to show up in Nielsen boxes but, in the age of streaming, things are very different. Look at Community for example (Yahoo Screen went bust but reportedly the show's 6th season brought in phenomenal numbers suggesting FAR more people had been watching all along than previously realised). Solar Opposites is a great comparison. I like it but it's a relatively mediocre offering in the world of adult animation and yet it's soon to start a fourth season with a fifth already greenlit. Maybe I'm being naive but I can't fathom Futurama not performing better than Solar Opposites. So you're right. I think a 9th production season is a given -- but whether or not the show has the ability to generate longterm excitement and interest is something else. I recall the first few episodes doing really well on Comedy Central but it died off fairly swiftly. A theatrical movie to close out the franchise I still welcome. Bobs Burgers has a weirdly big fanbase and lasted a decade on air. Futurama does have a dedicated fanbase, but we’ll just have to see how well those numbers translate to Hulu viewership.
Bob's Burgers is far more popular than Futurama in a mainstream sense but I also suspect the Bob's Burgers audience skewers extremely casual and passive. I think Futurama fans would be FAR more likely to turn out for a movie -- not to mention that the show has far more potential for cinematic scope that would actually justify a movie in the first place. I can't see it happening, but it also feels far more likely than it's ever been before and that makes me very happy.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #562 on: 07-12-2023 01:53 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2023 04:51 »
Hulu's plot description for "The Impossible Stream": "Fry risks permanent insanity when he attempts to binge-watch every TV show ever made." Episode is listed at 25 minutes long. I'm curious how the show will handle its episode lengths, if it'll generally keep to a roughly 22 minute long runtime, or if there'll be any extended length episodes. Disenchantment had quite a few 28-30 minute long episodes. If they do run episodes longer, I just hope they don't succumb to any pacing issues or bloat like...well, Disenchantment did (along with other Network TV > Streaming series ex. Arrested Development, Community). A new short clip from a general Hulu animation advertisement: https://youtu.be/SkEfbi7M6Bo?t=12 Going to guess Bender and Fry are fighting about Leela moving in. Comic Con panel is Sat July 22nd at 11am PST https://comiccon2023.sched.com/venue/Ballroom+20
Frida Waterfall


"The Impossible Stream" probably starts with Fry, Leela, and the Professor returning to running time but skipping the past ten years. Fry decides to catch up to the present by streaming everything.
The Hulu Animayhem commercial I see on television, for whatever reason, has the Futurama shots mirrored and Fry appears to be holding a broom. Fry and Bender are probably fighting because Fry wants the place to be clean for Leela and Bender wants it to remain their bachelor pad.
I don't know if there's going to be much of a Comic Con this year with the ongoing writers and actors strikes. I don't think either strike permits employees from promoting their projects publicly, be they Twitter, Mastodon, Threads, or a panel.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
Synopses for Episodes 3-6. https://mamasgeeky.com/2023/07/futurama-season-11-review.html Ep. 1103 – “How the West was 1010001” Logline: Bender and the crew head west to join the bitcoin mining rush. (Streams Monday, August 7, 2023) Ep. 1104 – “Parasites Regained” Logline: After Nibbler falls ill, the crew shrinks down for a dangerous mission into a desert world contained within his litter box. (Streams Monday, August 14, 2023) Ep. 1105 – “Related to items You’ve Viewed” Logline: Bender uncovers the mysteries of the vast Momazon corporation. (Streams Monday, August 21, 2023) Ep. 1106 – “I Know What You Did Next Xmas” Logline: Bender and Zoidberg travel through time to attack Robot Santa. (Streams Monday, August 28, 2023)

DOOP Secretary

Huh, Bender and Zoidberg is an interesting pairing—it seems this new season is just as interested in Wacky Character Combos (and superfluous time travel!) as seasons six and seven.
Can't say any one of these episode descriptions leave me particularly enthused, though I am kind of looking forward to next week's episode, as "Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch" is one of my favorites of the original run (an underrated gem, as they say) and I'll be interested to see how they follow up on it.

DOOP Secretary

Hulu just posted a preview clip for “Children of a Lesser Bog” on YouTube. Nothing earth-shattering, though I appreciate the return of Amy’s calendar (and some of those appointments—particularly the back-to-back “Call Dad About Mom” and “Call Mom About Mom,” plus “Buy a Church” and “Reassure Kif”—were kind of funny).


They released another preview clip today and uh.... it seems like they changed Leo's Wong voice actor. Not quite sure how to feel about the change since Billy West's version of his voice is kinda etched into my memory thanks to "Into The Wild Green Yonder."

DOOP Secretary

Heh, the Grand Midwife’s still got it—that was a pretty funny clip. As for Leo’s voice, I imagine they recast with a Chinese actor, but a quick IMDB search of this episode’s cast and crew list didn’t turn anything up. Initially it sounded a bit like Dave Herman doing the voice, which can’t actually be the case. That would be a…perplexing choice, to say the least.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #572 on: 07-31-2023 23:10 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2023 23:12 »
So I recognise I am little late on this one, but all the quotes I've seen in this thread seems to indicate that "Zapp Gets Cancelled" uses the British spelling with two l's, rather than the US spelling with one l (canceled). I mean, I understood why they wrote it "Love's Labours Lost in Space", as an homage to Shakespeare. But I doubt there is an homage here.
Curiously, looking through all Futurama episode titles, the only times I see them having words, where there is a US/UK spelling conflict, they've sided with the UK spelling. (Which also happens to be the two cases, I've highlighted.)
Just an odd coincidence. Perhaps they've decided since "Love's Labours Lost in Space", that they've clearly settled on a spelling standard for episode titles, that they'll persist on?
Or perhaps, the press releases for the episode titles got "Zapp Gets Cancelled" wrong.

DOOP Secretary

As far as “canceled” goes, I’ve noticed that most American writers/publications/etc. default to the double-‘L’ spelling. I think the single ‘L’ looks much nicer, but both spellings are technically accepted in the US with (at least in my anecdotal observation) a strong preference for “cancelled.”

DOOP Secretary

Curiously, the Entertainment Identifier Registry lists the title as "Zapp Gets Canceled," whereas IMDB lists it as "Zapp Gets Cancelled." It's not yet listed on Hulu since the premiere date is pretty far out, but I'm assuming whatever spelling they use will be the One True Spelling.

DOOP Secretary

A few new clips. Looks like Zapp Gets Cancelled involves Leela and Fry joining DOOP.
That was actually a pretty neat featurette. If nothing else, it’s nice to see how much love the cast and crew still have for the show. Say what you will about its variable quality since the first comeback in 2007, Futurama’s repeated resurrections have never felt like a quick or easy cash grab—everyone who works on that show genuinely cares about it. Also, a couple new clips for “How the West Was 1010001” have dropped the past few days. I think both are rather funny—and oddly, randomly violent?—so let’s see if this episode hits the mark in a way last week’s didn’t quite. Hope springs eternal and such.

DOOP Secretary

Behold: Two new clips for “Parasites Regained,” the first of which is pretty much the same scene from the season preview trailer and the second of which is…fine. I don’t have especially high hopes for this one, but I am at least pleased that apparently it’s going to be a classic trio (and me, Zoidberg!) episode. I have zero familiarity with Dune—the book, the original film adaptation, or the more recent movie—so those allusions will be lost on me, and if it goes for a whole-episode-parody thing I’ll be especially out of the loop. 
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
A few notable comments Corey Barnes (director of Parasites Regained) has made on Reddit.
“I'm actually in agreement with a lot of people who say the animation looks stiffer now, but that's a consequence of a few factors (no more layout department, higher fidelity = bigger drawings, freelancing timing work) that ultimately boil down not to any individual artist's lack of effort, but simply to cost. We also started using a second animation studio, Digital eMation, alternating with Rough Draft Korea, so it's their first time on Futurama.”
“(responding to ep 2 having bolder outlines/choppier movements) The odd episodes this season are animated by Rough Draft Korea and the even ones are animated by Digital eMation.”
“(responding to if Hulu’s calling them Seasons or Parts) Actually, they didn't do that this time. Season 8 is 10 episodes and season 9 is 10 episodes. 8ACV and 9ACV. They did the right thing, for once.”
“All episodes had been shipped to be animated overseas before the strike happened. If the strike were to impact anything, it would be post-production rewrites.”

DOOP Secretary

^And a second clip can be found here. Looks like we’re finally getting an episode centered on the trio, and perhaps taking an angle we haven’t quite seen before, with Bender being so jealous of Fry and Leela specifically that he takes some seemingly drastic measures. The Amazon “satire” in these clips—if you can even call it that—is pretty on-the-nose, so I don’t have especially high hopes for that aspect of the episode, but it should be fun to see Mom again and I am curious to learn how the whole Leela-moving-in storyline shakes out.

DOOP Secretary

Two clips for "Rage Against the Vaccine" here and here. Of the episodes we have descriptions for, this is the one I've been looking forward to the least...though I guess it's still pretty relevant and well-timed, considering the current summer surge in COVID cases. On that note, my one prediction for this episode is they'll make an omicron joke. I mean, how could they not?As for the clips themselves, the Bill Nye cameo was unexpected but amusing enough. I was actually more interested in the Hermes/LaBarbara scene (which did give me a legitimate chuckle with the zombie joke)—I'm wondering if this episode will be more of an ensemble piece not unlike "How the West Was 1010001." If so, hopefully it manages its various plot threads more deftly.

DOOP Secretary

We now have a description for “The Prince and the Product,” and let me tell ya, it sounds like trash: The crew members are reborn as toys. I have to assume (hope?) that it’s an anthology-style episode, because if this is a canon episode of the show it sounds about on-par with one of the lesser scripts for the comics. 

DOOP Secretary

I think general consensus is that the CC anthology episodes—with the very important exception of “Reincarnation,” which was hilarious and brilliant—were utter crap. I haven’t rewatched any of them in a number of years, but I recall being mostly unbothered by “Naturama” because it wasn’t so much unfunny or cringeworthy as it was…conceptually perplexing. I don’t know why the show has abandoned the AOI, What-If formula from the original run; some of those individual segments are better than others, but the episodes as a whole are a pretty good time. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, fellas.


I really hope it isn't another anthology, because the CC run has shown me nothing good can come from it aside from a half-decent segment or so. I loved Reincarnation, but not so much Naturama or Saturday Morning Fun Pit (although the GI Zapp segment was alot of fun. Kinda wish this season had that zapp-centered episode they talked about wanting to do years ago but it seems it'll never happen now)